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PALGN: Age of Empires: Mythologies Review

Overall, Age of Empires: Mythologies is a great turn-based strategy title that should keep you occupied for quite a while. While many of the gameplay mechanics have been used in other games, as a whole they work well together and provide both an engaging and challenging experience. Coupled with a variety of multiplayer options, it's definitely something you should keep an eye out for.

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Games Like Age of Empires

Age of Empires is a series of real-time strategy computer game developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Studios. The games in the series focus on historical events and gives players a choice of 12 civilizations to develop from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. If you are a fan of real-time strategy games like Age of Empires then find the recommendations for it below.

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Community3996d ago
Zichu3995d ago

AoE, AoM and EE were my go to games for the PC back in the day.

I was obsessed with RTS games. I used to play through AoE without cheats and then my next playthrough was with cheats.

AoM I got for Christmas. I actually bought the Titans expansion before I received the original game. I wasn't available in the store at the time so I just bought it before I left the store.

EE was just amazing. It took so long to get to the last epoch. I even had the expansion which added a Space Epoch. It really did take long to get to it. I actually played it last year, got my brother to play as well and it was awesome.

I actually bought Rise Of Nations 2 years ago. That game was just amazing.

I also played quite a bit of SC1 and SC2, but way after they were released.

I played Anno a lot as well. I still have Stronghold and usually play it a few times a year. I played Warcraft on the PS1. C&C was my PS1 go to game, I loved it.

Should of also mentioned another one of my favorites. Rival Realms. I only had the demo and would play it all time. I managed to buy it, but had trouble setting it up on Vista, but I did get it running. It won't run on W7... It doesn't seem like it's a popular game.

3-4-53995d ago

Literally my favorite gaming series ever.

I've spent more time in the map editors and random maps in that game that actually playing others.

I miss Ensemble.

One day we will get Age of Empires 4. And it better be worthy.

Rebo003995d ago

You may have already done this but in Windows 7 you can download an XP Mode to run XP Compatible apps so Rival Realms may run on that.
Or you can right click it, go to Properties, Compatibility tab, Run as Windows XP
One of those two should work

Zichu3995d ago

Will try XP Mode. I have tried changing the compatibility mode, but no luck.

retrofly3995d ago

Rome total war 2! I'm still playing Empire!

3-4-53995d ago

Can't wait for Rome 2....going to be epic.

Been playing Rome 1 and Medieval 2 a lot, but stopped recently as I don't want to get burnt out on the series before Rome 2 is released.

Endless fun.

One thing PC does better than console, is games like Age of Empires and Rome Total war.

Rebo003995d ago

First RTS I ever played was Age of Empires 2 on the PC, then moved to the Total War series 2 years later.
Supreme Commander is probably second in the list of all time best RTS games, with Rome: Total War at number 1, because of it's shear scale and detail, it's a shame SupCom2 ruined that.
Can't wait for Rome 2: Total War!!!


Worst Videogame Bugs of All Time: From Game-Ending Glitches to Data-Destroying Nightmares

"We've all been there. Back to the wall. Knee-deep in the dead. When all of a sudden... the screen freezes. Congratulations, you just wasted six hours of your life. And man, did you get off easy.

Because some bugs do more than freeze your game. They can erase save files, ruin other games, and even damage the hardware they're played on.

They are... The Worst Videogame Bugs of All Time. "

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Dated 2007-08-03
poindat5350d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Muckbeast5351d ago

Oh my goodness. I personally experienced that bug ridden Pool of Radiance. It was a good game spoiled by bugs. Thankfully I didn't try to uninstall it before the patch.

This article brings back a lot of (bad) memories.

Madusha5351d ago

Wow lol, Imagine encountering the Oblivion: Shivering Isles bug. You'll just suicide after playing for 150 hours and your game stops working.

"After installing the Shivering Isles expansion pack, all would be well until the 150-hour mark. Then it's game over, man! Game over! Six scripts controlling the movement of some city guards slowly ate up resources until no new items could be created or dropped. (Obviously, this could cause a few problems...) Even better, the problem strikes even if you never go anywhere near the new areas. Joy! "

Lifewish5351d ago

pretty solid article though your site needs some work, some stuff hard to read

Madusha5351d ago

Agreed, article is very nicely written. The whole website has excellent content quality but the design really needs work.

Keep up the good work

poindat5350d ago

...Despite being 3 years old.

Contributer fail.

Graffin5351d ago

Some pretty scary stuff in there!

Milky Joe5351d ago

That was a damn god article. Funny too.

I especially like the mention of the Ladybugs at the end. Classy stuff :D

jpymai5351d ago

Gotta love the ladybugs :)

ReservoirDog3165351d ago (Edited 5351d ago )

I only remember one bug. I still remember it till this day...

I think the game was called Croc and it froze (no memory card either) on the ending cutscene.

I never played it again.

edit: Also, one time my 360 version of Oblivion would take about 3 minutes to load anything. Don't know why it happened.

Stopped my Oblivion addiction though. So, in retrospect, it was actually a good thing.

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NWR: Age of Empires: Mythologies Review

NWR was really surprised by how much content Age of Empires: Mythologies contains, and the game itself is fun and inventive. Even the multiplayer options have more legs than most other DS games. RTS fan or not, this is one DS game everyone should try.

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