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s8anicslayer (4) - 5527d ago Cancel
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KingOfAllGames Phony Or The Real Deal

Talk PlayStation: "I have been trophy hunting since Firmware 2.40 was released worldwide. But there has been some one (or a group of people) who has obviously obtained nearly every trophy of every game. I have just checked his trophy list right now and he has a total of 2555 trophies . I will break down what kind of trophies in to bronze silver gold and platinums . He has a massive amount of bronze trophies equaling up to 1835 trophies. He has 509 silver trophies. 173 gold trophies in total. And last but not least 38 Platinum trophies. Go and look at his trophy list now if you want to see it for yourself. You can't add him because his friend list is full so send him a blank message and then press triangle on the sent message and then press x on his profile. But there is one platinum he didn't get, a Wipeout Platinum which I don't think many people got because getting a platinum in that game is just lethal. He even Got a platinum in Hannah Montnana The Movie, now how sad is that"

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this should be under Articles not News. also quote your source: TalkPlaystation writes: "description"
meepmoopmeep5528d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
El_Colombiano5527d ago

Dude is a BEAST at gaming. I admire his perseverance. I know I wouldn't be able to do even a quarter of what he has done. I just don't have the time or patience!

tommy-cronin5527d ago

Sure I'm Only On 599 trophies and i put a lot of time in to it.

-EvoAnubis-5527d ago

Who gives a sh!t if he's legit or not? It's not affecting me, and it's not affecting you. I looked the guy up in Warhawk, and based on the stats I saw, if he were to come against me, he'd get his ass beat. If he wants to play a bunch of games and get a bunch of trophies, I say yay him. Not my damned concern.

jessehaysfl5527d ago

who the f cares. so what hes got trophies even if hes in a group why does it matter? im almost lvl 10 with no platnums does that mean anything? NO of course not other than the factthat i dont have enough time to play what i want.


A closing look at what CES 2011 Means

As CES draws to a close we examine what it means, and what is to come in the next 12 months.

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CES is about technology and not games, games is the other part because publishers want to advertise their game. CES as always been about tech. Belongs to TechSpy
xino4894d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
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renegade4894d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community4893d ago

2011 Writers Guild Awards Videogame Writing Nominees Announced

LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK -- The Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW) and the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) have announced nominations for outstanding achievement in videogame writing during 2010. The winner of this year’s WGA Videogame Writing Award, which recognizes writers as key creative talent in today’s gaming industry, will be presented at the upcoming 2011 Writers Guild Awards to be held on Saturday, February 5, 2011, at simultaneous ceremonies in Los Angeles and New York.

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Community4893d ago

Can I Date Your Avatar: Sexual Harassment in Online Gaming (

"More times than not guys have said, “I don’t see any girls playing Call of Duty!” and it isn’t limited to just Call of Duty, you can insert any game into that statement and yes, a guy has said it. But the truth is that there are plenty of females playing all of these massively popular games online, be it on PlayStation Network or Xbox Live; they are just hiding from you and this is why.

The amount of times a female gets sexually harassed over these games, in one way or another, is beyond me as a male..."

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Community4894d ago
xino4894d ago

funny man!

that's the way it goes man!

women are just made of meat that men would want to eat up!

60million PSN users, now I know where the 30million half game from, and the only game on Home.

-Ninja Gaiden- always sick!:)

Kon4894d ago

"women are just made of meat that men would want to eat up!" That was quite disturbing.

-Alpha4894d ago

Sadly his comment is resoundingly true. That simply is how women are perceived a large majority of the time

4893d ago
DaCajun4893d ago

@ Jack

A lot of crap coming from you there. So from what you say, all your ex-GFs didn't want anyone that didn't look like Brad Pitt or was rich so that makes you a liar because I seriously doubt you look like Brad and are rich. You just sound like some disgruntled troll that has been turned down and rejected a lot. Also sound like the women you did date if any dumped your ass, so now you are trashing them like you are some saint and they were the problem when it was more than likely you were the problem. Go look in the mirror before you trash on women because your LITTLE pride got hurt.

Butt hurt troll, people like you are the reason why females hide on video games so not to have to deal with losers like you who treat them like trash because they reject you.

4893d ago
Rush4893d ago Show
4893d ago
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Tommykrem4894d ago (Edited 4894d ago )

"I don't see any girls playing Wii fit"
"I don't see any girls playing farmville"
"I don't see any girls playing... kitchen themed games"
I could go on...

Good article though! Funny :D And serious :/
That's how it should be.

Neckbear4894d ago (Edited 4894d ago )

Such foul creatures still exist?

I thought we had banished them from the pace of our manly Earth last century, and presented them with their utmost beloved friend and life companion: the kitchen.

...Guess there are still some out there that want to build a revolution.

...May the Lord have mercy on us, for all the sins we must commit to extinguish this threat aside once and for all.

Men, it is the time to rise, and fight!

But ah, on-topic:

Honestly, if you don't like it, then change your sex.

Or something.

But ah, as long as women don't go "HURR IMA GURL GAEMR GUISE!" online, I don't mind playing with them.

...Then again, nope, women that go all like "YES I'M A GIRL AND I PLAY GAMES" are in every corner of online gaming.

And beyond.

wotnerd4894d ago

It shouldn't come to that, there is no reason why girls have to take the backseat and change their gender to be able to play a game.
- Pyramus

firefoxprime4893d ago

haha...sounds like that MEN vs. WOMEN = (galactic warfare) anime "Vandread". Check it out. Its pretty awesome.

StarScream4Ever4894d ago

Well this what happened last nite when gaming with my gf on Blk Ops.

Kid in game,"WTF! Girls don't play COD! GTFO!"

My gf,"Hey STFU kid or I'm gonna find where you live, grab you by the leg and shake you til you drop your lunch money!"

Yes girls DO play games.

distorted_reality4894d ago

I'd be quite worried if I was you.

It's only a matter of time before she shakes you down for you lunch money as well.

StarScream4Ever4894d ago

Well I pay lunch. She pays for our games. So it's a win win. :)

-Alpha4894d ago

LOL! That's an awesome comeback

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