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You'll Need A Microsoft Account To Play Sea Of Thieves On PS5

The official PlayStation Store page for Sea of Thieves has confirmed the requirement of a Microsoft account to play the game.

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Community100d ago

ill be picking up Hi fi rush but this will be a pass if i need a Microsoft account to play it.

Markdn100d ago

Unfortunately I have an xbox account but won't be buying or playing any of the 4 games on offers as they were meh when I played them on my series x when I owned one

VenomUK100d ago

If I remember correctly, the last big Minecraft cross-play update on PS4 required users to enter their Microsoft Account details. Not such a big deal when EA and Ubisoft do the same.

If Call of Duty 2024 starts asking for Microsoft account details from PlayStation players then come January 2025 Microsoft will be able to report that it added another 15 million Microsoft accounts to the Xbox ecosystem!

Andrew33699d ago

You have a Microsoft account*

PapaBop99d ago

Honestly doesn't everyone between a certain age have one? Before social media, we were all using msn messenger.

DarXyde99d ago


I think it is a big deal, personally.

That's one reason I avoid EA and Ubisoft games (aside from them largely being uninspired). I'm not creating an account and agreeing to some lengthy ToS.

Everyone's different, but yeah. If I was interested in getting it (I'm not), that's an immediate turnoff.

VenomUK99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

@DarXyde Fair enough you don’t want to create another account, I get it. It doesn’t seem such a big deal to me as I already have a Hotmail account which I’ve had for many years. To be fair, I prefer not to have to create an account just to play a new game. It seems that the biggest publishers do this as they want a direct’relationship’ with their customers, in other words access to their contact details and player telemetry.

Cacabunga99d ago

Just made a meh game even more meh..

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Obscure_Observer100d ago

"ill be picking up Hi fi rush but this will be a pass if i need a Microsoft account to play it."


It´s a Microsofts Live Service game running on Microsoft´s Azure servers and yet, somehow, you were expecting Sony to be the one running the show!? Smdh.

If you hate Microsoft this bad, I suggest you to stay away from their games because once you buy Hi-Fi Rush you´ll be filling their pockets just the same.

Angyobangyo99d ago

"I suggest you to stay away from their games because once you buy Hi-Fi Rush you´ll be filling their pockets just the same." Such a dull take. Meanwhile Sony is getting their 30% cut means nothing to you. Brain-dead tribalism at its densest.

ironmonkey99d ago

I'm sure alot will. Compared to Sony games these are sub par. Sub sub par.

Crows90100d ago

Dude...a Microsoft account is needed for a PC these's more of a Windows account.

Profchaos99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

Windows is a operating system on a PC while a Microsoft account can be used against the pc but also their cloud services like office 365, windows 365, entra b2c,one drive and ofcourse the Xbox your Microsoft account can be your identity anchor accross everything Microsoft related yes you use it on your PC (which is still optional btw) but it goes further.

You don't need to use a Microsoft account on your PC if you don't want to just set it up and select use a local account you will likely be asked a few times to complete setup but it's not needed in any windows OS including 11.

thesoftware73099d ago

Really? It's that serious that you would skip an entire game because you have to make an account?

Wow, I must be very tolerant, because, I have an Ubisoft, EA, Nintendo, Sony, Capcom, blizzard, Square Enix, MS and other accounts.

Chris1299d ago

You cant reason with stupid.

remixx11699d ago

This is what a fanboy looks like, it aint that deep

porkChop99d ago

Isn't a Microsoft account just an email? Don't you already have one? Gonna be honest, that's a dumb reason to skip a game.

TheEroica99d ago

Good... If you can't take a moment to snag an account we don't need entitled rogue gamers playing glorious Microsoft games.

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GamerRN100d ago

It's a service game, if course you need an account

Christopher100d ago

Guy who owns big tech company doesn't understand tech. Yay?

purple101100d ago

been updated check the post below,. ms even trying to remove the workarounds.!

Crows9099d ago

Ummm ...guy who owns gaming company doesn't know how to make games....guy who owns a restaurant doesn't cook food....etc etc etc.

What is your point exactly?

Christopher100d ago (Edited 100d ago )

Just to note, btw, you can also disable them scraping your computer for AI data/advertising. It's annoying and they try to re-enable a lot, but it's there. Same thing as Google and Apple. All 3 are big on data scraping and force you to keep removing their 'new' checks that are just re-flavored 'old' checks.

Edit: Forgot, lots of Elon fans on here. Sadness.

purple10199d ago

you are sad? or sad people like Elon.?

JackBNimble99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

That's right you're a leftwing nut job.
What is really sad is the fact that if my opinion, positive or negative, of someone else , dosen't meet your expectations it's considered invalid or wrong.

So much for freedom...

Christopher99d ago

@JackBNimble: Let me get this straight: You go straight into name calling and then act the victim as if I name called you in a similar fashion? Quite impressive how you've set yourself up to be both the instigator and the victim right out the gate there. You should get into politics with that game of logic you have going there.

DaCajun99d ago

I've been a republican for over 50 years and you are what's wrong with the party these days. You and the rest of the Anti-christ(the orange Jesus) loving far right insane nuts. I bet you were a left winger just like the orange one until he ran for president in 2015, now you just spread hate and childish insults just like him.

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franwex100d ago

If he sees it as a wrong and has the resources to correct it, why not do something? Maybe he can make his own OS to compete with MS and Google without needing to sign up?

arkard99d ago

Oh yeah. The guy that bought a social site and removed the ability to even see posts without having account, is going to create an OS that allows people to use it without signing up?

KwietStorm_BLM99d ago

That whole thread was not him not knowing how to work things out. He was just being an attention whore like he likes to do. He knew exactly it was an "issue" but wanted to make other people feel the same way by playing the ignorant role.

Profchaos99d ago

There's still options to skip this he just prefers going to twitter to complain about being inconvenienced

Crows9099d ago

Let's enroll everyone on auto pay without end and just put in a workaround to let people choose not no continue to be automatically charge after a subscription term ends...sounds like you like that kind of stuff.

Profchaos99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

@crows what are you on about? Microsoft accounts don't cost anything unless you subscribe to something like gamepass or office 365 you do not auto enrol or require payment details to get one.

Btw I also don't subscribe to any of their services outside of gamepass and I paid that 2 years in advance and I don't have auto renewal in place

porkChop99d ago

Uhh... Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need to sign into a Tesla account in order to even use the vehicle? And don't additional drivers also need to make their own accounts in order to drive your Tesla vehicle?

97d ago
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Inverno100d ago

You already need it for Minecraft so duh.

Angyobangyo99d ago

This conversation isn't about Minecraft.

Inverno99d ago

Last I checked Minecraft is owned by Microsoft which also requires a MS account, Sea of Thieves is also a MS game. It relates. Better still if you use Windows you're required to make a MS account, so most people in this comment section complaining most probably already have an account, ironic.

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Stellar Blade Tops Circana April Charts

The latest US sales data is out, and while hardware may be down for the big 3, software is ruling the day, including Stellar Blade topping the charts

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Community6d ago
helicoptergirl6d ago

Must be weird for Xbox fans to see Sea Of Thieves at number 4 on the NPD charts

ravens525d ago

The "best selling" game!?!? Lol. The narratives, I swear.

PhillyDonJawn5d ago

No it's more funny than weird. Cause ps fans swore SoT was bad and didn't interest them at all 😂

helicoptergirl5d ago

Everyone knows a game can change in 6 years. The beta testers on xbox one are apparently laughing so you tell me. Well the definitive edition players look to be enjoying themselves. Thanks for your service

PhillyDonJawn4d ago

"A game can change in 6 years" 😂 no game ever.

CrimsonWing696d ago

Well, would you look at that Sony! Guess there’s an audience after all for this stuff.

JEECE6d ago

I wonder where the change from "NPD" to "Circana" ranks on the chart of lamest rebrands? And yes I know it changed awhile ago it just annoys me every time I see it.

anast5d ago

People like this game, despite the big puritan push against it.

Hugodastrevas5d ago

Stellar Blade deserves it, it's just a gorgeous well-optomized working right out of the box game. Would plat all over again.

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PlayStation Store: April 2024’s top downloads

Last month’s most downloaded games chart features newcomers and old favorites alike.

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dustydivet27d ago
Jin_Sakai27d ago

This should be a warm welcome to all other Xbox games heading to PlayStation.

XiNatsuDragnel27d ago

A sign that xbox will become 3rd party in the future since there games sell better on playstation

P_Bomb26d ago

Sea of Thieves is a hit! Sadly Hi Fi Rush looks like it fell off.

VersusDMC26d ago

Love to see Stellar blade selling well. 2nd only to helldivers 2 in the US. Currently going for that platinum.

Where the F is Rebirth?! I wonder if people just don't know it's the sequel to remake. It is too good to be overlooked.

solideagle26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

I have been playing Rebirth for few days now but it feels like a mini game galore than an actual Final Fantasy 7 remake sequel. Too many mini games, I still think they could do whole Final Fantasy 7 in 1 or maximum 2 parts rather trilogy. This is my opinion

VersusDMC26d ago

Well i am not one for asking a developer to censor themselves by asking them to cut stuff out of their game...but you do you.

Remake and Rebirth are GOTY to me and you always have the original for you.


Review: Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5 | Console Creatures

`Court writes, "Sea of Thieves can be whatever the player wants, which is part of the game's magic."

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