
Case Closed: One Truth Prevails - Review (D+PAD)

D+PAD: It's doubtful this game will appeal to children, adults, or anyone who isn't a die-hard Case Closed fan. If you fall into the latter category then by all means play – and try to love – it. Just be aware that to do so you need an iron will… and an iron stomach.

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Aussie-Nintendo: Case Closed Review

There's a heap of mini-games, but they all border on being unplayable. There's even a light gun shooter you can play in the Mirapolis' arcade that has trouble figuring out where you're pointing the Wii Remote. It takes pure skill to mess up something like that! If you're willing to sink countless, tedious hours into the game, the objectives and storyline in general start to pick up, but by that time it's almost all over. Fantastic. Game's terrible, might cause abdominal bloating. Don't bother. Case closed.

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Case Closed: One Truth Prevails Now Available

Created by Marvelous Entertainment, Case Closed: One Truth Prevails is a Nintendo Wii game developed with manga style cartoon animation. In Case Closed: One Truth Prevails, players guide child detective Conan as he investigates crime scenes and pieces together evidence to catch criminals. The game is packed with mini games and spy gadgets, including a solar powered skateboard and wrist watch stun gun. The Wii remote is used to move the young detective, examine clues from all angles and take part in mini games, including Super Hero Arcade Battles and 1vs.1 Football. Case Closed: One Truth Prevails is now available across Europe.

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Case Closed: One Truth Prevails Release Date Announced

In Case Closed: One Truth Prevails the lead character is seventeen year-old Shichi Kudo, a very intuitive high school detective, well known in Japan as a modern day Sherlock Holmes. Shichi is on a mission to infiltrate a secret group known as the Black Organisation when he is drugged with a poison that was meant to kill him, but instead transforms him into a seven year old boy. In his new body, Shichi adopts the alias Conan Edogawa and pretends to be a child whilst continuing to secretly solve cases.

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