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Lens of Truth: Wanted - Weapons of Fate Comparison (720p)

Lens of Truth writes, "Wanted: Weapons of Fate picks up where last years movie Wanted leaves off. The premise behind the movie is there's a group of super assassins known as The Fraternity who have been making pivotal "hits" throughout the course of history, thus shaping our current future. Sounds cool, but is it worth playing? And which version?"

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redsquad5533d ago

It may well be better on the PS3 but I still don't want it. Very dull demo indeed!

XboxGirl5533d ago

But the point is the PS3 developers are getting better.

RudeSole Devil5533d ago

Xbox 360 got owned bad. No HDR bloom is just sad. Just goes to show that developers finally have grasp the power of the PS3. Xbox 360 can't stand a chance anymore. From now on any cross platform title will be superior on the PS3. Xbox 360 has hit a technical wall whereas the PS3 just keep getting better.

XboxGirl5533d ago

I agree 100% that the Xbox hit a technical wall. Xbox 360 still has not been able to produce a game that looks better than Gears of War 1. On the other hand every squeal on the PS3 has continuously gotten upgraded.

Dr_Nefarious5533d ago

No the 360 has not hit a wall. Well maybe it has. All could have been the developers fault, the missing textures on the ground in the ps3 version, the lack of bloom on the 360, but is what took the cake was the screen tearing. Isn't screen tearing a good sign that the hardware is being maxed? I dunno but it sounds like it to me.

XboxGirl5533d ago

Xbox 360 got owned bad. No HDR bloom is just sad. Just goes to show that developers finally have grasp the power of the PS3. Xbox 360 can't stand a chance anymore. From now on any cross platform title will be superior on the PS3. Xbox 360 has hit a technical wall whereas the PS3 just keep getting better.

Soul Train5533d ago

You can keep this one! I dig the comparison but this game looks terrible.

goflyakite5533d ago

I found this funny.

"While neither version of Wanted: Weapons of Fate offered ground breaking visuals, at least I could see the PlayStation 3 version."

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Lowered Expectations: Wanted: Weapons of Fate

Hardcore Gamer: Despite the fact that hundreds of games release every year, the vast majority tend to go ignored by the gaming populace at large. Whether this is a failing of marketing, critical drubbing or just not living up to the expansive heights that we as gamers crave, the bargain bins are littered with titles that go unnoticed or maligned. With Lowered Expectations, we scrape the craggy underbelly of releases gone by to see if a change of perspective can reveal something worthwhile.

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Community3066d ago
Skate-AK3066d ago

I played this game when it released on 360 and I actually enjoyed it. The game was super short but it was really cool bending the bullets and all that. I was thinking of picking it up for PS3 so I can get the Platinum trophy. I am sure the game is super cheap now.

traumadisaster3066d ago

One of the few games I actually finished, the short length had something to do with that. I remember it being fun.

robtion3066d ago

Great movie. Love the Keyboard scene.


The Ten Best Game Mechanics of All Time

Everyone has a favorite game mechanic, the one that makes a game stand out, shine and earn the crown of our hearts. Alexander of Gamer Assault Weekly takes a look into some of the best mechanics in games.

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Community3386d ago
nick47613387d ago

These are all pretty solid mechanics, but originals like rocket jumping and jump dodging from Unreal Tournament.

ReiMoon3387d ago

This is a pretty decent line-up.

3386d ago
VRex73386d ago

One of my favorites was in Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The way Link was able to traverse the map by shifting into the wall was fun, and challenging in some spots.


Six Video Games That Were Too Damn Short

UM writes: I get really pissed off when I throw down good money on a new game, and it ends up being less than eight hours long. If your game is eight hours, and it is decent, you get a pass. If your game is UNDER eight hours, it better blow my mind from the first frame to the last, or I will make an evil face, hiss at it, and bring it back (for full refund) to Gamestop. That is the curse of short games. I make sure they get NONE Of my money. Don’t get me wrong, if I buy a used game and it is short, that is not as big of a deal. 20 bucks for six hours is not a horrible exchange rate.

But if I forked over sixty (very hard earned) dollars, the game I am playing better be an 8-10 hour experience or more, or else we are going to have some issues. Now that I laid down those perimeters, here are six games that I felt were WAY too short to garner the sixty dollar price tag. Also, Portal is not on the list because Portal’s damn near perfection and replayability have it in a category all by itself.

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Community3867d ago
Dante813867d ago

Short and sweet beats long and bloated.

_QQ_3867d ago

you say that as though all long games are bad.

Dante813867d ago

Of course not, it's just that I'd take a short game like Mirror's Edge over a long one like Assassin's Creed 3

Stringerbell3867d ago

While I agree, when you are paying X price for a certain game you want your moneys worth. The titles listed in the article all came out at the 59.99 price. With the exception of Star Fox with inflation it was around 69.99.

_QQ_3867d ago

What a about a 16 hour mirrors edge? with enough extra content to keep it feeling fresh of course.

ifritAlkhemyst3867d ago

Mirrors Edge... was not short. If it was, then you didn't get the full experience. You should have beaten the single player, then 5 starred all of the challenges. Otherwise, you only got half of the experience.

GentlemenRUs3867d ago

I think there needs to be a new pricing point for games below a certain amount in hours of game-time.

E.G. A game which has 4-hours or below story mode should be cheaper then a game which has like 8-12 hours for the current price of a game.

Nerdmaster3867d ago

That's an awful idea. Developers nowadays already create terrible ways to extend a game's life. If they could charge more because of that, every game would be like this. Imagine God of War with RPG-like grinding to level up and be able to beat the boss... Terrible, terrible idea.

DualWielding3867d ago

I agree with this article, can't talk about the specific games that I have not played but with the concept that there is nothing as annoying as short games priced as full length games.

Tiechie3867d ago

Jericho was a very short game. Took me around 6 hours on hard difficulty. Don't get me wrong though, I enjoyed it very much, I love the Clive barker stuff.