
Nier Replicant Revealed

IGN: Last week, the appearance of NieR in Famitsu under the name NieR Gestalt caused some concern for PS3 owners. The issue wasn't the name -- it was that the game was listed exclusively for the Xbox 360.

Many assumed that the game, announced at E3 as a multiplatform title, had been cancelled on PS3, something which Square Enix's international offices denied. Today, with the arrival of a new Famitsu, we can confirm that NieR is still on the way for PS3 release -- only it may be an entirely different game from the 360 version.

PS3 will be getting NieR RepliCant, a game that was teased through an ad in last week's Famitsu. As with Gestalt, the game is in development at Drakengard studio Cavia for Japanese release in 2010.

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Gabe EatsWell5361d ago

Nier Replicant > Nier Gestalt

Suck it bots. Bluray > DVD

Ninji5361d ago

So they both will be mediocre.

cemelc5361d ago

So true

I don't see square making a good game this gen, so sad

mastiffchild5361d ago

Thought it was this rather than a droped PS3 version. Still all it means is we're getting iwo versions of a game noone cares about. Are they hoping to sell it by starting a flame war that noone cares about either?

SpoonyRedMage5361d ago

I think they might be trying to avoid complaints of dumbing down or trying to appeal to the eastern demographic with Replicant and the Western demographic with Gestalt.

I don't think they're trying to start a flame war but it's inevitable.

George Sears5361d ago

Oh so the peeps who worked on Drakengard is making these Nier titles eh....

Pass for now.

5361d ago
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A NieR Retrospective with Yoko Taro, Yosuke Saito, and Keiichi Okabe

Shuhei Yoshida chats with Yoko Taro, Yosuke Saito, and Keiichi Okabe about their work in the NieR series.

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Community483d ago

Why Action Game Cameras Suck (Mostly)

One thing about the action game genre that has less evolved and to an extent has even gotten worse is the use of camera in most action games.

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SinisterMister610d ago

Good read. Some of the games mentioned in the article really do put you through your paces in terms of getting the camera right.

Bathyj610d ago

Manipulating the camera in over the shoulder view games is as much a part of the game play as it is in a first-person shooter. It's not a crutch to have a close-up camera it's a design decision to give the look and feel the developer is going for. God of Wars no cut camera is a feature many loved and gave a great connect to the action and story. Would Last of us's story have the impact it does if it was top-down isometric? I doubt it.

This article feels like an ad for Bayonetta by the end.

Cameras pulled way back so the characters are tiny is fine if that's what you're going for but it doesn't mean all games should be like that.

Nacho_Z610d ago

I don't have a lot to add to this but I'll say that whenever there's an option to do so I'll always have the camera close in.

Football games are a good example, yes if you zoom out to a birds eye view you can see everything unfolding like a general on a battlefield, and you'll be effective, but it's not fun to play that way in terms of enjoyable gameplay or immersion.

Solitariussaint609d ago (Edited 609d ago )

Wow this writer sucks at modern action games. Controlling the camera with the right stick has been a thing since the original DualShock, it's been commonplace ever since.

If you have trouble with God if War '18 and Dark Souls camera angles, then you're pretty much bad at controlling the camera period.

I prefer having the camera up close too for the most part, I wanna see more detail and be up close to the action.

Hofstaderman609d ago

Why use God of War as a thumbnail? I didn’t have an issue with the camera


The Best Post-Apocalyptic Games To Play in 2022

BLG writes: "It’s hard to get away from the post-apocalyptic genre. It saturates film, television, and video games. Nowadays, it seems like there’s a never-ending supply of destruction. Media, developers, and storytellers are obsessed with how people survive once the world ends. And with good reason! We all love getting to see a somewhat familiar world marred by zombies, the fall of man, or nuclear disaster. There is a certain excitement in imagining what society does once the world has fallen apart"

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