
PS3 - Major League Baseball 2K7

Excellent pitching and quality commentary are the highlights of this year's solid effort, but the PS3 game can't keep up with the 360 version.

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weekapaugh6287d ago

I played the demo on the 360 and was not impressed. will get MLB the show instead.

OC_MurphysLaw6287d ago

You can blame Gamespy for the words not him. And you gotta admit....a majority of the mulitplatform games for the PS3 have been coming up short when reviewers are comparing the two consoles.

This game really sticks out in my mind because you can see how Sony's non-unified online service ...and lack of quality control for how online is implemented is leaving this game lacking on the online.

blackmagic81036287d ago

it is a baseball game and therefore i don't care.

TheMART6287d ago



Another time the best version is on the 360???

"The 360 version has richer colors and will upscale to take advantage of a 1080p display, while the PS3 version is locked in at 720p. On a high-end display, it's easy to see that the PS3 version's visuals are washed out and far less well-defined than you'll find on the Xbox 360 version. The parks are accurately modeled, down to the individual scoreboards, adverts and even the concession areas."

Plus the online features on the 360 are better. So what will be the damage control this time Sony fans? Is it a bad port? The washed out colours aren't a thing that comes back game after game on the PS3? What is there to deny over and over again?

The 360 is optimal for games, the PS3 isn't. Period. How many times do you need to get proof...

Bathyj6287d ago

The mean the PS3 isn't optimal for sloppy ports dont you?

Do you honelstly think only XB can do good graphics Mart? Thats just sad.

SmokeyMcBear6287d ago

could be uhhh.. developers have no idea how to program for the cell processor...i doubt that the 360 is any better for games than the ps3. Just look at the visuals from ratchet and clank. Any game that is on both the 360 and ps3, at least for the foreseable future is most likely going to look cleaner and be optimized for the 360. This is the type of programming developers are used to and comfortable with. Once development tools are utilized by these developers programming for both systems will the games be more comparable on both systems. That is one negative that I can see on the ps3 side, which i do hope will be rectified in the future.

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Hey Look, These Playstation Gamer's Voice Video Reviews Are Umm...Hilarious

NextGen Player writes:

"Budding videographers eager to review Playstation video game titles have been busy preparing short clips to post on Playstation's recently launched Gamer's Voice.

While the quantity of videos is somewhat lacking, the quality is top notch. Don't believe me? See for yourself:"

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WorseCase5620d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Aaron Greenturd5620d ago

"I have to wear this helmet when I play the game, in order to be safe"

No, you have to wear a helmet because you're retarded...

OGharryjoysticks5620d ago (Edited 5620d ago )

Actually I really liked both clips better than HipHopGamer's stuff and it even looks like this guy has a bigger budget :)

KingHippo195620d ago

I think they're funny reviews. I can't wait for him to publish more.

rdgneoz35620d ago

And this is why birth control was invented...


MLB 2k7 gets updated; more bugs though

Anyone still playing Major League Baseball 2k7 from 2K Sports would have been delighted to receive a patch towards the end of last week, one that included a roster update amongst others. However, as with most things, there seems to be a problem that almost everyone is experiencing, to do with corrupted data. Sweet joy.

Firstly, a list of changes that the update seems to have done:

* Classic stadium: Many classic stadiums will arrive soon in marketplace
* Slider saving glitch: Has been fixed
* Offline/Online Fielding Camera added: Broadcast or Pole
* ERA saving bug: The franchise ERA works properly
* Player Highlights time of day glitch: Exhibition mode the time clock is fixed and players get the highlight treatment
* Hideki Okajima, Kei Igawa, and Matsuzaka now have their own windups
* Matsuzaka's picture has been added

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MLB 2K7 Postmortem

In late February, Kush Games and 2K Sports released the latest chapter in their baseball franchise, MLB 2K7. While the title managed to fix a large number of problems from last year's title, it featured a number of visual glitches, baserunning and fielding issues, as well as other problems that turned up to replace them. Earlier this week, 2K Sports held a wrap up session with Ben Brinkman, the producer of MLB 2K7 and a select group of journalists. The reason for the gathering was simple -- Brinkman wanted to go over the good and bad points of this year's title, as well as discuss what his development team hopes to achieve with MLB 2K8.

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