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Halo 3: ODST Live-Action Trailer

"Witness the iron will of an ODST soldier as he takes on the Covenant in a war that appears to have no end."

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matt2475388d ago

More proof that Halo needs a movie

D4RkNIKON5388d ago (Edited 5388d ago )

and that the games need to look more like that, where were the neon colors and plastic toy guns? The video looked more on par with Killzone's ingame graphics and color scheme.

Phantom Disagree's are great, but responses are better.

happyface5388d ago

MS just killed sony in advertising again, amazing

joydestroy5388d ago

i agree. although i don't enjoy their games, a movie would be so badass!

Dread5388d ago

awsome, awsome, awsome

now i am even more psyched for the game!

very good ad.

BX815388d ago

My first thoughts were why isn't Halo a movie already? That was a pimp @$$ video.

rubarb235388d ago

Holy f*ck'n christ!!!!!

I want a halo movie NOW B!TCH!!!

Joey Greco RULES5388d ago

AND a movie wouldnt be bad either. :)

This trailer for the game was pretty f*ckin cool.

sonarus5388d ago

This movie did more for hopes of Halo movie than for Halo game. That trailer didn't even have a hint of gameplay and looks nothing like the ultra colorful gameplay. Halo is known as the shooter than maintains its rainbow color schemes where other shooters don't. Gears, KZ2, Resistance all criticized for being gray and they hit us with a gray trailer...NICE

JokesOnYou5388d ago (Edited 5388d ago )

Why would the trailer need to look like the game? Tons of games have had "Live-action" trailers just like Halo3 had some, its not like their trying to fool you with CGI there, lol and better yet EVERYBODY already knows what Halo in-game looks like, its artistic, colorful and everbody loves it, except a few naysayers, but who cares, just like they bashed Halo3 and still brought the game, many of them will bash ODST and still buy the game, because Halo is quality stuff. That trailer was awesome. Yes they need to make a Halo movie, I predict it will also set sales records. The Halo Universe owns.


edit, where have you been raztad, "consumers" already know what ODST looks like, vids are everywhere and if the preorders are an early indication they can't wait to get their hands on it....nobodys expecting Halo3 #'s but it will be huge. lol, you guys are funny.

evrfighter5388d ago

I'm sorry I hate console fps gaming (especially Halo) with a passion but that video was just plain bada$$.

I'd watch that movie in a heartbeat

Greywulf5388d ago

is that the *spoiler*

m e c h sequence in D9 was sort of his "F YOU" to the powers that be, what could have been but may never be.

If you saw D9/And the directors other work.. we can see something that hollywood missed.


He did halo shorts as well. Hollywood is stupid, it would have been epic with this guy.

Its just a shame MS can't show their games when they advertise.

u got owned5388d ago

This ad brings tears to my eyes... Awesomeness.

The BS Police5388d ago

One thing that people seem to forget is that real life has more color than Killzone, Call Of Duty, Gears of War, etc.

That is why Halo has color.

Heres the truth.

GUNS N SWORDS5388d ago

"sniff" ......that was a damn good video.

darthv725388d ago

I also liked the cgi one they did for halo 3 with the two kids sitting under the stars. That one was nicely done. If anyone has seen the "Believe" ads those are really good.

Off topic..does anyone else think they should have dropped the "3" from the Halo title and just made it Halo: ODST?

The game takes place before the events of 3 so the numbering doesnt quite make sense.

Just a thought.

Bnet3435388d ago

Wow, that was better than I thought. I really want a Halo movie.

Vecta5388d ago

The full version comes out September 7th when it premiers on Spike TV and it's an extra minute long. Or so I have heard.

da720izcumin5388d ago

seriously, fanboys will hate for sure...

however, even on nasim's good day, he would agree sony needs to take out a pen and take some notes on how to market their games.

II Necroplasm II5388d ago (Edited 5388d ago )

It's a shame that Peter Jackson backed out on making a Halo movie.
That came to my mind after watching this trailer.

Christopher5388d ago (Edited 5388d ago )

If only Microsoft's Halo games could make me feel half what their commercials make me feel. Definite kings of marketing, though, definite.

Edit: Quick thought - Microsoft's marketing + Uncharted 2's storyline and characters = ultimate game that will move you and have enjoyable gameplay. Though, Naughty Dog/Sony hasn't been doing bad with their commercials, they could step it up a few notches... Oh, and actually air some commercials on TV.

Godmars2905388d ago

Because MS wants most of the money as well as publicity. That's why Jackson and most studios pulled out.

Hildor_muthafo5387d ago

that I ACTUALLY want to play the game now. Dang you marketing schemes!

tripewire5387d ago


There isnt a halo movie because MS are a bunch of money grubbing whores. TWO studios combined couldnt afford to make it. There are some good interviews with the Director of D9 that shed some light on the situation, but basically the studios got sick of trying to deal with MS and decided over the course of a day it wasnt going to happen.

Although I'm kinda glad. District 9 is incredible.

Oh and this trailer = Likey

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Elven65388d ago

That was AMAZING! These live action skits are always amazing, great work everyone involved!

N4PS3G5388d ago

The bar for videogames ads have been raised with this!

raztad5388d ago (Edited 5388d ago )

Halo Wars yet again?

I'm sure a gamer would appreciate some gameplay.

@guys bellow

I'm not missing anything. I find likable that any cinematic trailer includes some real gameplay footage for the consumers to see.

Elven65388d ago

I think you've missed the point of the skit, the boy at the start is the ODST soldier and the older guy at the end, basically showing his transformation through the war.

Also, it's a shooter, how much more different can it get?!?!

La Chance5388d ago

Halo Wars had a demo that was downloaded MILLION of times...MILLIONS.

ODST has HALO 3 on the box...HALO 3. They could have called the game Halo ODST but they didnt they called it HALO 3 ODST.

So what were you saying again ?

BX815388d ago

@raztad If you need gameplay with this trailer then you obviously have missed the whole lot of ODST game play videos out. You should look those up afterwards. This trailer was bad @ss and so were the Halo wars. Movie inbound?

ShabzS5388d ago (Edited 5388d ago )

hah halo wars yet again it seems... so i suppose you missed that news about halo wars being the most downloaded demo on xbl to date huh.. 2 million downloads in its first week

you ppl need to stop with that mindset ... ms is not mind controlling the customers and people can think for themselves ... they also know how to check the back of the game box, download demos and talk to other people... not everyone that sees a live action halo ad on tv goes out and buys an xbox thinking it looks like that... people have brains if you didnt know

Christopher5388d ago

Kind of have to disagree with you there. Yeah, people can think, but most people are motivated more by emotion than logic when it comes to these type of purchases. Even further, people who get together with people of like minds will discuss these commercials more, about how awesome they are and how great the game will likely be, which is a method of peer reinforcement, meaning you feel more obligated knowing that your friends will get it and you'll feel left out if you don't have it.

So, yeah, people can do those things you mention, but they rarely do so without their emotional decision already having made the decision for them.

Double Toasted5388d ago

we know how much you love Halo, you're in every article that pops up about it...

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albert_2755388d ago

But I'm getting ODST anyways. Good game. Better trailer.

darkgunner5388d ago

Apparently this isn't the full version and a longer one is gonna be up soon.

Elven65388d ago

That would be awesome, did Blomkamp/Weta do these as well?

M337ING5388d ago

If they did, they've really improved. This is way beyond the last live-action ads...

White_hell5388d ago

does anyone know the music used in this trailer.
Its pretty awesome

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*cream* specially at that music! we need odst 2!