
5 Games that changed the Gaming Industry

Every once and a while a game comes along that changes the way you perceive a genre and your very definition of what a game can be. A masterpiece that brings to the table incredible innovative ideas and creative concepts. Whether it's a new approach to level design or a different way of incorporating story into our visual epics the ideas this game brought with it ideas that were fresh and new. A game that shaped the industry for years to come and in most cases become a lifetime favorite of gamers worldwide. We are here to remember the modern day classics that have graced our consoles and computers.

The following five games didn't just just add new features to the existing formula, they reinvented it. These games were milestones in video game development spurring on a revolution that shook up the industry. Innovation is what gaming is really all about and it is worth taking the time, to have a look back and see what titles got us here today. These games are all inspirational works, like them or not, each and every title on this list deserves the respect of gamers everywhere.

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54percent5347d ago


Starfox is not listed, was the first game in a console to display 3D graphics. Donkey Kong is not listed neither, was the first in make an effective full use of pre render high quality models, also the lack of Mortal Kombat in a new level of photo detail and megaman 1 (I bet no one remembers that megaman 1 has the first character in had an animation while still standing *blink*)

Ian4145346d ago

half life 1 is clearly the best title there


Milestone Games in the History of the First-Person Shooter (FPS) Genre

Have you ever looked at a modern first-person shooter and wondered "How did we get here?" Wealth of Geeks performs a deep dive into the genre, including some of the most influential games, from the very first FPS from the cross-genre experiences that changed the game entirely.

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shinoff2183110d ago

I've looked and wished we never did get here.


Valve Just Patched A Two-Decade Old Bug In Half Life

As part of the title’s 25th anniversary, that long-established glitch has now been resolved.

Barlos192d ago

Been replaying this on my steam deck now that it's been updated with modern controls and is now fully verified. Have to say I'm surprised to see how well it holds up. Was a great game in 1998 and it's still a great game 25 years on.

Fist4achin191d ago

Someone is working on a half life game. HL3 confirmed...


Valve Developed Half-Life Without A Cohesive Plan, Devs Confirm

The textures in Half-Life were seemingly only produced by a single person, as confirmed in a new in-depth documentary about the game.