
Loot Ninja: The Conduit Interview

Loot Ninja writes: "One of the most anticipated Wii titles of 2009 is Sega's The Conduit. The development team over at High Voltage have pulled more out of the Wii than anyone else to date. Check out our interview with the game's Chief Creative Officer, Eric Nofsinger".

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ChickeyCantor5593d ago

Its so obvious, if "core" gamers buy "core" games you will see more core games. Instead they cry about how much shovelware there is on the Wii>_>.


Also the guy is kinda annoying to listen too, im not sure if he is freaking out or its just the way he is.

mastiffchild5593d ago

Ha Ha! Yeah, I was thinking that when he got interviewed last E3 but then I read somewhere that he's just really nervous at times and can't stop the words falling out of his head-I guess that's pretty typical when you get a computer geek in front of a camera or the press-they aren't all gonna love it like Cliffy B are they?

And you're right, obviously, about the "core" games but people do say there's nothing then when there is (NMH,Okami,Z&W etc)anly a few of us support them. Hopefully a few of the newer gamers with Wii's will start picking up some of the more worthy titles or else there's gonna be a lot of decent games end up dying on us this year. Sega's will prolly be fine as they do at least push them a little in terms of press , ads and exposure but some of the games with smaller publishers will sink without trace I'm afraid-I blame Nintendo a little though as if they supported demos on the Shopping or Nintendo channel they'd get more sold and the same, if not more so, goes for Wii ware titles. Every single person who played/watched Lostwinds at my house then bought it but wouldn't have done if they jhadn't seen it in action. Even if they got more trailers on there from 3rd parties it could help and if they don't sort it out then they may find they've bought lots of people into gaming but as they mature as gamers lose them to Sony and MS at this rate.
So I feel Nintendo need to up the way they sell other peoples games on their console if they wish to keep their big market. I worry at times if Ninty don't enjoy people feeling that they make the best Wii games a little too much-if they don't help out more it'll be them and their hardware that'll suffer long term as Zelda, Mario and Metroid aren't enough on their own to support a platform. Not these days anyway.
Sorry, rant done.

TruthbeTold5592d ago

the good fortune of interviewing Eric a few months ago about this game. He's a great guy. He's a regular guy too ya know? I don't think he's the type of person that particularly enjoys all of this camera time, and instantaneous, think on your toes interviewing. But he does it because this game means ALOT to him and their team. And due to twists of fate, he's largely become the public face for it so he's stepped up to the plate. Game hype as you know, often has loud mouthed, over opinionated, crap stirring folk behind it. Nofsinger and HVS are a class act though.

dubbalubagis5593d ago

The hype surrounding the game is pretty high but it's going to be hard to live up to the hype.

Shnazzyone5593d ago

The most detailed and telling interview yet!!!!!! I can't believe they are (hinting at) ditching friend codes for this title. Nice to know that there are lots of maps and they seem to be quite secretive on those modes. Though the part that shocked me... 10-12 hour singleplayer mode without trying to find secrets. How long was killzone 2's singleplayer run? I want to compare notes.


I don't believe this title can be overhyped like some games since already expectations are automatically lowered since it's for wii. I think people will be happy and satisfied with a real diverse and graphicly solid FPS for the wii. It will get great ad time from my understanding. That might get people a bit hyped but with fanboys for wii being far more subdued then most others it's doubtful unnecessary hype will be generated and instead it will just be pure excitement to play this title. I predict a 5 out of 5 from xplay without conspiracy theories attached.

Meanwhile as this game hits shelves hopefully PS3 folks will be so busy hyping god of war III they wont notice and it wont be subject to title bashing.

dubbalubagis5593d ago

You seriously don't think a third party Wii game can be over-hyped? It's not really fair to assume that because it's a Wii game it has lowered expectations.

Louievillesluggns5593d ago

High Voltage is just the quality wii were looking for


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Community2494d ago

Great Games Of Last Generation: The Conduit

Rustyshell.com: The Conduit strived to be the quality FPS experience Wii owners were missing out on, with quality graphics and a robust online multiplayer component.

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The Bin: The Conduit

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