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IGN: Afrika Review

Greg Miller writes: "There's no sense beating around the bush: Afrika is probably the most boring game I've ever played."

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Major_Tom5333d ago

"Does this mean Walter Kronkite is NOT coming?"

Tinted Eyes5333d ago

Maybe it should have had some space marines.

gamesR4fun5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

ya its def not for a fps fanatic or anyone with ads we know

why dont they ever line up reviewers with the right genre at ign esp when it comes to ps3 games???

Not that im buying this but hell i wouldnt of reviewed it either.

Jamegohanssj55333d ago

Greg Miller is an idiot. Take that into account.


Sarcasm5333d ago

Now 3.5. Now that's a bad score.

Oh well.

ReservoirDog3165333d ago

I guess this game will only interest photographers or something. Anyone else will probably be bored. Like this guy was.

DaTruth5333d ago

I said it from the start; If you can't chase the animals down with your jeep and run them over, this game isn't gonna be good!

HolyOrangeCows5333d ago

They backed up their score pretty well, though maybe a bit harsh.

Sillyace925333d ago

if you honestly think Greg Miller is an idiot because of his reviews then you should seriously get a life. Especially if you don' know anything about him and his association with PlayStation at IGN. Here's some links to some podcast's he's on regularly maybe you might listen to them weekly as they come out just as I do.

kaveti66165333d ago

Ya right. Don't be a flip-flopper. When Greg Miller gave Infamous a 9.2 he was the guy who all the PS3 fanboys liked. "Oh yeah, Greg Miller is actually a good reviewer. Yeah, yeah." As soon as he gives a game a bad score, he's an idiot?

Anon19745333d ago

And so far the average scores are coming in around the 70 mark. Did IGN even play the same game? Or is this like Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad on the PS3, where everyone rated it around 30-40 and 1up gave it a 75 leaving everyone to wonder "wtf?"

Narutone665333d ago

very niche game. One which regular gamers won't be able to appreciate. But a colleague of mine will appreciate this game immensely as he is a SLR fanatic. This game has lot of features which you could change the lenses of the camera to get the best picture of the animal you are shooting. Bummer though all the cameras are Sony, wish they have Nikon or Canon. You get high rating for shooting a great picture which translate to credit for purchasing new lenses to get even better pictures. This games also served as an encyclopedia of animals in Africa.

Jamegohanssj55333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

LOL! No way. Greggy is by far one the worst reviewers on IGN. I've followed this guy since he started in like what? 2006 or 2007? Greggy hypes up games, then he'll put them down when it comes to ratings. I can't take his opinion seriously at all. Jeremy D is my favourite with Hilary coming behind. Everyone on the PS3 boards on IGN likes Greggy for some odd reason, but he's a jerk, idiot, and plenty more.


badz1495333d ago

like KZ2 and Uncharted 2 come out, they will try to bring the score down with comments such as not innovating or generic or whatever they can think about to bring the score down! but when a game tries to be different, innovate in some way and for Africa, brilliant graphic, those same guys will conveniently leave out comments on innovation, not generic and such and simply replace it with the word "BORING"! while overhyped craches of forza 3 they label as "EPIC"! nice trolling there IGN!

RememberThe3575333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

What the hell are you talking about? Greg Miller is a fine reviewer. Your speaking out of your ass and Sillyace92 called you on it.

Maybe it's just that Africa is a boring ass game. Just because it is a PS3 exclusive doesn't mean it's automatically a great game.

@Sillyace92: well said, bubbles.

Syronicus5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

This game will only appeal to those who like to take photographs of animals and know the delicacy of being still and remaining int he same location for hours at a time to get that perfect shot? Ok.

My question to IGNorance is this, why would you have the one guy with ADHD review a game that requires you to be silent and still? makes no sense...

dachiefsman5332d ago

Wow some many people trying to defend this game. If I want to see animals in there natural environment, I will turn on discovery, history, or Nat Geo in HD. If I really wanted to see them live, I would go to a zoo.

Marquis_de_Sade5332d ago

Why should they only allow people who appreciate the genre of the game review it? A good game will appeal to many different people.

Elaine Benes5332d ago

This game is AAA all the way baby!

Beast_Master5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

I listen to Gruesome Greggy on the podcasts every week, and I like the guy...but why he was given this game to review is beyond me. He is the action title guy (Lair, Infamous), while Ryan is the RPG and Fighting game guy and Roper does the Racing/GOW games, and Jeff Haynes is the FPS guy. I would never want to buy or play this game and could care less. But to me Greg should not of reviewed this game. Seeing the staffs temperment I would have given this to Ryan.

I mean come on the dude is the resident WWE fan of the IGN you really want someone that loves wrestling to review a glorified Pokemon Snap game?

Mr Logic5332d ago

Afrika looks fine. I just think it's WAY overpriced.

Christopher5332d ago

The problem is it's being ranked as a game rather than a virtual safari simulation.

As a game, it kind of sucks. As a virtual safari simulation, it might not.

FamilyGuy5332d ago

Talk about a "niche" genre and this one takes the cake.

They need to review it for what it is and I don't think the devs themselves even expect tons of sales for this title, and hopefully they didn't spend too much on making it.

FrankenLife5332d ago

This game is for people who wet themselves at the thought of becoming a nature photographer...... and the heavily sedated.

Pika-pie5332d ago

This would have got a much higher score if it was £7.99 PSN download.

likedamaster5332d ago

1st fail: The name is spelled wrong.

2nd fail: Took too long to release.

3rd fail: Released on the PS3.

Funniest moment: Getting a 3.5 from IGN

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poindat5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

His complaints (and taking into account the content and genre of the game) do not equal a 3.5, IMO. If tedious gameplay and average graphics are enough to fail a game, MANY other games should receive lower scores.

I suppose the reviewer just didn't 'get' it. If that's the case, they could have at least gotten someone different to review it....

mintaro5333d ago

Fact is games are meant to be fun, and from this review this game wasn't. His score seems to reflect that.

poindat5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

Yeah... this is a case where having a counter-view to go along with the main review would be nice.

But would you get someone that finds flying boring to review a flight sim? No, they would find the visuals repetitive and mediocre, and the action tedious. I think it would have been better to find someone who understands the fun in this game to review it, while acknowledging that not everyone will be able to enjoy it.

Sarcasm5333d ago

It's true that Afrika is something like a Flight Sim.

But it's also true that Flight Sims aren't for everyone, and this guy just isn't one of them.

DaTruth5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

The digital era has multiplied amateur cameramen 100 fold. I know a lot of people this game would appeal to! Just not me!

Seems like a good game for the wife and kids to play!

EDIT: and people who read National Geographic!

morganfell5333d ago

Sarcasm - well put and the best take on why the review was valid for him but not for everyone.

Also this should point to the truth that as much as these tinhorn dictatorial reviewers would like you to believe they are neither, open minded, objective, or intelligent.

Stumbling, demented child king more aptly describes most of these reviewers.

mintaro5333d ago

Had he given this game a 9.0, would that make him any less of an unintelligent, demented, child king reviewer?

TapiocaMilkTea5333d ago

Yeah, the low score is ridiculous. All I see from the review is that the game has average graphics and bad controls, but I don't think it scored the gameplay fairly. He mentions that the animals are lifeless, but hard to tell whether he actually waited long enough to catch the action. If the game is trying to simulate real life outdoor photography, then it'll should make you wait a long time before you see some rewarding actions.

NecrumSlavery5333d ago

this game has gorgous graphics. The reviewer just can rate it if it's not a FPS.

testerg355333d ago

"Also this should point to the truth that as much as these tinhorn dictatorial reviewers would like you to believe they are neither, open minded, objective, or intelligent.

Stumbling, demented child king more aptly describes most of these reviewers. "

So what did you say when reviewers gave MGS4, KZ2, LBP, and UC2 great scores?

morganfell5333d ago

^^^Bzzzzzz! Just goes to show what you know. IGN got the back of my hand, most recently for UC2.

You also have no ability to differentiate betwen a good score and a deserved score.

As regards MGS4, the greatest game ever made, anything less than a 10 was an injustice. IGN gave GTA IV and they said they did so not because a game was perfect but because it pushed the envelope. Well you just names 4 titles that pushed the envelope a great deal more than GTA IV and IGN failed to give them a 10. Now guess how I feel about them.

STK0265333d ago

and, may I please know, how these four great games pushed the envelope more than GTAIV?

Don't get me wrong, I didn't like GTAIV as much as GTA:Vice City or even Saints Row 2, however, on the technical level, it was in a league of its own, while I find the game to be boring, I never could stop myself from thinking about just how good it looked, how good it ran, at how real and lively the city and the characters were, the voice acting was much better than the average game, the soundtrack was awesome in my opinion, the story was amazing and much better than most games these days, the gameplay, while not suited for me, felt great to most people and was quite balanced I must admit. I know games should only be about being fun, but GTAIV, while it failed to be much fun to me, still deserved its score, be it only for everything it did right.

Now, I must also say that I really enjoyed MGS4, it was actually my first real MGS title (played the MG titles on the PSP), but like any game, it had flaws, some low-res textures here and there, some clipping and, in my opinion, a subpar multiplayer mode. However, the game was great nonetheless and yes, I do believe it deserved its 10, however, I wouldnt say that anything under 10 would have been an injustice.

As for LBP, KZ2 and UC2 : Killzone2 was a great game on a technical level, but just like GTAIV, I found it to be somewhat boring after a while, could be because of all the people using the shotgun though... But really, I wouldn't say it pushed the envelope more than GTAIV, Killzone 2 was a FPS by the book, it took everything that make a FPS good and put it together, it had very little innovation (gameplay-wise), the voice acting was so-so (yes, I'm looking at you Rico) and not too memorable characters (yep Rico, still staring at you, lower your head in shame now...).

LBP was a new concept, and a great one, but it did have a few notable problems, mainly the layer-moving thing, when trying to go from one layer to the other, it could prove somewhat bothersome at times, but other than that it truly was a great game, I agree this one could have deserved a score as good as GTAIV.

As for UC2, hard to say since I haven't played the full game, but I guess it's really more of the greatness from UC1, but bigger, better and everything. But when you look at the evolution between UC1 to UC2 and the one going from GTA:SA to GTAIV, I think the latter is much more pronounced, it went from blocky characters with low textures to realistic looking characters with realistic animations and emotions. I think that GTAIV really showed just how good and realistic a sandbox game could look, it really took it to another level, while UC2 is somewhat similar to what we've seen in UC1, not that its a bad thing though.

Oh, and about Afrika, read the review and tell me the game deserves more than that. The graphics are dated (mainly due to the fact that the game was released long ago in Japan), it seems glitchy, the animals aren't very good looking, their animations are stiff, the controls are subpar, no voice-over, long loading and saving times, you don't really get to track the animals; a jeep takes you to them, etc.

Btw, sorry for the wall of text.

morganfell5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

@mintaro, the answer would be no. They could have given it a 10 and they would be idiots for doing so and the answeer would still be no.

Regrettably you are missing the point. I haven't seen one honest reviewer yet that has a printed in depth list of their standards for grading objectively. Everyone of them, sooner or later, swells up like a pompous ass full of their own self.

I write for IGN. My word is law.

@STK, if you don't see why my explaining will not help. Have a nice day.

The Lazy One5332d ago

What? Since when have framerate issues and glitches, slugish controls, crappy animation, and lack of excitement been nitpicking in any game?

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Timesplitter145333d ago

yes, but multiply it by 2 and it gives you 7/10

happyface5333d ago

ign is bias, this is AAA ps3 exclusive

Anon19745333d ago

When you look at IGN scores for console exclusives, IGN scores PS3 games (and Wii games) higher then the average. Check out these comparisons...

badz1495333d ago

yeah...but expect that to have a 180 degrees turn very shortly, it has started! recent PS3 bashing from IGN is more that enough to warrant that it will happen!

Nightfallen5333d ago

Either you like it or not. To me, it has no appeal. To others it may.

DaTruth5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

It just needs a little modding. Reprogram the camera as a scope rifle and the snap as a POW!!!

ambientFLIER5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

hahahahahahaha, nice

they need multiplayer in there too, so you can race jeeps motorstorm-style and run over gazelles to piss the cheetas off

ReviewsArePolitics5333d ago

Gaming journos have reached a new low. Way to punish innovation.

Pandamobile5333d ago

This game is hardly innovative. It's like Pokemon-Snap! with real animals. Lol.

WildArmed5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

I think the game was rated by a different standard.
Dont be b!tching about OMGZ i cant kill sh!t.
That was never point of the game.
Its like b!tching about a FPS because it didnt have racing in it =/

thebudgetgamer5333d ago

it wouldve been at least a 7.


ambientFLIER5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

Good job copying Pokemon Snap from N64, Sony! Such innovation!

Such power from teh cell! It's lifelike!!!!!

Orange5333d ago

The game actually looked better than I thought it would in the embedded video. I'd give it a spin.

WildArmed5333d ago

If you keep going that way, the last innovation that ever occured was creating fire -.-

some peepz need to

If your gonna scream Halo 2-3 ODST/ GeOW was innovative.. man.. open yer eyes

ReviewsArePolitics5333d ago

"This game is hardly innovative. It's like Pokemon-Snap! with real animals. Lol. "

Uh... Animals behave in a life-like way, in Pokemon they had the same scripted animations, it was basically a Disney ride. You actually move in an open world scenario and more or less interact with the animals; in pokemon snap you simply launched apples/smoke bombs and after that the animations resumed to their pre-scripted nature. Has there ever been a game like these were graphics and AI actually simulated an ecosystem? I don't agree with the author of this POS article that the graphics are bad.

This game is made in conjunction with National Geographic, and I love Nat-geo. You can't spell ignorant without IGN.

Kill Crow5332d ago

it's up there with poo Zone and unfarted Poooooooo

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5332d ago


Don't care what they say i still might get it(for cheap) Looks different anyway;)

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Which Launch Title Would Make You Buy a PS4?

That illustrious Sony press event on February 20th is just one week away, and with the PS4 reveal entirely possible (in a huge venue nonetheless), we wanted to end our three weeks of PS4 questions on the games. So, the PlayStation LifeStyle staff was asked:

Which Launch Title Would Make You Buy a PS4?

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TrendyGamers4107d ago

Uncharted 4 would definitely make me buy one.

Relientk774107d ago

That's exactly the game I want

blitz06234107d ago

Killzone 4
NEW Naughty Dog IP

RGB4106d ago

Uncharted 4 (Got Vita day 1 because of Golden Abyss)
Gran Turismo 6
Killzone 4

The Getaway... would be epic, think Sony cancelled that because the PS3 couldn't handle a fully mapped City of London with HD visuals.

unchartedxplorer4107d ago

Maybe Gran Turismo 6.. now that'll be awesome

Hanif-8764107d ago

If that's a release title i'd buy two PS4's ;-)

JoGam4107d ago

I'll buy all so far. No game i heard coming out seems wack.

akaakaaka4107d ago

Idk uncharted 4 will be like a bonus..

for me it will be more like the PS4! And the new technology ..
good games will come out eventually ..

But if it launch with
Killzone or a new GG IP, or MS4, TLOU I will make lines a day before!! Or will find a way to get it earlier from the "black market"

Saigon4107d ago

it doesn't matter to me because it is a day one purchase regardless of the games...This is the same with the new Xbox also...

Snookies124107d ago

Are we sure there will be one? I mean, look at the history of Naughty Dog. Crash 1-3(PS1), Jak and Daxter 1-3(PS2), Uncharted 1-3(PS3). Those are main games sure, but they seem as if they like making new trilogies for each generation.

HarryMasonHerpderp4106d ago

The Last Guardian or FF Versus XIII.
(I know they are supposed to be PS3 games)

4106d ago
morkendo234106d ago (Edited 4106d ago )


any game that not a first person shooter,multiplat.


superterabyte4106d ago

Need for speed nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Wedge194107d ago

That picture feels so inappropriate... but it's just a rocket with Kaz's face... right? Is that the first look at a first party launch game?

TrendyGamers4107d ago

Will it be called Rocket Launcher Extreme?

Shadow Flare4107d ago

It should be called Kazooka!

4107d ago
Godmars2904107d ago

Something I'd like to play which is actually playable?

Too general?

Hicken4107d ago

Not really. If I tried to be specific, I'd come up with SO MANY titles.

Legend of Dragoon
Gran Turismo
Valkyria Chronicles

And probably a good thirty I can't think of.

thirtyandnerdy4107d ago

The thing I'm wondering about the next gen consoles is, for example, whether we'll see a second round of titles like Crysis 3 come out for them. You know, it'll initially launch on PS3, 360 and PC ... but then down the road will the new consoles get a version with improved graphics, etc. !!! Ya? Na?

Fyflin4107d ago

I'm expecting this with GTA V, and wouldn't be surprised to see an upgraded version of Bioshock Infinite

ftwrthtx4107d ago

It needs a new IP with a pedigreed developer

doctorstrange4107d ago

Pedigreed? Is that like Activision?

ftwrthtx4107d ago

A developer with a pedigree would be Naughty Dog or David Cage

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The Best Games Never to Get a Worldwide Release

Last week, we brought you the games that time forgot - those games stuck in development limbo that they may never escape. But there's another category of lost games: the ones that never make it out of Japan. Back in the PlayStation 2 era (and the SNES era before that), there were hundreds and hundreds of them every year. Now there are many fewer, but the odd one still slips through the net.

A quick glance through this generation's consoles reveals a range of gems which have sadly never been given the chance to shine on the global stage. While there's always the option to import, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could forget about exchange rates and taxes and pick up these titles a little closer to home?

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Reconsidering PS3′s Afrika

BigShinyRobot: Afrika is Rhino Studio’s first attempt at creating a game on the PS3. Unfortunately, reviews have been mostly unfavorable as it just doesn’t appeal to most audiences. Most people I talk to about it just assume that it’s just insanely boring. Actually, I’d be willing to bet that most gamers today who would even turn it on wouldn’t last 15 minutes before switching it out for Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto. The reason, I believe, is that modern gamers need that constant barrage of stimulation to the senses and this game is presented at a much slower pace. However, I have always been a huge supporter of new ideas because the thought of another cookie-cutter FPS makes me gag. I will admit that my first impressions of Afrika were……well, a bit off.

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Community4599d ago
Ramas4598d ago

i wanted this game a lot, but when i tried it it sucked a lot.
It could have been very good game if:
1. Huge open world
2. Rpg elements, like stats how long you survived in the wild, what you acomplished, many side quests, secrets, seling rare photos and for cash buying all kinds of cool items and so on.

But i repeat first and most important thing should have been huge open world and freedom.

rezzah4598d ago

It's not that the game sucked, you just don't have a passion for animals and a lot of patience.

This game focuses on the habitats of real animals, not pokemon.

it also goes on to show you the lifestyle, in a sense, of a photographer who takes pictures of animals for a living.

The game takes a very realistic point of view, it doesn't do fantasy which is why people like you dislike the game.

Ramas4598d ago

you do not get me, i liked the idea a lot and it could have been very good game. (i like animals)
If it would be posibble to have freedom and huge area to explore not instanced missions it would have been much better game.

rezzah4598d ago (Edited 4598d ago )

The areas are already huge, the sense of how big they actually are would really sink in if we didn't have the jeep to drive around in.

Also any game would be far more awesome, or at least we may think (sometimes areas are too big for one's liking), with bug areas but it also puts a strain on what is within that environment. Notice that the biggest area had the most open space? That's to reduce lag with so much going on at once in a small area. It is easy to spot a slight lag in animal movements when driving really fast in a tight area.

Edit: What I'm trying to say is enjoy it for what it is, not what you want it to be or could of been.