
IGN: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Review

IGN: More than any other game to date, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune seems to define the PlayStation 3. Naughty Dog's 2007 jungle romp starring the one and only Nathan Drake gave gamers a taste of what it would be like to play as an acrobatically-inclined Indiana Jones. With stunning visuals (that still rank amongst the best in gaming today), a fantastically told story, great puzzles and high-octane gunplay, it's easily one of the best titles of this console generation.

Briyen5346d ago

informing you brave soldiers about the written review being posted

if you were searching for it after the video review

since I'm not a big watcher of video reviews until after i beat the game, the spoilers!! game is too bahmazing to spoil.

5346d ago
5346d ago
Chris3995346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

But until then...

Champagne for everyone!

@ Cthulu. Honestly, I'm not sure whether to laugh or pity (or both) people like you. PS3 owners and critics just seem to have higher standards, hence the 9.5 for what is admittedly - according to pretty much every review so far - one of the greatest games ever made. Sure, some twat will give it a low score simply to stir up hate or hits, but I'm fairly certain that the game will manage to begrudge a decent mark out of even the most rabid of PS3 critics.

Maybe Iain Lee will actually turn on his PS3, for the second time, and play it in the dead of night when no one is watching. Who can blame him, really?

josuttis5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

Here's a fun game.

Take the garbage the idiot who wrote the review has listed above. Apply it to other games IGN has reviewed. Laugh at what the score would have been if game reviews weren't anything but fanboy babble.

Basically this clown at IGN picked 9.5 as the score he wanted to give the game and then worked backwards coming up with inane little complaints to support a .5 point deduction. He knew he could in no way give the game anything less than a 10 for graphics so he had to come up with other idiotic complaints like the stealth crap.

bunbun7775346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

Choose your battles wisely-- why diminish yourself by spewing bile ---




you lie to make yourself feel better!


you are a joke and i am laughing!

---trying to turn a 9.5 into a negative? My god times are tuff man----use half your hate and buy a ps3 broheim, it cures bitterness, because it




aldesko5346d ago

"I find amusing that they only gave this game a 9.5"

Only a 9.5 lololol

deadreckoning6665346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

The stealth looks great.

To anyone saying it should've gotten a ten: Does it REALLY matter?
Im buying it and I hope u will too.

Unicron5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

Chtulu, so butthurt. I feed on his tears.

Hilarious. Can't wait to get outta work and tackle more of the Beta. So great, so beautiful, so much fun!

SnuggleBandit5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

Sounds like a ten to me...but whos gonna split hairs its AAA

Timesplitter145346d ago

Now I gotta decide between this and Demon's Souls

HammockGames5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

Wow. Where to begin...

It would be shame enough to miss out on playing this game - regardless of what platform(s) you favor.

But to churn out comments like yours (1.2) is simply ridiculous. How can you call yourself a gamer (or don't you)?

chaosatom5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

Just don't respond to him and he will go away. Report him as spam.

cmrbe5346d ago

is that you guys new spin?. 9.5 is too low for a goty? LMAO!!.

Halo3 MLG Pro5346d ago

How about both? Demon's Soul looks like a MAN'S game. Love hard core games.

Darrius Cole5346d ago

They now good and well this game is 10. Naughty Dog got robbed.

Timesplitter145346d ago

Yeah I'm pretty much forced to get both U2 and Demon's Souls.

Uncharted because it looks super promising

Demon's Souls because it looks fun as hell, combining the best elements of western and japanese RPGs, and with a killer difficulty.

Saaking5346d ago

From the review it seems the game deserves a 10/10 but i guess they just couldn't do it. After handing out two 10/10's last years perhaps they thought they'd look even more stupid if they gave yet another 10/10. (btw, GTA IV did NOT deserve a 10/10, not even a 9.5/10)

CrazzyMan5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

i think 9.5 was the lowest score they could give for this 10/10 worth game. =)

Uncharted 2 FTW!

p.s. bias, i mean, when IGN was bragging about low ps3 sales in Japan before slim release and pricecut.

heroicjanitor5346d ago

The written review clears up why the .5 was dropped, although it was a little harsh.

Halo3 MLG Pro5346d ago

9.5 is a seriously good score. I swear you guys complain a lot. IGN biased??? Oh brother. :/

PiTCHBLaCK5346d ago

Before This generation 9.2 to 9.4 were very RARE, and
9.5 to 10 were ubberly RARE, but now some are saying 9.5
isn't good enough? perhaps, but why complain for such
a high score?

bnaked5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

OMG i must spew, i saw the GTA4 review with all the 10s.. WHY THE F*CK???? It must be the most overrated game ever! It's still great, deserves a 9.2 or 9.3, but NOT a 10!

OmarJA5346d ago

I think Cthulhu is crying...

bjornbear5346d ago

95% not good?

Are you guys fanboys?!

a game with 95% isn't worst than a game of 100%.

Any game above a 9.0 is a MUST PLAY. If its above 9.0 = GoTY, if there are many +9.0 game contenders, well, it'll be down to details...but seriously..

9.5 is DAMN good, especially from IGN..


silvacrest5346d ago

LOLZ, such obvious trolling is quite hilarious

"slow clap" bravo

morganfell5346d ago

And to think that GTA IV got a 10 in graphics. IGN needs to stop and think about how screwed up they are. Go look at the GTA IV review and read what it says. They give a 10 not because a game is perfect but because it is pushing the boundaries.

Where is Uncharted 2 not pushing boundaries. IGN is full of the most hypocritical staff since Gamespot.

Panthers5346d ago

Its just we all expected an 11/10. I guess we have to settle this time, but I am not sure if I am getting the game anymore. It is just not receiving the reviews I expected.

GameGambits5346d ago

Great game with a great score. If I had to base a score for just the multiplayer section from the two beta's I've been in I'd give it a 9.5 as well. The .5 dock is there is a bug if you throw the objective treasure and have grenades on you then it throws the grenades as well... so if you pass it up to a team mate well good bye team mate. Also, I've had host disconnected games and it doesn't find a new host and just drops everyone out.

I'm buying the game for the single player though. I loved the first one and the second one will probably set a new bar on what next gen really means.

Props to Naughty Dog, Sony, and whoever else helped make this game happen. Let's see if someone other than Sony's first party developers can come and compete on the same level of quality.

raztad5346d ago

I think the whole scoring system got fvcked up after the GTAIV review.

GTAIV is a 8.5 (being generous) but its sitting pretty close to 10, and many sites, as IGN, gave it a perfect 10/10 (which obviously doesnt deserve). Now how can you score a much better game like UC2? that's why that 21/20, but IGN refuses to do that and instead they just substract a 0.5 for NO real reasons misleading consumers to think that GTA4 is a better game.

nycredude5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

Gamestop in the us DID have a midnight launch for MGS4... I was at it here in NYC!!

They may be fanboys (gamestop) but no one is that much of one to hate on Solid Snake!

I am going to admit that I think I am an uncharted fanboy cause i kind of get a little giddy when I read these great reviews, knowing full well I am going to play this game in less than a month!

Multi-Console Owner5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

The retarded mods deleted my comment because I said Uncharted will get better score than ODST! My comment was really long and had a lot of detail but my 1 sentence that said U2 will score better than ODST warrants removal? It had a ton of agrees and almost no disagrees so it's not like my comment was posted just to anger people like the most comments that get deleted by the dumb mods! LOL N4G is so retarded!

I'll post it again just to spite the idiot mods:

"Notice how U2's review came out 3 WEEKS before the game is released but ODST's is coming out 3 DAYS before release due to Bungie's strict review embargo. Shows you how confident ND and Bungie are in their games ;)

9.5 Presentation
Fantastic cutscenes tell a very good if not perfect story.

10 Graphics
Absolutely the best of the best these days. Your jaw will drop.

9.5 Sound
Great weapon effects, fantastic voice acting and a mostly brilliant (though sometimes overdone) soundtrack.

9.5 Gameplay
Great gunplay, stealth works very well (mostly), the puzzles are rewarding and, maybe even best of all, a killer online component.

9.5 Lasting Appeal
The game is give or take about 10 hours in length, which feels right, but then there's the multiplayer. Yes, you will be hooked.

EDGE's U2 review will be coming around soon so they can lower their credibility even more...

GameStop better be doing a midnight launch! I still can't believe they didn't do one for MGS4! So biased...

MW2 looks meh so I'm sure I'll be more than satisfied with U2 and R&C! I'm just happy I get the choice of more than just MW2 ;)"

ultimolu5346d ago

Sweet Mary, Jesus and Joseph.

GOTY, I dare say...no wait. GAME OF THE DECADE. :O

DaTruth5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

I base my disappointment at the 9.5, based on the games that got 10's! If this game is better than all those games, then by all rights, it deserves an 11!

This gen has been far too generous with the 10's and shouldn't make up for it on this game!

On a side note, I will be getting Demon's Souls, playing it for a week, then get Uncharted 2, and then wonder when the hell I'll get back to Demon's Souls! Then I'm done for the year; Just finding time now for my second playthroughs of the Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 campaigns and my third LBP level has been sitting 90% done for six months!

@Below: Never been a R&C kind of guy, "too much variety" LOL!!!

Multi-Console Owner5346d ago

What about Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time?

aueslander5346d ago

.....those b!tching about a 9.5 show that they truly ARE fanboys. Much like when people say they dont care about sales as long as they liked a game, the same could be said for review scores. As long as you enjoy it who gives a FRACK what ONE site gave it?

I mean really, its one site, ONE, Also, not everyone will feel the same about every game. I swear every time a hyped exclusive (especially ps3 ones) comes in at lower than a 1,000,000 out of 10, the fanboys start to moan and complain.

I swear, I am more and more starting to HATE this gen. I have neer seen so many whiners in any gen as I do now.

This is KZ2 all over again. That game also had people show up with their panties in a bunch on any site that didnt give it a perfect score.


whothedog5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

I don't think you guys should be upset at a .5, I don't think a .5 difference is going to deter anyone from picking up this game. A 9.5 is great. If little things bother him than that's fine its his opinion, but in general he is saying it's a great game.

GTA4 is a good game, perhaps great, but a perfect? :) It's all good, I just don't agree with the reviewer.

Reviews don't mean that much to me, it's just nice to hear another persons opinion. Gameplay videos or demos is what really determines my impression on a game.

morganfell5346d ago

Da Truth nailed the essence of the issue. It isn't that the game received a 9.5. That is fine. It is the crap infested titles to which IGN awarded a 10.

They may not realize this but the PlayStation people are such a large and ever growing movement, IGN may have (hopefully) shot themselves in the foot.

flipflopfacts5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

The only reason Uncharted 2 didn't receive a higher score is because they are going to give goty to Modern Warfare 2. Modern Warfare 1 received a 9.4 from ign, Modern Warfare 2 will easily get over 9.5. Looks like the spots reserved guys.

Sarcasm5346d ago

I'm confused. IGN hardly gives 10s. They gave a 10 to a game that deserved every bit of it which is MGS4. And well, a game that didn't deserve it like GTA IV.

Nonetheless, 9.5 is an extremely good score. If they gave it a 6/10, then people should start rallying the "I hate IGN" flags.

Sarcasm5345d ago

"GameStop better be doing a midnight launch! I still can't believe they didn't do one for MGS4! So biased..."

Umm, they did at certain locations depending on the amount of pre-orders. That's where I got my copy. They also sold the 5 MGS4 white box bundles that were there that night too. And it was pretty cool, the gamestop guys were actually genuinely excited to sell MGS4. One guy in particular was complaining that he had to work and how lucky we are to get to play it before he does.

DaTruth5345d ago

It's not like I'm up in arms, just saying I don't agree with giving a better game, a lesser score; My day is not ruined by this and it's still an amazing score!

KRUSSIDULL5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

As I do prefer Xbox 360 for my gaming needs I agree with PS3 owners that this game should be GOTY I have played Uncharted on my dads PS3 so I know what to expect from this game this game has everything.

Arnon5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

Or they're actually going to start reviewing their games.

Their reviews of GTA IV and MGS4 consisted of "This is the best game I've played in 10 years. Fap fap fap. This goes there. *squirt!*"

9.5 is an excellent score and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves deserves GoTY, but I'm extremely happy that IGN no longer hands out 10's on a silver platter. They used to do it all the time, and honestly, it's made them more respectable now, since they're actually reviewing the game.

Pika-pie5345d ago

Awesome long review, a really good read. Uncharted 2 looks to be everything I was hoping for!

No reason not to buy PS3 now with this line of recent exclusives.
IGN Score

MGS4 - 10
Little BP - 9.5
Resistance 2 - 9.5
Killzone 2 - 9.5
Infamous - 9.2
Uncharted 2 - 9.5

And all of those games were released in the last 14 months.. Imagine what is still to come... drool!!

ThanatosDMC5345d ago

Cant wait to have this game inside my PS3!

Jake11115345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

9.5 is definitely a great score but it isnt what UC2 (based on their rating scale) should have received.... They should have definitely given it a 10. Seriously, they gave Shadow Complex a 9.4....LOL

But dont you see how crooked this is? What IGN is doing is the same thing they did last year. They are setting the field to have a multi-platform game GOTY!

This is crooked journalism and feeds on advertisement dollars. This is akin to people getting sales through backdoor bribes...

The point is this. UC2 is going to lose GOTY to MW2 because IGN does not want to offend MS as they are funded heavely by them.

What will happen is you will get thousands of gamers who only see MW2 as GOTY and the sales will reflect this. In the end, Naughty Dog gets shafted and a game that should have won GOTY (UC2) gets second or third place.


pumpkinpunker5344d ago (Edited 5344d ago )

for a game that completely rips off the Gears of War cover system a 9.5 is pretty good

how come reviewers docked points from Gears 2 for not expanding upon the Gears 1 system enough but reviewers never mention that Uncharted's controller set up and gameplay is basically a Gears clone?

So transparent that websites trip over themselves to keep the PS3 alive with inflated scores so they keep getting that Sony ad revenue. Every Sony exclusive I ever played was over-rated. after playing uncharted I doubt uncharted 2 is much better. can't trust the reviewers any more. I'll rent this.

+ Show (45) more repliesLast reply 5344d ago
sinncross5346d ago

Wow, very impressive.

I think I'm going to go buy the first Uncharted now just so I can add the 2nd to my collection :)

HammockGames5346d ago

You can never have enough Uncharted!

Seriously, though, the first one was great. Can't even imagine the improvements to the final cut of UC2.

Golfcoachh5346d ago

I think any idiot who feels that this game isn't a major player in the GOTY conversation is just an idiot xbox fanboy. I was once an idiot fanboy, I admit it, until maybe an hour into uncharted after I bought the 499 bundle. I realized that 1. ps3 is way more advanced and 2. I have the best of both worlds. My fav xbox franchises and now all the incredible ps3 games.9.5 is an incredible score. I wont judge until I play it.

mxdan5346d ago

Honestly I can't understand why they took off 0.5... They didn't really give any reason in their review.

At least Gamesradar justified their ten out of ten...

mfwahwah5346d ago

The only complaints I read were that the story wasn't to his liking at some point, and that the rooms had enemies that kept showing up (just like in CoD4, as I remember it).

That review was written for a 10/10 game, to be honest. I don't understand the .5 reduction, but I also don't care that much.

Sarcasm5346d ago

I've beaten Uncharted 1 probably like 15 times now. For some reason I cant get tired of it. I eventually get tired of COD, Killzone 2, Wipeout, Ratchet, GT5 etc. etc. and want to play something else. But once I start playing Uncharted, I cant stop.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5346d ago
saint_john_paul_ii5346d ago

awesome , they gave the gfx a 10.

UnSelf5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

they should ve gave the game a 10. im officially done wit IGN and reviews as a whole. The game industry fking sux i see why the world doesnt take it serious.

i swear if COD MW 2 or ODST gets a higher score, im cancelling my account wit them and am sending their site a virus.

Timesplitter145346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

Bubbles, you're acting like a kid.

Have you played the game? No. So wait before you decide it's perfect

UnSelf5346d ago

I didnt have to play the full retail game to condone my feelings. Just guaging from what i experienced from the beta and my own personal research i can easily tell this game is much more deserving then gears of war in every conceivable facet: gfx, music, sound, presentation, replay value etc.

UC2 doesnt do in 2009 what Gears of did in 2006. It does exponentially more. You can even hear it in Roepers voice that hes not that enthusiastic. Im serious man, this is a new low. Im not asking for a 10 or even a 9.9. But the great lengths that this game has sought and acheived is much more than i can say of any game that got a 9.5 at that relative time.

The bullsh!t needs to stop. I see no other game on the horizon that deserves higher than this. No game except maybe GT5. This game perfected tha adventure genre like MGS4 perfected the stealth action genre. Give me a effing break

Timesplitter145346d ago

do you realize you're all mad because of a 9.5?

UnSelf5346d ago

Splitter youre not getting it. Its the principle behind the score. These guys throw out a 9.5 when another score was deserve. whats the point of having .X if youre not goin to utilize em justifyably? Those decimal marks are there to correlate the proper game with as accurate of a proper score as possible which is why IGN goes by the X.X system.

Its like saying why complain about an A-, when you rightfully deserve an A? It almost as if they gave it a 9.5 cuz they "had" and not because it was well deserved. Ima do the world a favor and sit back and watch. Im telling you, if ODST and/or MW2 gets a 9.5 then you know somethings clearly wrong.

bjornbear5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

can't imagine how the n4g community will react if a reviewer gives it less than 9.0 =P

tripewire5346d ago

"We wanted to give it a 10, we really did but we're meant to be building hype for ODST, what with our Halo this, Halo that articles. Hell we even went so far as to write an article about how we are doing a review soon. We hope you didnt notice. And don't forget, PS3, LAST IN JAPAN!"

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5346d ago
Bordel_19005346d ago

Amazing game, really looking forward to getting this.

El Botto5346d ago

I just watched the vid review and WOW just watching the action and the hearing the Uncharted theme song, just WOW. Uncharted is a game that cannot be described.

TRIPLE AAA station 3.

topdawg1225346d ago

Great reviews so far, 9.5 is still too low though. Theres no way halo is better than this game.

chaosatom5346d ago


It's couldn't get any worse for xbots after the price drop :P

deadreckoning6665346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

"It's funny that their last GOTY got a 9.6 while GTA4 and MGS4 both got 10s. It's like they're allowed to be honest for games like Fallout 3, but not overhyped games like GTA4. If they truly thought GTA4 or MGS4 was worthy of a 10, wouldn't they think they were worthy of GOTY as well? I guess I always thought GOTY = best game of the year = highest review score... guess I was wrong."

So in the event that another game got a 10 this year, Uncharted 2 could still be IGN's GOTY regardless of scores.

topdawg1225346d ago

I find it funny that they posted up this review a month before the game comes out, when no official halo reviews come up til this weekend. I think ND is completely confident in what they have here, while bungie know they won't get good reviews so they're waitin to have reviews out so close to release so a lot of people don't see what a crap game it's really gonna be.

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5346d ago

"With stunning visuals (that still rank amongst the best in gaming today), a fantastically told story, great puzzles and high-octane gunplay, it's easily one of the best titles of this console generation"

To me it sounds like a 10/10??? Anyone know why the xBot er erm i mean the person at IGN gave it 9.5/10 and not 10/10???
(I don't read reviews off the internet. They mean NOTHING to me anyway) ;-D

Jeff2575346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

I think Bungie would have released the game months ago if it had been up to them. Also they arent in charge of when the reviews come out so its not really fair to mention them in conjunction with that. MS however well we can talk crap about them because they are the ones who wanted a rushed expansion made they could sit on for months. Also they are the ones who put out the embargo. But your mentioning because they see less than stellar reviews coming for it is right on. MS wants ODST to sell on the name alone and use some damage control by not allowing some not so great reviews to come out early and keep people from shelling out 60 for something thats not worth more than 40. Sony is doing the opposite and will use these positive reviews to keep the hype going for what is truly an amazing game. Anyway hats off to ND, Ill be buying Uncharted 2 on day one.

wxer5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

that ODLC review
the only one that got good score
have been taken down

DonCorneo5346d ago

from a no name site

bot said


infekt5345d ago

Beyond! This is going to eat up all my weekends until Christmas..

TheblackBanana5345d ago

WTf IGN is the number #1 gaming site in the world.

Xlll5345d ago

"To me it sounds like a 10/10??? Anyone know why the xBot er erm i mean the person at IGN gave it 9.5/10 and not 10/10???
(I don't read reviews off the internet. They mean NOTHING to me anyway) ;-D"

because it's not on the 360 you know how it is at IGN.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5345d ago
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Abnor_Mal1467d ago

Currently playing Drakes Fortune on crushing, next will be to replay Among Thieves, but I'm sure it still holds up today.

P_Bomb1466d ago (Edited 1466d ago )

Recently re-platinumed 1-3. Uncharted 2 aged better than I even expected. I enjoyed it more now than I did a decade ago. It’s more polished than 1, tighter than 3 and Yemen in 3 was gorgeous. Shambhala out-prettied Ubar though. 60fps w higher res’ made for a damn good rerun.

Abnor_Mal1466d ago

Question: When you say Uncharted2 aged better than expected, are you talking about the original PS3 game or the remastered collection on PS4. I ask because I think that a remastered version of the game would look and play better than the original.

I doubt that the original ran at 60 frames, how many years old is the remastered collection anyway.

I need to replay the original trilogy along with the collection, not a fan of the collection trophy of beating levels in a set time and don't think the originals required that for platinum.

P_Bomb1465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

It’s true that the remasters have upped the resolution and given it 60fps, but the base game is the same. The art design and base textures/physics/ animations are the same yet still look contemporary. More-so than UC1 which isn’t as tight, or UC3 in some cases which I found a bit clunky in close quarters.

UC2 level design was a great evolution in bringing the verticality from the jungle into rural/urban settings while maintaining smooth animation transitions. Drake still moves better than the ginger in Star Wars Jedi. Outdoor areas are better lit.

UC2 also has more action and better pacing imo, which helps when replaying a game 10 years later. Kept me engaged.

You don’t need to time trial for platinum. They stuck the speedrun trophies in a seperate extended dlc category so have no fear.

MadLad1467d ago

I thought the originals were good, but not great. I understand that puts me in the minority here. That said, Uncharted 4 was freaking fantastic.

Profchaos1466d ago (Edited 1466d ago )

Yeah I understand the hate for 4 prior to playing it I was firmly against it and felt like 3 wrapped things up already but now after playing it I think it was the best in the franchise.

Now I look back at two and I feel like I'm playing an on the rails shooter everything is so tightly scripted including the infamous train scene you simply can't make a mistake

Rimeskeem1467d ago

I think Uncharted 2 is a lot like AC2. Both games took the idea and basically improved it in every single way.

Movefasta19931466d ago

Uc2, AC2,Halo2, Soul calibur 2, Killzone 2, Infamous 2 , Dishonored 2 and a few more. The only negative thing I have against uc2, and imo it annoyed me,are the blue apes, uncharted 1 handled the super natural far better.


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Imalwaysright1502d ago

My favorite is the building collapsing on Uncharted 2.

goldwyncq1501d ago

The entire final chapter of The Lost Legacy is the best setpiece in the series and it wasn't even mentioned.