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Kojima Explains Why He Took on MGS: Peace Walker, Introduces "Love Box"

GCO: "In an interview published by the Japanese magazine, Dengeki: PlayStation, Hideo Kojima explained why he took took the role of game designer on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, despite his previous claims that he would play a smaller role in the development of Metal Gear games after Metal Gear Solid 4."

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Gamer_Politics5472d ago

Kojima gets on my nervs..enough with all these MGS us that you can create something else

GCO Gamer5472d ago

The man is creating other products. It's just that people love Metal Gear, however, just like Halo, deep down inside, people don't want it to end.

fuckoffodion5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

You mean like Bungie?

EDIT: people love the series (me included) and you give the people what they want. It's like those Pokemon games where it's over saturated but even then, it's what the people want. Kojima made snatcher and policnauts and zone of enders. He's completely capable of making a new one. I think after peace walker, we'll get a new series.

Gamer_Politics5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

same goes for Bungie...they need to make something else besides Halo..just like i'm tired of all these Call of Duty games..

All-35472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

Kojima said: “I’ll be working more deeply on the project then a normal producer.”

Looks like he's going to get his hands wet in MGS: Rising - after all eh?


--> Well Kojima produced Zone of the Enders as well and there's many fans of that game. So anyone not giving MGS Rising a chance just because Kojima is tagged as the producer is BS, you know the game is gonna be better than decent at least.

The thing was... that many at this site kept on screaming that Kojima was 'only' the producer and wouldn't be actually working on MGS Rising... now we know that isn't entirely true. Kojima - being the so-called 'perfectionist' seems he can/won't completely let go.

RememberThe3575472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

Dude there are a ton of different types of game out there. Not every game is Metal Gear, Halo, or Call of Duty.

All-3: I was expecting as much. Rising is going to be a quality game either way. Kojima Productions is full of talented people.

Marceles5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

Well Kojima produced Zone of the Enders as well and there's many fans of that game. So anyone not giving MGS Rising a chance just because Kojima is tagged as the producer is BS, you know the game is gonna be better than decent at least.

DNAgent5472d ago

No. He already said that he isn't involved with MG:R in any way. He will be heavily involved in MGS: PW and then he will be looking over the Lords of Shadow game (which is actually being developed by the same people who made Clive Barker's Jericho and originally it wasn't even going to be a Castlevania game as there was an old trailer for Castlevania back at TGS that we never heard about which isn't the same game as Lords of Shadow).

Rising will be a spinoff that Kojima isn't involved in so don't expect it to be a great (or even a good) game or you'll be disappointed. Rising won't live up to MGS4 so i'm not expecting anything from it. I'm not even hyped about that game as I am much more interested in Peace Walker.

locos855472d ago

I hope he does get involved in MGS:R Metal gear is one of my favorite series. I hope that game will be awesome as well.

5472d ago
All-35472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

LOL -- just go READ the article will you.

It's right in there. (Kojima) He said: “I’ll be working more deeply on the project then a normal producer.”

Now what does that mean?

“I’ll be working more deeply on the project then a normal producer.”


OK... mr. disagree - then I'll put the article in your face...

In an interview published by the Japanese magazine, Dengeki: PlayStation, Hideo Kojima explained why he took the role of game designer on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, despite his previous claims that he would play a smaller role in the development of Metal Gear games after Metal Gear Solid 4.

“At first, I was just going to create the overall guidelines and concepts for the project, and leave it in the hands my excellent staff. I was going to have a hand in the project as a producer, and make titles other than MGS. But, I set the game in the South American(sic) country of Costa Rica and created a story with themes about nuclear deterrence and the cold war. It looked as if it might be very confusing to young people, because of generational differences. So, in the end I finally said, “I’ll do it.”

The only time Kojima directly referenced the gameplay of MGS: Peace Walker during the interview was when discussing the trailer shown at Sony’s press conference. When pressed about the cardboard box with two Snakes in it, Kojima said, “what we showed is called ‘The Love Box’.”

READ --> When discussing Metal Gear Solid: Rising Kojima seemed said that it would not be a traditional Metal Gear game. “It’s a completely different kind of action than what has appeared in the series so far.” He also said, “I’ll be working more deeply on the project then a normal producer.”

READ --> He also said, “I’ll be working more deeply on the project then a normal producer.”

Got that?


--> the translation to this article is wrong, At the end it said he was deeply involved in PEACE WLAKER not RISING, he's clearly mentioned it like about a thousands times now that he has nothing to do with RISING, so how could he say 2 different things? that doesn't make any sense.

LOL... so all this --> When discussing Metal Gear Solid: Rising Kojima seemed said that it would not be a traditional Metal Gear game. “It’s a completely different kind of action than what has appeared in the series so far.” He also said, “I’ll be working more deeply on the project then a normal producer.

All of that is translated incorrectly?

When discussing Metal Gear Solid: RISING <---

Kojima said --> “It’s a completely different kind of action than what has appeared in the series so far.” He also said, “I’ll be working more deeply on the project then a normal producer.

It's all translated incorrectly? LOL....

If you're going to quote what Kojima has previously stated - start quoting how many times he stated this or that MGS.. would be his LAST MGS game!

Obviously he's changed his mind before... and he's done it again. Seems like he can't keep his hands off MGS games. They are his babies... or something to that effect.

TheAntiFanboy5472d ago

Metal Gear is a long standing franchise with a rich universe and storyline. Metal Gear is Kojima's baby. Kojima will not simply get up and abandon it.

ThanatosDMC5472d ago

I agree, i doubt Kojima will keep his hands off Rising especially since it's his Metal Gear Universe after all. He wouldnt want anyone else to F-up his storyline. Look at how Nero of DMC4 F-up Dante's, Vergil's, and Sparda's great story.

Enigma_20995472d ago

... because the minute he tries, everyone either b!tches about the lack of a new Metal Gear game, or they start rumors claiming that his next game WILL be another Metal Gear game, and they keep persisting until he gives in.

rockleex5471d ago

Like Snatcher? Policenauts? Zone of the Enders 2?

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Unicron5472d ago

I too, would love to see new franchises or old ones revisited by Kojima. I love MGS, but 4 ended on the perfect note. Step away for a few years, then come back with a new universe if you must... but don't oversaturate this one please. Bring us some Snatcher or ZOE3!

Same goes for Bungie, I wanna see what ELSE they can do! They have the talent!

RememberThe3575472d ago

was Kojima's 9th symphony. Truly one of the best games ever made.

raztad5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )


It's true but sometimes I cant help but feel that MGS3:Subsistence was even better.

In fact the last fight against "The Boss" was better than any boss fight in MGS4, IMO.

Chuk_Chuk5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

why was the 360 tagged in this.

on the article. I want to get a PSP just play this. MGS4 was my first MGS game and Kojima game and it was beautiful. Can't wait for the next ones.

Xandet5472d ago

PSP is getting lots of quality new titles on the way.. looks like I'll finally be bucking up and buying one. Hopefully after the GO! launches, some good deals on the 3000 will start to pop up.

But yes, any game designed by Kojima is a game to get giddily excited about.. which is exactly why I'm so disappointed that I'm not excited for Rising. By the name change and Kojima's lack of involvement, I get a bad feeling it won't feel like the MGS I've grown to know and obsess over all these years.

Elvfam5115472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

anyways i can't wait for this i hope it's just like mgs4

Edit mgs1 will always be my favorite

itchy185472d ago

you should also play MGS 1 2 3. they're epic!

Eamon5472d ago

If you actually read the article, Kojima also mentions his role in MGS Rising which is on PS3 and 360. So I guess, that's why it was tagged

GiantEnemyCrab5472d ago

It's tagged 360 because he mentions Rising at the end and how he will be more involved than just a regular producer.

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eagle215472d ago

Xbox owners don't know a awesome game from a "tea bag". Just don't even comment about PLAYSTATION games. You really have no clue.

GiantEnemyCrab5472d ago

What a fat headed egotistical thing to say. You just don't attack the 360 fanboys you attack every 360 owner with your elitest attitude.

I don't know a good game from a teabag? Whatever. You sound angry little fella.

eagle215472d ago

I'm having a great day, hope you are too. We can all sound egotistical at times, I'm just giving respect to a great game developer and playstation.

ChampIDC5472d ago

Well, don't point your comment at "Xbox owners", please. Not all of us are fanboys, you know. Some are quite open-minded, in fact.

RowSand5472d ago

im going to bring metal gear shjolid fanside to axe box titty shltty

did you rike it? ..!..

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The Best PSP Games of All Time, Ranked

The must play PSP Games every gamer will enjoy.

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jznrpg102d ago

My son and I played a ton of Monster Hunter on PSP


20 Best PSP Games of All Time

It feels like the PlayStation Portable doesn't get the love that it deserves, so here are the best PSP games if you're picking one up for the first time.

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darthv72644d ago

some really good games on that list. some of my favorites (not on the list) are Metal Slug XX, ultimate Ghosts & Goblins, Gradius Collection, Motorstorm Arctic Edge and Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters.

Knushwood Butt644d ago

Metal Slug XX is surprisingly good.

isarai644d ago

I get that The Warriors is technically a PS2 game ported over, but damn it's amazing on the PSP

roadkillers644d ago

Dark Mirror was the best. Multiplayer and single player was fantastic

roadkillers643d ago

I never tried that one. Once the PS3 was out, I was done with PSP… I would love to see a new one

badboyz09643d ago

Few of my favs Off the top. Midnight club 3,GTA Stories liberty/Vice,god of war and locoRoco


The Out of Place Artifact - A Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Retrospective

VGChartz's Issa Maki: "Even to fans, the thought that a T-rated game could rank as the greatest is virtually unthinkable; how could the best Metal Gear possibly be a handheld title on a system less powerful than a PlayStation 2? Because it had to be – necessity is the mother of invention. Not only is this a full-fledged Metal Gear, the fresh spin on the gameplay draws from several sources outside of its wheelhouse. Peace Walker somehow manages to be less like its predecessor, Portable Ops, and more akin to Metal Gear Solid V. What boggles the mind is that it would be over five years before The Phantom Pain would release, an entire generation later."

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pietro1212869d ago

Such a good game, my second favorite MGS title next to MGS3