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Gears of War 3 Is Not Coming To The PS3

William Usher writes,

"I don't know how many times it has to be repeated, reiterated, redundantly reinforced and repetitively reproached, but gamers really, really need to understand that despite the hype, despite the news, despite whatever they hear or read from anyone else, GOW 3 [sic] is not coming to the PS3.

The rumors have been put out there but they also need to be killed, and TheGameReviews has aptly done so."

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Sure thing
TheForgotten0ne5591d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Meus Renaissance5592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Thank you everyone for proving that N4G only reads the title rather than looking at the story itself. If any of you actually took the time to READ the story, yes READ, you would have clearly have seen it to be Gears of War not God of War 3.
Boldy5592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Remove caps
Lord Anubis5592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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remove the caps
Ghoul5592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
TrevorPhillips5592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
LOL at the fanboy. The abbreviations for both games are correct
Why dis5592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
oriol0035592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
how hard is it to type "Gears of War"? William Usher types all that BS, yet can't help from using overlapping acronyms to make himself more clear? Or does the apparent double meaning of "GOW 3" help his sensationalist agenda, therefore is done deliberate. Either way he sucks.
pswi605592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Rename to Gears of War 3
xhi45592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
GeOW is Geometry Wars
BLUR1115592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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GOW = God of War. Rename it to GeOW 3.
Gerry Mark II5592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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GeOW3, GOW is reserved for God Of War.
CaseyRyback_CPO5592d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
thereapersson5592d ago

These rumors really need to die out and stop coming back. If people really want to play a game that badly, they need to buy or borrow the system that it's on.


RyuStrife5592d ago

The dude said Gears of War is Microsoft property, but I don't see that anywhere on the Gears of War site. It certainly says it's an IP of Epic, but I don't see Microsoft on it. But whatever the case, just buy the system where the game is on if anyone wants to play it. If not then stop yapping about it.

pswi605592d ago

360 fanboys will die before they buy a ps3 to play MGS4 or KZ2.

ps3 fanboys have already played Halo 3, Gears 1+2, L4D, and said meh =/

HighDefinition5592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

MSFT made a 2 game deal w/ EPIC, which is over.

I`m pretty sure if EPIC wanted to, they could make it a PS3 or WII exclusive or atleast multiplatform or keep it a 360 exclusive. It`s up to them.

BTW, GOW belongs to the GOD OF WAR. Because.....

1. God Of War came out first
2. Kratos would OWN the sh!t out of Marcus Fenix in a fight.

UnSelf5592d ago

PS3 and Unreal Engines dont go well together

HighDefinition5592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

I`d imagine GEOW3 would be using UE4, which will probaly work better w/ the PS3.

PixlSheX5592d ago

In the end.. who cares? You can keep gears 3. I have god of war 3 =).

bassturd5592d ago


really...cuz I like my PS3 the most but I quite enjoyed Gears 2.

Thank you, now don't generalize us because we aren't all fanboys like you.

ape0075592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

just smells 360,I cannot imagine it on ps3

but one thing im afraid of

rod furgesson said"we are defenatly reaching the upper limit of the 360"

no fanboyism at all guys or anything intended but I want a good discussion.please

NaiNaiNai5592d ago

@ pswi60

i just bought a ps3 with MGS4 last night. T_T. so tell me again, how a hardcore 360 fan won't by a ps3 for a game. or vise versa.

callahan095592d ago

"Gears of War, Gears of War 2, the Crimson Omen logo, Marcus Fenix, Unreal, Epic Games and the Epic Games logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Epic Games, Inc., in the United States and/or elsewhere."

This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. I do believe that Microsoft will continue securing publishing rights for the franchise, but they do NOT own any property rights related to the franchise, which means that if Epic wants to forgo their relationship with Microsoft as their publisher and go multiplatform, they can. But again, I believe Microsoft would do everything in their power (which is quite a bit) to retain their publisher rights for God of War 3.

CrazedFiend5592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

PS3 gamers have had to put up with MGS4 on 360 rumors even well beyond it's release. The rumors do need to stop, but they're just not going to.

You can get mad, rant and talk common sense about it all you want, but we've learned that that's not going to change anything. You might as well just get used to it. As soon as it's squashed, someone will just reignite the rumor torch again just to get some extra hits.

Don't waste your time on the stupidity of others. Just worry about something else.

fishd5592d ago

The gut who erote the article sound so err...butthurt!Oh wait this is William Usher,consider me shocked...NOT

N4360G5592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

LOL no thanks,we have a better game coming called Killzone 2,which is only 13 days away,I can't wait!!

morganfell5592d ago

I would like this know it all from cinemablend to explain why Epic has taken the time and expense to program and engineer Gears of War 2 on the PS3. They have the interfaces and network code up and running. Why mr cinemablend would they expend the effort and cost for that? If you are on the Unreal Developers network and have looked around you have seen the bug reports. If they are going to issue a know it all denial then they should ensure they first do indeed "know it all".

ProperFunked5592d ago

if there was a disagree button for the headline, =p i would of clicked it

heh =D

andron5592d ago

So maybe they can bring out a GeoW prequel or something on multiplatform? It would sure sell well...

uie4rhig5592d ago

there were rumours saying that MS had a 2 game contract for GeoW.. but they might have made a new deal or sumit along the way.. you never know..

gaffyh5592d ago

HighDefinition is pretty much correct.

jaysquared5592d ago


If I want to watch a movie on my 360 I can just go on netflix!

xwabbit5591d ago

They had a 2 game contract not 3 lol, google it up and for any 1 who doesn't know.... Gears is an EPIC IP not M$'s. Epic can do what they want but yeah i doubt M$ would let that happen.... would seem weird seeing Gears on a PS3 but w/e right, the more games the better.

prunchess5591d ago

Yeah, I couldn't agree more but I would go even further and say that the Unreal engine its self is not great. It looked dated from the day it was released.

I loved Bioshock on the PS3 and 360 but its graphics are hardly stellar with the exception of the water effects.

The PS3 doesn't need Gears 1, 2 or 3. It has plenty of better games. Anyone that really likes the series has a 360 already.

Shepherd 2145591d ago

buddy, you need to keep your day job because spewing out nonsense like that surely doesn't pay off does it?

Your lack of intelligence flatters me though, really it does.

king dong5591d ago

as usual, you open your mouth, and out pours pure unadulterated fanboy know-nothingness!

please post a link confriming this two game contract?

and answer why something thats confirmed as a trilogy, and has lots of $ pumped into it by microsft. would then only be secured by them for two games?? man you talk absolute rubbish!

oh yeah, i remember reading once where you claimed to be then you write hings like
"Kratos would OWN the sh!t out of Marcus Fenix in a fight" really the talk of an adult lol

i think that gow3 will be on the 360, and a prequel and new spin offs will be made with the ur4 engine, on the next xbox, which again microsoft will invest in and secure. it will be interesting to see how things pan-out.

Sheikh Yerbouti5591d ago

There's nothing that say it couldn't happen, but yeah...I wouldn't bet on it.

I would love to see if 360 can match the PS3 graphically with a game like MGS4. Maybe Kojima's next opus will be multiplatform.

5591d ago
tuneraider5591d ago (Edited 5591d ago )

the economy is in bad shape, the sky is blue and fanboys are emotionally retarded hypocrites.

Sarcasm5591d ago

Meh, just leave Gears on the 360 already.

Cause once GoWIII, GT5, Uncharted 2 drops in the future. We won't see the 360 fanboys go

"Bu bu bu Gears ThreEeEeEEeeeeeeeeeeeee"

when it comes to graphics arguments.


Rhoic5591d ago (Edited 5591d ago )

"Re: Speculation...
Thursday, December 11, 2008 3:59 PM
"Mark Rein" <[email protected]&am p;gt ;
"'[email protected] t'" <[email protected]&am p;gt ;

Gears of War 2 is exclusive to Xbox 360 unless its publisher, Microsoft, decides otherwise. I can't imagine them asking us to deliver a Playstation 3 version of the game :)

Mark Rein
Epic Games, Inc.

Visit us at

From: Michael Fine
To: Mark Rein
Sent: Thu Dec 11 16:39:54 2008
Subject: Speculation...
So I heard from a Licensee from UDN is stating that Gears of War 2, the Microsoft Published exclusive to the Xbox 360, is being ported to the Sony Playstation 3. The man is causing a lot of fuss on the site and I would be honored to have some confirmation about this. His account name on n4g is called Morganfell.

I urge you to respond, as he is causing a lot of issues within the site, and must be, in some way, breaking an agreement with EPIC games.

-Thanks, Michael."

If you are to be telling the truth, and it is in fact coming to the PS3 and will be announced at E3'09 this year like you have constantly said, then you are breaking the user agreement laws of the Unreal Developers Network and can be sued to the fullest extent of the law by both Microsoft and EPIC Games Studios. Announcements like these are closed to the public for a reason. Not to mention they wouldn't post such information TO the public.

Theory Of Suckboxism5591d ago

Gears Of War 3 will be better on the PS3,we Xbox 360 owners will get screwed by EPIC when they announce Gears Of War 3 for the PS3 :(

uie4rhig5591d ago

while i don't know if you have made that email up or not, i don't exactly care.. but even if it is true, since Epic are 3rd party, there is NO WAY that microsoft decides that if GeoW goes to PS3 or not if it's outside the contract.. also in that email you are asking about GeoW2, which (if the rumours are to be believed) falls inside the rumoured contract between MS and Epic (note: only rumour).. but if the contract really is for 2 geow games, then as said before, there is no way microsoft can do anything to prevent geow3 to go to PS3.. Gears of war is still an Epic owned IP, and as long as Microsoft does only the publishing for the 360, and they are outside the contract, all epic needs to do is find a new publisher, and if im not mistaking, epic games also publish games and not just develop them.

Rhoic5590d ago (Edited 5590d ago )

I never said anything about Gears of War 3. Morganfell is stating that Gears of War 2 will be announced to the public come E3'09. If this is true, then they are still under contract as of right now, and he could be sued to the fullest extent of the law by both Microsoft and EPIC Games Studios. And no, the email is 100% legit. I was exhilarated that the CEO of EPIC Games even responded.

Also, Microsoft HAS published Gears of War 2. It has their Microsoft Game Studios logo on the cover, and in the game when booted up. If they did not own the rights, then why do other third party exclusives to the 360 NOT have MGS on it?

uie4rhig5590d ago

"Microsoft HAS published Gears of War 2. It has their Microsoft Game Studios logo on the cover, and in the game when booted up. If they did not own the rights, then why do other third party exclusives to the 360 NOT have MGS on it?"

I know microsoft has published GeoW and GeoW2.. but it doesn't matter if their logo is on their, as long as the IP is owned by someone else, and there no contract binding you to someone, then there is nothing stopping you from bringing your IP to someone else. but you are right about GeoW2, Epic won't be able to bring it to any other platform unless the contract is for a limited amount of time (same as BioShock). but otherwise PS3 owners can kiss GeoW2 and GeoW1 goodbye!

Rhoic5589d ago

Microsoft had no exclusive rights to BioShock. They did not purchase anything. They also did not publish anything. It was entirely 2K's doing.

What is the point of having the publishing logo on Gears of War 2 if they do not own the publishing rights? The logic here is flawed. They obviously DO own the rights, or they would not have bothered to publish the game.

uie4rhig5589d ago

you wouldn't see the text "Gears of War, Gears of War 2, the Crimson Omen logo, Marcus Fenix, Unreal, Epic Games and the Epic Games logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Epic Games, Inc., in the United States and/or elsewhere." on the official geow website if geow was owned by MS, rather, it would say something like this: "Unreal, Epic Games and the Epic Games logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Epic Games, Inc., in the United States and/or elsewhere."

and next to that, the geow portal has a trademark statement, whereas the halo portal does not. the only thing on the Halo portal says "© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved" which is not a trademarking statement, but a copyright statement, however, the copyright statement of geow is "©2009 Epic Games, Inc., except underlying technology ©2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." << which means Epic and MS can distribute copies of GeoW (except the technologies used, which only Epic has the right to)..

so i'll stay with the fact that GeoW is not owned by MS, but only the publishing rights is with MS!

and if you're too lazy to search, here are the links:

Rhoic5589d ago (Edited 5589d ago )

Lol.. I don't need to search. I can look at the box of both of the games and read in the bottom right corner "Microsoft Game Studios"

Then, I can turn on the game, and watch as they advertise what has been used or who owns the game, which by the way, is another "Microsoft Game Studios" ad.

You're not answering the question here. If Microsoft does not own the rights to Gears of War 1 and 2, then how are they publishing the game? Also, if they do not own the rights, then how is it that Mark Rein, CEO of EPIC Games Studios, is telling me that Microsoft owns all publishing rights to Gears of War 2. And that they would be in control of whether or not a PS3 port is made? Also, does Microsoft even need to own the IP if they own all publishing rights? It would be somewhat illegal for EPIC to make a Gears of War 2 port if Microsoft is the one publishing the game.

And yes, I swear on my grandmother's grave that the email is 100% real.

uie4rhig5589d ago

if MS publishes it, they are allowed to put their logo on there..

"If Microsoft does not own the rights to Gears of War 1 and 2, then how are they publishing the game?"

it's called a contract between companies, a company can say i'm gonna create the game, but it's your job to sell it to people..

"Also, if they do not own the rights, then how is it that Mark Rein, CEO of EPIC Games Studios, is telling me that Microsoft owns all publishing rights to Gears of War 2."
yes you said it right there, they own the publishing rights, they don't own the IP itself.. own publishing rights is different from owning IP rights..

"And that they would be in control of whether or not a PS3 port is made?"
Yes MS is in control of whether or not a PS3 port is made, but the contract!! and as the rumour of the contract being only for 2 games is true, then Epic can do whatever the hell they want with GeoW3 (may that be not making it or making it exclusively for 360/Wii/PS3)..

"It would be somewhat illegal for EPIC to make a Gears of War 2 port if Microsoft is the one publishing the game."
as long as the contract binds them, it would be illegal, but if the contract is finished, they can port it without it being illegal!!

+ Show (35) more repliesLast reply 5589d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

Probably one of the most useless sites that gets contributed to N4G daily.

Always some misleading B.S headline with somebody b*tching about something.

dukadork25592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

real thick xb!tch SPAM... why should we care about cinemablend's opinion about gaming? lol

me thinks xb!tches hurt real bad with the amazing GOW3 trailer on top of the imminent full KILLZOWNAGE...

trancefreak5592d ago

Seriously agree and the name of their website is pretty weak too. Cinemablend lol. Go interview some movie producers!

blackbeld5592d ago

Agree ^^^ But really droids don't cares GeoW coming or not. We got better AAA games.

CyberCam5591d ago

should stay on the 360, it just doesn't make sense to have just a third instalment on the PS3 when the majority of the PS3 fans don't know what the story is about. Plus Microsoft is entitled to have exclusives just as much as the PS3.

HolyOrangeCows5591d ago (Edited 5591d ago )

''GOW 3 [sic] is not coming to the PS3''? LOL. Yeah it is!
GOW = God of War.

And Epic isn't in contract anymore. It's their decision. Although, that likely means more xbox exclusives. Cliffy seems to be afraid of expanding his audience and making more money. (That includes his not making PC games as well)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5591d ago
xhi45592d ago

That's like saying God Of War 3, Uncharted, Little Big Planet, Infamous, White Knight, War Devil, Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4 etc. are coming to the 360


Elven65592d ago

HipHopGamer and Michael Patcher were saying it was coming to PS3.

TOSgamer5592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

It is not the same thing. Sony owns the IP to all of those games you mentioned besides War Devil and Metal Gear. Epic owns the Gears Of War IP. Plus they only had a 2 game deal with MS. The 3rd game is up for grabs and Epic can do what it pleases with it.

Gothdom5592d ago

if Pachter said it, then you know it won't happen.

xwabbit5591d ago

If u did indeed see the HipHopGamer show you would know that he said they were rumors. So don't try to put words in a guys mouth because he said that's what he was hearing.

Variable5591d ago

MGS4 is developed by Konami (or Kojima, blabla like it matters :P), which is, just like Epic, 3rd party

Chris3995591d ago (Edited 5591d ago )

Classic stuff.

Oh, and on topic. Money talks and bullsh*t walks this gen. No exclusive is safe unless it is developed in house. MS does not own the Gears IP, they own publishing rights for a set number of games.

What Epic does with the Unreal Engine and the franchise is in the dark, really.

Oh, and Unreal Tournament for the PS3 showed that the engine ran perfectly well on PS3 architecture. Last Remnant proved the opposite for the 360.

Sarcasm5591d ago (Edited 5591d ago )

"if Pachter said it, then you know it won't happen. "

Michael Pachter is the weather-man of analysts.

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Elven65592d ago

Maybe someone should let these guys know TGR's rumor killers segment isn't fact but speculation???

ThatCanadianGuy5592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

Before some 360 fanboy comes in saying "But but GOW3 means gears of war 3!!111one!!"

No.It doesnt.God of war had it first.
Type in GOW3 on google and tell me which game comes up first :)

Elven65592d ago

Why can't two games use the same naming convention? The Video Gaming library is so huge such conflicts are bound to happen.

ThatCanadianGuy5592d ago (Edited 5592d ago )

Because it doesn't work like that..

There's always idiots like this william guy who specifically chose to use
"GOW3" on the day that all the GOW3 info is released to B*tch and moan
about gears 3.

It's rather pathetic.I have no respect for him at all after that.

ThatCanadianGuy5592d ago

ahahaha! Isn't that the kid/father picture from the forum post?
I was JUST looking at that.Funny

Obama5592d ago

That kid is the father? what?

Gaara_7245592d ago

yeh the uy was 12 he got is 14 year old girl pregant now he is 13 and she is 15 WAW

halo2_redvsblue5592d ago

Maybe the Reason that God of war 3 comes up when you google GOW3 because God of war 3 is a real game. when did epic talk about Gears 3? Just Google GOW or GOW 2 and tell me what comes up :)

Elven65592d ago

It dosen't matter, G.O.W. 3/III is the proper naming convention for both.

If you want to get into the gritty details, God of War has used roman numerals while Gears of War has used numbers.

So in reality GOW 3 would be Gears of War 3 and GOW III would be God of War III.

HighDefinition5592d ago

What less complicated though, is naming it GEOW.

There is always another way to shorten it.

ProperFunked5592d ago

isnt it supposed to be GeoW1-3 not GOW, those retardeds

ProperFunked5592d ago

Gears of War came up.....................

same with "GOW2"..............

oh well =[

however you did say "GOW3" and yes GOW3 did come up =D

Neoraf5592d ago

Write GOW and press enter:

Yes, that's it... Gears of War.

The GOW abbreviation is for Gears of War, even if Sony Fanboys don't like it.

The Gears of War franchise is far more popular than the God of War franchise:

Gears of War 1+2 LTD sales (around 11 millions copies sold) ang still growing fast.

God of War 1+2 LTD sales (around 6 millions copies sold)

Remember, don't ever take things for granted. Sony is not the leader anymore...

Sheikh Yerbouti5591d ago

You guys are really smoking on the "fanboy" crackpipe if you arguing who has the right to the initial GOW. I worked with a guy with the same initials as me before. Then (for documentation) it mattered more, but still was kind of stupid.

Here it is ridiculously stupid. Got a thread on God of War, then GOW means God of War. Thread on Gears, the GOW is fine to. I know what we are talking about.

Google doesn't mean a damn thing! What are you guys...twelve?

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15 Top Notch Single-Player Games You Can Complete in 10 Hours

For those who don't have time for massive open worlds or role-playing games with epic tales, these 15 games are worth checking out.

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Community90d ago
anast90d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


Gears Of War 3 And Judgement Servers Are Brimming With Life Once Again

Gears of War 3 and Judgement servers have returned to their "updated" condition, adding several features, such as increased XP and more.

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Community352d ago
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KicksnSnares352d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure351d ago (Edited 351d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


20 Best Xbox 360 Games of All Time

The Xbox 360 is one of the most successful consoles ever made, and the best games in its library are a huge part of why.

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Community510d ago
dazzysima509d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits511d ago (Edited 511d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto510d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned510d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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