Approvals 17/3 ▼
hitthegspot (2) - 5522d ago Cancel
JamieReleases (10) - 5522d ago Cancel
s8anicslayer (4) - 5522d ago Cancel
Hardcore_Gamer (1) - 5522d ago Cancel

TVGB: Review / Tokyo Beat Down (DS)

TVGB: If there's anything to be learned from Tokyo Beat Down, Success' videogame love letter to the coin-gobbling, side-scrolling brawlers that once monopolized our youth, it's that "fists can solve any problem." Sure, games have evolved since the time of stand-alone arcades, but there's still no greater pleasure than kicking and punching your way to a better and brighter tomorrow, the way only a badass cop who doesn't play by the rules can. Such are the cops of Tokyo Beat Down, whose stealth-free tactics consist of walking up to a suspect and swiftly delivering a justice-packed blow to their genitals.

Success has set out to make a true arcade-style brawler that fits in the palm of your hand, transporting players back to a time when cops were reckless, thugs were generic and barrels were filled with health-boosting sandwiches. But beyond nostalgia, is this really a game worth playing, or does it suffer from the same flaws that relegated the genre to memory?

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Tokyo Beat Down Review at

Nestlekwik writes, "...Success tried its hand at the genre as it was in the 1990’s, developing Yajuu Keiji for the Japanese Nintendo DS. Not a publisher to let a fresh, quirky game left unreleased to U.S. gamers, Atlus has stepped in to serve stateside gamers a helping of mass ass kicking, domesticating the title under the name of Tokyo Beat Down - indeed fitting as players are able to rock the face of nearly everyone they encounter in the game."

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Community4662d ago

GamingTrend: Tokyo Beat Down Review

GamingTrend writes: "When I got Tokyo Beat Down, I was really hoping for a great beat-'em-up experience translated into the third dimension, similar to how adventure games and one-on-one fighting games have transitioned into 3D. Unfortunately Tokyo Beat Down falls short of that, and if I want a beat-'em-up I'm better off putting my GBA copy of Final Fight One into my Nintendo DS".

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Gaming Age: Tokyo Beat Down Review

Gaming Age writes: "Do not buy Tokyo Beat Down (TBD). I wanted to make sure that you got the point in case you didn't finish the entire review. Now that that is out of the way, feel free to do something else instead of playing this game. You could watch paint dry or twiddle your thumbs or watch paint dry. Just don't waste your money on this game. I would say don't waste your time but the game is so short you wouldn't really be wasting it. TBD (not to be confused with To Be Determined because I already determined that this game sucks) is a useless waste of the plastic and circuitry that is the cartridge."

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