
SEGA Is More Open To New RPGs Than Square Enix


Tri-Ace's upcoming role-playing-game End of Eternity is being published by SEGA, not Square Enix.

Explains tri-Ace developer and EoE director Takayuki Suguro, "Because SEGA has a more open attitude towards accepting new RPG ideas than Square Enix, we'd decided to have SEGA release End of Eternity." Previously, Suguro worked on Square Enix titles Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics

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gaffyh5408d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Lucreto5408d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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http://n4g.com/dev/News-371382.aspx you have it in related
hay5408d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
GameGambits5408d ago

Someone else already posted this article on here on N4G a few days back. Well more like the interview it was taken from for the information.

I remember saying something like, "This is probably why SO3 and SO4 as well as Infinite Undiscovery were such fails in my book when compared to Star Ocean: The Second Story. I hope this game can reach that level of quality as that game did back on PS1, since it still remains as my favorite game of all time."

I recently bought the added content port of Star Ocean: The Second Story as Second Evolution on my PSP. Big mistake to be honest. I can easily tell there is NO way Tri-Ace would have willingly let the port use crappier voice acting, ruin the great art style to dumb into generic anime, and topple it with hum drum anime cut scenes. It's not an enhanced version of the PS1 classic...it's a freaking massacre to what made it so good. Only SquareEnix could be behind such a stupid move. Odds are that + Star Ocean: The Last Hopes crap effect to their name made them finally just push away from them to make a successful game.

I really think End of Eternity/Resonance of Fate will blow us all away when we get our hands on it next year.

gaffyh5408d ago

@zlatko - Thanks for that man, I thought I was losing my mind for a second. I was sure I'd read this exact title posted a few weeks ago.

erathaol5408d ago

SEGA aspirations to create and own long standing franchises is very refreshing.

@gaffyh : Yeah it was posted before.

Noct5408d ago (Edited 5408d ago )

The US release is going to be dumbed down because of the 360.

"“We will have English American voices,” he said. “Unfortunately, just to squeeze it in, because we wanted to keep the gap small, some things will be text. But we know that a lot of JRPG fans just play with the Japanese voice overs on with the subtitles anyway. The hardcore fans will definitely use that."

"Oh, and in case you were wondering, the Xbox 360 version will come on one disc."

Source- http://www.videogamer.com/x...

So Sega are actually removing some audio in the english release just to "squeeze" in the Japanese voices because of the DVD9. They intend to release a whole non cell-shaded RPG on one ******* DVD9.

Atleast with FFXIII it's going to be on multi-discs to the game is built around how much space blu-ray offers.

locos855408d ago

Well I hope someone starts churning out JRPGs. This gen has been disappointing so far regarding JRPG.


10 Most Overlooked RPGs That You Should Play Now

Many overlooked RPGs lie dormant in the catalogues of gaming, but players can pick up their swords and shields with these amazing JRPG hidden gems!

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Community175d ago

8 Underrated JRPG Games That You Can Play in 2021

From Xfire: "The golden era of JRPGs has long since passed, with more traditional RPGs having planted themselves firmly under the spotlight for the better part of the past two decades. However, while there's not been as many JRPG games released in recent years, there's still enough of them being released that results in certain titles slipping under the proverbial radar."

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Community1187d ago
jznrpg1187d ago

The only game I don’t own and never heard of is Fell Seal , I’ll look into it

NecrumOddBoy1187d ago

Highly recommended if you like FF Tactics. I believe it was Colin Moriarty's (Last Stand Media) GOTY last year.

Positivelypositive 1187d ago

Most of these are the weak story jrpgs which is why its an easy pass for myself. I don't have love to turn based or tactics battles systems but I enjoy the other aspects of jrpgs. The most important aspect to me is the story. I have put up with playing horrible battle systems and mini games that should never exist to enjoy the lengthy and amazing stories these games have. For some reason around the PS3 days they seemed to think, who cares about story just worry about battle system and crafting. So if those are the things you're looking for then this list is for you.

Zeldafan641186d ago

You must not have been playing RPGs for almost 30 years.

Unknown_Gamer57941187d ago

I’ve been trying to get back into playing JRPGs lately. With the recent release of Persona 5 Strikers, I finally decided to start playing Royal. I don’t know if I can make the time for just any JRPG though, and Persona games are always an experience and a half.


Resonance of Fate 4K/HD Edition getting a physical release in Asia

Arc System Works announced today that Resonance of Fate 4K/HD Edition will be getting a physical release in Asian territories starting this December.

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Community1668d ago
Father__Merrin1668d ago

very memorable game for me last generation. nothing will ever beat the ps360wii era for me

ScoreBunnie1668d ago

I just want a remaster of Infinite Undiscovery on Xbox Scarlett and PS5.

Father__Merrin1668d ago

Will never ever happen it sold like pants. But was an excellent jrpg imo

ScoreBunnie1667d ago

Indeed it was, it was better game that Resonance and Remnant imo. Square has struggled to make a AAA game of that caliber since. The IP needs to be sold, then again I can say that of any square franchise that isn't Romance Saga, Final Fantasy, or Dragon Quest.