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PGR4: Rain Trailer in HD

Here is the "The Rain in...St. Petersberg" Trailer for PGR4, in HD. SD video embedded.

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Extra Guy6233d ago

repeat but thanks for the HD footage instead

techie6233d ago

The other footage wasnt very clear...and I got some screens for you :)

SmokeyMcBear6233d ago (Edited 6233d ago )

yeah i take my comment back on the other thread about the rain, you can see the rain.. you can see the beads of water on the car, but no interaction between the rain and the car. Also the mist kicked up by the cars on the wet track is lacking. But it does have some nice visuals.

Edit.. haha i guess people disagree because they don't think it has nice visuals.. well to each their own.

power of Green 6233d ago (Edited 6233d ago )

Holly crap!.
This game is hot! i take that back what i said earlier about the graphics and gameplay it was late and i had little sleep and i had Forza 2 built up unrealalisticly in my head.

After playing it some more the graphics are off the hook!(no jaggies, and the sun glare isnt over done like some say, looks great on my Tv anyway).

The sense of speed is amazing(love the Pagani) its so smooth and breath taking at high speeds.

The crowds are stellar(stop and look at them on a HDTV) Fucin great game all the GTHD hype of the replays have people expecting unrealalistic milestones and have some impossible expectaions built up.

After you get use to the fact that you have to apply Gas and braking using the anologe triggers(dont bold the trigger as if an acade racer) its fun as hell and challanging(for people that dont have the FFB wheel).

Game looks unbelievable after you get used to the vibrant more true to real life art style even i was like what is this!? when i first DDL the demo untill went to pick up some beer on this sunny day in Seattle and said dam Turn 10 did a hell of a job as i'm looking at the nice green tree's/grass/hills and colorful paint jobs on car etc.

Don't let Sony fanboys tell you anything about this game untill you give some time on your HDTV and 360.

Deep Brown you're so FULLOFSHIT its not even entertaining anymore, if you can find any GTHD gameplay threads on this site were Sony fanboys have ever used to compare to any 360 game i'll be more than happy to edit my post. Everybody uses the GTHD replays for their agenda.

ALLGAMER WTF are you ass hurt about skip my post fool! Blah Blah Blah I hurt your feeling, im a 360 fanboy, STFU will ya.

techie6233d ago (Edited 6233d ago )

People hyping GTHD are not talking about replays...they are talking about gameplay visuals. DOn't say people who are unimpressed Sony fanboys. I have no idea if it looks any good, but general opinion from non-fanboys appears to be amazing pleaseure in physics and sound, but let down in graphics.

POG: No I can't find a ps3 fanboy who has said that. But I could find you many devs and 360 owners and unbias people who say the exact same thing. Plus 1up, reviewers...take your pick. If you want the quotes I'd be happy to find them my dear. PGR4 looks incredible. Forza2 plays amazing.

"Gameplay is very well done and a good recreation of the feel of driving. Graphics are very underwhelming, I was anything but impressed by the visual presentation. Bland and blank backgrounds, poor road side character, very poor building detail, lighting doesnt stand out as anything impressive and car builds arent overly impressive either (jagged and lacking refinement) definetely not the visuals I would have expected out of the series."

SmokeyMcBear6233d ago (Edited 6233d ago )

haha green with envy had enough time to get off of bill nuts to make this post. Hypeing the game as much as possible, its cool man, play your little forza demo with the scratches and "authentic" sounds. Just do it somewhere else, this isnt even a forza thread.


Its gold deep.. release is may 29th.. im not sure how much more you can do in 3 weeks.

techie6233d ago

And really I want to say SO FAR. Because it's just an unfinished, unpolished demo for Forza2...and a small I expect it to look a lot better on release.

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Let's Remember Some Xbox 360 Games

Luke Plunkett of Kotaku writes, "I think we all took the Xbox 360 for granted. Other all-time greats like the SNES and PS2 seem to be remembered more fondly than Microsoft’s console, which tends to be recalled as more of a thing that happened than a platform to be treasured."

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JEECE2173d ago

A Kotaku writer pining for Xbox's golden years. I'm guessing there will be some good comments here.

Uglyday2173d ago

“WE”didn’t take it for granted, M$ did.

What happened prior to launch of the One up through current day with their marketing and focus away from games and consumers. The failure of the One has nothing to do with the 360 being great. In fact backward compatibility and the 360 is about all the One had/has going for it. Now M$ is dumping money into fornite articles to try and be seen as more than they are, a company that doesn’t give a damn about its fan boys or products.


Top 10 Racing Games of All Time

Clickonline writes "To many, cars are simply a way of getting from point A to point B. But to gamers they are a way of doing so as quickly as possible, while leaving opponents trailing in your wake. The racing genre’s grid has always been full of fierce competitors. And there’s no indication that this will change any time soon with Gran Turismo 6 taking to the start/finish straight and next-gen exclusives such as Driveclub and The Crew."

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Tesla's CEO Feared Microsoft Would Make His Car Racist And Slow

Jalopnik - I'd just taken over as Tesla's PR guy and had been contacted by old friends at Microsoft Game Studios about including the Tesla Roadster in Project Gotham Racing 4. Darryl Siry, my boss, took me into Martin Eberhard's (Tesla's Co-founder/then CEO) office to broach the topic. That's when it went very wrong.

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