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'PS3 Slim' rumor fervor hard to fathom

"Fanboy-driven fervor with no substance.

A rumored new PlayStation 3 form factor that could well be on the horizon...But why..people seem to be so excited about this as-yet-unseen console? After all, the PS3..has lagged far behind its competitors.

Even when the video game industry was still roaring...the PS3..badly trailed both the Wii and Xbox. Yet by all measures, Sony has come up short with the PS3.

So why all the enthusiasm?

"The only real (reason) I can (think of) is 'fandom' or 'fan-boy-ness"..hopes it will help Sony pull out of third place in the console race..For others..something smaller, and possibly cooler--current PS3s run pretty warm."

..slow sales aside..this may be Sony's chance to catch up...For me, it doesn't make sense. To be sure, I'm not one of the partisans, but I just can't help thinking that even a newer, slimmer PS3 is still going more expensive than its rivals, and have a games library generally seen as less impressive than what's available for Xbox.

And clearly, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

"I think it's an overblown waste of time"..until we know, it's just rumors and speculation to torment the fanboy mind."

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Myst-Vearn5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
Not a news story... seriously Mods. WTF?
Armyless5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
Umm terrible taking quotes out of context
roslindros5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Wrong story type
Should be
Why is this in the Xbox and Wii Section?
locos855404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
villevalorox5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
velaxun5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
Completely taken out of context. The description is nothing like the actual article itself.
NickIni5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
Horrible editing and this should not have been approved because of that.
Nineball21125404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
confusing, how did this get approved?
StalkingSilence5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
a story bashing fanboys, which is clearly written by a fanboy?
stevenhiggster5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Lalander5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
More flamebait brought to you by CNET.
Information Minister5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
2 sentences in and i knew it was a cnet article without looking. there should be some quality standards on this site.
beavis4play5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
description is misleading its taken from an e-mail qoute
iagainsti1205404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
Horrible hack and lash job of editing
Boody-Bandit5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
mimizone5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
The editing on N4G is horrible as is the original article. children posting 'articles' should not downgrade the N4G experience.
SiLeNt KNighT5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
The description is a complete hatchet job, totally misrepresenting the entire article. You can't just cut and paste from all over the article in the description to change it's meaning.
Anon19745405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
Don't pick and choose quotes to change the article. "Fanboy-driven fervor with no substance," is from an email the writer received he mentions, not a description of the article.
Anon19745405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
This is a terribly written article. How has the PS3 library been considered worse than the 360's? The PS3 has had FAR more AAA titles in the past two years than the abysmal 360. This story = FAIL, sorry.
NJShadow5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Automat5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad spelling
Automat5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
NJShadow5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Cnet = lame
chaosatom5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
BaSeBaLlKiD7215405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
we've hard dozens of the slim articles.. most have been failed lately.. this one shouldn't be the exception
BulletToothtony5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
✔ Fixed
Bad Editing
-Mezzo-5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Oh please no more slim speculations, opinions, rumors or whatever!
Gue15405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
✔ Fixed
Bad Editing
Shorten the description, only a paragraph is necessary.
Salvadore5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
usern4g5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

I think the author is dead-on-the money.

I've said many times -- and heard it oft repeated -- that the ps3 slim is just a non-issue frankly.

Sony must start a price war to jump start it's install base -- just as Activision warned -- unless they do not, they will continue to languish and fail in distant 3rd.

I expect a $230-$260 PS3 by January - slim or not, things arent looking good for PS3 (PS3 sales are in freefall and titles are not earning sales).

I know this will bristle the feathers of a loyalist crowd at N4G, but please, consider this soberly before you hit disagree or nail bubbles, their isnt much good news for Sony's distant 3rd console in some time.

The PS3 had a bad start, a brief recovery and now a long steady decline. The PS3 slim - unless it is all-but "Dumped" at a super low price point, isnt going to make any dent.

And, as Carmack said, I fully expect the PS4 to hit market first for Sony to quickly try and end this gen.

randomwiz5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

we'll find out in 12 hours about a price drop.

There's no way Sony will sell the ps3 at $399 when production costs are $240. You really think that they'll keep the price at $399.

"PS3 sales are in freefall and titles are not earning sales"
PS3 software sales aren't bad.

BulletToothtony5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

if they were released at the same time the ps3 would be ahead..

More importantly, the ps3 has a wider variety with better titles than the 360 does now.. so why do i care if it hasn't caught up yet..

People love to forget that the 360 came out a year earlier and the ps3 came out almost a year and a half later in europe.. so get your numbers right MS_Cnet and stop trying to put down the ps3 like you always have since it came out..

poindat5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

You may think he is right, but there is one thing that certainly does not belong in this article... The 'PS3 has no games' argument.

I'm trying really hard to keep a middle ground here, but come on... does he even have a PS3? The PS3 library is just as good as the 360 one.... In fact, they are almost completely similar. The majority of "must own" titles are multiplatform, and there are enough great exclusives to fill the gaps on both consoles.

For every exclusive the 360 has, the PS3 has one to match and vice-versa.

There was no reason whatsoever for him to include the games argument in a PS3 Slim article anyway. Higher sales aren't going to change a thing... 3rd party exclusives are all but gone; 1st party is where it's at, and more sales are NOT going to make a 1st party dev make more or less exclusives or switch sides (that is laughable).


TheBand1t5405d ago

Cherrypie's new account I see.

Aclay5405d ago

"The PS3 slim - unless it is all-but "Dumped" at a super low price point, isnt going to make any dent."

Did you forget what happened the last time the PS3 got a price cut in Nov. 2007? It outsold the 360 for the first half of 2008 Worldwide and in the U.S., and in 2008 the PS3 temporarily surpassed the 360's installbase in Europe despite launching over a year later and costing more. It wasn't until Microsoft dropped the 360's price in Europe last year for a 2nd time that they regained the lead in that territory, but after GT5 hits, I expect that to change.

And despite the PS3's so called "low sales", the 360 has ONLY sold 0.1 million more during the first half of this year. In that case, if PS3 sales are low, then so are the 360's because the PS3's cheapest console is half price of the 360 Arcade.

I'll just end my comment with: FFXIII in Japan + GT5 + PS3 Slim/$299 PS3 = MASSIVE Impact, there's no doubt about it. With system sellers like that on the horizon, a PS3 Slim or simply just a cheaper PS3 will make a HUGE dent.

Anon19745405d ago

Read the article. Now compare it to the description above. The two aren't even remotely similar. The poster took some guys email that's mentioned in the article and copied it above to make it sound like this random email is the authors opinion that he's expressing. It's not. It's some guys email the author simply mentions in the article.

What a hack job usern4g pulled in submitting this article. He completely misrepresents the article by cutting and pasting random quotes from throughout the article. This should have been failed in it's current form until he fixed that description.

solidjun55405d ago

I wouldn't be surprised at the very least. Not at all.

On a lighter note. Did SONY step on CNET's bichon frise?

aparri245405d ago

Does ANYONE even consider why there is SO MUCH anticipation around a price cut/new model of the Black Beast!!!!!..... There is so much anticipation because it's a price cut/new model to maybe one of the greatest consoles ever manufactured in video gaming history, if not THE BEST.... the variety and diversity of the console is second to none.... no other console on the planet right now is more technically impressive than the PS3....

Here's a link and testament to what I'm talking about:

Here is another one:

so you see the technical gibberish may not mean alot to all you fanboys... but I know why I purchased my PS3.... I don't regret any cent I paid for it either.... because I realize quality and value when I see it.... there is no way I am going to purchase a console that has a 33% to 54% failure rate, I'm sorry.....

The PS3 is where it's at to play the games that DEFINE this generation simple fact.... the competition doesn't come close..... the sheer quality of exclusives speak for themselves, and they are only going to get better..... so when this generation over and the media looks back to nominate the games that stood out for GAME OF THE GENERATION award, it will be the PS3 exclusives that will be competing against one another..... the competition will be utterly left behind in terms of QUALITY.....

Headshot815405d ago

"Fanboy-driven fervor with no substance".
Slim or no slim, price is what matters, and sony will be dropping prices like hot potatoes. If theres a slim, that would be the icing on the cake. Clearly, i haven't heard any good ps3 articles from CNET. Theres a million more great things that the ps3 has to offer, why only concentrate on the bad all the time, when sony is starting to gain momentum?

iagainsti1205404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

@ aparri24 1.9 - "PS3 dominates even in third place ",
do you read anything that you type in what universe does 3rd place = domination, I'm just wondering that's all.
oh Cryptologic Algorithms have nothing to do with game performance, same with Linux <- i don't care if the ps3 can run it iv got a real computer to use to surf the webs and i can't stand the Linux GUI.
oh and i think the best console ever was the SNES i like the huge library of very fun games it has and its uber light gun.<- not making that up really is my favorite system

I would love for there to be a slim ps3 i would buy one now if it was out but until then ill keep my eye out for launch models so i can get backwards compatibility, i really want to play Rage on a PS3 since its gunna be split up on to 2 discs for xbox.

eagle215404d ago

go play teh geeerz and teh HaLo. lol :)

iagainsti1205404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

"1.12 - @usern4G... I think that's the most stupid comment in N4G history.
go play teh geeerz and teh HaLo. lol :) "

I'm have to agree with you on that i can't stand outlandish fanboy comments like that.

below not aimed at eagle21 just me ranting
I like my xbox 360 a lot but i would also like a ps3 and if they lower the price or make a slim, I'll buy it. I just cant afford to buy a new system right now between bills expenses, going out with friends and coworkers, buying new games/movies it gets hard to afford a $360-$450 (prices from NewEgg) console.

FamilyGuy5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

The description is written like a comment straight from usern4gs keyboard. Then I see he posted it and edited the actual article to make this the description. Picking and choosing how HE wanted to describe what was being said.

It's ridiculous that this was approved in this form.

The PS3 console itself has the most anticipation behind anything going on with it compared to any other ELECTRONIC in history (well since the light bulb and then the radio and then the Tv)
To say a price drop wouldn't do much is a clear sign that someone or something has brainwashed you.

I assure you, Microsoft is scarred sh1tless right now and rightly so. You should be aware of the possibilities as well.
M$ knows that the PS3 was dominating last year and they HAD TO preform an act of desperation to keep market share.
M$ knows that the PS3 has PASSED them in notable exclusives
M$ knows that if someone saw their console and sonys console priced the same at a retail store that their console would be COMPLETELY ignored.
M$ knows that their year head start is their only saving grace as the PS3 with two competitors on the market and at the highest break in price still managed to sell more consoles in 2.5 years than they did at a lower break in price and NO competition for a year and more in some countries.

The PS3s price is EVERYTHING. There's literally nothing to complain about with that console. Some may want a feature or two or an upgraded feature but for the most part owning a PS3 and no other console would keep ANY gamer happy right now.

Think about it.

Syronicus5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

Two things...

First, you agree with Activision and what that douche bag Kotick said about the PS3...

Second, you quote Carmack.

These are two obvious reasons why I say you need a healthy does of...

Microsoft Xbox 3605404d ago

LOL @ description. That's open zone material right there. He tries to write all smart but ends up looking like an idiot instead. 360 fanboys are so desperate these days.

Qayin5404d ago

If the 360 has a 54% failure rate wouldnt that mean that there is more PlayStation 3s in customers homes its simple math

Arthur_5404d ago

Its not going to sell, until Sony drops the price, and markets the console to the public better.

Raptors5404d ago

I will definitely be purchasing a slim. Unfortunately my ps3 fans come on about 15 mins into usage and is very loud. Love the system, hate the fact it runs so warm.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5404d ago
PirateThom5405d ago

"After all, the PS3..has lagged far behind its competitors. "

More bull from CNET, pretty much neck and neck with its competitor since it launched.

usern4g5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

I'm sorry -- and I'm trying to be delicate and respectful -- but I cannot see how you could possibly reach that conclusion.

The PS3 is *well* back in 3rd place. PS3 sales since last Fall have been worse than the the year prior (ie: A further decline/distance in 3rd).

Game sales have been very poor.

3rd parties are saying "increase the install base or we drop you". Carmack has said "Sony will release PS4 first" due to the obvious state of the PS3.

Your vision of the current state of PS3 is just unattached from reality frankly. I'm sorry that bothers you, I'm sorry you're not comfortable with that - but it's time for sober reality: The PS3 is well on track to being a case-study in Console failure.

PirateThom5405d ago

You want some "harsh reality".

PS3 is double the price of the 360.

Last year, their sales were neck and neck, this year, the 360 had a 0.1m lead.

That's the "harsh reality" of the PS3s "failure".

chaosdivine5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

"3rd parties are saying 'increase the install base or we drop you'."

Who are these companies that are saying this? The only recent comment from someone that said something similar was from Bobby "idiot" Kotick (the same idiot who said he would raise game prices even further during a worldwide recession if it was up to him)who was clearly bluffing and just putting out an empty threat to Sony. After looking at Activision's last quarterly reports, Activision would have to be complete idiots to drop the PS3 as they make good revenue.

"Carmack has said 'Sony will release PS4 first' due to the obvious state of the PS3."

Because we all know Carmack has inside info at Sony Computer Entertainment. He's no more knowledgeable about the next Playstation's release than a random forum poster.

I also think you have a very US-centric view of things and need to look at the bigger picture which would be worldwide performance.

randomwiz5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

"The PS3 is well on track to being a case-study in Console failure"

Im sorry, but did you start gaming this gen? The ps3 has surpassed the lifetime sales of the gamecube, and its nearing the lifetime sales of the orginial xbox.

You have no idea what a real console failure looks like

usern4g5405d ago


Right. Because the president of Activision should be considered an "idiot" in the industry.

If you think men with that kind of power say *anything* in public they dont mean or dont intend to be taken seriously you're fooling yourself.

*rolls eyes*

Megaton5405d ago

One 3rd party said that about the PS3, and several others mocked that 3rd party for it. Thom is absolutely correct about the numbers too. Chock up the rest of the difference to the 360 getting outta the gate a year earlier.

Seriously, what the hell Cnet? Are you hiring your writers out of N4G's Open Zone?

Genesis55405d ago

The president of Activision didn't seem to mind the $150 million in revenue Sony generated for them. How does he tell the stock holders the he is going cease collecting that money?

RememberThe3575405d ago

Dude, stop trying. If you were right Thom would have agreed with you. He's one of the most logical people on this site. It is this kind of crap that need to be reined in here. These type of comments don't add to the discussion. Instead they miss lead it down a path of fanboyish bickering.

And if you really think that Kotick was being real, check out Howard Stringer response:

Oh and Biowre's comment:

Anon19745405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

The idea that the PS3 isn't keeping up with the competition isn't supported by the facts. 2007, dead even. 2008, dead even with the 360. Even with the 360's price cut so far for the first half of 2009 Microsoft and Sony's own fiscal updates show only 190,000 separates the two consoles. The notion that somehow the PS3 isn't selling doesn't stand up to the facts. It's moved millions more units in it's first 2 1/2 years then the 360 did in it's first 2 1/2 years providing overwhelming evidence that the PS3 is being adopted by consumers at a much faster rate than the 360.

Last year for the first 8 months of the year the 360 was trailing the PS3 by over a million consoles. Then a price cut turned it around so it could end the year with a virtual tie. You really don't think that a price cut for the PS3 this year could easily erase the 360's 190,000 console lead worldwide so far in 2009?

Parapraxis5405d ago

usern4g - 1 hour ago

HMMM...I think that last option sounds good.
What a fail article, fail description and fail troll.

solidjun55405d ago

you're more a fanboy than an objective observer. Particularly with choice comments like "The PS3 is well on track to being a case-study in Console failure". Seriously just stop. That fact you're fervently defending this article with augments that does not support the 'Reality' of the current generation shows how you're REALLY being respectful and delicate.

Also...this is from Nothing new here.

ZOMBIEMAN15405d ago

i think Cnet are just trying to take away the hype because these past days there were tons of Sony article based on that a price cut could happen and the slim possible new games it's crazy hell MS & nintendo got 0 hype at gamescon that's why there down playing PS3 slim and honestly why call it pointless now where were they when Sony made a slim of PSOne , PS2 & PSP it's what Sony does they always make a slim

ZuperAmazingCooKie5405d ago

In fact, PS3 is the 3rd best-selling console at its current rate, only behind the Wii (which sucks according to many gamers) and PS2 (which is the best console ever by any objective measure you can think off). That means it is above 360, PS1, NES, SNES, Genesis and N64, none of which are considered failures.

It can only be concluded that UserN4G is a deluded fanboy.

JonnyBigBoss5405d ago

You have won every argument I have seen you get into. Mind me asking how you do it? These guys just have no way to counter you. Your irrefutable factual evidence stomps the logical fallacies and irrationality that the 360 users that plague this site post.

commodore645404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

It's sad how statistics are skewed, misrepresented, and taken out of context in this thread, just so people can delude themselves into thinking they have won arguments.
Let's review some basic facts, shall we?

Fact is,
this past year, including the most recent quarter, the ps3 is being outsold EXTREMELY convincingly, despite doubling as a cheap bluray player - a decisive advantage that the competition does not have.

Fact is,
in the last twelve months, the sales gap has grown back to what it was in 2006.

Fact is,
Ps3 sales have FALLEN year on year, while 360 sales have RISEN year on year.

Fact is,
Sony desperately needs a price cut to compete, but CANNOT afford it, despite the 70% PS3 cost reduction.

Fact is,
the high PS3 price ironically is used to excuse inferior sales, but concurrently is ALSO used to justify PS3 value and inclusions, which SHOULD translate into market leading sales, yet do not!
(think about it)

Fact is,
given the reputation of the ps2, the ps3 should be doing much better.
No brainer.

Fact is,
the ps3 is third and falling further behind, after 3 years on the market, after multiple sku revisions and price drops, after MGS4, after LBP, after R2, after Motorstorm2, after Killzone2, after 'Home' and despite free PSN!

Bottom line:
No matter which way you spin, guys, the above facts remain.
So yeah, if you want to congratulate yourselves on winning 'arguments', then feel free. It seems that not much else is left...

RememberThe3575404d ago

Your using assumptions and conjecture and expecting us to take it as fact. (It's amazing actually)

Fact is, your taking an incredibly micro-economic view of the situation, which doesn't help you point since they have a ten year business model for the PS3.

Fact is, Sony already knows what they need to do and they will do it mark my word on that.

Fact is, taking a broad look at the industry as a whole, it's doing quite swimmingly.

But you go ahead with your doom and gloom, and keep reading only what you want the fact to tell you.

snp5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

"Fact is,
this past year, including the most recent quarter, the ps3 is being outsold EXTREMELY convincingly, despite doubling as a cheap bluray player - a decisive advantage that the competition does not have."

I don't consider the numbers EXTREMELY convincing personally. As for Bluray; the prices on cheap players have come down significantly in the last year. The PS3 has nowhere near the price advantage on this front that it had back in say 2007.

Fact is,
in the last twelve months, the sales gap has grown back to what it was in 2006.

Fact is,
Ps3 sales have FALLEN year on year, while 360 sales have RISEN year on year.

The 'fact' is that the XBox had an enormous price cut on the back of falling sales and losing marketshare (which granted has turned things around for them). The 'fact' is that Sony whether through obstinence or inability hasn't countered this price cut - what happens when they do is the entire debate.

Fact is,
Sony desperately needs a price cut to compete, but CANNOT afford it, despite the 70% PS3 cost reduction.

Who knows whether they can or not? The bulk of gaming revenue comes from royalties on game sales. I've not seen an equation done myself to prove or dispel the advantages of pricing the PS3 more competitively - and certainly your link provides no 'facts' either way (just shows what happens to companies who provide non-essentials during global recessions).

Fact is,
the high PS3 price ironically is used to excuse inferior sales, but concurrently is ALSO used to justify PS3 value and inclusions, which SHOULD translate into market leading sales, yet do not!
(think about it)

In an ideal world where each consumer has interest in the extras and where parents aren't buying for kids on limited budgets etc, and where an economic recession globally isn't making 'cheapest option' more preferable... yes, in that world - which isn't this one atm - you'd have a point.

In 'this' world, 'fact' is an entry price half that of the most similar competitor - with many of the same games - is the difference between a buy and not a buy.

I've just invested some money in a managed fund - i had two options: 1)have a big chunk taken out upfront but much lower ongoing fees, or 2)have no entry fee but higher ongoing fees. My adviser said he always recommends 2, but finds people go with option 1. Why? Because people bulk at paying up front - even if it costs them in the long run.

It's not a coincidence MS has the Arcade unit. They'd be well aware of the psychology of "$199!!!", and its effect on people regardless what extras are or aren't included.

Fact is,
given the reputation of the ps2, the ps3 should be doing much better.
No brainer.

Sure. Mind you, Sony could have cut the PS2 off at the knees and probably pushed a number of sales through on the PS3 had they chosen to follow Microsofts path with the XBox. Not doing so has pro's and cons.

Fact is,
the ps3 is third and falling further behind, after 3 years on the market, after multiple sku revisions and price drops, after MGS4, after LBP, after R2, after Motorstorm2, after Killzone2, after 'Home' and despite free PSN!

Falling further behind atm, catching quite convincingly pre-significant price last cut on the XBox. Future? Remains to the be seen.

As the dearest entry price console of the two by 2:1 - and more in areas outside the US (eg. Australia is more 2.5:1) - the PS3 has the most waggle room in terms of picking up interested 'but can't afford it; especially at the moment' customers. Whether they manage to or not we'll find out if and when the price comes down.

iagainsti1205404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

if you want a console that became a case study look no further than the piece of flaming dog crap that is the SEGA Genesis with the SEGA CD and 32x add-on or the SEGA Saturn, the NEO-Geo, Sega Game Gear, the 3DO, and Virtual Boy

Information Minister5404d ago

@ Commodore 64:

Your OPINION isn't FACT. But here's some "facts" of my own for ya: with 1 year head start and at half the price, the Xbox 360 should now have twice the PS3's install base. But it doesn't. In fact, the 360's lead right now is comparable to what it was when the PS3 was first released. It was even outsold by the more expensive PS3 for a while, forcing Microsoft to drop the price. Now, with rumors of a PS3 price cut, there's a high chance the PS3 will once again surpass the 360 in monthly sales. And that's why xbox fanboys such as yourself are in hyper-fud mode, doing damage control left and right.

@ johnscooper:

The CD-I, the Jaguar and the 5200 were miserable failures. The Genesis, the Saturn and the Neo-Geo were not.

Bubble Buddy5404d ago

I agree. Pirate Thom is one of the most honest and logical people on this site. We'll see today what happens.

Goomba125404d ago

In software sales it has been lacking behind the competition. Hardware sales have been alright, considering the price point. I feel the price point is what is affecting software sales. The Ps3 has great games, just not a whole lot of them.

iagainsti1205400d ago

I know the Sega Genesis is not a failure what i was trying to say was that the Sega CD and the 32x were failures and sucked badly as for the Sega Saturn i never even knew anyone who bought one and the neo-geo i never cared about either.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5400d ago
Ziriux5405d ago

Yay, great more PS3 slim articles.

Ace_2355405d ago

this is some pretty biased stuff.
I own both consoles but xbox library is not impressive over ps3's at all.
the only thing i like more about the xbox library is the rpgs.
But i still play my ps2 rpgs more then any system.
I'm not saying the xbox's library is lackluster just saying its not better then ps3's.
I still love gears of war and all. just sayin.

Pistolero5404d ago

You can't substitute your opinions for facts though....the 360 does have a much larger library of games with more games at every rating...above 80...above 90...etc. I'm not saying the PS3 has a bad library because I have a PS3 and I really like many of its games...but it is an objective fact that the 360 has a larger library of well scoring games.

cmrbe5405d ago

how is 8 million behind a distant 3rd?.

PS3 fanboys are not the ones bringing up all these rumors. Its the media/industry/gamers.

I know Cnet is biased but this is downright stupid.

hates video games5405d ago

but oh well. Cnet is a pretty stinky site. They have nothing ever useful on there site.

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Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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Community1d 7h ago
GhostScholar1d 5h ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder1d ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing6914h ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

Popsicle7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Yes please. Did pretty much everything there was to do in this game. Took a very long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Skyrim is one of my all-time favorites, but I would prefer a new experience.

anast11h ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree7h ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Community1d 16h ago
Skuletor1d 16h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde1d 11h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast1d 11h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows1d 10h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

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Hotpot1d 8h ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear211d 10h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning771d 6h ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger1d 6h ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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