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adriano999 (1) - 5353d ago Cancel
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Major_Tom (1) - 5353d ago Cancel

Randy Pitchford talks Borderlands, piracy, and why he doesn't trust Valve

Maximum PC went down to Plano, Texas to play the first three hours of Borderlands and to chat with Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford about what the future holds for PC gaming, why Steam is not an ideal method of distribution, and why Randy loves Wal-Mart.

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Major_Tom5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

F*CK YES! No games for Windows!

Looks like I'm not pirating this game after all.

"MPC: How worried are you about piracy?

RP: I think I look at piracy a little differently than most people. It sucks as a content creator who has invested a lot of, not just our money, but our souls, our creativity, and our time, to know that someone’s stolen something. That feels bad.

Part of it is price point, part of it is convenience, but part of it is that the bootleg, stolen stuff is harder to get now. There was a period of time when I could type in the name of a song and I’d find a website with it on there. Today, I have to use Bittorrent and all this other stuff."

Randy Pitchford, I salute you.

James Bond5353d ago

Great minds think alike. I don't trust Valve either. I sure as hell wouldn't let Gabe Newell anywhere near my refrigerator.

Elven65353d ago

For a company who has essentially milked a single series (Brothers in Arms), Gearbox sure likes to talk a lot of trash and even tell other companies how to do business, first Bungie, Infinity Ward, and now Valve and Microsoft, wtf?

It should also be noted that Gearbox started off by doing jobs for Valve. My favorite quote "Steam helps us as customers, but it’s also a money grab, and Valve is exploiting a lot of people in a way that’s not totally fair."

Didn't a majority of Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway sales come from Steam?

maawdawg5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

The headline is way misleading on the article. When you read it he talks about how he trusts valve but it must be hard for developers in general to. They worked with Valve before on Half Life iirc.

Noone knows how much of a cut Valve gets for the service and I am sure he has a better idea than we do considering he just put a game into the Steam platform.

EDIT: He was just on a 4 bonus round at PAX on gametrailers with one of the Bungie reps. They seemed to be getting along fine there. Also, the Infinity Ward thing was a joke over twitter between two guys who apparently know each other. I think you are blowing things way out of proportion as "trashing and telling companies how to do business"

Elven65353d ago

The headline is misleading yes but I did read the article and he says he has respect for Valve but at the same time he claims they are exploiting consumers which is a pretty bold statement.

The Bungie/Infinity Ward thing was a while ago, Pitchford said something like "I'd like to see Bungie and Infinity Ward do something beyond Halo and Call of Duty" or something similar to that. This coming from a guy whose company has only done Half Life and a crap ton of Brothers in Arms games in what, 4-5 years?

mcgrawgamer5353d ago

Headline is so misleading it's sad. 6 months from now when nobody gives direct answers to questions and everybody tip toes around the hard questions. N4G will have had a hand in that. Think about how many valve fanboys are gonna overlook this game simply because of your title contributor?

Guy had a lot of valid points and quite honestly gave me a view of steam I never had before or never thought about. I'm a valve fanboy and patiently wait for L4D2 and HL episode 3 but I can see where he was coming from, from an industry perspective. Sadly many won't and will attack the guy simply based off your title.

Blow Out Your Brains5353d ago

This moron also said Fallout 3 sucked, he's retarded

Major_Tom5353d ago

What? He didn't say Fallout 3 sucks you're taking his words out of context.

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DC Heroes United and Borderlands Comes To SDCC

This sounds awesome. This afternoon, Genvid Entertainment announced two, all-new interactive streaming series at San Diego-Comic Con: DC Heroes United and Borderlands EchoVision Live.

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10 Mediocre Bosses in Great Games

GF365: "Most games are not perfect and that may be because of a character or an enemy. Here are 10 mediocre bosses in great games."

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Chriswheeler22483d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87482d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Borderlands' Opening Scene Is Still An All-Time Great

TheGamer Writes "I don't think my most controversial video game take should be that controversial, but it is. I'm a video game journalist, so you know I have some bad takes in this broken down serotonin factory I call a brain, but here's one opinion that receives universal pushback: I don't like video game music."

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