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Should EA Apologize to Christians?

PS3 Informer writes:

"By treating Christian religious beliefs in a trivial and cynical fashion for commercial purposes, Electronic Arts has clearly decided that it is OK to make fun of certain minority groups, as long as they are not well represented in the gaming industry. What about racial or sexual minorities? Would Take Two Interactive dare stage a fake protest by the Latino community to make fun of their sensitivity to race in Grand Theft Auto games? Would Microsoft laugh in the face of gay and lesbian groups who were banned from Xbox Live because of their sexuality?

Electronic Arts has probably anticipated the backlash, and weighed it against the benefit of free advertising. Of course, the purpose of any viral publicity stunt is to shock and amuse people, and it that sense it has been successful."

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clinker5468d ago

Interesting argument, but I think Christian wingnut fundamentalists deserve all the abuse they get.

On the other hand, EA does have a reputation for being evil so, I can't make up my mind on this one.

evrfighter5468d ago

Christians should apologize to us for giving us that crap pc game that is "Left Behind: Eternal Forces"....

Defectiv3_Detectiv35468d ago

Should we tolerate intolerance? Intolerance towards logic, truth, and reason? NO.

Christians should be the ones apologizing if anyone. Anyone who thinks that we should run our lives according to an archaic set of beliefs created by a people far less sophisticated than us thousands of years ago should never be taken seriously.

Awesome Possum5468d ago

The bible teaches us do good. So why are christians dumb to follow it?

menoyou5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Gays, blacks, feminists, etc. all demand apologies constantly for ridiculous things so, sure, why not apologize to Christians too?

If this was about one of them you all would be "oh das racist" or "oh EA is homophobic omg!" but since it's Christians... then it doesn't matter right? Double standard hypocrite teenagers with zero logic or consistency... and that's the future of our civilization. Pathetic.

Parapraxis5468d ago

Awesome Possum, the bible also says that men are to kill non-believers and kill mothers and keep the female children of the slaughtered for your own personal use.

You are to stone to death any child who disrespects (curses) it's parent.

You are not to covet thy neighbours chattel, cattle or servants.

So, infanticide, genocide and slavery are ok. not to mention being the primary root of antisemitism.

The bible teaches us do terrible deeds as well. So why are christians dumb to follow it?

Jaces5468d ago

Kratos went to hell....well Hades but it's all the same.

LoVeRSaMa5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

If christians dont like it, then they should not play it simple as.

EA is a world wide company, Christians that radical only exist in America...

EA should not take crap from relegios ignorance that does not concern them.

Awesome Possum5468d ago

Except that those could of been into place by humans and not by God. And note how after Jesus came you didnt have to follow those rules because he made where you dont have to follow them to get into heaven. But yes I agree in the modern time that those rules could be considered evil.

blackpanther255468d ago

yeah i bet all that is from the old testament. If you do read a bible you would know that the new testament basically says all those things people were doing in the old testament are wrong. Which is why Christianity and Islam are very different(the sharia laws laws are based of the old testament and Mohammad's teachings)

Parapraxis5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Awesome Possum
"Except that those could of been into place by humans and not by God."
So the holy scriptures are not of divine decree?
And if after Jusus we are able to ignore anything we so please is there a purpose in adhering to any parts at all?

I think that we as societies have evolved morally in spite of the Bible or other sacred texts.
100 years ago slavery was acceptable and now it is not, just like women have the same rights as men now where they did not before.
Unfortunately there are still women who are being oppressed by indoctrination in the world today, but hopefully for them as well they will rise above the prejudices put forth by their religion and come to the realization that many already have.

We know right from wrong and it's as much human nature as it is from societal circumstance.

blackpanther25, I was a Christian for 18 years of my life, I was in a youth group and was an alter boy.
I have read the bible.
The New Testament is wrought with contradiction. And when people are trying to evangelize a new religion they will adjust accordingly, whether it be making the Romans less vulgar by making Pontius Pilate out to be some sort of hero (he was a cruel cruel man) or whether it be incorporating modern scientific discoveries in attempts to remain even remotely relevant and to avoid ridicule (yes the Earth isn't the center of the universe)

blackpanther25, black magic and voodoo..hmm let me have a stab at it.
It's very long, but highly educational.
it deals with Schizotypal personality disorder, which reasons that people who were witch doctors, sages, voodoo practinioners and the likes are actually a common part of society and all societies have their own versions.
Most commonly in Christain belief it would be those who communicate with god.

Awesome Possum5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

That is what im trying to say so bub up to you. edit didnt hit the disagree button either Tony

Defectiv3_Detectiv35468d ago

I was just eyeballin' my neighbors cattle, thinkin' to myself, I could really go for some covetin' right now.

Once again, the bible saves the day /sarcasm

Apparently the bible also teaches to hit the disagree button like a bunch of cowards.

blackpanther255468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

yeah man i agree with you. i mean people have different reasons for believing in things. I'm african and if you can come up with an explanation for black magic (or vodoo to people) i can believe you.

EDIT: i didn't give you a disagree Tony you can believe in anything you want. Like i don't believe in Darwin's theory of evolution (specifically at that time and not anymore) because he states black people are closer to apes and thus lower "sub humans"

so yeah dude it can go both ways. Why would i as a black man listen to what Darwin said about evolution and believe since his theory is biased

"The Descent of Man (1871), Darwin ranked races in terms of what he believed was their nearness and likeness to gorillas. Then he went on to propose the extermination of races he "scientifically defined as inferior."

"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, they might have gained some inkling of the racism propagated by this controversial theorist. Had they actually read Origin, they likely would be shocked to learn that among Darwin's scientifically based proposals was the elimination of "the negro and Australian peoples, which he considered savage races whose continued survival was hindering the progress of civilization."

Parapraxis5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

blackpanther25, throwing out such a brilliant set of ideas due to the fact that society at that point was still full of bigots is not good.
Many people who made huge impacts on our world that were positive held personal beliefs which we regard as detestable now.

I won't disagree with Darwin, because I believe the evidence is so readily available all showing that all peoples came from Africa.
This does not put Africans on a lower tier.
It shows us we are all related, and all descend from a handful of tribes, some who ventured out from Africa and some that remained in their motherland.
(There was no way Darwin could have done genealogy studies, and unfortunately on top of that, slavery was common and the black man was treated as a commodity, it's effing gross)

If Africans were significantly different than whites/asians/hispanic/native american/etc we would not be able to breed.
We are ALL humans, we should all treat each other as brothers and sisters.
"The Incredible Human Journey

Dr Alice Roberts travels the globe to discover the incredible story of how humans left Africa to colonise the world"

blackpanther25, you definitely did not watch that whole seminar, it is almost 2 hrs long.
I really encourage you to see it before you claim voodoo to be anything that is unique or different to any other form of mysticism.
And just to be clear, I don't think that christianity is any more reasonable than voodoo.

You hit the nail on the head.
Theories NEVER claim to be 100% correct, that would NOT be a theory, just to correct you on that point.
Religions however do.

There is a stark difference. And yes, the parts that were racist have been passed by now because they are seen as foolish and dated and wrong, however that is the point of science. To learn more and disprove what we believe. Hence the name "theory", although with Evolution I think most of us can safely say it's bordering on the "FACT of evolution" at this point in our understanding of the world.

"and lol i don't need to see something that is ingrained into my culture."
Yes, you should actually, it doesn't talk just about YOUR culture, it tackles a common psychological trend in ALL cultures.

I tackled Christianity, and it was ingrained in MY culture.

Being inquisitive and seeking knowledge is very important.

blackpanther25 last comment bro.
Just want to ask if you think it's okay for people to believe whatever they want to believe, even if that belief tells them they have a right to kill innocent people, strap bombs to themselves, beat their women & children and commit other crimes?

blackpanther255468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Good expalaination for vodoo unfortunately it is not that. Vodoo located in certain parts of american, hati, brazil, and other places originate from the yoruba religion. In that religion there are many lesser gods like osun, ondo, and etc. The thing about vodoo is that if interpretated by christans these "gods" are so-called fallen-angels (demons). Do i believe that idk. What i do know is that my great-grandfather (who was 115 by the time) had a necklace which he claimed stopped any bullet from hurting him. While we were hunting i called his bluff and he told me to shot him in the chest. I refused so he took my gun and shot himself. There were no bullets or anything. When he did 5 years later he specifically wrote a will saying i would have to perform and ritual and keep his necklace.

Will i shoot myself? no
But seeing someone shot themselves at point-blank range has to do something to you

Edit: i mean i didn't say everybody who believes in the theory believes that. Of course scientists will have corrected that stupid mistake. I'm just saying people tend to believe in different things that just how it is. I still believe some parts of the theory could be true, but look Darwin was racist and if the theory was 100% correct it wouldn't be called a theory would it. Now just to let you know i have a degree in biology so i like to look at both sides of the coin

and lol i don't need to see something that is ingrained into my culture. I am Nigerian and of the Yoruba tribe and half of my family members pratice it.The difference is that you look at it from an outside view, but for me it's a part of the society my parents are from. As a matter of fact the rituals form hati are in my language. i saw a documentary on vodoo in hati and laughed becaue everything they were saying(incantations that they don't even know the meaning) i can understand it.

blackpanther255468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

I agree with you too people try to make religion as if it is 100%. There are contradictions and etc. I don't force it down people neck that is why enjoyed talking to you and tony. I just use it and other things to explain the things that happen in my life. It makes the world run smoother if everybody believes in something whether it be science, religion, aliens it's all good to me.

Me i'm just mixed i believe that life on other planets could be real because of my pursuit of science, but yet at the same time in my religion they don't exist

Edit: "blackpanther25 last comment bro.
Just want to ask if you think it's okay for people to believe whatever they want to believe, even if that belief tells them they have a right to kill innocent people, strap bombs to themselves, beat their women & children and commit other crimes?

LOL don't quote me on that lol. I have a few relatives who are muslim but even they are against terrorists. I mean in the would we live in there will always be people who will take advantage of someone's beliefs, values, and customs and use it for their own gain. I mean hitler wasn't religious but he still found a way for Germans to hate jews. Look at the crusadiers a lot of people don't know that they went around killing jews and muslims. Around that time you would have to pay to be forgiven. What i am trying to say that it is just human nature for some individuals to play on the beliefs of others to use it for their own personal agenda

EDIT: bub to you and tony. I usually can't have conversations like this in the public without someone getting offended

SoapShoes5468d ago

You guys are all as bad as extremists for saying Christians deserve what they get. You are no better than people who hate on gays and spit on minorities. I love the double standards, but you are so blind with prejudice that you can't even see how you and nutjobs are so alike.

Parapraxis5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Estranged, (suitable name BTW)

Now tell me how many people choose their race, sexual orientation or gender?
PS: nobody
Now how many choose their religion?
PS: everybody

See, it's not that hard, and I certainly wouldn't do the horrible things you suggest, actually until you posted those thoughts hadn't crossed my mind.
Which leads me to ask... why are you so angry?

Last post, i'm off for some eats.
Thanks for the interesting convos guys :)

Awesome Possum5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

yeah its been fun talking to you guys without somebody saying stupid and if i came out as one of those christians (i am a christian though) that get angry at the slightest thing im sorry bub up to everybody

blackpanther255468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

yeah sorry bub to you too.

EDIT: @below

unfortunately there are a lot of extreme christans. i mean look at the devinci code even though it was just a novel they were blowing it out of proportion. Look at abortion many extreme christans are against it including rape and incest(some reasons for abortion).

Personally i like Dante's inferno

this is not geared towards, but i wonder why protestants in the US have lost their way. It is very different from the catholic religion because protestants believe in the bible and not in another man's interpretations, but yet people listen to pastors like sheeps instead of reading the bible. Protestant sub-religion is against catholic sub-religion because they believe they shouldn't force anything on anybody, but yet they try to force no abortion onto people who are not the same religion. they are becoming another form of the catholic church.

5468d ago
djevolve4205468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )


To start you off Evolution in 2005 was proven to work at Michigan state university by computer simulation. The simulation has been going on in Michigan states Digital Evolution Laboratory for ten years. Digital organism mutating and forming new life forms within it’s cluster of 200 computer’s, doing so at a alarming rate. This is big because they are actually watching evolution as it happens in front of there eyes. May not be a actual living organism but it is based off Darwin’s theory.
If that is not enough proof for you. Why is it that flu’s, viruses, and disease all evolve and mutate. So how does this change for us. I would think that the bigger the creature the longer that it would take to rule out unnecessary body, organ parts or adding new and improved ones. What I’m saying is that it would take a lot longer for evolution to take place if it is needed.
People seem to think that evolution is suppose to move in one direction or the other, when actually it goes with what best fits survival. Look at the bottom of the ocean floor, Littered with creatures that live with no sun light, pressure that would crush us to a pulp and they live off the vents poisons’ that would be deadly to us. Surviving there enviroment is key to evolution.
This leads us to our next conflict, religion vs. science. There is no doubt I’m a scientist in my beliefs. However this does not mean I don’t believe in god. I think the bible is a moral story, but that’s it, a story. Just like the rest of the religions. If you read the bible it’s full of contradictions, doesn’t take you long to realize that this could have been written by anyone or by more then one person. I do believe in doing good deeds and god, I just think no one has a clue what is really going to happen when we die. Quantum theory seems to have some good suggestions in what could be or could not, in a scientific prospective. This will have to wait until Another time though. Info copy and paste. Watch the illusion of reality
or http://library.thinkquest.o...

The bible’s story has been imbedded into our minds since we where children. The fear of god. The passion but yet fear, fear, fear. They should replace faith with fear. People need to put facts where there mouths are. At least supporting facts. I think that society should not have to be told or threatened by god to do the right thing, but should do the right thing anyway.
It’s about time we stop believing in fallacies that don’t add up. What is the main reason people believe in Christianity? I would have to think it is because of the threat of being tortured for all of eternity, if you don’t believe or follow rules. For one, this does not make sense, perfection would fix a problem. Think, if you got tortured for eternity, what in your life time could you actually do that would add up to the amount of pain and torture? you couldn’t possibly do that much. So wouldn’t this conflict with logic and Christian belief.
Guess not but then again we let them get away with everything. Galileo Galilei was persecuted by the Catholic Church for his heretical belief that the earth revolves around the sun. Giordano Bruno was charged with heresy for not believing in the bible. Also for thinking that the night stars where other suns like our own. This type of freedom of thought was not permitted back then. The Catholic Church locked him up for 7 years in prison. He was offered freedom, if he would recant. He scoffed at the very idea, and told the bishops and priests who condemned him to death, "Perchance your fear in passing judgment on me is greater than mine in receiving it." .Bruno was later burned to death at romes Campo de’ Fiori on ash wed. to prove a point. The church destroyed so much knowledge that it took Western civilization almost 1700 years to arrive where the pagan Greeks were, in 300 BCE.
You can say, well that is not what the bible says. For one the bible is so metaphorical. Look at how many religions you have off one book. So why where the Christians so quick to try and quiet and oppress people.
Simple really, it’s all bull to keep you under control and not think outside the box. If you do then you should simply be shot or killed as far as they are concerned. Learn for yourself don’t be told or scared into a belief system. Fact, more people died off religion then any other reason. Millions upon millions died. A lot of love there huh.

Michigan state experiment

yog-sothot5468d ago

Parapraxis, thank you for your links, this is really funny !

"Meanwhile, the LORD instructed one of the group of prophets to say to another man, "Strike me!" But the man refused to strike the prophet. Then the prophet told him, "Because you have not obeyed the voice of the LORD, a lion will kill you as soon as you leave me." And sure enough, when he had gone, a lion attacked and killed him."

LOL ! ;-D

xwabbit5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Wth r u talking about, i dk what bible is that but the REAL CHRISTIAN BIBLE says respect every 1, and gives u guidelines to live a happy and healthy life.

Evolution is still in its theory state, not fact.

djevolve4205468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

@ xwabbit

so what state is the bible, it's next to santa clause, easter bunny, angels, batman and superman. another thing the bible teaches of vengeance and death to who don't believe.
you are brain washed bad, the bible is negative from the start, we are fallen people because eve eat a apple. so why are we being blamed for eve"s mistakes, so let me rob a bank and everyone should get locked up with me. second, sin, your a sinner, I'm a sinner, hold up; What? everyone is s(&t compared to god and your nothing with out him, sounds pretty negative to me.

happiness comes from your self, not god, not humpty dumpty or the tooth fairy. get over it kid your scared of h-ll and thats why you believe. all rules of logic and intelligence go out the window when you believe in religion.

don't forget to slander some one in your neighbor hood because you are a christian and they are not.

oh yea almost forgot, evolution is a fact, survival of the fittest is a theory. guy.......

djevolve4205468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

what do you think of quantum physics? also, have you seen the movie, what the bleep down the rabbit hole? kind of lame acting but really does put a good fight to what is really going on.

do you have your own web site,if so, hook it up.

you got some info i would like to access.

EDIT: I just seen you used up all your bubble's. well I will find another way to talk. found the info I read through interesting, will read the rest later.

evrfighter5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

The bible was basically trying to teach me to believe in fairies so I stopped reading it.

and remember kids. If you ever come across a light-of-god freak and you ask him a question and he can't answer. There must be a guide these guys get because they start rambling on about how the devil did it.

xwabbit5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

the bible hasn't brainwashed anything in me cus i haven't read it lol see how wrong u are. Im christian but not cus of the bible, i haven't even read it, when u see a family member of urs dying and u say god if u save my mom ill give u my live and the next day when u go to see her shes back on her feet again and doctors are saying wtf ? then u believe. Its something u feel and not see, yeah love isn't real cus we don't see it ? plz and evolution is no fact

A lot of people go to god in their moments of desperation, maybe one day ull need gods help or maybe you'll have so much pride 2 do that

Cenobia5468d ago

First of all why the he11 are we talking about religion on a gaming site, and why the he11 has everyone started to attack Christians?

WTF have we done to you lately? I honestly don't give a sh1t if you're atheist, so why does it seem like every other person on the internet is the Jehovah's witness of atheism? You people preach atheism like a preacher preaches religion, but somehow you're better? When did things like 'thou shalt not kill' become horrible rules to live by? Maybe you shouldn't judge an entire group of people based on a few whackjobs. Talk about intolerance.

How about this. Everyone stfu and go back to talking about how much the xbox/ps3/wii sucks.

JL5468d ago

There's nothing wrong with the "thou shalt not kill/thou shalt not steal" type rules that are presented in the bible (btw, these didn't originate in the bible, they just were integrated in there from outside rules). On that note, the theory of Santa Claus also teaches us to be good, lest we won't get special gift from Santa (sound familiar?). But it would be detrimental and a serious hindrance to society if we all still believed in fairy tales like that. Gott ist tot. read some Nietzsche to understand more how the religion (the sci-fi/mystical/afterlife part of it) really hinders us as a society.

djevolve4205468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

what about your mom getting it in the first place to make you miserable, so why did he not stop it in the first place, he can do it right. besides christianity is off the bible, you know how ridicules you sound.
the bible = christanity = you fail.......................... ......

things happen by chance and numbers all the time. people think that because they said it inside there head it made it happen, aaant, wrong.if so, you need to study quantum physics, watch the movie, what the bleep do we know?.

people dye and live through all kinds of sh-t daily whether or not you say anything or not. so what does it have to do with it in the first place.

it's odds, some you lose, some you win and when she does dye and I'm saying this as lightly as possible. I don't like to put it this way but it will happen, it will happen to everyone, unless we become intelligent enough to cheat death. you will ask god again and when it doesn't come to what you wanted, so then what are you going to say?

what about the girl that gets raped and asks for gods help and no saver shows.
he doesn't work that day. come on.

study Quantum physics.
here watch it for free.

xwabbit5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

lol djevolve420 believe what u want bro, I'm happy and healthy. Everything happens for a reason :)

5467d ago
+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 5467d ago
sutton325468d ago

No way should they apologise. Religion is the reason for everything wrong in this world. There is no such thing as god, jesus will not save you. Get off your high horses and welcome to the real world!

Parapraxis5468d ago

While I agree with your sentiments, being a little less offensive will help you avoid a lot of stress.
Athiests are in the minority, unfortunately, and screaming that there is no god at people really won't get you very far.
Think constructively and deliberately speak your points.

qface645468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

while its true that many of today's more serious problems are caused by extremist in the religion field
you have to stop and think for a sec if all religions were proven to be false one day that would cause more problems in the world than all the extremist out there combined

sure religion has its ups and downs but if people wanna believe in it let them

anyways HELL x] nah EA should not apologize whatsoever

heroicjanitor5468d ago

It is a mass delusion where people believe that a benevolent zombie will rise from a 2000 year(which will increase depending on when he decides to arrive) slumber and save all of humanity by putting them in his dad's house. You couldn't make this sh*t up...

mintaro5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Wow man that wasn't offensive at all.....and just for fun why do you believe there is no God?

Syronicus5468d ago

Last I knew, the Bible said that "people will be willingly ignorant"... Just saying, that if you want to say there is no God, then fine, by all means, nock yourself out. Honestly however, try doing it in a more tactful manner as not to come off as a prick.

As for the EA apologizing to Christians argument... imagine what the company would do if they offended Muslims. I have heard of wars nearly breaking out over comics that mock Islam... You can imagine how fast their press release would hit the papers if the case were some other religion. It's pathetic how people just can't respect others for differing beliefs these days.

ijkabob5468d ago

EA shouldn't appologize. The christians have been mocking my god for years. Saying "he doesn't exist" and have sent in much hatemail to our website. If they won't appologize for all of that then why should EA appologize for a joke?

Our heaven has a beer volcano and a stripper factory :)

sutton325468d ago

sorry if i offended anyone here, didnt mean to sound like a prick. Its just religion is so full of contradictions its unreal how many people follow it. I guess some people need to believe there is something greater than us to get them through life. But in my honest opinion, I choose to believe in things that have proof and evidence such as evolution.

tmt3455468d ago

Would you rather live your life without God, then die and go to hell? Or would you rather live your life with God, then die and find out there is no God?

Thats how I look at it and how I will always look at it. The reason I believe in God today is because of the moments in life where you feel something could only be possible because there is a God, and I feel sorry for the people in this world who don't experience those moments. You can't prove or disprove God either. I personally don't believe that the world is only a few thousand years old (like some christians who believe every single word in the bible do), as there's too much proof against it with carbon dating. I believe that God created the world, but how (big bang, himself) to me doesn't really matter. People who are christians generally are happier and do live an average of 10 years more than people who are not christians. I don't see how people on here can generalize christians today by looking at christians from a 1000 years ago...

mintaro5468d ago

Your certainly entitled to your beliefs and I can respect that, however as to the "there is no God argument" remember that the absence of proof is not the proof of absence.

heroicjanitor5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

It was funnier in my head.

For the record I think there is probably a God, but I see religions as a means of control(when they were made anyway) and they are all interchangeable, for example if you were born in the middle east you would be a muslim, and still feel you are the one in the right, by saying christianity is made up.

sutton325468d ago


good point but if it was the second option i would just be pretending to believe in god so that i dont go to hell, so in the end if there is a god id just go to hell anyways haha

sutton325468d ago

@ heroicjanitor

the idea of control is exactly how i see it tbh

Parapraxis5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

For the people who gave me disagrees, i'd love to hear why.

@tmt345, and I pose a simple question to you.
What if the god which you believe in is the wrong one?
Wouldn't you thus be going to hell as well?
So just to be safe...maybe you should be practising all religions, you know, so you have all your bases covered.

I don't believe in Zues, Krishna or any form of deity, that includes the judeo-christian version of god.

You can't disprove god, however that is little reason to believe there is something there.

There are far too many flaws in every belief of the supernatural.

As somebody who relies on evidence and reason I am also capable of simply saying "i don't know" and accepting that.

It's more amazing for me, to come to a realization that everything in this universe is non-mysterious than it is to become stagnant in my intellectual endeavours and accept any god of the gaps or supernatural attempts at explanation of what is around me.

@ heroicjanitor , you're probably right. And it is unfortunate.

@ mintaro, I don't think it's a difficulty, it's a simple lack of knowledge.

heroicjanitor5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Your problem is you say that if the christian god doesn't exist, then no gods exist. Not believing in christianity isn't the same as not believing in god.

Parapraxis they gave you disagrees because you said it is unfortunate we are in the minority.

mintaro5468d ago

Yea for some reason alot of people have difficulty realizing that Muslims, Christians, and Jews share the SAME God.

Bigbangbing5468d ago

IF there is no god, how did the first human come? every thing in this world has a creator, there is no such a thing without a creator behind it, if you think that the first human was a monkey (or whatever creature-from the evolution theory) then how did that creature came too?

I'm muslim BTW

heroicjanitor5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Then that must mean that god has a god otherwise where did god come from? That would continue forever with god's god having a god etc

That is the flaw with your thinking, but the simple fact is nobody knows where we came from, and just saying god did it won't help us to find those answers.

Edit: Menoyou, if the popes had believed in christianity they wouldn't have started wars/killed people in the first place. And what do you mean look it up?

menoyou5468d ago

Atheists murdered (not war) more people in one century than religion has in it's entire world history, look it up. Hahaha, uneducated atheist teens are just hilarious.

Parapraxis5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

nbnt, go open your fridge and open containers until you find some mold, then tell me who created THAT.

When 99% of the animals that have lived on this planet have gone extinct you still want to attribute that to a creator?
Looks like he has some seriously bad calculations.
We humans evolved, just like every other living organism on this planet.

Creationists arguments are the flimsiest arguments in the world.
Your logic is flawed in the first sentence when you think in terms of something popping out of nothing "how did the first human come?"
Have you ever heard of something popping out of nothing?
According to your belief in a creator you are saying it has.

As for Pol Pot and Stalin, those two were so off their rockers they thought they were divinity themselves, just like Adolf.

Bigbangbing5468d ago


I said "in this world". :)


LOL @ the mold, ofcourse it came from Molecules freezing LOL xD

dude "something popping out of nothing" that is your logical, you didn't tell me how the first human come.. is it from Molecule that slept for years and years under a rock under a volcano? how did the Molecule came too? I can go on and on and on, the first human didn't "pop from nothing" but didn't create himself too.

Syronicus5468d ago

Thanks for completely ignoring the last part of the statement I made. People will believe different things and serve different gods but if we can all respect people for who they are and not get on the "hate others for their differing beliefs" kick, the place would be a better place.

On evolution, let's just say this, it takes just as much faith to believe evolution than it does to believe in God. Show me proof that is undisputable and maybe we can talk but until then, evolution is nothing more than indoctrination and takes as much faith to believe. Carbon dating? What a joke. Half of the fossils said to be the missing link wind up being pigs teeth or falsies. The world is billions of years old? Yeah, right. So if we came from a big bang... What was around before that? Primordial goo? Now that took a ton of thought to come up with. Half the evolution theories are laughable and easy to shoot holes through.

As for RELIGION... Religion is bondage. Relationship with your lord is what makes the difference. A true Christian believes that your relationship with Christ comes first and then the laws follow. One will be willing to follow the law more when following Christ. Christ said to follow him and his ways. Love folks and treat them as you wish to be treated. SO what's so bad with that? If everybody treated all others as they wish to be treated, can you imagine what the world would be like? I imagine it would be a nice place to live.

Lastly, here is a good theory to follow. If being a Christian means you treat everybody as you want to be treated, wouldn't it be better to be one and be wrong in the end than to not be one and be wrong in the end? It's kind of the "happy to have it and not need it then to not have it and need it" things... Especially when it is only doing good and not being some freaking radical that thinks killing folks for not believing is the right way to go... Sorry, but you won't catch me "putting the knife to the throats of the infidels" for not believing in what I believe in... Now that is just plain sick.

tmt3455468d ago

Well then I hope that supposed "other" god see's that I was a good person and followed my religion rightfully and doesn't send me to hell. I guess I just have to trust that my God is the only God then.

heroicjanitor5468d ago

Is that evolution is logical. There is loads of evidence you just haven't ever bothered your arse to look for it. Remember 2000 years ago when the kingdom of god is near? Can't be much longer now can it. And it isn't better to take a chance otherwise I'd have to believe every religion so I don't get whatever threat these people have cooked up. Burned in fire for all eternity... Yeah ok.

JL5468d ago

are you really that ignorant that you believe that? atheists have killed more than christians? first off, atheism isn't even a principle or belief, so nobody gets killed in the name of atheism. and religion (christianity the bigger portion) is like one of the leading causes of death in history. The crusades, the witch hunts/trials, not to mention all the wars that have been started in the name of religion (hell we're involved in a religious war right now), etc etc. I'd venture to say atheism has never claimed a life. Though more people have been raped, slaughtered, murdered in the name of religion than are even fathomable

Syronicus5467d ago

Interestingly enough, the Bible warns us against those who would imitate Christ or those who would be so-called, false prophets. Warnings against those that would say they are Christian and talk the talk but not walk the walk. The warnings are there and so those that fall for the "killings in the name of religion" are simply ignorant and susceptible to false teachings.

If you see a man or woman claiming to be a Christian but murdering, raping, stealing and the like, well there is a good chance that they are not actually Christians and just talking the talk and walking the walk. Sure you can do wrong things and still be saved but in the end, the way you live your life tells the whole story.

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Nelson M5468d ago

But they owe us PS3 Owners one
For making their Games Multiplatform
Dont Get Me Wrong
EA have made and do make Some Great Games
But every PS3 owner knows
How much better the Games would be if they were Exclusive to the Playstation

Eiffel5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Sadly if that were true they would not make enough money to continue to publish/make such great titles. Your logic is flawed.

user39158005468d ago

Apologize to christians? Why? Please why does it have to be just christians and makes them more special than any other religion? I tell you, because society as a whole its infected with paying attention to selling an invisible market that has one god. No god its superior to any other and they all deserve to be admire for what they are an illusion for individuals that are looking for a better way of life in their pathetic excuses. People looks into religion just like insurance in case anything happens, I should be cover. Here its my opinion, the only good God its a dead one and it seems that all them are.

Dead_Cell5468d ago

Let's ban Angels and Deamons.
Let's ban Constantine.
Let's ban a hell of alot of other things these people want to whine about.
Go read the short story "The Last Church",it has some good theories on why religious zealots should NEVER be taken seriously.

menoyou5468d ago

I bet you're the first one in line defending feminist and gay rights activists and such though huh? These liberal groups are much more whiney than religious groups are yet when they complain it's "progress" or "open mindedness" hahaha.

saint_john_paul_ii5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

<---------YES LOL.

clinker5468d ago

Hey Pope, what is your gamertag, I wanna kick your @ss in COD4

sorceror1715468d ago

"Yes, the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an America where Christians can worship freely, in broad daylight, openly wearing symbols of their religion, perhaps around their necks. And maybe - dare I dream it - maybe one day there could even be an openly Christian president. Or, perhaps, 43 of them. Consecutively." - Jon Stewart, back when Bush was President. (It's up to 44 now.)

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5 Of the Most Unlikeable Video Game Protagonists

There are good video game protagonists, and there are bad video game protagonists.

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248d ago
GhostScholar248d ago (Edited 248d ago )

I disagree that max is unlikable. Chloe is infinitely more unlikable in my opinion.

gold_drake247d ago

omg chloe was awful. i really hated her at the end haha

Cacabunga247d ago

Abby was absolute trash protagonist in every way..
Tidus was so meh to me..
On villain side, the one i didn’t like wa Micah, because they wanted him to be that way and it was brilliant👍🏽

Rancegamerx247d ago

I agree, I liked Max, Chloe was a horrible friend and a bad influence.

Cacabunga247d ago

Everyone agrees on chloe, I’m sure even ND do.

H9247d ago

Both are horrible, granted Chloe is infinitely worse, it feels like Chloe is just fanservice for people who too over the edge and wasn't written to be a character that makes sense

GooGobbler248d ago

What about that Forspoken Tw*t

MrChow666247d ago

exactly I was expecting it to be a the top of the list

ravens52247d ago

Ye I was expecting her too. Guess they actually played the game. Unlike you and whoever agrees.

gpimlott246d ago

I played through the whole game and think she is one of the worst character Ive ever played as

ravens52246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

gpimlott. How?

Stanjara236d ago

Why would I payed and played the game if the whole internet is making fun of a character?

-Im here to kill Chaos...are you Chaos?

Yeah, I didn't play that game either.

Christopher247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

She's actually not bad. It's the writing itself that is bad overall, but she's fine overall. She's no worse than Miles Morales IMHO. Both thrust into a spotlight and receiving both praise and blame and dealing with it.

Forspoken is a bland game because it's 75% bland, boring, repetitive going through the motions and diversions that add nothing of the value with purposefully gated memory moments that don't feel organic or like you're discovering things but waiting for others to reveal things.

ravens52247d ago

Exactly Chris. Even though I liked the game. I kno u played it. People who actually played it and went thru her dream saw she was a good likeable person who really just acted out due to being alone and unloved. I think your problem is it was open world, I think if it was more linear you may have liked it better.

savedsynner247d ago

Oh no she's bad. Very unlikable even before you add on the bad dialogue. The game could have been quite good with a good protagonist

ravens52246d ago

For all the people like synner. Shes actually half white lol. Inferior complexity is a hell of a thing. You'll be ok.

Nerdmaster247d ago

Most of these aren't even that bad. Especially comparing to others like Squall "Whatever" Leonhart, Forspoken's Frey, and the guy from Atomic Heart.

-Foxtrot247d ago

Squall is one of the best developed main FF characters so...

People talk about his "whatever" thing thats at the start of the game, not the character he eventually becomes in the end.

Nerdmaster247d ago

No amount of "character development", (especially the ones that for me feels sudden and undeserved like Squall's), will justify him being a d**k to my girl Quistis. Even if he found the cure for cancer, from that moment on, I would never like him.
The article is about being unlikeable, and he was indeed unlikeable for at least half of the game.

BrainSyphoned247d ago

Squall is the best protagonists in FF so you can go whatever yourself.

H9247d ago

My good sir, I need to steal that "you can go whatever yourself" because it's gold

BlaqMagiq1247d ago

Except Squall has actual character development.

gold_drake247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

the "watever" is only present in the english localisation.
so your argument doesnt rly ... stand imo.

Nerdmaster247d ago

Good for you that you could enjoy the japanese version. That's not the case for me and the majority of people here, though.

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gold_drake247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

i had to stop reading after the "blatant misogyny" in the Dantes inferno section.

i actually liked Max haha.

the forspoken chick is missing tho

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The Best Hack and Slash Games of All Time on PS3

Grab your katana, and slice your way through this list featuring the best hack and slash games the PlayStation 3 had to offer.

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darthv72591d ago

Dante's inferno... an excellent GoW inspired game. So sad the sequels will never be.

LoveSpuds591d ago (Edited 591d ago )

I recall enjoying it well enough at the time, but it wasn't a patch on God of War 3 which came out around the same time I think.

I own it and fired it up on my PS3 about 6 months ago and time hadn't been particularly kind to it although it still very much nailed the atmosphere and it is a cool as he'll setting and universe.

Inverno591d ago

Dante's Inferno needs the GOW treatment. No cut camera, with a real hellish depiction of the 9 circles and a story as dark and as serious would be amazing.

Yui_Suzumiya591d ago

Still pretty amazing there was a PSP version that was actually pretty good. I remember playing it 10 years ago. I had the PS3 version when it first came out and loved it.

Hellcat2020591d ago

Ahh the memories of playing Heavenly Sword
Such a amazing experience

LoveSpuds591d ago

Yup, I remember being blown away with Heavenly Sword. I remember holding out hope that they would go back and add trophy support as a incentive to go back and replay the game, but I don't think they ever did?

Yui_Suzumiya591d ago

I couldn't beat the final boss though! Spent several days trying but eventually gave up, lol. Still enjoyed it though.

refocusedman591d ago

heavenly sword was such a short, but amazing game. that game should be prime material to be made into a download only remaster.

YoungKingDoran591d ago

I really enjoyed Castlevania, but struggled to get into it again reattempting it a few years back. I still think it does another of things well; story, presentation, level varietily and art style at least. Gameplay maybe has not stood test of time unfortunately which makes it a chore to get through.


Dante's Inferno declared "completely playable" on PC through PS3 Emulation

Dante's Inferno at 4K 60FPS!

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Watsyerproblem11548d ago
jambola1548d ago

The effort here is overwhelming

darthv721548d ago

Sad this may never get the sequel it deserves. It's still one of the best GoW clones around.

Silly gameAr1546d ago

I agree. I still have my copy, but a sequel would have been awesome.

Ratchet751546d ago

It's the only GOW clone around. 😉

specialguest1547d ago

I would love to revisit my old PS3 games played at a higher framerate and resolution. UC2, TLOU, GOW3, KZ2 & 3, Demon Souls

darthv721546d ago

I know you can with UC2, TLoU and GoW3... just get the PS4 versions. Oh and i think Demon Souls as well.

1546d ago Replies(3)
Ratchet751546d ago

100% with u on that one.
Could you imagine a dead space on ps4/x1 and maybe a VR version.
And what about that Star Wars game they cancelled? They must have regretted it after seeing JFO's success.
This company is run by morons.

Kombatologist1545d ago

Yep. :( They care more about current trends than making a truly great game. It was their fault Dead Space 3 didn't do as well as 2 because, against the devs' wishes, they wanted it to have co-op because MuLtIpLaYeR > SiNgLePlAyEr. It's scary that companies like EA have so much influence on the industry.

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