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ASSASSYN 36o (1) - 5487d ago Cancel
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JelalTrueshot (4) - 5486d ago Cancel
dubbalubagis (3) - 5486d ago Cancel

ArmA 2-Review at

The folks at gave ArmA 2 a 4 out of 10. The (german) review says, that there are "so many bugs, you can't count them all" and that ArmA 2 -without the promised patch- isn't worthy a buck. The editor says "right now you better don't touch ArmA 2 and wait for the first patch!".

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Remove the score from the title. Remove "one of germanys most important actiongame-websites."
Wriggy5487d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
morganfell5487d ago

I did some work with these guys and this game is a complete loss. They are still using left over code form the original Operation Flashpoint. Instead of building a brand new engine they just stripped down the code and then rebuilt it maintaining much of the original including all of the faults.

skwidd5486d ago

Sad news. This is a title I was really looking forward to. Im confused why they even released it the way it is. As a developer they should aspire to higher quality and refused to release it until its within a certain quality criteria. Here's hoping OF2 wont disappoint.

BattleAxe5486d ago

Even when you watch some of the game trailers for this game, the characters don't even really move their mouths when they talk.

shazui1235486d ago

Pc devs are lazy @ssholes. This game is more demanding of your hardware than crysis and shouldnt be. Crysis had crap coding too but taking that and that its laughably buggy and that console devs achieve what they do into account. Id say this is a waste of money. I have a super gaming pc but until devs actually take advantage of hardware like naughty dog or polyphony digital, theyre not getting my money, ill download both the game and config/mod files making it playable illegally, only money lost goes to rapidshare :)

moses5486d ago

Crysis had crap coding? What the hell do you know? Don't spew random crap you heard around the internet, use facts.

TheIneffableBob5486d ago

Yeah... generalize much? Just because a developer makes a buggy game on a platform doesn't make every developer on that platform lazy. It's a stupid claim.

Also, lazy is never the proper term. These developers work very hard. Money and time constraints would be more appropriate.

SpitFireAce855486d ago

OFPDR will crap all over this game

retrofly5486d ago

This is why they need to bring in that new law that stops games from being released with too many blatant bugs.

If they release a dodgy product they should be subject to the same rules that apply to all manufacturers.

Revvin5486d ago

Yet another in a long line of PC titles released with a 'release now, patch later' mentality. The first game was buggy as hell and poorly optimised with lousy AI and they still have not learnt from past mistakes. Its not right to pirate games but is it any wonder piracy is so rife when developers churn out rubbish like this?

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Top 7 Hardest Video Games

From rogue-likes to the newer Souls series, there's a solid subsection of games that are purposefully difficult to a mind-boggling, controller-throwing degree. In recent months we've of course received Dark Souls III, but that's not the only new game that will test your perseverance and punish you for making the slightest mistake.

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Community2952d ago
naruga2952d ago (Edited 2952d ago )

no Ninja gaiden black or Ninja gaiden 2 (x360 version)?... also Demon Sousl >dark souls ..


Humble Weekly Bohemia Interactive Bundle 2 Released

Hardcore Gamer - This week’s Humble Bundle focuses on the work of Bohemia Interactive.

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Community3253d ago

5 Times Games Were Mistaken For Real Life

Nissan USA’s Twitter account goofed up by believing that a couple of screenshots from (the admittedly gorgeous) Driveclub were real-life photographs. And although their tweet was a cover for their own mistake, it is also partially the truth: video games have been getting increasingly realistic. There have been quite a few other instances of games being mistaken for real life content, in some rather more serious situations. So in this list, we take a look at some of the few times games were mistaken for real life.

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Community3258d ago
3258d ago Replies(3)
oasdada3258d ago

Master chief is among us lol

Relientk773258d ago

I remember the Assassin's Creed one

you can see the viewpoints lol

KingKevo3258d ago

What I love more than the viewpoints are all the hiding spots on the buildings. All the same and too many of them. Looks kinda weird, but apparently not suspicious enough.

nosferatuzodd3258d ago

Lol and these are the people who are giving us news the human race are hopeless

terminallyCapricious3258d ago

Funny stuff and im glad these weren't blocked behind 5 different pages.