
OXM -- Star Ocean : The Last Hope review

Ryan King from OXM writes:

"Ever been woken up by a slap in the face? Star Ocean is a harsher JRPG experience compared with what you might be used to. We've become used to the JRPG as a relaxing visual feast, but Square's latest hits much harder.

On a basic level, this is a space-faring adventure that has you planet hopping, meeting locals and wiping out the indigenous wildlife with swords and fire. Just like early-age colonists, but with porcelain doll features and less body hair."

Pretty, but flaws stop it touching the stars

* Huge scope
* Amazing musical score
* Edge Maverick is a top name

* Battles too chaotic
* Item creation ability confusing

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10 Most Overlooked RPGs That You Should Play Now

Many overlooked RPGs lie dormant in the catalogues of gaming, but players can pick up their swords and shields with these amazing JRPG hidden gems!

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Community178d ago

PlayStation Plus is a secret paradise for RPG fans

From games that digitaltrends DeAngelo Epps has always wanted to play but missed out on, like Odin Sphere, to newer titles that he'd love to re-experience like Yakuza: Like a Dragon, there was enough there to justify diving back in. And those titles aren’t even a small percent of what’s available here. Vanillaware titles, Square Enix games, NIS franchises he’d never even heard of — there’s a whole lot to dig into.

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Community189d ago
Eonjay189d ago

PSPlus is Amazing for RPGs and NIS America, Square Enix and Vanillaware games are perfect for PSPortal.

LG_Fox_Brazil189d ago

Not really a 'secret' but a paradise indeed, I just finished Soul Hackers 2, pretty good, and started Labyrinth of Galleria and I am having a blast. Tons of great RPGs in the PS4/PS5 family

Mr_cheese189d ago

Secret is the click buzzword. Can't have a title without bait these days.

anast189d ago

secret, shadow, hidden

OtterX189d ago

Perfect for playing on the Portal, since rpgs can be such timesinks. For those people who can't stay glued to the TV, it's good to give some freedom around the house, out on the porch or whatever. I haven't picked up a Portal yet, bc of life priorities, but I definitely anticipate picking one up asap and playing more rpgs!

ziggyzinfirion189d ago

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy VII:Remake for the first time on PS5 and I am freaking blown away by this game so far. I don't know why I waited this long or due to my huge backlog but had to be honest, this game exceeded my expectations.

OtterX189d ago

Yea, story pacing aside, the combat system is pretty killer, especially if you slow it down to play it more like a tactical turned based jrpg!

I actually wish FF16 had gone this route, instead of the DMC route. The FF7:R system gave enough action for those who wanted to play that way, while still appeasing us old school turn based jrpg fans.

Glad you're enjoying!

crazyCoconuts189d ago

Some of the best in game HDR I've ever seen in that game. I liked it a lot too. My first final fantasy game believe it or not

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15 Most Underrated SNES Games

The 1990s were a time where mech-suit manga and television shows were starting to filter into the United States. The result was that we got a boatload of cool mech games like Metal Warriors.

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Community850d ago
Knightofelemia851d ago

Still love the Power Rangers games but most of these underrated games cost an arm and a leg to buy unless you kept them around when they released.

Neonridr851d ago

yeah I had to resort to an everdrive cart for my Analogue Super NT because some game prices are just ridiculous.

Jiub851d ago

And it's only going to get worse as the games get rarer.

ZeekQuattro850d ago

Sparkster. Like Rocket Knight Adventures on the Sega Genesis neither game seems to be brought up much. I played both game a whole lot growing up.

SimpleSlave850d ago

Wow, would you look at that? A game list with some actual forgotten gems. Color me impressed.

Good stuff. 👍

NecrumOddBoy850d ago

I cannot praise EVO The Search for Eden enough. This game deserves a remake as it’s one of the wildest platformer JRPGs ever made. The concept of spending XP on evolving and devolving on the fly to navigate the world was really interesting. Evolution in games is rarely tackled creatively but EVO nailed it.

SimpleSlave850d ago

This was one of my favorite games during the 16-Bit era. Me and my cousin rented it not knowing what it was and ended up finishing it. Still, to this day, one of the most unique games I've ever played. Very addictive too.

This game is truly tops. 👍

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