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8.0 Reviews Watchmen: The End Is Nigh writes:
"This past week we were treated to the release of Watchmen: The End Is Nigh via PSN Store weekly update. It has received quite a bit of mixed feelings from many gamers and reviewers alike. Hopefully this review helps you decide as to whether or not you should spend your money on it.

The title is the first of two "episodes" that will be released over the PSN Store. This one coincided with the movie theater release. The second will occur at the DVD/Blu-ray release."

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BigPete79785572d ago

I personally loved the title. It pays homage to beat em ups.

legendkilla5572d ago

is it like The Warriors game for the PS2 and PSP? if so, i'm going to grab it! i love the senseless beating dished out on baddies!!!

BigPete79785572d ago

Well they are both "brawlers" I suppose. But it's very different in it's own right. :)

legendkilla5572d ago

cool i might have to check it out then ! thanks!

LinuxGuru5572d ago (Edited 5572d ago )

The movie was good, I wonder if the game feels similar?

Sev5572d ago

Funny, I hear the movie was sucky.

Who knows, I haven't been to the movies since before the baby was born.


DJ5570d ago

There were a few instances were the music was a bit wacky (i.e. hallelujah), but it was really entertaining. I'm glad they fixed the ending from the graphic novel.

DoucheVader5572d ago

I was shocked at the graphical details in the environment. Especially for a DL title.

Ezcobar4115572d ago

I loved the movie. I enjoy a good beat em up. I miss the good old days when Streets of Rage was king. Maybe this game will help breathe some more life into the genre.

cmrbe5572d ago

It started off really well then it got boring in the middle. What was with all the x-rated scenes anyways?.

I was disapointed in that i was able to figure out who the vilian well sort of a vilian is the first time i saw him.

I really didn't see much in this movie except that it had some great fighting scenes and a great soundtrack. I love the Bob Dylan song in the opening credits.


All Star Heroes: Top 10 DC Comics Video Games

Warner Brother's DC Entertainment has been known for putting out (mostly) consistent content for years, and that includes forays into video games. Given that DC focuses a lot more on their solo characters, particularly Batman, Superman and Green Lantern, than Marvel does, its no wonder that DC has had an easier time adapting their IP's to other trans-media proprieties. While Marvel's team movie effort The Avengers has proven wildly successful, DC's Dark Knight trilogy, recent Man of Steel film and the entire animated universe helmed by DC animation veteran Bruce Timm has defined an era of superhero cartoons and direct-to-dvd animated features.

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HavenDan3977d ago
Jackhass3977d ago

Man, DC Comics hasn't had great luck with games, has it? They had to resort to a few pretty average games to fill out the list.


Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons did little work on Watchmen: The End Is Nigh, but was paid “a lot”

Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons revealed that he was paid a hefty sum to be a consultant on the critically-panned Watchmen: The End Is Nigh game even though he wasn’t heavily involved. Gibbons also says the game is not canon, and because of that, he was actually fine with liking and disliking parts of the game.

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psyphonp4334d ago

Lost Potential: Watchmen

"A brawler? Are you serious? As a game developer you look at the Watchmen movie / graphic novel and think “Hmmm that would totally go good with a fighting game, but since Dr. Manhattan would own everybody lets make it a brawler with Rorschach and Nite Owl!” Screw you Deadline Games!" - FirstDropShow

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sorceror1714474d ago

Well, *as* a brawler, it was decent. And had better graphics than most downloadable games. And don't forget, most games take longer to make than most movies, so movie games are always rushed.

That said... yeah, it wasn't worthy of the source material.