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Wrong story type
Should be
Better suited for badjoystick
zo6_lover275336d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Salvadore5336d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
it isn't really worth being on n4g
randomwiz5336d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
do I have to explain why?
Digital Commando5336d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Video blog, does not count as news
cloudkillerffvii5336d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
What is the point?
Cheeseknight285336d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
video blogs are not n4g worthy
Alcon Caper5337d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Giant_Enemy_Sackboy5337d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Its stupid, and has nothing at all to do with games except for some character names. This guy has flamer written all over him.
Zechs345337d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
if only i were a mod
Venomish5337d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
this shit isnt news/
ZombieAutopsy5337d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Wrong story type
Should be
should be under ps3 as well considering Kratos is ps3.
villevalorox5337d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Gostosa5337d ago

Wow, and I thought HipHopGamer were retarded.

Guess this douchebag takes home the trophy.

5337d ago
FLD5337d ago (Edited 5337d ago )

Amen and ditto.

This is the second video from this guy I see in the last few days and they just get dumber as they go.

Can't wait to see what his next 'discovery" will be.

LeonSKennedy4Life5337d ago

Lol. I'm more worried about the industry as a whole. At least HipHopGamer tries!

This is some guy with way too much time on his hands showing videos of things we already know in a language most of us abandoned around 3rd grade.

5337d ago
JasonPC360PS3Wii5337d ago (Edited 5337d ago )

Agree this guy is one huge dork and is just as bad a HipHopGamer. I take that back HipHopGamer isn't this dorky tarded. This guy is almost as bad as Chad Warden or the Xbox guy in the bathtub.

Just change your style a little bro don't put up such a fake front. More people will watch and respect if you are a little more real and not such a pretend pimp. Just saying IMO it's ok to put on a show but not when everyone knows it's just a show.

5337d ago
likedamaster5336d ago

I'm not going to sit here(on my computer) and call this person I don't even know names but is "being serious about what you're presenting and doing it in a quick & simple manner" too much to ask?

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KingKionic 5337d ago (Edited 5337d ago )

I should go watch that video .



Anyone on xbox live should watch the halloween video on inside xbox .

Major nelson is playing a ps3 .

Pretty funny .

Eddie201015337d ago (Edited 5337d ago )

Seems kinda odd to me, they use music associated with little big planet in there advertising, they advertise in PS3 magazines (PS3Zine digital magazine), they do advertising to PS1 And PS2 owners referring to the Xbox 360 like it was the obvious console to upgrade to from those consoles. Using Iconic Playstation characters on there console videos. Suddenly praising a PS3 exclusive after being so negative toward Sony and the PS3.

Add all of that up and it does seem like something funky is going on at Microsoft. Something dishonest is up.

Seems kinda desperate to coat tale on the Playstation brand.

Raf1k15337d ago

Thanks for the heads up but a near 5min video for that?

Looks like HHG's got competition.

sikbeta5337d ago

Kratos After The Game is Over:

The Lazy One5336d ago (Edited 5336d ago )

the industry isn't as conceited as you think. The people behind video games are more often than not gamers. Like said below, gamers game regardless of platform. To think that just because people work at M$ doesn't mean they can't appreciate a great game on another console is stupid.

edit: you've all seen his gamertag now. Everybody go send this tool some cheating feedback so he gets banned from xbl.

Elaine Benes5336d ago

I didnt watch the whole video. got boring. why cheating feedback?

BaSeBaLlKiD7215336d ago

Which video are you talking about? The one with the 2 girls and Major Nelson at the end laughing? If so, then thats not a PS3, its a Xbox Elite. You can see the location of the cables that are plugged in the back of the Xbox and he's holding a 360 controller as well...

Eddie201015336d ago (Edited 5336d ago )

You say this like there was never a negative word comming from Xbox 360 Microsoft camp against the PS3 Sony camp, fact is until most recently there has been Quite a bit, for you or any Xbox 360 fanboy to act like all that disapeared or didn't happen because they praise one game just proves how much of a fanboy you really are.

It is not appropriate for Microsoft to do advertising that some how makes them seem to be connected to the Playstation brand.

Asking everyone to send cheating feedback on Xbox live to the guy that made this video to get him banned from Xbox live just shows how much of a tool and a fanboy you really are.

Edit: Had Sony pulled this kind of crrrapp with there advertising you Ape shiiittt Xbox 360 fanboys would have been all over it.

pain777pas5336d ago

Major Nelson, Peter Moore and Allard were great in the beginning and still are. The problem is there is so much negativity over the years that gaming has become so cut throat. When they got rid of Bioware I was already building up my PS3 library cause that is the dumbest move I've ever heard of. Anyway gaming is fun and should be about having fun not bickering and creating flame wars. If they love Uncharted and GOW so be it they are great franchises and you can also love Halo and Gears nothing wrong with that.

killersmoke5336d ago

attitude and shove it up you insecure ----.

Sick of this hip hop I'm thuged out and think I'm a lil bit retarded, fools.
yo when is the hip hop culture going to go to a remote area and have a gun battle to the death..

yo yo yo keep it real, every one hating yo.. gots to get my paper.

yo go ---- you self fly guy.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5336d ago
5337d ago Replies(1)
Gandalf5337d ago

I thought I would never have to use this.

Myst5337d ago

lol made this one of my favorites on youtube.

NickIni5336d ago

Actual legend. That's one of the best films ever made, and I've never seen anyone else aside from my self use that facepalm clip.

+bubbles to you

W-k5336d ago


cyberwaffles5336d ago

man i can still remember watching all the naked gun movies for the first time in one sitting. i don't think i've ever laughed as hard as i've ever done that day.

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GUNS N SWORDS5337d ago (Edited 5337d ago )

It's there but i don't really believe it was intended to be viewed like that, i'm not sure anyways.

It was a Halloween costume event thing, the vid i think was just focusing on people who dress up as video game characters in general. i think it would be kinda dumb if they censored Kratos's face whenever he showed up, what would be the point in making a vid on a video game costume party if you end up censoring people left and right.

KingKionic 5337d ago

It was a halloween special on xbox live .

Major nelson were stalking these woman .

Then in the end he`s playing ps3 and has there heads on the wall saying :

" I told you to accept my friend request!!!"


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The new Xbox dashboard scares me

Microsoft's streamlined metro UI has taken control over the Xbox, bringing with it a few costs gamers may not like.

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Community4519d ago
X_GAMER_X4519d ago

why dont you run for mammy then?

SybaRat4519d ago

My hatred for the new dashboard exceeds even my hatred for the song "Barbie Girl."

THR1LLHOUSE4519d ago

I kidna liked the new dashboard at's new, which is always nice, and it looks a little flashier, which is also nice.

Then somebody pointed out there's nowhere in the whole thing that doesn't have either ads or links to the marketplace, meaning you're always in their store. Now I can't unsee that, and I hate the new dashboard.

Although: The Netflix is slick. I love that.


The Problems With The New Xbox Live Dashboard From The Point Of View Of An Indie Developer

Freelance Games (Trailer Park King, Trailer Park King Episode 2) have posted a video showcasing the various problems with the new Xbox Live Dashboard update for Indie developers.

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Community4532d ago

What Went Wrong With The 360 Dashboard?

Eurogamer: Digital Foundry investigates user feedback on the 'Metro' update.

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Community4537d ago
Bundi4537d ago

WHAT??!! IT CAN'T BE!! NO! A negative article about Microsoft??? No the world will end?? What manner of evil is this?? Why have you unset the balance and true world order...Too much? Just trying to point out how ridiculous YOU seem when you claim the world isgunning for SONY only.

soundslike4537d ago

people like you ruin this site

DeathAvengers4537d ago

What he says here is said on sony bashing articles in reverse, however it gets tons of likes.

DeleteThisxx4537d ago

How do people like him ruin the site? Sure, a comment here and there can be annoying but I don't let it bother me. I'd say the people ruining this site are the ones who approve articles that have no relevance to gaming news whatsoever. That's why we come here, right? Don't blame the trolls, man! They're here for our amusement, remember?

Wenis4537d ago

All I know is that Netflix on 360 officially sucks now

NukaCola4537d ago

I really hate what the dashboard has become. It's like they took the Windows Media Live app from the PC and catered it to the Kinect without any thought or consideration about the rest of us. It's pages of dumb blocks and everything is in a jumbled mess. I thought they finally got it right in the 2nd year of the NXE. This sick obsession with Kinect has been such a downfall for the heart of what gaming is. I think about 10% of the new dashboard is about gaming, the rest is just media and ads and junk.

EVILDEAD3604537d ago

'This sick obsession with Kinect has been such a downfall for the heart of what gaming is'

LMFAO @ pretending that supporting your device thats bundled and the selling point for over 14 million people is a 'sick obsession'.

Nah, the sick pbsession is from the people who pretend that ALL consoles support their devices in some way.

Dashboard is fine no matter whether you use Kinect or not.

Eurogamer can pick out pixels all day. Movies and shows look great from Zune to Netflix. If they have issues that are noted and they fix those issues in the future with an update then that is all that matters.


NukaCola4537d ago


Look dude I know you are there to always defend MS and that's cool. It's your brand or whatever, but I post to share my thoughts. And my thoughts are that the new dashboard is made for Kinect and Kinect alone. I don't like it and I don't like what the 360 has become.

delosisland4537d ago

U do not need kinect at all!!! U can navigate it fully using a controller in mere seconds. stop bitching please.

JaredH4537d ago (Edited 4537d ago )

I think the worst part of the new dashboard is the new Netflix interface because it's meant for Kinect and not a controller. I accidently start and exit movies and I hate how movies do not have their own page now. You have change the audio, subtitles or even the episode of a TV show while it's already playing and it might be the wrong episode too. I used to use my Xbox for Netflix, now I hook up my laptop to my TV or I use my ps3.

Who is really going to watch a movie saying "Xbox Pause" or even navigate the dashboard with their hands? I'm pretty sure pressing left and right on a controller is not too complicated for people who do not play many games. For the time it takes for the little circle to fill with Kinect someone could be where they want using a controller.

SuicidalTendencies4537d ago


Couldn't agree with you more. The new dash is a crime against gamers. I don't even browse the piece of crap unless I have to. I just go straight to the game now and use the blades if I need something.

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Blacktric4537d ago (Edited 4537d ago )

They turned something that was once great into a marketing ploy for Kinect (due to its specific Kinect centric design) and made it an ad heaven for themselves so they can earn a little extra cash. I've been a Gold member for two years and never complained about the service and I was thinking about renewing it before the new dashboard released but now I'm thankful because I waited...

Sgt_Slaughter4537d ago

Nintendo is hated more on this site when you think about it, because of all the 3DS-Doom articles, the "Nintendo should go 3rd-Party, Software-only" stories.

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darthv724537d ago (Edited 4537d ago )

Video quality I havnt had an issue with. I run my 360 at 720p and I do notice a little bit of blocky-ness for the first 3-5 seconds while the streams are playing back. I think I never saw that before because the old dash would buffer a few seconds before playing and this dash is playing instantly while buffering in the background.

i have been figuring out little details that make it better each time I use it. Personally, I like the new look even though I dont use a kinect.

I love the new search and how it finds stuff I could not find before. The apps are cool and I especially like how I can use Vudu now instead of turning on my bluray player (an LG with a slow menu navigation).

The most talked about issue is the adverts which are still non-intrusive as before. Thing is, most of them are game related or have game related stuff they give you for your curiosity in checking them out. The doritos super bowl ads are worth checking out.

I figured out where to find the indie stuff before there was a thread on n4g about it. It isnt really that hard. Best feature is the quick launch where I can do my thing without flipping through the different areas. If a game or app isnt in the quick launch its because it is something I hadnt been using recently.

Just like on a PC you can either go searching for the document you want to open or find what you recently opened in the "recent documents" folder in the start menu. That is what the quick launch is equal to.

So what went wrong???? That it took MS this long to get it right for everything else even if at the sacrifice of 1080p video. Chances are they will get that sorted out soon enough.

49erguy4537d ago

I don't love it, but I got used to it like everything else. Still too many layers if you ask me but playing your installed game is easy enough.

antz11044536d ago

Agreed, it definitely shouldn't take me as long as it does to find the market now:(

But hey, still getting used to it.

TheBrit4536d ago

"xbox bing mass effect 3" finds me everything in the market place in a couple of seconds - personally I love the new dashboard.

I think people are just nitpicking and not seeing the future - everything is getting geared to look the same over all platforms, just like sony with their XMB

I'm still confused as to why netflix is causing people so much grief, I never have issues backing out by mistake etc, the controls are the same as they used to be as far as i can see.

TheBrit4536d ago

sorry I meant mass effect 2 lol - already looking forward to 3.

antz11044536d ago

^ Lol, no worries, me too.

I think I just miss the old style: scroll, x, scroll.

FlashXIII4537d ago

It's ugly. Clearly Microsoft felt they weren't maximising the adverts on the dashboard so decided to update the ui so that all the adverts are slap bang in the middle of your screen. Whoever designed it should be fired.

scrambles4537d ago

whoever thought taking up 3/4 of my main screen is a good idea, or i want it, or i wont be annoyed to hell and back about it. Needs to be fired

DeathAvengers4537d ago

By adverts do you mean things like "Forza 4 January DLC" or "New years resolutions" or even "EA Publisher Sale" all of these Advertizements are related to XBOX LIVE and microsoft in general, a lot of these things are things you'd want to hear about or see. The ads I believe you are reffering to are in the bottom right in a small box.

JaredH4537d ago (Edited 4537d ago )

Yep the funny thing is half the people complaining about ads do not have a 360 and think every box is an ad and not just one in the corner that actually says "advertisement" on it.

Faztkiller4537d ago (Edited 4537d ago )

Yeah but I dont want to see that stuff all over the place only if I go to the market to buy something but then u have a World of Warcraft that just crazy ads on a service I pay for

rob60214537d ago

It's just a strange thing to see when you see people line up to defend advertising. Those aren't news bulletins, those are companies paying MS(not you) to tell you what you should be buying. The point is that screen space could serve much better use, perhaps a real/more effective news bulletin that isn't bought and paid for.

JaredH4537d ago (Edited 4537d ago )


I'm actually not defending it. I'm just pointing out how ill informed people on this site are but by doing so people automatically think I love ads. Also I do not look at the news bulletin on my ps3 and would most likely not look at it if they put one on 360. Just like I do not look at the ads in the bottom right corner...

DeathAvengers4537d ago


It's strange to see people line up to bash the new dashboard for hosting a little ad box on the bottom right of the dashboard. Seems weird how the so called "Big" "Giant" "Annoying" box in the middle of the screen which these people keep referring to is just news related, for instance, you go on music and you see the top 10 artists for the year, or on the games page there is a box INFORMING you of a DLC that has been released for a game you own. What i'm saying here is that many of you are blowing this way out of proportion. Also, I like how people say that Xbox Live is a paid service so it shouldn't have advertisements. If you've ever subscribed to a website that has and advertisement page (IGN) or even ads on videos you'll notice that if you actually do pay for the website they do remove these ads... But are all the ads on the website gone? No. Those rectangle boxes that are advertising something are still present. It's just a way for a company to make another form of income. MOST PAID SERVICES STILL HAVE ADS, it's just they aren't as big and annoying. For those of you complaining about the little box in the bottom right.

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SpecialK4537d ago

I don't see any massive issues with the layout (the video bug is annoying but it'll probably be fixed).

Its just bringing the 360 more in line with the rest of microsoft's products like windows 8 and the windows mobile and tablet interfaces. The apps all seem to share similar layouts too which makes things nicely consistent.

The previous update was definitely simpler, but a change every so often is nice.

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