
Xbox sparks revolt at AI partnership "People will get fired, games get worse, C-suite gets millions'

"Another f****** strike is coming."

rlow1187d ago

Unfortunately it’s a sign of the times.

-Foxtrot187d ago

Yeah it's a sign alright, a sign people should be pushing back and telling multi million dollar companies with an obsession with AI to f*** off.

theindiearmy187d ago

That's the main goal of a lot of these start ups. Someone with an idea and some know-how aims to make their product large enough to attract a bigger company so they can sellout and make millions. The nice ones give their employees shares along the way so they get a cut of the pie as well.

CantThinkOfAUsername187d ago

People opposed textile machines replacing skilled workers in the 19th century. Called the Luddites, they were highly organised groups in England that marched in protests, destroyed factory machines and went as far as killing a few business owners who used them. Guess what happened?

The_Hooligan186d ago

Agree! Also, this will push people to unionize in the gaming industry.

Notellin186d ago

I don't typically agree with the majority of the N4G community but I'm behind this post.

The average citizen has to stand up to corporate greed at some point.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 186d ago
Palitera187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

Tech is the sign of the times.
AI is here to stay, but any company that wishes to do the same work MUCH more slowly is welcome to avoid the new tools.
People need to realize that AI is not nearly enough to make a game or even a tiny working program, and won't be used blindly. It's just a tool that still requires professionals and know how.

Plague-Doctor27186d ago

The article specifically states the AI will be used to generate dialogue and quest lines, two of the most important and universal concepts in any video game. Replacing an actual writer with ChatGPT and actual voice actors with TikTok voice won't give us better quality games faster.

Palitera186d ago

It doesn't mean that it will be unassisted, nor generated in real-time, nor that it will be better or worse.

Do you know that today almost all developers use AI assistants? (literally, statistically...)

Eonjay187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

Everyone should be worried about AI. No one is irreplaceable. The problem here is that corporations are 100% charged with one thing and one thing only: Maximizing returns for investors. That is it. There is nothing else. Therefore, if they can increase returns by replacing individuals with AI it will happen. The ONLY way to avoid this is for somehow companies find it more profitable to prioritize people. Money IS evil. The reckless purist of ever more money is the destruction of anything that gets in the way of acquiring more of it.

shinoff2183187d ago

Money tends to lead to greed. Shame, really. Me and a buddy talk about winning the PowerBall cause we grab a couple tickets every once in awhile. Funny are conversations always lead to what we'd also do for our communities.

bababooiy187d ago

Problem is, if most people start losing jobs where are these profits supposed to come from?

Eonjay187d ago

There is no endgame. At least not one that makes sense.

crazyCoconuts187d ago

Money is evil? Give me a break. Money = trade, so TRADE is evil? What system would you have replace it?
Even Communism has Money for crying out loud

Eonjay187d ago

Money is hands down evil. Mainly because it is the main vessel of greed which is evil. The system that I would replace it with would be one without money. One without the concept of 'wealth'. One were we pursued technological advancement for the betterment of ourselves and those coming after us. One where the advent of AI wouldn't mean the absolute devastation of the human population as AI will see humans as a risk and a cost that doesn't need to be incurred. There are too many example of suffering all over the world that only happens because people don't have the 'money' to avoid it. MONEY is why AI is going to destroy countless jobs. These casualties are unnecessary and so is money. We have the tech to provide for ourselves practically indefinitely.

crazyCoconuts187d ago

So... um... like... how are you going to talk the hundreds of people involved in making your current Xbox/PS to wake up in the morning and do that for you? Are you going to make things for all of them?

Eonjay187d ago

We would all have our own reasons to work or not to work. Those with passion for particular things would be drawn to those things. Jobs that no one wants to do would be replaced with automation. It's really not that hard to imagine if you try. We might not a PlayStation or an Xbox. What we would have would be better. When you asked me earlier about Capitalism vs Communism you. Indicated that the only types of systems you can imagine are monetary based ones. I am saying that there are more options available to us. Let's not limit ourselves by depending exclusively on the failed systems that preceeded us. Let's get outside the box. Obviously we aren't going to solve world crisis here in the comment section lol 😆. I don't have all the answers but if I do know that ideas are powerful and I would like to hear yours too.

crazyCoconuts187d ago

Well, I have to say, I appreciate the free thinking, and wish you well on your journey, and I'm not being sarcastic (this time :-) ).
Few last points from me though - the systems we have in place have evolved over quite a few years through many experiments and are still evolving. History is filled with experiments and a great place to look to see how some ideas have played out. All of the systems are flawed in some way, but only a few have had enough redeeming factors to stand the test of time.

Petebloodyonion187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

I like your thinking Eonjay but I disagree with it simply because you forget or avoid the main issue
Human Greed and his desire to have more power.
At the basic earning money = providing a service so if you want more money you need to provide more helps to other and in return, it helps the collective growth and wealth.

In that sense, the system works for a society we are more wealthy compared to 100 years ago.
for example, the majority have electricity, worldwide communication, and a longer lifespan.

But like all systems, it gets corrupted by our desire for power over others, and money = power.
Now you could replace money with wealth and guess the human desire for power and greed would not change
education would become the new money and knowledge would suddenly become the currency.
or ownership of land.... or privilege based on color, religion, sex...

Let me prove that with a simple gaming question: why are some ppl happy when their game is EXCLUSIVES to their console?
Surely having more ppl enjoying a fun game should be what we want yet ppl cheer when they see the word EXCLUSIVE.

shinoff2183187d ago

I mean money is evil, they aren't wrong but it's a necessary evil. Some people take it to extreme levels. Like corporations using ingredients that are bad for human consumption but continue to use it because it's cheaper.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 187d ago
Palitera187d ago

AI only won't make things this terrible because the human plague will destroy its habitat way before AI is really functional by itself

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 187d ago
Sonyslave3187d ago ShowReplies(1)
Christopher187d ago

They're hitting the nail on the head. If you're removing entry-level jobs (background NPC voice acting), how will anyone going forward learn to master their skill to get higher level tier jobs (named character voice acting)?

-Foxtrot187d ago

It's that never ending cycle to jobs

"You need 5 years of experience as a voice actor for this position"

Okay I'll get experience...oh wait I can't because the only way to get experience is to get a job but I need experience to get a job I need experience for

crazyCoconuts187d ago

I don't understand. Are you saying there won't be people out there to fill the job requirements? What do you think companies would do then? Just use crappy AI and then complain when people don't buy their games?

FinalFantasyFanatic186d ago

Ah, the bane of my young adult years, job hunting is easier when you actually have experience.

CS7187d ago

God, the luddite perspective here is so depressing.

1. AI is going to replace all voice acting within 10 years. Background, main everything. And you’re not going to care. Because game worlds would finally be dynamic, reactive and to your every decision word and moves. This cannot ever possibly be achieved with physical voice acting.

2. Video games are currently limited by budget and time in a major way. Games releases take 5+ years now to develop with development times increasing every gen. Are we going to just continuously accept waiting 15 years for a trilogy. AI is finally a way to get shorter development timelines. If game dev times can get back to two years, that would be great.

3. PS5 games feel like glorified PS3 games. AI could offer us the next frontier in gaming with immersive worlds that genuinely react to you and your decisions while still maintaining a coherent story.

4. Are you against AI? Good. Join the people in the world who was against tractors, running water, electricity, cars, machine lines, television, telephone, email, internet, iPhone. Seriously get a grip and read some history. There were people STRONGLY against all these things and they sound just as insane today and this comment section would in a few years.

6. Its noble that everyone cares about jobs but understand that probably 85% of jobs would be obsolete in 20 years. AI is never going away. Every day AI gets smarter. Instead of trying to go backward lets discuss how society operates in a post job world with stuff like UBI etc.

crazyCoconuts187d ago

1. No. AI, despite the name, does not have intelligence. There is no feeling. Only patterns from existing art.
2. Yes
3. No. Again, games only do what they're coded to do. The "AI" that we're experiencing doesn't change that.
4. Agreed. Economy is always shifting
5. Where is 5?! Blame AI :-)
6. Agreed.

Christopher187d ago

1. I will 100% care. Please don't speak on my behalf. I don't want dynamic, reactive worlds, I want well-acted, emoted, and presented stories that are hand-crafted.

2. Spider-man (2018), Miles Morales (2020), Spider-man 2 (2023).
God of War (2018 - 4 years to develop), God of War: Ragnarok (2022)

I'm sorry, but what? Don't gaslight us with false info.

3. In your opinion, and it's a bad one.

4. Strawman argument galore there.

5. Where is #5? What happened to it? What have you done?!?

6. AI doesn't get smarter, it gets better vector data. That's why you don't know what you're talking about. You think better vector data is smarter. It also gets worse vector data, btw. Specifically how AI is now learning from other AI and thereby creating horribly bad results.

shinoff2183187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

What will happen when 85 percent of the jobs are eliminated due to ai is that there will be a wider gap between the rich and the poor. Middle class will be completly eliminated hell it almost already is. Keep in mind I say this assuming ai has taken 85 percent of jobs

You'll have very poor and very rich. It'll be like those futuristic movies where all the very poor will be living in the slums and there's no way out

ChiefofLoliPolice186d ago (Edited 186d ago )

Your a moron. Christopher's comment below spells it out for you how much of one you are.

Matpan186d ago

1- I still rather have voice actors I appreciate doing what they love, giving me a more limited dialogue than AI voices reacting to everything I do dynamically... Good writing doesn't need infinite dialogue possibilities.
2- I am sorry you cannot be made to wait for good things that take intensive labor and love from hundreds of people to be made. I rather wait ten years knowing the people involved got fairly paid and did not burn out that have a game a year with half the workforce and massive layoffs.
3- What are you smoking?
4 - This false equivalent makes no sense, and shows a lack of understanding about how deeply disrupting the current iteration of large language models threatens to be, in every field. The current economic system is not setup to absorb a mass of non working individuals. A massive political and economical shift is necessary to accommodate for the future this can potentially shape. And I fear corporate greed will care little to enact those changes.
6 - This is the only point I agree with. And this discussion needs to happen. But if history has taught us anything is that revolutions tend to be messy, and bloody...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 186d ago
MrDead187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

Not just voice actors, just think of all the artwork assets, 3d models, etc that they now own. Why pay design teams when you can reuse their previous work and get AI to make new assets from amalgamations like with AI art.

MS's future for the industry, cut the workers out but still use their work.

Christopher187d ago

I know more than a few people in game dev who want to use AI to sit in for placeholder elements, but even those people realize that that's all it is so they can work faster to finish their design work (level design, not character) while artists later fill in with better assets that aren't AI-related. But AI voice acting and auto-generated conversations? No to that please.

franwex187d ago

We don’t need to fear change. They said the same thing about computers and the internet when it first came out.

Yet here we are on this website.

Yes some people will get displaced temporarily, but it will benefit society as a whole more and expand our abilities.

gold_drake187d ago

i wonder if u say the same thing if your job is swapped out by a mere program.

crazyCoconuts187d ago

That's life's way of saying time to do something else

Eonjay187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

If only it was a simple as 'fearing change'. What people are desperately trying to get you to understand is that the 'obsolescence of human beings' is not just something to fear, its something to outright avoid in a system where you need money to survive.

'There is NOTHING that will keep corporations form using AI and automation to reduce their cost and workforce.'

Before when companies extracted money out of the economy, some of that money would go back to workers. The goal is to reduce that as much as possible. It used to be that there were some jobs that were too complex to be automated. Therefore employees who could complete those tasks were paid for their skills. This will not be possible if we don't bring this under control.

A person like me who doesn't believe that money should exist can see a world were AI is a benefit to humanity. But in a system where people still need money to eat, find shelter and raise their families, I can tell you that the result will be the deepening divide between who has money and who doesn't. The highest paying jobs, for technical experts are those jobs being targeted most aggressively.

Even most AI systems, when asked, will explain the dangers of unchecked AI growth. What is someone in the 40s or 50s supposed to do when they are 'temporarily displaced'? Do you understand the alarm at all? Let me know. I will take a much time explaining this as necessary. We need as many humans on our side as we can get. AI is smarter, more powerful and cheaper than any of us. We have to fight like we want to survive or else we will not.

CS7187d ago

Lol wtf? This reeks of a lack of understanding of both technology and economics.

Pray tell me sir. When there is mass unemployment who is going to buy from these corporations that use AI?

You understand that people need money to buy or else… *drum roll* the corporations crash as well.

Einhander1972187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

Computers/internet have eliminated massive amounts of jobs... what are you talking about...

But at least with computers for the most part one person runs one computer, AI on the other hand does not require the same type of human input, heck AI will likely eliminate computers themselves.

VariantAEC186d ago

"...heck AI will likely eliminate computers themselves."
It is stunning how uninformed you are.
What is AI again? Yeah, it's called software and therfore to use AI you need... a computer (and computers exists in all robots, just in case you wish to argue along that route).

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Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

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Profchaos6h ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

jwillj2k46h ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

CrimsonWing695h ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex5h ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Exvalos5h ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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Report: Sexual Misconduct Investigation Conducted at EA, Suspects Named and What They Did Revealed

EA senior staff has been investigated for sexual misconduct involving female coworkers, and these said people have been named publicly.

isarai1d ago

Aye just call Phil, i mean he somehow made Bobby Kotick's scandal disappear and gave him a few million dollar high five on the way out.

Cacabunga15h ago

I wonder if it will be censored with some in game ads.

XiNatsuDragnel21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

EA about to go down like Activision and then Phil saves the day saying.this is good for the industry and consolidation will help create competition. /s.

ravens5219h ago

What's up with all these horny creeps. You gon be horny, fine. Just not at work take care of that shit before you go in. Rub one out if you have to. Don't be a creep at all. ESPECIALLY at work. But don't be one AT ALL.

Extermin8or3_14h ago

I mean part of the issue is that things transpired outside of work....

KwietStorm_BLM14h ago

You think deviants care where they are? Work sometimes makes it an even better situation for them because they can abuse their power.

NotoriousWhiz19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

"it seems that according to EA, given the events transpired outside of work between two adults, and the fact that once investigation has started that the alleged perpetrators didn’t do it again, the investigation is considered closed. [...] The victim still has to work with the people that harassed her."

Yep, EA is disgusting.

Extermin8or3_14h ago

I mean the fact stuff happened outside of work puts EA in quite a difficult position legally. These women don't seem to have reported the matter to the police which kinda ties EA's hands on what they can do. If they don't file reports of the crimes then yeah from EA's perspective it is stuff that happened outside of work. The only exception is the guy that apparently referenced things in the slack channel for work, spending on what he said proving it may be very hard and he may well be able to get away with plausible deniability. I don't like EA and I think these people need to be dismissed but without any legal action being taken, EA can't really do much without risk of being sued themselves for unfair dismissal etc.

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Former Deviation Games Devs Have Formed A New Studio At PlayStation To Work On A New IP

Former Deviation Games developers have formed a new studio at Sony Interactive Entertainment in order to work on a brand new PlayStation IP.

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Tacoboto1d 11h ago

Well that's an awesome and very surprising turnaround. Cheers to the new studio and what they'll build!

RaidenBlack1d 8h ago

Likely to continue their FPS project

Cacabunga20h ago

It is not about money it is about talent.. get that talent in and they will take care of you and earn you that money

Eonjay20h ago

I had picked up on this before the Deviation shutdown was announced. It was pointed out that a senior manager of the team had joined PlayStation prior to the close. It was a little suspicious because from the outside in, it appeared had basically poached Deviation's talent.

Reading some of the other comments it seems this is understood to be the case.

In other news it would be wild if Sony winds up announcing a brand new internal studio.

isarai1d 6h ago

That's..... confusing, so shut down but just reformed and same employer 🤔 sounds like pretty much what happened to Japan Studio basically just being rebranded as Asobi

ocelot071d 6h ago

It is odd one I don't know how business deals work or the law of that kind of stuff. But is it possible Sony reached out and said hey we want you apart of Sony but don't want to purchase you for what ever reason. How about use disband and we will open a studio and hire you guys type of thing. Is that even possible?

isarai1d 5h ago

Maybe it's to void/bypass some contract? I have no clue

VersusDMC1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I guess the deviation team fell apart and didn't deliver good progress on what they pitched (they overhyped themselves when the team was announced)so Sony shut them down. They regrouped with a new team and a new pitch so Sony is giving them another shot.

And this time they are keeping it quiet to keep pressure down on the team. So people aren't asking everyday what deviation(or whatever the new team is called) is doing.

Edit: Also Sony never owned them. They just ended their partnership with them. Deviation decided to close on their own.

outsider16241d 1h ago

Good point. You know, i was thinking of Days Gone too. They pitch an idea to Sony for Days Gone 2 but Sony didnt like it do they scrapped the whole thing. Maybe if a good pitch came by...they'd reconsider it.

isarai1d ago

That makes a bit more sense

lodossrage1d ago

To be fair, Sony didn't shut them down. Devation was independent. Sony pulled funding on the project they were working on. As a result, they couldn't run so Devation decided to close on their own.

MrBaskerville20h ago

Maybe it's a good team but sony changed plans?

Plague-Doctor2713h ago


The management at Deviation was reportedly a problem. Sony cut their funding and when the studio layoffs began they bought the talent back up

Lightning7713h ago

It's probably cheaper to grab the talent than to anage a full studio as a second party.

Maybe we see the game at the PS showcase?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 13h ago
roboteye1d 1h ago

If this was MS they'd be gone.

Goodguy011d 1h ago

Maybe make a smaller game this time?

Elda1d 1h ago

Good for them that they were able to work it out. Hopefully they're developing something interesting.

Rainbowcookie1d ago

I think Sony is thinking long term as a replacement for Call of Duty M$ edition.

lodossrage16h ago

If they can pull off at least 2 more games similar to Helldivers 2 they won't have to worry about that COD deal anymore (my personal opinion, not fact)

-Foxtrot14h ago

The best thing they can do is make something old school based

The issue with COD is that it's so over the top and arcade like now where it feels more like you are relying on gimmicks and what you've unlocked rather than skill.

If they can create an old school like first person shooter where "less is more" and not a game that relies on a drip feed road map then they'll get some attention.

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