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NWR: Wii de Asobu Metroid Prime Impressions

NWR writes: "Metroid Prime was one of the biggest video games of 2002. With a daring new first person perspective, incredible graphics, and huge expectations to live up to, Retro Studios' first title was a bold title that was wholly satisfying. Based on my first few hours with this Play it on Wii rerelease, I can confidently say it is the perfect excuse to revisit the original Metroid Prime. And if you've never played it before, this is definitely the version to pick up."

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mastiffchild5581d ago

still no mention of any Hunters style Online MP but as an addict of all things Metroid I'll be picking this up and hoping eventually it comes with Echoes AND the longed for MP element.

Pleeeeeeze Ninty you know it makes sense!

kesvalk5581d ago

i need this game, i hope it gets released in English soom...

as a metroid fanatic (just look at my av...) i am dying to play this game, never had a GC, so i need to compensate the years longing for this game...

ChickeyCantor5581d ago

you are gonna love metroid prime 1.
AWesome game =).

tidycats295581d ago

This game should be on every wii owner's radar

you will love this game i guarantee it

prime 1 was the best gamcube game imo
or 2nd to only resident evil 4


Jessica Simpons's Metroid Screenplay Leaked

Site "The Rumor Miller" is reporting to have a leaked version of the script for the Metroid Movie starring Jessica Simpson which Go Fanboy reported was in the works earlier this month. The site has posted the firs two pages of the script.

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Community5090d ago
GunShotEddy5090d ago

I will throw my Wii right out the F'ing window. You have got to be kidding me.

N4GAddict5090d ago

Didn't Nintendo learned their lesson with the Mario movie?

Blacktric5090d ago

GTFO. This can't be true. That fat ass failzord country singer is going to be Samus Aran? NO! NAO! THIS IS BLASPHEMY! Did these casting as*wipes even saw Samus once?

Davoh5090d ago

Yeah this is blasphemy, Paris Hilton should play Samus instead... j/k compared to her, Jessica Simpson seems like a fine choice.

Grandmaster5090d ago (Edited 5090d ago )


Quagmire5090d ago

Yvonne Strasknvohiisoips anyone?

She would be a decent Samus i reckon.

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seaniccus5090d ago

This crap better be fake. Jessica Simpson ruined Daisy Duke and she'll ruin samus.

GunShotEddy5090d ago

The only thing that ding bat blond ever did right was that video of her in Daisy Dukes. OH you meant the acting. Yes, that will be the end of Samus forever.

Fishy Fingers5090d ago

Let me know when you have a picture of her in the outfit. Until then....

Davoh5090d ago (Edited 5090d ago )

Yes, picture of her in the outfit will make it all better =P

AEtherbane5090d ago

Really really really really dont want a metroid movie. Its such an incredible game series, dont tarnish it!!!

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Hands On: Metroid: Other M - WorthPlaying

WorthPlaying writes, "Samus is back.

For everyone out there who considers the 2-D Metroid games to be the "authentic" experience, well, Nintendo has heard your pleas. And you know what? It would seem that the Big N agrees with every one of you.

We just finished playing the first hour of Metroid: Other M on the Wii and while it certainly changes up the formula a bit, the game wears its old-school roots like a badge of honor. As far as Metroid: Other M is concerned, the Prime series is more or less an alternate timeline. This is the real Metroid."

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Gr815211d ago

I love it, and I want more.

EvilTwin5211d ago

It's strange reading some of the differing views on a game some of these guys just played, though.

Worthplaying -- "Everything is rendered in 3-D, but movement is usually limited to a 2-D plane with just a bit of depth."

Wired -- "Other M is a more traditional game, but not entirely: It incorporates some first-person elements, but is largely played in third-person 3-D. The levels don’t keep you locked to a 2-D plane of movement as in previous games — you can always walk in four directions wherever you are."

The "bit of depth" WP referenced isn't really 2D if you are never restricted to a 2D plane.

Either way...I'm beyond hyped.

Gr815211d ago

That has me baffled as well. But not to the point of being 'worried' like I was when first reading about the controls.

Glad I can keep my Avatar as is and wear it proudly.

Syriel5211d ago (Edited 5211d ago )

@EvilTwin Getting descriptions down is always a challenge. Even though the game world is rendered in full 3D (you can always drop to first person POV to look around) the levels and movement are designed from a 2D POV and the camera relates to that. It is always fixed in regards to Samus. You don't control the camera at all (excepting when you are standing sitll and looking around in first person POV).

For example, when running down a hall left to right, the camera is on the side. You can move along the Z-axis, but there isn't much there. Or, if the hall is designed front to back the camera is behind you. You can move a bit left to right (say to open a door on the left or right hand side of the room) but can't change the view.

When I think of full 3D games I think of everything from Mario 64 to the latest Castlevania games to Metroid Prime to Mario Galaxy. While Metroid: Other M does allow for more movement than in a true 2D game, it's also not as open as a standard 3D exploration title. It has more to do with the level presentation and gameplay mechanics than anything else.

EvilTwin5211d ago

Syriel -- A 3D world with a 2D camera, then? I'm not sure if I'd really call it 2.5D, either, as you aren't restricted to the 2D plane so that you can't walk up to something.

It's an interesting design choice. With narrow hallways in a spaceship, it makes sense. And since Project M is going for a "cinematic" feel, it also makes sense for that. I wonder how it plays out in the rest of the game...

This little tidbit from Destructoid got my attention:
"Other M doesn't simply play along a 2D plane, as the early trailer suggested. While there are some areas that feel like standard 2D action and platforming, Other M's camera and depth of navigation actually change depending on the situation and the area, some of which will allow you to move around in a in fully three-dimensional space."

That boss fight with the purple glob monster looked like it could've been an open 3D space.

Gr815211d ago

Impressions from Gonintendo actually likened it to an old school beat em up in the vein of streets of rage. In terms of control. Its a good read. Should check it out Evil.

EvilTwin5211d ago

Thanks for the head's up, Arius. I just read through the GoNintendo impressions.

Good stuff. I must say that the comments on the voice acting make me a little uneasy...

Gr815211d ago

you what's funny though. The things like voice acting and other minor aspects don't really register on my radar at all. I'm more into the gaming aspect of..the game lol. Those are little touches that can help the presentations but other than that has very little bearing on the main focal point which for me is the gameplay and content.

But that's just me. There will always be those who will find something to complain about, I suppose.

Syriel5211d ago

@EvilTwin The fight with the purple bug monster is in an "open" space insomuch as a fighting game like SC or DOA is in an open space. Camera is always pointing to the center and you can circle the monster.

@Arius Dion I agree with you on the voice acting angle. While the woman who voiced Samus isn't exactly the voice that I had imagined for her, I don't think there was enough in the demo to say she did a bad job. I'd venture that most people were simply projecting their own image of Samus against Nintendo's choice for the character.

fossilfern5211d ago

Same im happy about the feedback because i was worried but then again i was worried when the series was going to go 3D but this is looking outstanding all i want to know is when the EU will be getting this knowing our luck we will probably get shafted and wait 2 months :(

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Polluted5211d ago

I loves me some Metroid 2d, but they make it sound as though people were complaining about the prime series. Those games were the best thing going on the old Gamecube, imo.

Sharpshell5211d ago (Edited 5211d ago )

whats been with all the negativity towards metroid prime these days? "this is the game metroid prime should have been" no metroid prime is the game metroid prime should have been.

I'm wicked stoked for this game becuase its obviously going to be awesome, but that doesn't negate the awesomeness of metroid prime, and in fact I'd argue that that trilogy allowed us enough time to fully appreciate this project.

edit: exactly Polluted, you beat me to the punch, barely

Smacktard5211d ago

I agree completely and 100% with you.

kesvalk5211d ago

now that my fears of another metroid sidecroller are at rest, i can start dreaming with playing as shot haired samus, cuz i love her with that hair...

Gr815211d ago

Is one of the greatest game series ever, period. The trilogy available on Wii is a must buy. I hope no one tries to downplay or marginalize Retro's masterpieces. I don't care how hyped they are with Other M. In fact I'm using Retro's interpretation as the benchmark for how good this game will be.

Other M is a different take on the Metroid Universe and looks to pay homage to the classic Metroid like Super and the original and Fusion. Different doesn't neccessarily mean better. But we'll see. I'm looking very forward to this. Can't wait til E3.

b-real5210d ago

100% agree with you, Prime was my favorite game of last gen, and prime 3 is one of my favorite from this gen. It deserves respect for what it achieved.


Metroid: Other M Deveoper Interview - Nate Bihldorff

WorthPlaying posted an interview with Nintendo's Nate Bihldorff, the localization producer at Nintendo of America who is overseeing the US release of the game.

"WP: Metroid: Other M is a little bit of a throwback because it ties in as a sequel after Super Metroid rather than the Metroid Prime games. How do the Metroid Prime games relate? Do they happen after this, or do they belong in a separate timeline altogether?

NB: I think the Metroid Prime games exist on their own timeline. This game is very clearly married to the 2-D Metroid timeline. It starts out with a flash back to the end of Super Metroid, which, of course, continued the plot of the original Metroid and Metroid 2. Some indeterminate amount of time passes, and then we have the events in this game. It's set between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, specifically because in Metroid Fusion, you basically hear about Adam Malkovich's death and Adam Malkovich is alive in this game, so it's somewhere in that time period between the two."

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EvilTwin5211d ago

They talk about Other M gaving 2D-centric gameplay, which is at odds with Wired's hands on:

"Other M is a more traditional game, but not entirely: It incorporates some first-person elements, but is largely played in third-person 3-D. The levels don’t keep you locked to a 2-D plane of movement as in previous games — you can always walk in four directions wherever you are."

Syriel5211d ago

Metroid: Other M uses a 2.5D style of play.

While it is rendered in 3D the Z-axis movement is limited and the view is from the side. When moving down a corridor the front/back movement is primary, while X-axis is somewhat limited. ANd the camera view is fixed behind Samus.

So while it is a 3D engine, the game mechanics are heavily biased in favor of 2D style play. In short it feels a lot more like Super Metroid (as far as basic controls are concerned) than any of the Metroid Prime games.