
Gameplayer: Tenchu 4 gets 9/10 - First Review

Gameplayer has gone live with the first online review of Wii excluisve Tenchu 4, awarding the game a great score praises the graphics, battles and the use of the Wii-mote.

"For example, the Remote pulses in time with your ninja's heartbeat; it starts off slowly when there's no immediate danger and gradually quickens as the situation become more tense and edgy. This is a constant feature of the game – a subtle but excellent use of force feedback that really enhances the atmosphere."

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SlappingOysters5626d ago

I would maybe give the 'first' nod to de Blob... but yeah, still very awesome.

Bob Dole5626d ago

Bob Dole loved the first Tenchu. Hopefully they returned to the ole' school.

heyheyhey5626d ago

i guess you must have missed No More Heroes, SMG, MP3, SSBB and Zelda

gaffyh5625d ago

I personally don't believe this review at all. Only one Tenchu was good, Tenchu 1, this one looks worse than a PS2 game and I don't think the gameplay will be any better.

Lelouch V Brit5625d ago

Wow A Decent Game For Wii Dammit I Sold My Wii Last Week.

P.S: is this coming to Xbox 360?

Perjoss5625d ago

"i guess you must have missed No More Heroes, SMG, MP3, SSBB and Zelda"

Zelda is a gamecube game, does not really count.

SaiyanFury5625d ago

Wow finally one for the Wii that I'm interested in. I'm glad my wife already has one so it saves me the trouble of hunting one down to play this as being the huge Tenchu fan that I am.

5625d ago
Shoko5625d ago

It's funny how you fanboys keep saying that lol. This is like the 20th time I've seen this comment on different games. so obviously it has many good games.

Mini Mario5625d ago

" this one looks worse than a PS2 game and I don't think the gameplay will be any better."

Yeh most games dont look as good on the net compared to when u play it at home, well i find anyway. SO i wouldnt assume things that u dont even know is true to be fact.

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Hiruma Youchi5626d ago

but I thought the wii only had 4good games?

gametheory5626d ago

So this tells you this game is good? LMAO

I rather make up my mind about this one. The last one sucked.

Voiceofreason5625d ago

Some how I have a feeling if it was a PS3 game this review is all you'd need to consider it AAA must own..

Mini Mario5625d ago

"Some how I have a feeling if it was a PS3 game this review is all you'd need to consider it AAA must own.."

Yeh lol And we wouldve been hearing the hype about it for years before hand...and how it will be a system seller.

Just u watch and see!

5626d ago Replies(3)
Bathyj5626d ago

Dammit. What am I suppossed to buy a Wii game now?

Tenchu is the only real Ninja game as far as I'm concerned and Tenchu Z is probably my favourite X360 game. I'm playing it right now between jaunts on Fable 2.

I have a Wii, it just means I have to dig it out and all the cords, set it up, God. Why couldn't you just be on Playstation?

Cajun Chicken5626d ago

Isn't this coming out on the PSP too?

Bathyj5626d ago


Now I have to buy a PSP?

SL1M DADDY5626d ago

Sure they have some good ones out there but not enough to keep an avid gamer satisfied if it is in fact the only system they own. Kudos to any developer that puts out a quality title on the Wii but sadly enough, if it is not for us buying the game and encouraging others to do so, I fear they will never make enough money back on the title to continue the trend.

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Games2C: Tenchu 4 Review


"The difficulty in engaging normal soldiers in swordplay is actually toned down a notch when reaching end of level boss characters. This is a very telling sign that the developers knew that the swordplay mechanic was invariably broken and subsequently made tweaks to the big boss characters or face a totally broken game. It's shoddy, and utterly spoils what could have been a great debut for the loveable sneaky ninja. Instead as we said in the beginning, it's a gruelling path that lies ahead for any would–be Wii assassins – patience isn't so much a virtue, rather a prerequisite."


VGC Review: Tenchu: Shadow Assassins

VGC writes: "There hasn't been a bigger surprise this generation than the success of Nintendo's Wii, but while the Wii continues to sell in extraordinary quantities, it has been lacking in some genres. Tenchu: Shadow Assassins is looking to cover one of those gaps in the Wii's library with its unique approach to the stealth genre. As the fourth main title in the series, does Shadow Assassins set a shining example on Wii, or is it doomed to the mediocrity of the recent Tenchu spinoffs?"

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Tenchu 4 - New Japanese TV Commercials

From Software published 2 new Japanese TV commercials from Tenchu 4. Enjoy.

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