
Final Fantasy XIII Demo consumes 5.09GB of space

FF7ACC capacity of 45.9GB, AACS MKB V12 did.
Main knitting file size is about 29.8GB, BDInfo average bitrate of the video about the analysis of 27.8Mbps, the average Japanese audio Dolby True HD 5.1ch is about 1.9Mbps and the average English Dolby True HD 5.1ch is about 1.97Mbps

FFXIII Demo capacity is about 5.09GB

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- Ghost of Sparta -5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

XIII DVD's required for the 360 port confirmed!

PirateThom5505d ago

Even if we take that the game is going to reuse a lot of assets, I honestly can't see it being less than 4 discs without serious compression on the textures, audio and FMV.

timmyrulz5505d ago

And those with 20 gig hard drives on their ps3 will be fcuked

pwnsause5505d ago

and all those 20gb hard drives get upgraded without a problem for cheap, whats your point? if it comes with an install, it will be below 5gb, just like MGS4.

Ninver5505d ago

As a smart and well informed consumer i know what version i'm getting. What about the rest of you sheep?

cmrbe5505d ago

It's ok though since you guys are ok with swapping discs. Have fun storing and swapping 5 disc lol!.

Ninver5505d ago

@ timmy

Are you like twelve or something kid. It's like you continuously ask for a beating and plead to get owned lol. I'd be quite if i where you.

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

The '25 disc' version of 'Final Fantasy XIII' for the 'ChatBox 360' on Amazon.com??? ;-D

+ I'm going to get a Hernia carrying that Version of 'FF XIII' for the 'ChatBox 360' Game Home!!! ;-D

cmrbe5504d ago

To make things worse for the xbots the x360 is know to scratch disc. If one of those multiple disc is scratch your basically fuvked lol!.

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5504d ago

It's 50 Discs(ChatBox 360 Version)??? Anyone want to help me carry it Home??? ;-D

@cmrbe ;) Oh yeah i forgot about that. I was to worried about getting RRoD before inserting Disc 32!!! ;-D

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5504d ago
sonarus5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

Thats certainly a lot for a demo. Makes you wonder how many discs they 360 version will need

qface645505d ago

that's almost the size of all of resident evil 5 and its only a demo too

TheAntiFanboy5505d ago

The concept of compression is a myth to the Japanese.

timmyrulz5505d ago

Or how big the madatory install will be on the ps3

Ninver5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

LOL this is funny as hell. Only one can wonder how much compressed dvd's the 360 will need to maintain even the most subpar of quality. As a smart and informed consumer i know what version i'm getting. What about the rest of you sheep?

cmrbe5505d ago

True that but with blu-ray there is no real need unless you are Kojima lol!.

Anyone that played MGS4 knows how amazing a game is in complete uncompressed HD both visually and audio wise.

Ninver5505d ago

@ above

And that is the reason why i will never settle for anything less. A lot of people are yet to experience true HD visuals with unconpressed audio and texture that is the reason why we still hear people (xbox owners) continuously lie themselves to bed that the 360 has any weight on the ps3.

FamilyGuy5505d ago

Too bad the PS3 isnt hacked in cases like this. There HAS to be more on the disc. This is in reference to the PSP demo of GOW Chains of Olympus and all the extra content on the demo past the actual demo.

Then again this IS HD and there are a couple of HD trailers on the disc as well.
But really wow, i see why the Advent Children Complete (Japanese version) is so expensive now. Most wii games are in the 500mb range o.0

sack_boi5505d ago

Lost Odyssey was 27gigs and I heard FFXIII was going to be on two Bluray discs, so this is not surprising.

Ninver5505d ago

@ timmyrulz

SE has been developing this game for god knows how long. They practically have no choice but to not include a mandatory install for the ps3.

If they do, they know they will be a laughing stock. With the amount of time it has taken them to release the damn game you would think they would redeem themselves from the failures they have portrayed.

It's nearly 2.5 years in the ps3's cycle and frankly any dev that releases a game and has mandatory installs all over it is weak and pathetic in my honest opinion.

FamilyGuy5505d ago

This also makes one more thing quite apparent and OFFICIAL, we won't be seeing this download able on the Jap or any other PSN (or 360) store

Even without the trailers this demo would need a cut down version to at least 1.5Gb to ever end up on a console store for free download. though id buy the demo if i could.

I wonder how much they'll go for on ebay i heard it on a separate disc than the blu-ray movie (FF:AV) so they're guaranteed to be sold. (if thats true)

PotNoodle5505d ago

sack_boi, i doubt it'll be over 50gb..

cLiCK_sLiCK95505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

It scares me that FF13 developers might have to cut corners to get this game up and going on the 360.

Dont hold this against me.. but wasnt it announced (or rumored) that some content on demo might not see the light on the retail version?

Rock Bottom5505d ago

Happy news for some, disastrous news for others.

Insomnia_845505d ago

Something tells me We will get a downgraded version that will look the same on 360 and PS3 when it hits the US, a different version to the Japanese one.

FamilyGuy5505d ago

Your BS claim is debunk.

If they did a good job there will be NO install whatsoever as we've seen already that they're "stream loading" which is what is supposed to take away ALL loads times according to PS3s devs which make game installs COMPLETELY unnecessary.

They said ages ago it would have stream loading (im not gonna look it up for ya) and the demo already proves this as the battle transitions are like a second long (dvd loading isnt even that fast) and CGI movies too.

This pretty much GUARANTEES no mandatory game install.

All-35505d ago

Obviously --> somebody doesn't know WHY PS3 games require installs in the firs place.

Perhaps one of you INFORMED gamers can fill him/her in?

Supposedly... the average age range of PS3 owners is somewhere between the mid-twenties and mid-thirties <-- you can really tell by the usual comments left in N4G posts can't you? LOL...

FamilyGuy5504d ago

All-3 You've confused me. the installs are to quicken loading times on the ps3 because blu-rray disc are read slower than dvds (newer tech an all that) The compression on 360 games cause longer loading times than if left uncompressed. His claim of lowering the quality of the image(?) or audio(?)is wrong. Is that what you meant?

Shadow Flare5504d ago

Uncharted 1 has zero installs, zero load times and is still one of the best games graphically to date.


Dragun6195504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

Well, For One, Final Fantasy XIII lead platform is PS3

And Two I'm sure if there is an install, you could just install it and play the game with no hassle in between such as Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter 4, or Bioshock Which the Disc reads at a good constant rate along with Data streamed from the Hard drive thus delivering the best experience for the player. Its the reason why there's a Hard drive And evidently, Many developers have chosen to take advantage of it.

Either that or it'll won't have an install or not as big such as COD4, R1,R2, Uncharted and Killzone 2
Or as FamliyGuy has stated it will be Steam Loaded as shown in the demo which ran smooth.

Also wouldn't take longer to load on DVD due of the heavy compression. Its like comparing a crumpled paper then uncrumpling it to taking a piece of the paper (install) then connecting it to a bigger paper (Blu Ray) thus resulting a Clear Paper (better quality) as it was not Crumpled (compressed). Which for instance Mass Effect as I'm sure it would of ran better if it were not for the compression.

Immortal Kaim5504d ago

I notice the interest in Square-Enix is back again from PS3 owners, hopefully because they realise FFXIII is looking to be a great addition to the franchise. Unfortunately the interest seems to be more focused on the supposed 'gimped' 360 version...

Can I possibly pose the question, why does it matter if the 360 version is on 5 or even 10 disks, you all seem to be buying the PS3 version?

morganfell5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

All-3, you are the one that fails to understand game installs. Two of the best looking PS3 titles, Killzone 2 and Uncharted have no installs. Installs have nothing to do with NECESSARY space requirements. Instead the need arises form programmers lacking the experience to otherwise archive the material.

Your supposed superiority act concerning the implied greater age of 360 owners is a joke. Anyone that is a dual console owner knows the truth of this.

You are simply smarting over the truth of the demo size.

One of several things will happen. Inevitably the size of the demo will be reduced by a small small amount once the game is complete. This is due to refinement in the actual game.

In the end though we are staring at the possibility the 360 version will require quite a large number of discs. This will have an impact in either the game costing more than some gamers would like or Microsoft pays out of pocket. Will they increase the cost of the PS3 version to bring the two versions in line pricewise? Likely not.

In the event Microsoft bears the brunt of the costs it will be one more chunk of money Microsoft has thrown down the toilet in vain. Either way they will have worked to squeeze the game onto the fewest number of disks possible. This will mean lower res textures and much poorer sound.

Microsoft may also have paid Square enough money to reduce the size of the final game to two discs. PS3 owners can shake their heads with this knowledge. Real gamers can also be disgusted that Microsoft will have paid money to ruin a game for everyone. Sad really.

So you see my inexperienced fellow poster, there is a reason for PS3 owners to be concerned as they do have a stake in the gimped PS3 version.

Regardless PS3 owners have Versus en route.

Why o why5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

too easy.... This is N4G. The same reason people care about disk numbers is the same reason people care about mandatory installs. this is not utopia 4 gamers.

morganfell and others

Im not falling into 'their' trap. When 'they' get the chance to install to improve performance 'they' bloody well do, no questions. Lets not act like installs are a bad thing. This is next gen and we dont need 50 devs to tell us that the option to use a HDD is an advantage. Eff em. If 'they' had it too it would be a non issue or it would be something stupid like 'the ps3 install for x game is 4.5 seconds longer than the 360's' accompanied with eurogamer speed comparison charts. I like installs. There is also the fact that installs can be used to vastly improve games if done correctly.

Immortal Kaim5504d ago

You should know better than anyone that spreading misinformation and anti-MS propaganda isn't beneficial to anyone, your comments have more clout around here than you realise.

"Microsoft may also have paid Square enough money to reduce the size of the final game to two discs. PS3 owners can shake their heads with this knowledge. Real gamers can also be disgusted that Microsoft will have paid money to ruin a game for everyone. Sad really."

Neither of us knows what really happened behind closed doors between MS and Square-Enix, inferring that they have comprised the quality of the game is misleading.

morganfell5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

Who is spreading misinformation? I am postulating. Did you not notice the words, "Microsoft may have..."?

If one pauses to think about it the possibility is highly likely. After all they have shown a tendency to do exactly what I theorize.

BTW, Famitsu agrees with me.

So no, I will not stop will my supported proposals. If Microsoft comes away from such posted hunches looking like they are evil or doing a disservice to the gamer then one can only say, "It is about time they are viewed in the naked light of day and seen for the anti-gaming force they so often are have demonstrated themselves to be."

cLiCK_sLiCK95504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

I agree. Its almost like coakblocking.
But in the end, we will never know (graphically) how these multiplatform games would've turn out to be if they still remained exclusives.

Imagine GTA4 being an exclusive? 25-50 gig open-world game? Unimaginable' right?
Just keep in mind that developers develop games while knowing their console's limits. Rockstar didnt make GTA4 without knowing their limitations. You guys have to understand that Rockstar didn't finish developing GTA4 only to find out its total size was around 8 gigs...
Same goes for all multiplatform developers. Including Square-enix.

But like I said. We will never know....=[

Immortal Kaim5504d ago

Well your first sentence could be considered you 'postulating', though your following statements.

"...PS3 owners can shake their heads with this knowledge. Real gamers can also be disgusted that Microsoft will have paid money to ruin a game for everyone. Sad really."

Ruined for everyone? I could have sworn one of the most beloved franchises will now reach out to more people who may not have had the chance to experience it?

Semantics aside, I will be getting the game on the PS3, not because I feel one version may be 'superior', but because I own 7-12 on the playstation platforms and strangely feel I should continue the trend with the next iteration.

morganfell5504d ago

No one of common sense can sit there and say the MS intervention hasn't affected PS3 owners in a negative manner. And while you are praising MS for that you can praise them for all the other franchises they 'freed'.

You sound like one of the targets in Assassins Creed that were 'freeing' the people. And your argument in favor of Microsoft's action makes as much sense.

Immortal Kaim5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

And you're the Assassin right? The one who was duped by his superiors... :) jk.

So I'm supporting MS by not agreeing with your comments? You surprise me Morgan, as someone who definitely knows how to hold a conversation and articulates himself fairly well, you are so one-sided it is disheartening.

I think your attitude is inherently selfish, why does it matter if 360 owners get to play it? As everyone likes to claim, the game is 'built from the ground up' for PS3, so according to many, the PS3 will be getting the 'superior' version.

So let it be, more people will be playing the game, I'm sure someone playing it on the 360 won't affect your enjoyment of the game.

Anyway I'm off to bed, happy to continue the conversation tomorrow. Or you can PM me if you like, hopefully I can instil some 'open-mindedness' in that cold, dark heart of yours ;) another joke yes...

btw I enjoyed the conversation without the usual 'fanboy flinging comments' most people resort to on N4G.


sirbigam5504d ago

This game looks real suspect, but I thing I'm more interested in Final Fantasy XIII Verses instead.

morganfell5504d ago

No. The only people I was deceived by were Microsoft. That was as I was a launch buyer and number 1 on the list at my local Gamestop inexplicably even beating the manager onto the reservation queue.

And as in the game I soon learned who the king of deception was and I divested myself in any belief that Microsoft was out to determine the gamer.

Microsoft: "We will win because we will be first to market"

Sony: "We will win because we will offer a superior experience on a superior machine."

My attitude is anything but selfish as I want the best possible experience for gamers. Not the one most available at any cost to the experience itself. There is a point where attempting to be cheap merely cheapens the experience rather than the cost.

FlameBaitGod5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

Well its obvs that games have have had to be down graded thx to the 360, not cus i say it but developers are saying, Google it. If GTA4 had stayed on the PS it would have been bigger, PS owners would have been better games if it wasn't for MS's console, but w/e right. When MS made the contract with SE they knew they would have to make games to fit their console, that's only obvs. MS wouldn't allow SE do the same game on the PS3 looking way better cus they knew that people wouldn't buy it, that's y its safe to say that MS payed A LOT for that game to be on the 360 with the same graphics as the PS3

MOD Edit:

For future reference, the use of the words SDF or M$ with the dollar sign within a comment will be deleted, if you continue to use M$ or $ony etc then you may recieve a banning, this goes for everyone.

Kassanova075504d ago

Why do ppl hate installs so bad? If it makes the game run better then I'm all for it. On topic, the older I get the less interest I have in FF. End of Eternity looks more appealing atm.

gaffyh5504d ago

@1.33 - I agree dude, I always install even if it is optional on PS3. On 360 I don't install anything because I only got a 20GB HDD, and only 7 GB is left on it :(

meepmoopmeep5504d ago

Dead Space and Eternal Sonata have no installs
and reviews even said they load faster than the 360 ones.

weird eh?

lowcarb5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

Shadowflare: UC was knocked off the map the day Geow2 stepped on the scene. Also it didn't look better than part one, but part one of gears didn't look better than uc1 either. Stop the fud bud!

edit 1.31 morganfell: great post

All-35504d ago

That's right - the PS3 blu-ray --> DRIVE is slower than the DVD drive in the Xbox 360. That's a FACT.

Any informed person KNOWS why there are mandatory installs for PS3 games... and WHY they are required.


--> The compression on 360 games cause longer loading times than if left uncompressed.

The compression techniques are so good these days that in MANY instances --> the difference between loading times by streaming from a hard drive ie with many PS3 games --> is NOT dramatically faster vs the Xbox 360 versions loading times from compressed game data off the DVD-9 discs.

--> His claim of lowering the quality of the image(?) or audio(?)is wrong. Is that what you meant?

The difference between uncompressed video is NOT as dramatic as many seem to claim --> BESIDES <-- even PS3 games utilize COMPRESSION --> even with up to 50GBs of disc space available.

ALSO - to all those screaming about the blu-ray capacity advantage... MORE disc capacity hasn't resulted in a general trend towards --> LONGER in-game singleplayer PS3 gameplay, has it?

All-35504d ago

Whether or not it is the fault of so-called --> inexperienced programmers ISN'T the point.

The FACT remains that mandatory installs are a requirement of MANY PS3 games - YES or NO?

Now tell everyone WHY those games require mandatory installs when those games have up to 50GBs of blu-ray disc space available to them.... go ahead - TELL US... I'll wait.


The so-called AGE demographic of PS3 owners isn't MY findings... go look it up.

BTW - I own ALL THREE systems. The PS3-360 and Wii.

I couldn't care less about the size of the demo... READ what I was responding to, and shut up!

--> This will mean lower res textures and much poorer sound.

How much lower resolution textures?

How much poorer sound? Does it REALLY matter, when most people DO NOT have any receiver that can process and out put lossless audio. How many STILL don't even have HDTVs????????

--> Microsoft may also have paid Square enough money to reduce the size of the final game to two discs. PS3 owners can shake their heads with this knowledge. Real gamers can also be disgusted that Microsoft will have paid money to ruin a game for everyone. Sad really.

What's SAD is that you make up scenarios and then react to them like they are facts --> when they ARE NOT - LOL!

Carry on...

morganfell5504d ago

Best looking title on any platform with an expansive multiplayer. No install required. That statement alone leaves you with no leg to stand on stubby.

Game, set, match.

Slime5504d ago

Everyone should just ignore morganfell!

His words are poison, nothing he says can be considered honest or intelligent. The only reason he has got this far is because he is too subtle for N4G's mods to notice.

morganfell5504d ago

^^^^ Says the poster that wades into a PS3 thread...

AAACE55504d ago

I hope Playstation fans (and fanboys) are happy to know that SE do not plan to skimp...GIMP... their version of the game! FFXIII should be exactly what they promised.

But I know some fanboy somewhere is still looking for something to say. Either they will say the Ps3 version will be gimped cause of 360! Or the 360 version will be downgraded!

Pitiful fools... Just be happy the game is coming out!

thesummerofgeorge5504d ago

I'm tempted to start learning Japanese... Things would be so much simpler if I spoke fluent Japanese.

evrfighter5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

I said it before and reading morganfell's comments here I'll say it again.

You seemed to be one of the few posters here at n4g that was not blinded by the goggles. As of late you've not only been blinded by them but have now become somewhat of a propaganda machine.

GUNS N SWORDS5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

"Final Fantasy XIII Demo consumes 5.09GB of space"

"Thats certainly a lot for a demo. Makes you wonder how many discs they 360 version will need"

yeah, but also ps3 and 360 don't use the same file system (along with the fact that the demo has some key features that are geared for ps3 such as 7.1 HD audio and 1080p multimedia)

a small yet good example would be ps3's demo version of bioshock, it was a little short of 2 gbs, whereas 360's version was more less 1 gb.

morganfell5504d ago

Propaganda? No.

Who needs propaganda. I have the truth and real facts on my side.

DaTruth5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

Being one of the people who own a great surround sound system(2 actually) and the fact that it's worth $3500, I would be quite upset with downgraded sound. The fact that PS3 doesn't have analog outputs also upsets me(didn't know till I bought it for cheap, from some guy on the corner, but I happened to have an attachment from my surround sound headphones).

@Morganfell: You have waded over into the one-sided category, but nothing you've said is false and you put it in a way that makes you sound like a university professor. It would be almost impossible to sound intelligent, if you were spreading fud.

edit:Just noticed that you can go over all his posts with a fine toothed comb and not find a single "HA", "LMFAO" or LOL. No fanboy crap whatsoever. How refreshing!

LinuxGuru5504d ago

lol analog per-channel outputs? It's the 21st century, bro! Surely you can afford an HDMI-equipped amplifier to match your top-dollar sound system!

cmrbe5504d ago

people still don't get the concept of multiple consoles.

This is a classic case of why there should be multiple consoles and exclusives.

@I.K. I get your point in that as many gamers should be able to experience this game, true BUT they should buy the PS3 to play it if they want to play it. Same with people that want to play Halo or Gears should buy the x360 if they want to play it.

@ALL-3. This is the of biggest difference between MS and Sony as well as their fans. Just like Crazy Ken, most PS fans don't want any compromise in quality of the gameing expereince. Most PS fans want the best of the best the dev could possibly deliver and not some compromise version gimped so that everyone would be able to play it which basically penalize those with HD def setups. From reading Morgans post this is where he was comming from and i whole heartly agree. Look, even if alot of people don't have HDTV's yet dosent mean that there aren't people with 7.1 surround sound and HDTV's. What about them?.

I say let devs that want to push the boundries in true HD gaming do that on the PS3 as thats where the PS3 strength lies. Similar to what GG, ND and Kojima did. Let the devs develop the best gameing experience they could possibly do and let the users decide weather they want to experience the best way they could experience it by using a 7.1 surround sound with a HDTV or just go SD if they can't be bothered or afford to. Its about choice and the ability to experience the best possible gaming experience currrent tech could muster.

look the opposite of what i just talked about means there will be no innovation and the games will be the same accross the board which will justify only one console. Do we really want that?.

edgeofblade5504d ago

...Makes you wonder how much space could have been saved by a little simple compression. Most people would not know the difference... only the people who obsess about having the "best".

"Uncompressed" digital content is a barefaced LIE.

morganfell5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )


While I do not think installs should be required it is advantageous when they are optional. As I stated above, there is hardly a viable excuse for a mandatory install when Guerrilla, Naughty Dog, and several others have produced phenomenal titles that required no HDD install. It hardly bolsters the case of those that believe there is a valid reason for requiring them.

That said, game installs are of little consequence to me personally when I can obtain a 500GB HDD for my PS3 for less than $90USD. It isn't as if I am being robbed at gunpoint and having to pay $150USD for a mere 120GBs of drive. Were the similar price applied to the PS3 then a 500GB drive would be $625USD.

If the 360 drives were priced in line with what PS3 owners pay then a 120GB HDD for the 360 would be a mere $21USD. The fact that it is not is without excuse. In basic terms the 360 120GB drive should be 83% cheaper in order to be on par with PS3 prices.

Of course, it would also be proprietary. Something of a virtual set of handcuffs that firmly attach ones wrists to the ankles in a forward bent fashion.


The very quest for a superior gaming experience has left me with no alternative but to choose a side. It is one of those odd choices in that it easily made itself.

As regards uncompressed digital content being a lie, one of the single most influential programmers in computer gaming history would disagree with you.

@cmrbe - Bubbles to you my man, bubbles.

Immortal Kaim5504d ago

I see this conversation is still going, with the majority not resorting to the usual 'fanboy' banter, why can't N4G be like this all the time?

I think the distinction between what the PS3 is capable of compared to the 360 in terms of graphical/audio prowess is being blown a little out of proportion. Yes I realise the increased processing power affords different A.I avenues as well as physics calculations etc, but I am yet to see this 'revolutionise' the industry like many think it will.

Of course increased fidelity in terms of sound and graphics (and all it encompasses) is appreciated by the end user, but it doesn't always lead to greater gameplay experiences.

I will tell you MY personal gaming experience this generation, it was BRAID. Essentially a 2D platformer, it isn't pushing boundaries in terms of graphics/sound, but it pushed the boundaries in terms of evoking real emotional responses and outwardly projected its core values, which I might add was perceived by individual players differently. THAT is the type of experience that everyone should have, it is a disgrace that it isn't on PSN for everyone to enjoy, unfortunately that is how the cards have been dealt.

Who knows what FFXIII will deliver, can we really afford to let those types of experiences remain solely amongst the few? The cards have been played, instead of lamenting FFXIII going multiplatform, enjoy what you still have, you will still get to play the game.

Sarcasm5504d ago

"Look, even if alot of people don't have HDTV's yet dosent mean that there aren't people with 7.1 surround sound and HDTV's. What about them?."

Exactly. People who are multi-console owners that happen to have a 7.1 setup, should buy the PS3 version.

For example the PS3 version of COD:WaW is in 7.1 surround sound.

And believe me, playing in 7.1 is a much GRANDER and GREATER gaming experience than playing off the speakers from the TV or even in 5.1. I was playing with a couple friends online and I swear I felt like a better killer just because I could hear wherever they walk.

Sound is perhaps one of the most important aspects that is often overlooked by so-called "hardcore" gamers. Though of course, one-sided 360 gamers will never ever experience it and somehow believe 5.1 is "good enough"

DaTruth5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

It's professional audio, Uncompressed analog provides the best possible sound. They don't even come with digital inputs when you get to that quality.

@Morganfell: I don't recall saying that uncompressed digital content is a lie. In fact, I'm quite certain I wouldn't say that.Maybe I was quoting someone?

cmrbe5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

its always a pleasure discussing with you.

Try MGS4 with a 7.1 surround sound and with at least a 42 inch HD TV and then you know what i am talking about.

MGS4 is the kind of experience i want more off from the PS3 and if it means others gamers will miss out because Kojima didn't compromise with his vision of his game then so be it. This is what i mean that there should be more than one console and exclusive to boot to suit different need and taste.

Kojima picked the PS3 for his masterpiece because the PS3 had what he thought was enough for his vision of his game which apparently wasn't enough. This is one of the justification of multiple consoles.

I don't agree with your idea that games should be made accessible to everyone at the expense of developing the best possible gaming experience the dev could make. More often than not exclusive games offer the best experience possible which also justify multiple consoles.

Put it this way. If EPIC thinks that they would be able to develop the best Gears experience to the best of their abilities by going exclusive and develop on the x360 then i am 100% for it. In this way the best possible Gears of War experience is developed and could be experience without any compromise and those gamers that want to experience it should buy a x360 for it. The same with MGS4 on the PS3.

Gamers should get use to the fact that if they want to experience all that gaming has to offer they need to own multiple consoles. The alternate is a one console gen where all the games will be quite similar across the board.

As for the dissission. The thing is you and people on this tread are not trolls. You have always been a very resonable person. If people are reasonable then i will be resonable to them. I am sure its the same with all logical PS and xbox fans.

Immortal Kaim5504d ago

The pleasure is all mine mate.

I certainly see your point, and contrary to my statements I am not asking the developers to compromise their initial vision, if it is only possible on a certain platform. Yet if MGS4 was ported to the 360 (obviously with multiple disks and using compression techniques), it will not be affecting your enjoyment of the game you had already experienced, it is simply opening up Kojima's masterpiece to more people. Intern that creates more revenue for the Dev/Pub in question, which leads to more products.

The days of 3rd party exclusives is abruptly coming to a close (this sentiment is echoed by the three big players), with sky-rocketing development costs we will continue to see more multiplatform titles. Should we berate these companies (ie Square-Enix) for branching out into avenues that will ultimately create more revenue? I think the companies that have chosen multiplatforms (in my opinion wisely), are unjustly coping a negative stigma regarding a supposed compromise in quality...

P.S I have had the pleasure of experiencing MGS4 in all its glory (thanks to my brother), I actually have a copy of the game (thanks to an IGN competition) and can't wait to play it again when I get my PS3.

cmrbe5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

thats a diffrent case then and i agree with you on that. I said it a couple of times in countless MGS4 x360 port rumor articles that i really don't mind MGS4 going to the x360 knowing that Kojima did the best he could with MGS4 on the PS3 meaning his vision for MGS4 for PS3 wasn't compromised. In return more gamers get to experience it and Kojima gets more money which he definately deserves.

Even though it won't be the way it was suppose to be experienced at least those who can't afford a PS3 will be able to at least play it and those who have the option could buy it for the PS3 when they get one.

Its no different from Bioshock. The way bioshock is meant to be played is with the x360 version but it was good that other gamers were also able to expereince it although it was the inferior version but the original vision which is the x360 version wasn't compromised.

This type of scenario is alright with me but for me personally i would rather buy a x360 to play the original version as was intended by the dev but hey, thats just me.

The thing is with FF13 is now we wonder what could have been if this game was solely designed completely for the PS3. The Demo looks amazing which has restored alot of my faith in SE. I honestly didn't expect much but it was a great surprise.

N4Flamers5503d ago

FFXIII was in developement for the PS3 for about 2 years before they announced the 360 version, which we all know is going to be a port, its going to have more than 2 disc's. I imagine with all this time that that they have to make it, the game is going to be great, the demo itself gave me an excitement over the possibilities of the game.

Im glad the gamerhaters are getting over the I hate square because they want to make money, heres a thought if you dont like them so much, dont buy their games, youre the only one who is going to be missing out on that experience.

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cmrbe5505d ago

5.09 GB for a 1 hour demo?. This can't be right. Otherwise. The x360 version is going to be in alot of trouble.

PirateThom5505d ago

To accomodate, the 360 version will have highly compressed textures because unlike the PS3 version, which can use the same textures over, the new textures will have to be on each disc for the 360 version.

Also, if the PS3 version gets HD FMV, the 360 version probably won't. Same will lossless audio.

I'm now officially more interested in the 360 version from a technical point of view.

meepmoopmeep5504d ago

yeah, it will have a lot of compression or more disks.
maybe no HD audio either

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.


The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

Einhander1972141d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus141d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda140d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B139d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981139d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot139d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda139d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot139d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy139d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

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gold_drake141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay139d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12141d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay139d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB140d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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Interview: Making music with Masashi Hamauzu

Square Enix Blog: "How do you compose iconic songs that help define a legacy? We speak to legendary composer Masashi Hamauzu about his work on Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and how to make unforgettable music."

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