
Gamer's Info Review - Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard

GI.net writes: "As most people have already suspected, I am a hard core gamer. I grew up in the time when video games were hard - like the Mega Man series. It's only been in the past six to ten 10 years that the market known as "casual gaming" has started gaining momentum. Previously, a medium that was too difficult for the average person - or mom - to get into was now as easily accessible as the local Olive Garden. No more "mysterious rites of passage" were necessary to be called a "gamer." And then the Nintendo DS arrived on the scene, which then provided gamers with a fair amount of games that relied heavily on the stylus thanks to Brain Age and many others like it. Add to the mix some more modern convinces, such as multiple save slots and much more forgiving game play to the formula. It's no wonder that many of us have become "soft." Over More than six months ago (back in 2008), Atlus decided to "punish" DS owners with Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard. Welcome to some peoples' nightmares, folks."

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A beginner's guide to Etrian Odyssey

Back in 2007, Atlus decided to use the Nintendo DS to do something ambitious. It brought back the days of first-person RPGs with original party members you had to customize and dungeons you needed to map. Thanks to the handheld's design, the bottom screen allowed people to practice cartography as they played. Since then, 10 games have been released, each bringing something new to adventurers.

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Atlus reprinting Etrian Odyssey games

Atlus will re-release the first three titles in the Etrian Odyssey role-playing dungeon crawler series on the Nintendo DS, according to an ad posted on the NeoGAF forums.

Forum user Dwayne received the email ad from Canadian retailer Video Games Plus. Buyers will be able to pre-order Etrian Odyssey, Etrian Odyssey 2: Heroes of Lagaard and Etrian Odyssey 3: The Drowned City for $29.99 each or create a custom Etrian Oydssey DS Trilogy pre-order bundle. Those who pre-order the bundle will receive all three games at a $15 discount.

RaikRhythm4198d ago

Stoked for this! I don't have the second or third games, so I plan to get those!


Why I like To Grind...My Obsession With RPGS

WhenSpamAttacks writes; "Starting off, has everyone placed their pre-orders for Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City? I’ve placed mine with Amazon so hopefully that means I am getting the art book with it, I better, damn it. My excitement is beyond measurable about the announcement of the North American release when it was announced. I love the Etrian Odyssey series as it has everything I love about RPG’s."

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SynGamer5039d ago

I remember putting in a good 5-10 hours grinding in The Legend of Dragoon, one of my first RPGs and I loved it, it was a fun game. Same can't be said with RPGs like Demon's Souls. Great game, but the constant grinding to get to certain places just killed it for me. A game like Fallout 3 however is completely different. You have a heavily focus shooter game with RPG elements and in the end I was fully leveled at about 65 hours in. Not once did I have to 'grind', I simply played the game.

That's how I feel most games should be, especially RPGs. I shouldn't have to do every sidequest and 5+ hours of grinding to beat the final boss...

Trey_4_life5039d ago

I love my rpg's, yet i can't stand those generic action adventure games they call rpg's like fable, im more into the hardcore action rpg's like deamon's souls and story based rpg's like witcher and dragon age and elder scrolls.

JsonHenry5039d ago

Fooking loved Witcher man! What a fantastic game. I still haven't played Dragon Age. But I am gonna fix that problem soon.

Game-ur5039d ago

For me grinding should have a few things:

-a good reward system, having the feeling the next level is just around the corner. Bad balancing can kill games like what happened with Last Remnant.

-power leveling areas, it's fun to find that secret spot in the world map which make you a lot more powerful than your expected to be, and relax for a bit during parts of the game. I found a great spot with a crab in Lost Odyssey, it was very powerful but after sneaking some wins it becomes possible to fight it steadily, I stayed like this for 2 days, and I didn’t need to power level until close to the end of the game when the ancient ruins were accessible.

-fun battle system, tales of Vesparia had the most fun battles for me, it was fun to string multiple encounters in one battle and getting critical attacks for extra exp,, this including the other 2 things I mentioned kept me playing the game for 100+ hours.

SynGamer5039d ago

Oh, I totally agree with the balancing part. If the leveling isn't rewarding then I quickly lose interest in leveling up and usually as a result, the game. If it takes 3 hours to gain a level and I don't even get anything for it, then what's the point?

JsonHenry5039d ago (Edited 5039d ago )

It does depend on the game. I am not a huge fan of JRPGs. But there have been a really good select few over the years that I really enjoyed.

The first RPG I fell in love with was Might and Magic 3 for the Sega Genesis. Then it was XenoGears. The ONLY JRPG game I have ever finished.

After that I never could get into any JRPGs again. I played others like the original 2 Fallout games, Quest for Glory 5, the Mario RPGs (including paper), Legend of Zelda(s), FF Tactics, The Witcher, Fallout 3, Baldurs Gate 1&2 (talk about EPIC!!), Divinity/Beyond Divinity (again, HUGE!!)... the list goes on.

I wish I could get into JRPGs but I just can't. Which is sad because the older I get the more I want to play single player games over Multi. :(

EDIT - yes I know M&M is not a JRPG.

Redempteur5038d ago

i'm actually grinding in trinity universe ...i usually dislike grinding but in trinity universe it's not a chore ..

you're constantly discovering items / or manas / or souls meaning you can craft items /meteorites/monsters ...

and you're tempted to try your new gear and then i go into another dongeon


Also it doesn't take long to level up ..
IMo trinity universe is a very good grinding game ..

Etrian on the other hand was a very hardcore rpg where every action has consequences and you need careful planning to survive ...to each his own i guess ..i can enjoy both styles

SynGamer5038d ago

Just noticed you mentioned Tales of Vesperia, I can't wait for the PS3 version with fully voiced characters and cutscenes! It's going to be great. Hoping they expand the multiplayer but even if they don't, the improvements definitely sound worth the double-dip.

FragGen5038d ago

Excellent analysis Game-ur, I feel pretty much the same way...

Most JRPGs do NOT meet these requirements for me, even some highly regarded franchises (most of the Final Fantasy series for example) but I get the appeal for those who can tolerate the grindage.

When an RPG does fit the requirements you set out, though, it's one of THE most satisfying types of games, IMHO, so I resepct any dev who tries. :)

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Cloudberry5039d ago

Especially for RPGs with complex / advanced battle system.

I could do this in Final Fantasy XIII.

versusALL5038d ago

I was ginding like crazy in that game, mostly towards the end.

5039d ago Replies(3)
hatchimatchi5039d ago

I love level grinding. I hate it when reviewers talk about how jrpg's are stuck in their ways and wrpg's are how it should be done. Some of us enjoy level grinding and having to save the princess/overthrow the empire in the majority of the games we play. There's nothing wrong with it!

5038d ago
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