
Killzone 3 is in development

PS3Hype writes: 'A few day's ago there was an small gaming event in Amsterdam where people from the Dutch developer studio's where talking about gaming. On this event one of the developers from Guerrilla Games (Killzone 2), said something about Killzone 3.'

UPDATE: I'm trying to get a video with subtitles online!

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Stryfeno25436d ago (Edited 5436d ago )

Umm, why?

MGOelite5436d ago

funny i said the same about halo 3 and gow2

dustgavin5436d ago

Patchstation is asking why there has to be so many amazing PS3 titles being released. Either that or he his asking why he wasted his money on a 360.

LarVanian5436d ago

Because Sony likes getting great 1st party games out for PS3 owners. Unlike MicroSoft who like getting timed 3rd party exclusives out for 360 owners.

-x.Red.x-5436d ago

what!? another AAA exclusive?

oh noes


yes why indeed..

Stryfeno25436d ago

Yes, look at all those disagree I get by just asking a simple question. LOL. Plus, no-one answered it.

The gaming GOD5436d ago (Edited 5436d ago )

Nobody (except LarVanian, and I don't even know why he bothered lol) answered it because it was a stupid question. Why does ANY company continue to make games. And in case you want to try to pull the sales and profit card, KZ2 is well over a million seller and has made profit.

Plus given the fact that you're a WELL KNOWN troll in PS3 and/or Sony news you're prone to disagrees

And if you actually paid attention, you'd notice LarVanian did answer you stupid question

Stryfeno25436d ago (Edited 5436d ago )

And yes I do own the game for those who is PMing me. He did not answer my question.

Man_of_the_year5436d ago (Edited 5436d ago )

Well i may not agree with patchstations name....i ask myself the same question "why". KZ2 is SOny's first party flagship. yet it has sold only around 2 million units. There are currently around 23 million PS3's out there. 2 million for a flagship title is not good. Say it as you may, but it is not a great return on profit when considering the game took 5 years to develope (creation of engine is included in the 5 years). Now with the engine already completed, it won't take as long to develope another kZ usining the engine. In this case the cost for Development will be reduced, however, with only around 2 million KZ2's sold....there isn't as much of a fanbase for the franchise for when KZ3 comes out.

Disagree as much as you want but that is a valid point.

Consoldtobots5436d ago

ok I'll bite

because only in the mind of xbots is this game a "failure" in any way shape or form. I remember you turd-jockeys were even predicting the end of the franchise because it didn't sell 10 million copies in its first week. fanboys........can't live with em, can't stop their moms from putting their pic on the back of a milk carton.

KZ2ninepointFLOP5436d ago

Why o' Why they making another one of me? I flop hard and my sequel is just another disaster.

You bought an Xbox5436d ago

Some of the Numptys above Bought an Xbox !!!
Ha Ha !!!
Looooosers !!!

rucky5436d ago (Edited 5435d ago )

Just goes to show how dumb you xbots are when you mock Sony sales huh

talltony5435d ago

Since the engine is up and running and the development time is slashed in half. Maybe they can spend more money on the actual advertisments now?

The gaming GOD5435d ago (Edited 5435d ago )

Where are you getting this "KZ2 took five years" nonsense? Killzone 2 was developed in 3 1/2 years. Not five.

Killzone 1 isn't even a FULL five years old considering KZ1 wasn't completed until November 2004. So I'd love to see the facts on this "KZ2 took 5 or more years" that you all keep trying to spout

-MD-5435d ago

Didn't they lose their ass on Killzone 2? Why bother making a 3rd?

Wasn't it 60 million to make and they sold less than 2 million copies?

karan86245435d ago

Easy question. Its because Killzone 2 was a great game and a huge success. Everybody wants a sequel, so Sony listened to their fans and now... Killzone 3

Its a straightforward answer, I dont know why anybody above me didnt say it.

Man_of_the_year5435d ago

I agree. Like i said since the engine is already developed then ya they will save money on the Dev time and ya we will see if Sony will actually advertise KZ3...however i saw more advisertisments for KZ2 then i saw for Halo Wars, actually i didn't see a single Halo Wars commercial.

@The gaming GOD - the game itself took around 3 years to make, the ENGINE to MAKE the game took an additional 2. Thats 5 years to create KZ2...like i had previously stated. And as stated before, now that the engine is already completed, the dev time will be quicker and thus less expensive. The cost of Developing KZ2 was $60 million.

The gaming GOD5435d ago (Edited 5435d ago )

Creating the game itself and an engine are two different things. You can't tally the game engine cost into that because the engine isn't for KZ2 ALONE. If it was for JUST KZ2 then you'd have an argument. And again, how do you figure it took an additional 2 years to make the engine? As I said before KZ1 isn't even 5 years old. Which means at best the engine was made during the creation of KZ2.

Unless of course, you have some sort of link to say that KZ2's engine was made even before the release of KZ1 to disprove that.

Besides, you even just said it yourself, "The game itself too 3 years." An engine is an engine. A game is a game.

The gaming GOD5435d ago

He was answered TWICE ALREADY.

Look at replies 1.17 and 1.3.

I think some of you are just looking for a fanboy like answer so you can rant about it. Just because it's not the answer you want doesn't mean it's not an answer

LeonSKennedy4Life5435d ago


Killzone 2 got incredible reviews, incredible sales, incredible feedback from the customers, and continues to be one of the top selling-points for the PS3.

It has converted many COD4 loyalists also. It's amazing!

The campaign could have been longer, but for what it was, it pulled it off pretty well.

Man_of_the_year5435d ago

"Killzone 2 got incredible reviews" - I agree

"incredible sales" - I disagree. 5 years and 60 million dollars later, 2 million sold copies is not acceptable for a game of this stature.

"incredible feedback from the customers" - only AFTER the patch for the aiming. And most of the "feedback" was from fanboys.

"and continues to be one of the top selling-points for the PS3" - I disagree as look at the sales of the game, it is CLEARLY not one of the top selling-points for the PS3.

"The campaign could have been longer, but for what it was, it pulled it off pretty well" - I disagree. The game was perfect for Co-op which it did not have, no attachment to the main character, and the dialoge was terrible.

KZ2 is a great game there is no doubt about it, however the points that you have mentioned I think are the wrong points to have used to sell the idea of this game. You have taken most of the negative points and put a Fanboy spin on them to make them sound positive to the unaware gamer looking for a game.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5435d ago
Jamie Foxx5436d ago

can you imagine the graphical leap, i didnt think uncharted could be bettered but look at uncharted 2

shocky165436d ago

I'm sure Killzone 3 will looks fantastic. :)

Syronicus5436d ago

There are haters in the midst of us. People who call themselves gamers but are simply fanboys. Sheep in wolves clothing that is. Cowards that won't rebuttal with words but simply hit disagree when somebody simply states fact. As if Killzone 3 would not look any better than the second one. It is history that games get better in terms of graphics, not worse.

I can't wait to see what they do with KZ3, it will look amazing.

D4RkNIKON5436d ago

Killzone 2 was a first generation build for the PS3, meaning that this was the very first PS3 game that Guerilla games has ever made. I can only imagine what they could do, using the KZ2 engine to do another PS3 game. Now that they know more about what they are doing, this is epic news! it won't take them 5 years to produce this time either!!

Darkeyes5436d ago

Well judging the way KZ2 ended, a sequel was bound to happen. Boy, just imagine now people are saying that UC2 looks breathtaking and blows competition... Same things were said about KZ2 a few months back. Guess KZ3 will be even better looking than UC2 whoo hoo...

The one feature I want in KZ3 is playing as a Helghast soldier. Maybe create a separate campaign for both ISA and Helgast soldier (optional like Infamous) or even better Sev realizes that ISA is unreasonable and joins the Helghan.... I can see it The Darth Vader mask being put on Sevs face in slow mo.....

Next E3's bomb shell can be KZ3.

Beast_Master5436d ago

Wow 2011 is shaping up to be big now as well with KZ3, Agent, Infamous 2 and probably the Last Guardian, (could be a 2010 release).

locos855436d ago

So Killzone 3 for March 2011. I still hope that we are able to kill Helghast easier. I don't like having to unload almost a whole clip for them to die, when you shoot them in the body. Do they wear some special kind of body armor?

Lifendz5436d ago

but that's expected with the PS3. I can't wait to see where they go in the story. The ending of KZ2 left me, and probably most of u, in suspense for the 3rd one. I love the gritty metallic feel to the stages but I think if Guerilla threw in a jungle type stage it would be beautiful.

I'm sure this is true. Expect KZ2 sales, and many other PS3 exclusives, to go up dramatically following a price cut.

Darrius Cole5436d ago

Add Final Fantasy Versus XIII to that list.

MriownBOTH5436d ago

graphics were simply amazing...lets hope they make the online game play better

MAR-TYR-DOM5436d ago

they can implement more controller settings. Like one for classic killzone and one for noobs like me, controls like COD and BF BC with auto aim :) i suck though online thats why im complaining.

HQLocated1115436d ago

I love Killzone 2 but I hate the maps. They all feel too small. The maps need to be BIG like Battlefield Bad Company (or like the desert map on Killzone 2). All the maps feel too small for 32 players.

D4RkNIKON5436d ago

Use the control settings (Alternative 2). The button layout is exactly like COD, that is what I use because to me, there is nothing better. I have been playing COD since the beginning ;)

Raf1k15436d ago

I think there's a reason why the maps are like that.

There's a crap load of processing going on in the background to get the game looking the way it does. Bigger maps would mean more processing power is needed.

I can't wait for the next Killzone game but in terms of graphics I wana be realistic. Will the graphics be better? Definitely but I'd have to be pretty optimistic to say they'd be worlds better.

gaffyh5436d ago

@1.6 - Yes they do.

@1.2 - Please don't call those retards out, when they start talking you can't make them stop.

himdeel5436d ago

...co-op for sure this time.

xwabbit5436d ago

the only thing i want on kz3 is a better ranking system

darthv725436d ago

No offense to anyone but I lost interest in the 2nd one after only a few hours. Tried the online and ranked up a level but havent played it since a week after it came out.

I am expecting 3 to hold my interest cause 1 and 2 just didnt. Nice gfx but that is all I saw. Resistance (IMO) has a better overall story and I have been playing both 1 and 2 until 3 comes out.

Ju5435d ago (Edited 5435d ago )

There's plenty to do in KZ2. Go for a trophy hunt. They all look doable, except I am stuck on getting Radec killed on Elite, and 1 kill away from the 0 death (still Radec), but I got Radec in 1:30, at least. These 3 alone should keep you busy for a while.

BTW: I think the shooting is pretty realistic. You don't need to empty a clip to kill the Helgast in Easy - Elite, well, yeah, that may take a bit (and is damn hard - without an MG). But there are still 1 shot kills with a well placed head shot, or two shots: first helmet, second head ("Melon Popper" is awesome).

Oh, to add a line to be on topic. Its obvious they are working on KZ3. They mentioned already that they have worked on the engine for this TV commercial/tech demo, like real dynamic reflections in water and such. Fluid dynamics can't hurt either (well, not really needed in a desert). There's room for improvements. I like that they started right away without wasting any time. But still, I hope they don't rush that out and try to be "over creative" again to break the good in the game (happens sometimes - don't fix what ain't broken).

himdeel5435d ago (Edited 5435d ago )

...there is a lot to do in the single player game if you enjoy the game. I still haven't beaten the game on veteran but have only played it on that difficulty. I could easily lower the difficulty and beat the game but refuse to do that :) Whether you want to get all the emblems, intel, or trophies I feel like there is plenty to do in Killzone 2. I've also gotten back into the campaign to try and get through levels without dying.

Now with Killzone 3 the things I'd wish they'd include is local and online co-op. I'd like some larger open levels to really get that chance to use the sniper rifle. I'd also appreciate a level or two that is a more stealthy level or has the option to go the stealthy route. A slight upgrade on the melee and the ability to grab an enemy and use them as a shield would be cool. I like the controls just fine and enjoy them them a smidge more with the precision mode. I did try to play on alternative 2 mode but switched back to standard controls and have gotten use to them just fine.

I've enjoyed K2 and it's a game that I know I can enjoy every time I boot it up. I really enjoy the new multiplayer maps. Definitely worth getting.

ChrisGTR15435d ago

lol yea thanks for the news.... now we have another 3-5 years to wait just like the first one.

JBaby3435435d ago

Don't be an idiot hater. The engine is made now. Development with be much quicker and still look better than KZ2.

D4RkNIKON5435d ago

No, they will use the KZ2 engine for Killzone 3 and it won't take them nearly as long. They built the KZ2 engine from the ground up and they wont be simply using it for one game.

edgeofblade5435d ago (Edited 5435d ago )

For all those of you who seem more clueless, people are disappointed that Killzone 2 has already taken a backseat to so many other good games.

Killzone 2 was a great game. I know, I played it. But it wasn't the second coming, despite examining the evidence plastered inside the shorts of fanboys. It was good... just leave it at that.

But when you get such a dense release schedule of first party games, did you ever think one game might cannibalize players from another game? Yes, you can have too much of a good thing, and too many good game releases too close together actually is WORSE for the sales and likewise for the user communities. That is, unless you have the holiday season to increase your sales bandwidth.

solidt125435d ago

I wonder were the story will go next?

cmrbe5435d ago

True you can use alt 2 but i find the default settings much better as you are able to use the cover system better with it.

The cover system is extremely important when playing at the elite level.

Orange5435d ago

wasn't it a success? 2 million copies @ $60 is $120 million by my math. if it made anything over the budget, then GG's developers get to keep putting food on their tables and doing what they love. i'm sure they're pretty happy.

chidori6665435d ago

killzone 3 ...

My dreams became reality. *-*

sniper-squeak5435d ago

if FF or MGS have gone multi-platform... Playstation has many amazing games that will be the future exclusive frachises for good! :)

evrfighter5435d ago (Edited 5435d ago )

"$60 is $120 million by my math. if it made anything over the budget"

Don't forget all distributors, retail stores, cost of physical media (shouldn't be more than a buck iirc) advertising, the publisher, shipping costs.

they don't see the full $60 returned. Not even sure if they see half that. The only time they'll see almost all profits is if their going the Digital Distribution route. a game that sells 500k copies on steam probably makes more in profit than a game that sells 2 mil boxed copies.

Xbox Avatars Shoe5435d ago (Edited 5435d ago )

Can you even imagine what the graphics will look like? Probably something like the KZ2 intro, in other words real!

SinnedNogara5435d ago

Killzone 3 will dominate 2011. I really want to see a epic trailer like at E3 06 (it was 06 right?).

Hopefully they add co-op.

And some more weapons.

Anyway, Killzone 2 was AMAZING. I did try to make a review, but nobody read it.

nycredude5435d ago

Damn I don't know about you. Sometimes I think you are a 360 fanb0y and sometimes I think you are a hater. SOmetimes I think you are both but now i think you are just an idiot. Now you are complaining Sony is stupid for releasing too many games too close together?

JUst stick to the xbox and you won't have that kind of "problem".

The Lazy One5435d ago

The graphics are great as is aside from a few minor ground textures here and there. Chances are they'll try to up performance.

Dedicate more processing power to physics, player counts, and AI I think. Maybe bigger draw distances, but I think those 3 would make the game a lot better than worrying about upping the graphics in any major way. Maybe to support megatextures or some more efficient texturing method, but the lighting was great, the models were great, the animation was great, the environments were good.

Headshot815435d ago

Guerrilla Games are some of the most talented devs alongside naughty dog,SCE Studios Santa Monica, sucker puch, insomniac, kojima, Polyphony Digital,Evolution Studios,Media Molecule. You gotta be kidding me!, they'll be dishing out over 20 HIGH QUALITY games GUARANTEED!!!!, You can't get high caliber games like these anywhere else! I think ill go watch a Bluray on my HDTV @ 120hz(pops open 007: quantum of solace).

Tarasque5435d ago

This is great news, now they have the engine made they can work on delivering a good single player experience this time around.

Ju5435d ago

"Dedicate more processing power to physics, player counts, and AI I think." - That doesn't make sense. The destruction physics, hit response (anim+physics), number of players(MP)/NPCs(SP) and the AI (Elite!) are pretty much unmatched anyhow. Draw distance is graphics.

What I'd hope is a different environment. Back to KZ1 with jungle, desert and/or snowy mountains. And improved visuals. Better character models (yeah, I admit, they look a bit creepy) and maybe subtle improvements here and there. UC2 water simulation! (full reflective depth, and close shaders for wet pants :)

y0haN5435d ago

I know I am gonna get disagreed to infinity, but I didn't finish the KZ2 single player, it didn't interest me enough to continue :(. The multiplayer was good though.

+ Show (34) more repliesLast reply 5435d ago
Myst5436d ago

Well I think --

*Turns aside and hears the sound of a stampede approaching and simply moves aside*

Anyway, I think it would have started production by now. More than likely shouldn't/won't this one be released a bit faster than Killzone 2? Being that the engine is already done and I'm sure their probably going to make a heavy graphical leap again as well as add some things into the multiplayer section to make it even better than the one we are presented with now.

prunchess5436d ago

As the credits rolled at the end and the "Special Thanks" section came up, Guerrilla Games got a mention for their assistance. (Insomniac and others also)

At this point in the current gen it bodes well for us gamers when developers like Naughty Dog and Guerrilla collaborate!

I expect REALLY BIG improvements in KZ 3.

The only criticisms I'd have of KZ 2 is the ranking system was too short and the game deserved more weapons.

An absolutely stunning game though!

yoghurt5436d ago

I think it was in the 'controllable 4d video' that you could download of the PSN, where they said they have already got new and better ways of doing things, I think one of the things he said was real-time reflections etc...

spandexxking5436d ago

as much as like KZ2 i had to laugh when they said they still had to add real-time reflections, we've only had that in other games for like like what, ten years???

Mu5afir5436d ago

We haven't had many games with real-time reflections. I think Uncharted had real-time reflections on water. But I think Gurrila is talking about real-time reflections on anything that shines and can reflect light.

spandexxking5436d ago

so games like Max Payne and prey(where you can see yourself in a mirror) arent using real-time reflections? *i'm actually asking a question, not trying to be an ass.

Mu5afir5436d ago

No, they are controlled reflections.. Like Uncharted had reflections on Water. Max Payne etc.. had refection on Glass. But that's not the only thing that reflects light. The key here is light reflection, it doesn't have to be a visible image.

Think about a waxed dance floor. That reflects light.

spandexxking5436d ago

so kinda like GT5P where you can see the markings of the track and other cars on your car?

edgeofblade5435d ago

spandexxking, those "mirrors" are just windows into another area where they re-render the same content in reverse. Pop in Mario 64 and look in the mirror room. You can move the camera into the mirror and realize that they are actually rendering another Mario.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5435d ago
Superduper095436d ago

I'd love to see lush jungle as one of the stages in Killzone 3. I think it will look amazing.

locos855436d ago

I would to see some color. I love the art style and color of the Uncharted series. There has been too much gray lately, Infamous and Killzone 2.

JBaby3435435d ago

But I have to say that the color palette worked really well for both KZ2 and inFamous. I was a little disappointed that they added some color to Killzone 2 since the 2007 E3 trailer because I loved the dark, gritty look. It still looks good but I preferred the other. inFamous has a great look to me. I like it that what color there is stands out because of it but it still has a gotham city feel but the most color of all comes from my acts. Both excellent games nonetheless.

On Topic: Can't wait for the next Killzone.

edgeofblade5435d ago

On color palettes, I really don't care as long as I can distinguish friendlies and enemies, and the lights on characters really did that well in KZ2.

But I still can't help but think people criticised Gears for the same color palette thing but gave KZ2 a pass...

Orange5435d ago

i don't know. the Uncharted 2 beta is making my eyes hurt with all the saturation. i like KZ's color palette.

i'm going back through on elite, and this game is hard as h3ll. way harder than Uncharted on crushing.

mastiffchild5435d ago

@Edgeofblade-Honestly you think KZ2 gt a free critical pass in that area? It wass one of the biggestloudest moans about the game and began an age before the game even released.

This said I don't really recall much stick heading Gears way for it at all(and Gears deserved it more as it's two games with the same grey/black/brown palette while Killzone1 was pretty varied, no?

Whatever, I just don't agree that Killzone got a pass in any area from the critics-many of whom didn't like the fact that, in some areas ay least, the game levelled and even beat the E3 trailer that they all said it wouldn't get near. Killzone2 really paid for it's success, imo, whereas Gears didn't pay nearly so highly even with those Epic bullshots stirring the pot!

Both amazing games though and I'm hoping MS give Epic a little longer with GeOW3 to really push the 360. If so 2011 could be a great year(again).

Jaces5435d ago

Well what made KZ2 easier was that the Helghast had Big red eyes staring at you so you had a better sense at where they were at, lol.

SuperM5435d ago

"But I still can't help but think people criticised Gears for the same color palette thing but gave KZ2 a pass..."

Funny... because im pretty sure it was the other way around.

Qui-Gon Jim5435d ago

It did go both ways. Hypocrites on both sides.

SinnedNogara5435d ago

That is a very good idea. Just shooting Helghast in the jungle. I would like to see very deep weapon customization (grenade launchers, underslug shotguns, optic sights, scopes, etc) and some more vehicle levels. I want to ride a ISA buggy!!! And co-op.


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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

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SullysCigar366d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor366d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar366d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg366d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149366d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138366d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim366d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC366d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.


So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138366d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle366d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76366d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 366d ago
REDGUM366d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730366d ago (Edited 366d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger366d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca366d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy366d ago (Edited 366d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal366d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright366d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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Killzone 3 is playable with mouse & keyboard on PC via RPCS3 & KAMI

DSOGaming writes: "While Sony does not plan to release Killzone 3 on the PC, Yahfz shared a video that gives us a glimpse at what such a PC version could look like."

Read Full Story >>
1117d ago
bouzebbal1117d ago

Still looks secure 2 gens later... one of my favorite ps3 moments. With 3D and move the game is on another level

MadLad1117d ago

PC almost always ends up the best place to play games, even if it takes a while.

What would you rather play decades down the line? A game at a fixed resolution and frame, considering you have a working disc, and the hardware?
Or run it on an emulator that can update the experience all around, and let you use whatever control input you prefer?

If you insist on the former, it's really only for the sake of nostalgia.

Applejack1117d ago

I disagree. The main draw for consoles has always be the simplicity of just putting the disc in / downloading it and playing without worrying about anything else. The average person just wouldn’t want to deal with emulation even though it’s very important for preservation.

Terry_B1117d ago

Even emulators are super simple to use.

jukins1117d ago

Youre getting flak because people on here thibk of themselves as pc wizards. But honestly most poeple try and go get emulators and romz they end up with malware.. yes theyre "easy" if you know the basics but alot of people dont. That said the fact that its taken nearly 20 years to get a sustantially better experience for ps3 games than on its native system shows the complexity of getting bc to work. Sony, if they have any intention, should just invest in a vastly better psnow experience.

1117d ago
Vegamyster1117d ago


Most people who emulate don't get malware, you'd have to be going to some weird sites for that to happen, heck years ago people were getting sketchier ad's resulting in malware warning on this site if you didn't have a ad-blocker lol.

SinkingSage1117d ago

Can't get malware if you legally dump your own games, which you should.

Rachel_Alucard1117d ago (Edited 1117d ago )

That's fine if that's the main draw, but it doesn't make it a better experience, just a preference. Having the freedom to do the things you can do on PC is what the appeal of PC is. Buying a game on PC means you never have to worry about the console makers just deciding the next hardware shouldn't support the generation anymore, which means everything you bought is stuck on that hardware instead of moving up with everything else. Nintendo uses this tactic to keep reselling the same games over and over at inflated prices. Sony cut all previous gens off the PS4 and sold it back to people in a poor attempt with PSnow. While the PS5 supports PS4 games, that may not be the case in the next gen after this. No to mention shutting off all the previous stores and updates completely. Even MS stopped making new BC titles at some point, so now there's a big list with 17 pages of titles that are not playable on Xbone and are just trapped on older gen. That's not a problem on PC, the reverse happens where you only have to worry if your hardware can play the newest releases at ultra with no issue.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1117d ago
AzubuFrost1117d ago

Shhh don't say that aloud! You're going to trigger a lot of console infidels here.

Shane Kim1117d ago

I rather play it when it's available then wait 10 years.

MadLad1116d ago

Did you purposely miss the entire point of my post?

Inverno1117d ago

Well that's the beauty of still owning a retro console tho. Those who usually complain about emulation are just being blindly loyal to a company. Emulation is great for many reason, but if I still owned the console then I disagree nothing beats plugging it back in and going down a nostalgia trip

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1116d ago
RevXM1117d ago

The RPCS3 devs are doing great work. And Kami works nicely with it too it seems.
Very neat.

Magatsuhi1117d ago

Been playing mgo on pc with mouse. It's not perfect but I can make it work.

Binarycode1117d ago

2 is the better game.

A Remake would be good. 60fps 2-4k

Omar3li1117d ago

60fps is peasant for FPS games now

1117d ago
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Top 10 PS3 Games We Hope Come Back On PS5

While Xbox has committed to backwards compatibility spanning four generations, PlayStation has continued their stance that the feature isn't important. Well, it is! I'm hoping these PlayStation 3 classics that skipped the PS4 entirely show up again on the PS5 for everyone to enjoy.

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Knightofelemia1295d ago

Resistance, Dead Space franchise, Splatterhouse, Lollipop Chainsaw, Brutal Legends, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved Journey to the West, Mass Effect franchise. Also wouldn't mind seeing a new Wild Arms game remake or HD remaster, the Xenosaga trilogy, a new Parasite Eve, a new Dino Crisis just too many games to list that are forgotten and left in the dark now adays.

Sciurus_vulgaris1295d ago

The PS3 is difficult to emulate. PS3 backwards compatibility on PS5 would require translation from PowerPC to x86. Additionally the PS5 likely would have to mimic the PS3’s GPU and CPU.

ApocalypseShadow1295d ago

**Luster Network
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We and our partners process personal data such as IP address, unique ID, browsing data. Some partners do not ask for your consent to process your data, instead, they rely on their legitimate business interest.**

This is what pops up on my web browser. So I can't even read the site. So, forget that. They don't need my data.

But let's get something straight. OG Xbox had around 1,001 games. How many are BC on Series X? **39** THIRTY NINE. Come on! That's wack BC. You can't tell me that's a complete list. Talking about commitment. Game preservation. Ridiculous. Covers nothing.

How many games released on Xbox 360? Around 2085. How many are BC?
568. That's it. Around 1,517 are **MISSING** Stop playing. Tired of that nonsense.

Anyway, the only games I really want from PS3 that would be awesome are Motorstorm and MGS4. I'll take BC. I'll take a remaster. I'll take a remake. If not those, then Killzone 2. And in VR, maybe Sports Champions, House of the Dead Overkill and the Time Crisis games.

That's all I need. But we've gone over BC again and again in every possible way. It wasn't that important because Sony sold 115 million consoles without it. That's proof enough with no outcry. And PS5 has damn near all 4,000+ PS4 games BC. It's not PS1,PS2 and PS3. But that's plenty. I'll take more but you get what you get.

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