
El33tonline Review: Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (DS)

To start with Henry Hatsworth is a breath of fresh air: a new platforming game with a great new character from EA, a publisher that was once famous for its release-every-year strategy. But, sadly, it turns stale after a while and becomes downright stenchy near the end of the game as the cheapness of the level design is bound to cause all but the most hardened gamer to throw down their DS in disgust.

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The Power of Personality in The Power of Illusion

"Other gaming mascots better watch out, because the release of The Power of Illusion will mean Mickey's third major game appearance for the year 2012 -- other two being Kingdom Hearts 3D and Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. Serving as a handheld spiritual successor to Castle of Illusion and what appears to be a close relative to DuckTales, The Power of Illusion promises to be a strong experience all on its own without relying heavily on Disney Epic Mickey's anticipated sequel to give it momentum." -- Wiiloveit.com

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Wiiloveit4378d ago

One And Done: Will These Characters Return?

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Not every video game hero has a career like Mario and Sonic's. Of course, not every game deserves a sequel. Some were never meant to produce a series, while others bombed at retail, the respective publishers cutting their losses and moving on to something presumably more lucrative.

As a result, many of these characters fade into obscurity, killing the opportunity to see them again.

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Top Ten Nintendo DS Hidden Gems

With the Nintendo 3DS coming out soon Paranerds.com wanted to show that the Nintendo DS offers something else for everyone. We all know that Nintendo DS offers games like New Super Mario Bros., Brain Age, Nintendogs, Metroid and Tetris, but what about the games you walked by and ignored that were in bins for half the price? What about games you wanted to try but were too afraid to do so. What else does the Nintendo DS offer? They told you what games to play for the Nintendo Wii that was third party, and now they are telling you to try these hidden gems for the Nintendo DS. These are games that are not other wise known or have been highly looked over, so no Metal Slug 7 and no Contra 4.

Paranerds.com presents the Top Ten Nintendo DS Hidden Gems.

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MrMccormo4995d ago

Nice article! The DS is chock full of awesome game. I think it's scientifically impossible to play all of the good ones in a lifetime.