
Online Survey Hints at Xbox 360 version of Home - with Avatars

A survey has been sent to Xbox 360 owners that provides some interesting insights to Microsoft's ventures into the casual gaming space.

The first part of the survey is the most standard, asking people about their favorite game shows and board games, including Balderdash and Taboo, as well as what they like best about 1 Vs. 100. One interesting aspect of that section is that there may be a paid version of 1 Vs. 100 that will offer better prizes.

The latter part of the survey, however, is extremely intriguing, and an indication that Microsoft may be venturing into a PlayStation Home-like space in which Avatars can congregate and play retro games on classic coin-op cabinets. They queried applicants what name would fit the space best – "Game Room", "RetroCade", "AvatArcade", "RetroGame", "Classics LIVE", and so forth.

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GWAVE5321d ago

Buuuuut I thought everything Microsoft did was original and intended for the hardcore gamer?

Certainly a Home clone will appeal to the hardcore crowd, just like Mii-too Avatars really got the hardcore gamers excited, and just like Netflix and Twitter integration really got the hardcore gamers excited, and just like (let's be honest here) waving your arms around in front of a Natal camera or talking to little Milo really got the hardcore gamers excited....

The really sad thing is that die-hard Microsoft supporters will still hype this up and claim it is so fun and original.

mrv3215321d ago

LOL at Greenburg.

'"It feels like 2005 tech in 2008. I'm not sure that's what people want." '

Hmmm... which is different from an '06 game releasing in '09?

Home is advanced it isn't hardcore but it's advanced, and seirously... Twitter and facebook aren't that advanced now... and Mii's?

Let me guess all are advanced space tech...

Home is more advanced than Mii's/Twitter. FULL STOP.

Simon_Brezhnev5321d ago

So 360 fans how are you going to spin this if its true member this quote "It feels like 2005 tech in 2008. I'm not sure that's what people want."

Montrealien5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Nah Gwave, the really sad thing here is that you and your friends here take those people seriously. I mean really?

And like Second life, if an avatar home thing does come it will feel dated, like Home. However it does not mean it cant be enjoyable, like Home.

btw, do you guys even know how to approve?

GWAVE5321d ago

@ Montrealien

It's sad that I take "those people" seriously? By "those people" are you referring to the top Microsoft execs who bashed Home and claimed that Miis actually came AFTER Microsoft's concept for Avatars?

Yeah...it is pretty sad that I take them seriously.

Montrealien5321d ago

I am glad to see you agree with me Gwave.

Pain5321d ago

ever since 1 vs 100 screens with the small city and Shain talking its more of a MMO then and all the cloths and bl bla bla ...MS Home clone next year.



JokesOnYou5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

"Of course, with all the Atari festooning, maybe its a classic Atari compilation game that allows online parties."

lol, they have no idea what it is....bu, bu, it must be a Home clone.

micro is constantly evolving with Live, with meaningful updates that add to the community experience, I have no doubt they will continue to do so down the road, if future plans for a virtual space are in the cards then personally I could care less about a Second life rip off that manages to be even more boring than Second Life, just like theres stuff on Live I use and stuff I on Live don't use but that doesn't mean micro shouldn't put out it there for those who would use it, either way whatever it is, it will be 100x's better than Home, lol lets face it sony really drag their feet when it comes to online, I still remember all the massive promises from sony touting Home, now after all this time nobody even cares about Home, its mostly ignored by owners and the media. The only good thing I ever hear anybody write about it is "its free". Why copy that?...thats like copying wii with your own dildo, errr just another motion controller. lmfao, [looks for good news about Home]


Shadow Flare5321d ago

Yet another feature psn trumps live on. And its all completely free

Syronicus5321d ago

They see something that is very successful and something that brings in money and they want it. Much like everything else they copy, they will copy Home but it will be expensive. They will charge for everything, even admission. It's the way MS does things and the way MS fans are. MS rips them off at every turn and MS fanboys defend their actions.

MS is full of hypocrisy.

Kushan5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

I love it when people quote other random people from the internet and use that as part of their argument as to why that entire demographic is stupid.
There's enough fanboys on every side of the pitch that you can call on to make idiots out of, but it doesn't really make you look any better. (I'm not referring to what Greenberg said, I'm referring to people who start sentences with things like "but all the 360 fanboys said..." or "didn't the ps3 fanboys say...").

Who cares if Microsoft copies Sony, we all know deep down that they all copy each other all the time. Originality is great, but if one company comes up with a really good idea, other competing companies would be stupid NOT to copy it.

Shadow Flare5321d ago

2 things:

- 256 players
- Dedicated servers for all first party games

Have fun editing your one bubble

Godmars2905321d ago

Might be true that nothing is original, but MS has a bad habit of being "unoriginal" right behind someone else.

solidjun55321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Right, and you know this because in your warped mind, you just happened to know the future. Geez, you're more deluded than Omega. Also, I find it really hard to believe you even own a PS3. I mean i'm sure you were one of the first to bash HOME but now that there's a possibility that MS could be doing it, you assume it's going to be good because based on your clairvoyance, MS will make it better. What an enthusiast you are.

Anyway, HOME isn't so bad. I've enjoyed it quite a bit. I don't really use that much but for what I get from it, I ain't complaining. It's not geared towards to Hardcore. it's a social interface. You socialize. So if everyone wants to do it, let them. I'm sure people will enjoy it regardless. But for those who was bashing it but now on board with it (JOY), all i have to say is pffftttt!!!

Tinted Eyes5321d ago

Haha why am I not surprised.

Kushan5321d ago

"Might be true that nothing is original, but MS has a bad habit of being "unoriginal" right behind someone else. "

So its bad that they're quick to copy good ideas? Do you think anyone would have slammed sony for implimenting Trophies, cross-game chat, ingame XMB, ingame soundtracks a few weeks after the PS3 launched?
Likewise, if Microsoft dragged their heels "copying" someone, people would slam them for that as well. These companies can't win, there'll always be someone out there spinning everything to make them look bad, when really the only thing that should matter is how much YOU, the consumer, benefits. I could not care less if Microsoft practically cloned Sony as a company, if it means I get more and better games, I'm all for it. If it means I get a cool feature that other people have been enjoying, I'm all for it. If it means that, on the whole, the entire industry benefits, I'm all for it.

ultimolu5321d ago


Oh no they didn't...

kewlkat0075321d ago

Your on point with that one....

That's all that takes place on here.

On a personal note haven't been on HOME since that first week it debut.

I'm sure some love it and some don't. I have no time for it. I'm not big on Avatars either but whatever some are...

Sitdown5321d ago

to see the post where somebody said, without sarcasm, that "everything Microsoft did was original and intended for the hardcore gamer".

pixelsword5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

...and Avatars.


Okay, being serious here:

How is it that home sucks so bad (everyone seems to be saying) but yet Microsoft in a poll is suggesting that they want to add that same suckiness on the 360?

Because it doesn't suck so bad to a lot of people, that's why. Hey, I'm glad that the 360 is getting it so 360-only fans can see that it doesn't suck like the media would have you believe.

And if you do love it; ask for more... a LOT more: because in fact, PS Home has an arcade like that in their bowling alley; not to mention that you can download arcade games into your own personal space.

Godmars2905321d ago

Well, considering that MS patented ingame music, their method of cross chat, I'm sure there'd be a lot of happy lawyers if that had happened.

Honestly, has everyone forgotten Bill Gates open letter that effectively closed open-sourced PC development? That MS is the company it is today because a bunch of geeks were given the basis for Windows from IBM or that it now seeks the proprietary rights to smilies?

Kushan5321d ago

"Well, considering that MS patented ingame music, their method of cross chat, I'm sure there'd be a lot of happy lawyers if that had happened."

Lets have some proof to back up this claim, please. Last I heard, it was EA's fault the PS3 couldn't do any of that.

randomwiz5321d ago

"Well, considering that MS patented ingame music, their method of cross chat, I'm sure there'd be a lot of happy lawyers if that had happened."

Finding ways to go around patents is a part of everyday life. Microsoft patented one method of ingame music. Theres more than one way of getting ingame music.

GT5 is supposed to feature ingame soundtracks, and gt psp already features them.

ThanatosDMC5321d ago

I wonder how much it'll cost...

NoBias5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Home is barren and pervish. Cool in concept but I mean... What am I supposed to do in it? All the male avatars are huddled around the female avatars, at all times (Besides the occasionaly random lonely dancing or sitting avatar).

Home is funny.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 5321d ago
Roper3165321d ago

That would just be MS doing what MS does best, copying from the competitor instead of innovating. The last time MS was innovative was when the original Windows 95 launched other then that they have done nothing except buy out the competition who was innovative or copy the competition when they couldn't be bought.

Oner5321d ago

I agree with everything you said except for the Windows 95 comment...they copied/stole that too as well.

ubiquitious5321d ago

A Microsoft Home would probably be a better Home than Sony's Home...considering Sony's version really has no where to go but up at this point.

I think it is lame...but I thought that with avatars at first too...but I am definitely enjoying my Obama avatar:D

Keep it free and I would definitely give it a shot.

Godmars2905321d ago

Like Online is free on XBL in the first place? Chances are it'll be made another incentive to get a Gold account, not just be a general reward.

Shadow Flare5321d ago

You think microsoft might make their possible version of home free?? 360 owners can't even play online for free

Aquarius5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

I'll take realistic-looking people in a realistic-looking setting anyday than a buffed up fancy looking life-sized cartoon character thank you very much.

Just imagine replacing HOME avatars with Mii-ripoffs and dropping a bit of paint on the world and walking around...

It seems that M$ are going after the Wiis market with HYPTAL and this...sad bums. M$ what a joke.

EDIT: @Godmars, if you want surreal play linger in shadows.

@catguykyou HOME was never meant to be a menu in the first place but I do agree they need to find a better way to implement it as of now I never click on it, I just click on the PSstore which I NEED.

P.s. Still waiting for my TROPHY ROOM SONY!!!!!

Godmars2905321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

I could actually do with Home avatars looking more cartoonish. Home itself more surreal.

But Home isn't about gaming, its about presentation and community.

dabri55321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

Actually it is. Everything but playing online in games. Yeah that's a major part of what you are referring to but for this article, which is talking about a home clone, a feature such as that would be free and available to silver account users.

Now here's hoping it isn't true because I hate home, signed in once, was a bunch of guys dressed as girls trying to pretend give other guys who were away from their system virtual head......Not my cup of tea.

While it is still improving, it still isnt the virtual menu system they made it out to be in the first place. I want to turn my PS3 on, find myself sitting on a couch, activate the tv, watch my movies either full screen or just leave it running, turn on my music, or even walk up to my virtual ps3 and choose what ps3 game to play, which would then send me to the game screen. At any point, I can choose to hop back into the home world (maybe even with the game paused on the tv in my virtual living room).

Many things could be done to make home cooler, more convient, and more useful. All it is right now is a glorified chat room, something I hope Microsoft is smart enough not to copy.

PS any company that is willing to copy a good idea and improve on it (cough Naughty dog cough) is A-OK in my book.

Godmars2905321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

You're ignoring the little detail that one thing Home offers is chat. Text chat in the general areas, voice chat in apartments and clubhouses. Don't know if they all Silvers that, but don't you think MS would have to give it to them?

If they did, they'd only be throwing the openness Gold subscriptions offer in Silver accounts faces. Seeing how they couldn't chat into a game, or meeting people who then "freely" went into games.

And please explain to me exactly the value of "free" when the only thing you're free to do on XBL is go to XBL to buy games and movies. You can't say Netflix because you need a Gold account besides a Netfilx subscription. By contrast along with PSN PS3 owners have Home and a web browser besides.

Redempteur5321d ago (Edited 5321d ago )

"considering Sony's version really has no where to go but up at this point. "

Well you're wrong ..the simple 1.3 update is the next step in Home ( with the inclusion of personal items )
Not to mention that more spaces and more partnerships ( audi ) are on the way ...

Sure exclusives singstar events are a "dead end " ?
Or is the universal game launching that show that home is a stand still ?
i nearly forgot about the huge increase in speed and loading times .

Clearly Home can't go anywhere .... (sarcasm]

dabri55316d ago

Silver members can do everything a gold member can do except play games online and watch netflix. They can chat and send text messages. They can download movies and demos. It is obviously missing the major part of having Gold (play Online) but you can't say that it offers nothing. A service like home would be part of the silver package I would think. I'm not saying it would be any good. I'm not saying it would even happen. All I'm saying is, if MS did do a home ripoff, I would hope they would improve on it where Home right now (not what will be coming to it) has gotten wrong.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5316d ago
5321d ago
xoxideu5321d ago

get used to it cause the price is gonna leave you sore

Show all comments (109)

Could Xbox Live’s 1 vs. 100 Really Make a Comeback?

It's been a little bit since we last heard about a possible 1 vs. 100 revival on Xbox Series X|S, but Xbox still hasn't done anything to discourage the rumors. If it does come back though, will it actually be able to outlast the original?

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darthv72390d ago

That would be awesome. It was fun to play. Perfect live service game.


Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Hints a Possible Return of The Iconic 1 vs 100 Game

During Fanfest, Spencer said that that they were planning a fan fest trivia, and the entire team was working on the project. However, it didn't turn out the way they wanted. He continued saying we are still planning to do something... "maybe we should even be building our own trivia game like from our past and allow people to play a trivia game more often. Maybe that could happen."

1285d ago
gamer78041284d ago (Edited 1284d ago )

Yes 100%. Loved even the possibility of rewards and playing with friends online is so important during these times , 1vs100 was great.

SmokinAces1284d ago

Sounds cool, definitely like the fun and challenge of a good trivia game.


Fall Guys Warmed the Seat, Now 1 vs 100 Should Reclaim its Throne

Chris writes: "With the release of Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout this week, it's time for the return of the Battle Royale MVP. It's time for 1 vs 100 to make its return."

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1362d ago Replies(2)
MadLad1362d ago

Had a lot of fun with it, back in the day.
Wouldn't mind seeing it return.

gamer78041362d ago

this 100%!!!! they could put it on gamespass even if that would be what they have to do.

PrinceAli1362d ago

Why.. so it could be ignored..? It'S GOT to be on GWG FIRST then later be put on Gamepass

gamer78041362d ago

I'm just saying if they need to recoup costs, I'd rather it be for gold subscribers of course so more people could enjoy it.

Godmars2901362d ago

What's the difference between GWG and Gamepass? Aren't both on PC?

gamer78041362d ago

@godmars. Games with gold is the free games you get with your gold subscription, gamespass is a separate service where you get access to lots of games and all of the Microsoft owned games

RebelWAC1362d ago

Man, this was that type of quality app that made the 360 shine back in the day. This was crazy fun

crazyCoconuts1362d ago

Oh, that's right...Fall Guys isn't on Xbox... Warming the seat, got it....

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