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Will game streaming finally kill single-game purchases?

Ah, this old nugget of a debate. As Game Pass and PS Plus gain steam, some worry that AAA studios will lose money in streaming.TL;DR not entirely, but that won't stop some in the industry from stressing about it.

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Community742d ago
gangsta_red742d ago

These comparisons are always a bit strange to me. They always seem to take the worse examples of each and apply them to GP.

Spotify for instance, with the exec saying it killed people wanting to buy CDs. Spotify came way after the unnecessary need to buy CDs, Apple's iPod was already making waves of owning digital music. Even before that Napster was the big thing that was going to destroy the music industry.

There's always been a level of technical progression when it comes to music, from vinyl, 8 track, cassettes, CD and so on. The same can be applied to all media, games included.

Developers and publishers will adapt with the times as they always have.

ApocalypseShadow742d ago (Edited 742d ago )

An article... Puff Piece... to say, "get with the times" as a reaction to Ed Fries. There's nothing new to be said as we beat this dead horse. Technological advancement is only good when it benefits the consumer. But advancement can be abused to hurt the consumer. Ignoring this is a fools errand.

It's not streaming that's the problem. Digital is not the problem. Or even a subscription if it's only an option. It's when you have no other choice and it becomes the standard. That's the PROBLEM.

Gamers like myself said for years that if gamers pay for online, and we know where it started, that it would spread to everyone. And it did. There's no longer a choice in the matter. Pay or don't play online. Unless it's F2P games. So, I don't play online. Giving me games wasn't worth it when I was playing the ones I actually bought more. Giving me discounts meant nothing if games sales happen every fricken week. And flash sales monthly. Playing more single player games meant online was meaningless if I only did it every now and then.

That other company made online a priority. Then made PAYING for it a priority. Then made paying MORE for it a priority. Made paying for online to play F2P games a priority. Now, subscriptions are their priority. Stacked one subscription on top of the other. Almost forced their base to move over to it with a price hike that was caught. As they test to see what they can get away with, other companies are looking at it and thinking they can do it too. Just like micro transactions. Just like DLC. "What can we get away with?" Anyone not acknowledging that is ignorant.

If paying to play games becomes the standard, on an internet with known latency, where you can't hold a fighting competition with it, where you don't own a thing physically, where games might possibly release first on a service before being offered for sale to regular customers, or extra content exclusive first to subscribers, or items only given to subscribers, where prices of the subscription is guaranteed to go up, where digital prices are slow to come down, where games get delisted and lost forever, where games get changed because someone got offended, where older games lose songs compared to their original, physical release, where you're waiting for the next good game but still paying monthly, where subscriptions will, yes, WILL affect game creation, hurt some developers who don't get the big checks the big boys do... I could keep going... Because you don't see third parties rushing to put their games on these services. Not without a fat check. Developers made something to sell something. Subscriptions make their games worth nothing of value. Player numbers mean nothing if you're not getting paid.

That's when I get off the train permanently if these things become standard. I'll settle down with the games I have that are offline and single player. Or local multiplayer where that's more fun anyway as you play and laugh and eat and drink.

gangsta_red742d ago

"It's when you have no other choice and it becomes the standard."

Even with the fall of record stores there's still ways to purchase physical music, even with the rise of streaming movies, there's still ways to own movies. It's actually easier to own these through online stores like Amazon. One could argue that it's killed the retail shopping mall scene, but that's another discussion for another time.

I would argue that no matter who did it first, this is where the industry was headed. If it wasn't, the competition could have easily came out ahead to be the hero and offered free online, no different tier sub service, offered free cloud saves, not locking emulation behind a pay wall, not implementing (and almost getting away with) online passes to stop used game purchases and so on. But they didn't because this was going to be the way. We see each company pretty much mirroring each other pretty closely with minor differences.

"If paying to play games becomes the standard, on an internet with known latency, where you can't hold a fighting competition with it, where you don't own a thing physically, where games ....."

That's a really big IF. I do agree that this is what Sony, MS and possibly Nintendo is working towards, no dedicated hardware and basically gamers having access to devices or PC. But I think this is so far down the road that when it probably does happen, speeds, latency, etc, etc will be a thing of the past. Just look how far we have come so far from the days of 56k dial up. I remember playing Madden online on Dreamcast and telling myself this will never take off. Shows how little foresight we actually have.

"Developers made something to sell something. Subscriptions make their games worth nothing of value"

And if their games don't sell in retail because they're being overshadowed by the big triple A release like a GTA, God of War or CoD, then what? This is the problem we're seeing now and why a lot of third party developers are getting bought and a lot of smaller developers are making deals to put their games on a sub service and day and date. Because they are getting paid to cover a substantial amount of dev cost upfront. So how is this big check they're given making there games nothing of value? It's a bigger crap shoot to release your game in the wild which is oversaturated by bigger names, at least having a sub service deal softens the blow in case they don't sell. Also, player numbers do mean a lot, if anything it means recognition, a lot more gamers will be on the look out for that company's next game, thanks to the exposure they got on a sub service.

"Player numbers mean nothing if you're not getting paid."

Why aren't they getting paid? If they're getting their recoup back from GP, then they should be getting a good number of sales from Playstation, it being the market leader with the highest install base, right? I see a lot of arguments or discussions here, the reason a game failed is because it was on GP even when the game was available on all platforms. Of course I also see that when the game succeeded it's because the game sold well on PS and has nothing to do with GP. You can't have it both ways.

"That's when I get off the train permanently if these things become standard."

I seriously doubt that, I heard this all before, "If sony does xyz i'll quit gaming" and then Sony always does and people just accept it, move on to the next outrage. If Sony makes a kick ass single player GoW behind a paywall, you'll pay for it and play it and have a good time doing it. We all will

Obscure_Observer741d ago


"I seriously doubt that, I heard this all before, "If sony does xyz i'll quit gaming" and then Sony always does and people just accept it, move on to the next outrage. If Sony makes a kick ass single player GoW behind a paywall, you'll pay for it and play it and have a good time doing it. We all will"

Perfect! We heard it all before and, the same people are still here. It´s always the same in different scenarios: "If Sony charge for online I´ll quit. If Sony goes multiplatform I´ll quit. If Sony goes hard on MTX I´ll quit. If Sony goes GaaS I´ll quit. If Sony focus on subscriptions I´ll quit."

And they never do, obviously.

Thing is that Sony doesn´t care about those people´s feelings. They will do what they have to do by saying "deal with it" and gamers will just accept and move on, then, they will come out with lame/laughable excuses like: "the other company did it, so my preferred company had no choice but to follow the trend".

Today Sony is putting every single feature behind a paywall like freaking demos and trials and those same people are still here playing victim. Smdh.

darthv72741d ago

@red... you had a good streak going until you said "playing Madden online on dreamcast". Everyone knows Madden wasn't on DC. Its why Sega had to make their own 2K line of sports games.

And yes both Sony and MS are like for like now. Id even say somewhat switching places with MS loosening up online restrictions and Sony moving more things behind the paywall.

@shadow, your words ring hollow when you speak how you'd leave gaming. Just like all the celebrities who said they'd leave the country over Trump. Yet... nobody left. And you wont either, even as more things are shifting to online required / subscription services.

Keep telling yourself that though, you have to have something to keep the fight in you alive.

gangsta_red741d ago


You're right, it was more than likely 2K. it's been so long I forgot which of the two it was.

All I remember is playing on the Sega Channel over a dial up and having the worse experience.

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neutralgamer1992742d ago (Edited 742d ago )

Gaming publishers will be too greed man. They already tried controlling the used market

Online passes
Single player games have MT
Companies generating billions from MT and less from actual game sales

Our online purchases became useless on Xbox series X few weeks ago. Couldn't play so a simple connection can cause user to lose ability to play

So I rather that choice be left up to us and not greed. Music industry is different and had way different piracy issues where as there is a healthy split between digital and physical

Eidolon742d ago

I will always prefer a direction display connection, and to this day still don't have reliable or low latency enough ISP to allow for a solid or enjoyable experience. I think a lot(some) of people claiming it's amazing are compromising for the novelty/convenience.

TravsVoid742d ago

The only thing that can cause this to happen is if the quality of the games stop being worth owning because of microtransactions, always online, and digital only (MAD). All three things effect the value in a games worth before we even consider the games gameplay or story and they are all on the uprise in games.

piroh742d ago

Its like "will the veggie burgers kill the mcdonalds?" type of a question

Knightofelemia742d ago

No because I am a collector I like the sense of ownership. I don't like being tied down to a subscription based service like Gamepass as an example and I won't buy digital unless I have to. Plus with the physical if the game is a pile of shit I can trade it in. If a company loses the license to a particular franchise. I can still play that game any time I want I know if you bought it digitally you can check you transaction history and redownload. Physical after a while drops faster in price because companies want to get rid of the title or its been out so long its just cheaper to buy physical over its digital cousin. I bought Death Stranding for $15 at a pawnshop on PSN it's still too pricey. Will I buy an all digital PS5 no will I buy the Series S no I like physical games. If other people want to go that route let them to me if games start going digital and streaming service only I am just going to stick with the older machines.

Flawlessmic742d ago

I beleive both playstation premium and gamepass are good for gaming provided businesses do what they can afford to offer with these services and it doesnt impact there ability to make true AAA games and the devs still make enough money to make these great games.

Godmars290742d ago

You're saying that in the post DLC age, where the true ending for Aura's Wrath was made DLC, as was a Prothean for Mass Effect 3.

Hell, you just have to look at mobile gaming to see how "business" effect games.

Flawlessmic742d ago (Edited 742d ago )

The 2 games u mentioned were never on there at launch, i dont beleive those services existed at that time lol

If ur point was we will see more imcomplete games that have dlc on the backend to make up for being on sub services then ok i get that but those 2 games were a bad example.

To be honest sonys one should do no harm as there isnt anything day and date on there so devs will still get there money from sales when they need it, and then will get a booster from sony once sales have died down to put it on the sub.

Obscure_Observer741d ago


"To be honest sonys one should do no harm as there isnt anything day and date on there so devs will still get there money from sales when they need it, and then will get a booster from sony once sales have died down to put it on the sub."

And how exactly do you expect Sony to compete with Gamepass without day one games released on the new PS +?

How long till people realize they´re paying premium for old games when there´s fresh day one games on the competition´s service for cheap?

I believe Sony will do the same as MS and PAY for day one games released on their service. You just watch.

Flawlessmic741d ago (Edited 741d ago )


I have gamepass mate and what sony has offered so far is better even without a sub service.

I want 1st and 3rd party aaa games and sony has ggiven that to me in the form of exclusives.

Xbox hasnt given me a reason to turn it on since forza and halo while this.

At the end of the day i want a reason to play the console.

Its all well and good to say hey gamepass has 1st party games day and date the problem is those releases are spread so far apart and they havent secured any big 3rd party exclusives so all im left with is indie games.

At this point in time gamepass is overrated give constant new games every few months that im happy to pay throughout the year rather than drip feed me big games on a service.

Ps premium isnt meant to compete with gp, and tbh sony back catalogue is so crazy good that i have no issues subbing to both gp and ps premium.

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Why is Steam Blocked in Vietnam? Government Shares Reason

Finally, the Vietnamese government has officially responded to Steam being blocked in the country.

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Community1d 16h ago
blacktiger1d 15h ago

AMAZING! Thank You Gabe, stand for freedom of speech!!!!

PRIMORDUS1d 14h ago

VPN to buy games, fuck that if it's allowed or not, or just use a VPN and torrent what you can.

seanpitt231d 3h ago

I just cannot believe we haven't had a game from them this generation nearly 4 years in.. crazy!

Knightofelemia1d 8h ago

If the game is crap then yes there will always be negative feedback it comes with the territory. It's called word of mouth or welcome to the internet. Where the truth about a game comes out really fast whether the game is good or crap. If you can't handle the criticism because of a game then why publish the game. Why should people who never criticized or even played the game be punished? Vietnam has some really screwed up laws block Steam because they don't answer us rule. And going on a witch hunt with Steam please. Where's the proof, where's the evidence of this witch hunt. Somebody is butt hurt and has a Vietnamese Karen leading the witch hunt.


FanimeCon 2024 | Persona / Shin Megami Tensei Cosplay Gathering

The Persona / Shin Megami Tensei cosplay gathering allowed fans of the acclaimed JRPG series to meet up during FanimeCon 2024.

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Can FSR 3 frame generation deliver the 120fps dream on PS5 and Xbox?

Frame generation technology has arrived on consoles, amplifying frame-rates and potentially transforming experiences.

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Community4d ago
purple1014d ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky4d ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu4d ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv724d ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1014d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo4d ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay3d ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx4d ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1013d ago (Edited 3d ago )

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy854d ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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