
Gran Turismo 7 Always Online to Fight Cheats Is Not Needed and Here's an Explanation Why

Gran Turismo 7 always online requirement to play all of its content is there to combat cheaters, but it's not even needed and MP1st explains why.

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Community802d ago
Christopher802d ago

Aren't the results used for competitions as well? It's not just "a solo" game is my understanding, but they use race results to get people into competitions and whatnot as well per their agreements with various racing associations.


I'd definitely love to see a completely solo option that is completely disconnected from online for those that want it. But, don't then complain about lacking online features if they do it. The fact this doesn't exist annoys me as when those servers go offline, the game is practically gone forever. No bueno.

802d ago
802d ago
Nitrowolf2802d ago

There really wouldn’t be anything stopping them from offering offline and online though. Even for competition, they simply don’t count offline scoring. Other games have done online/offline just fine, and myself playing through 7 I didn’t have any real interaction going against other players. Played it as if it were an offline game, there were just some things that were online focus like the shop having those YouTube videos, but even then it’s not a deal breaker if those weren’t available while offline.

The reasoning just doesn’t make any sense, and time will tell if that holds true when a GT is fully exclusive to the PS5, a console that has no means for legit users to move their PS5 saves off it

fr0sty801d ago

Simple solution: Arcade and Sim modes that do not store any race data online, no leaderboards. Local storage of results only (or cloud if you use your PS+ cloud save transfers).

Competition mode: same races, but online required, results are monitored for cheats.

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802d ago Replies(3)
Father__Merrin802d ago

The only way is to do a separate online and separate offline mode. Forza you can cheat on pc using wemod then just use it connected online. So for a GT game it's a must to be connected

Magog801d ago

Except you're wrong. Every game without online saves has cheaters.

plmkoh801d ago

All GT veterans know how much cheaters there were in GT5 because you can manipulate the save files. These guys are quick to forget.

Firebird360801d ago

Thats the typical answer when anything bad happens, blame the innocent and we suffer the consequences instead of addressing the problem and the people in the wrong.

Spartacus10800d ago

Most developers split the save data and game data for multiplayer/esports modes with the save data and game data for single player / offline modes. It shouldnt really be that hard for a Sony developer.

Nitrowolf2801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

tell me, where are the save modifications for Returnal? Ratchet and Clank? Death Loop? Ghostwire? (PS5 specific, so not counting PC which is an open platform)

You can't modify a save that's bound to the hardware.

The answer isn't always online when there are alternatives.
Why not bring the option to let developers lock game saves to the console like they did on the PS3? why must the answer to combat save editing be online always when they have had solutions before, and have reinstated that with the PS5?


It's mentioned in the story, and the reasoning why it was such a major issue back then

Teflon02801d ago

The fact people are liking this stack of miss information lol.

Returnal, Ratchet, Deathloop, ghostwire... They're all single player games that don't affect anyone else if you cheat. I can also tell you 100% theirs easy ways to mod saves for those games, you just need to modify the authenticators as saves are tied to accounts through code. You're not on a level to speak on that if you're saying such false info.

You can always modify saved data, even if bound to hardware. But even so, that's also false information. It's bound to a PSN account that's ran through software. Hardware has nothing to do with bounding savings lol. Maybe on switch where you gotta give permission to a new console to access it specifically. Nut not PS.

Also, there's ways to get to a locked save.
Even worse, the only way you can ever transfer that save now is by paying for ps plus. that's creating new problems. The amount of times I had to start games over because of that stupidness... no game save should be locked ever. Having to start over is way more of a issues than having to be online tbh

SurgicalMenace801d ago


How many digital albums, games, pictures, movies, etc fade in your memory, naturally? You see, all forms of mediums, no matter their format age. This has little, if anything, to do with wear and tear. The human mind often hones in on future endeavors, making many experiences fade with time and distance. This is just a fact, when applying the same understanding to business it makes sense to let products fade or revitalize them through NEW innovations. How many people are lining up outside to purchase an Atari 2600, 8 track audio system, NES, or more recently DVDs? These all WERE popular and supported in their time but faded inevitably. Companies have to focus on sustainability over creation right now, as there are restraints on employment, finances, production, and resources. This is the main reason that they need to collect as much data as possible, so they know when to either pull the plug or channel focus.

I'm behind the closed doors of the industry and often do not see things as a consumer, there are far too many moving parts to allow for it. We just see things from different vantage points, which is understandable.

GT7 will be online only, as many games will be going forward, as the single player gamers aren't a community that can be focused on if sustainability is to be achieved. Fornite, GTA, Genshin Impact, FF14, or the likes' revenue can't be ignored by a successful company going forward. What do you gather is the real reason that Halo didn't focus on SP? Nor did Battlefield.

This new generation has an "always online" mentality in how they function in their day to day. FB, Snap Chat, Instagram, etc are all designed to keep them engaged online. Has it hit you yet that us "single players" "old schoolers" are the next fading idea? Which was once popular, itself. They have to adopt new functions that cater to the community of the future if they want to continue to thrive. No harm in that, and no surprise that there will be some who'll not support them. How many of our parents willingly supported the changes that they were met with as we grew up? Perhaps it too, is a memory that faded with time and distance.

MadLad801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

Has nothing to do with a singleplayer experience.
We've seen Sony trying to shutdown servers and entire storefronts.

So this game can potentially be worthless in the future, outside of people emulating it.

SurgicalMenace801d ago

Yeah, which is their right, Ted. Much like always online, if that's the way that these companies would like to do it, so be it. What's the drawback? A few crybabies lamenting over it not being the way they want it. Guess what, that's the way life is. It is beginning to sound like a lot of gamers have little to no understanding of how life works outside of games. You set the precedents or you live by them. Simple

How many of your old vehicles, clothes, games, toys, or the like have faded with time? Things grow old but often times they're replaced by new things. With your logic, even if Sony sees little support for an avenue, they should keep that channel opened even if they're losing money. Delusional. If you started a business and it wasn't successful anymore, would you keep it opened? Have any of you thought, like the internet, that these games being always online is a way to properly measure interaction with their product? Call of Duty, Halo, Forza, etc are all online but when you want to prove a point you'll state how many people are playing it. How do you suppose they gathered that data?

Our systems track what and how long we play games now. This is true for Sony, MS, Nintendo, PC, and the like. This can be used to measure. Nothing wrong with it. All because there's scheduled maintenance every once in a while, much like our internet providers, now it's a problem. Perhaps next time it's down for maintenance, read a book, watch a movie, go outside, or....play another game. Soon everyone will be crying about having to even sleep, given that's when your body shuts down for scheduled maintenance too.

Note: MT are a choice, if you don't like them, don't buy them. How weak have people become to have to cry about everything not going their way?

Magog801d ago

It's not a single player game. It's mixed online and single player. Allowing cheating in one aspect would allow cheating in the other.

Nitrowolf2801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

" Call of Duty, Halo, Forza, etc are all online"

Yes, but not always so it's proving the point that it can be done.

I can go back and play the original MW if i wanted to, campaign, local MP, and the servers there are P2P so they're still active.

Halo has a full campaign that players can dive into, and Infinite allows offline bots

Forza, really? The whole campaign is fully playable offline and Playgrounds has been open at making it playable like that.

The provided examples you gave are all online focused, yet they provide to solo play just fine, and that hasn't stopped them from collecting data from people who do play online or earn money off them.

I think everyone understands life outside a game, but ur also comparing physical to digital, you know something that gets wear and tear every time you use it, versus something that is digital that won't wear down? Sure it will age as other better visual stuff come in, but the game will be the same the day you bought it, and 20-50 years from now. Look at the original Mario from the 90's. Its the same game. Is there something better? sure, but it looks exactly the same as the day you bought and plays the same. Mario isn't suddenly going to have rust crusting over him.

MadLad801d ago (Edited 801d ago )


This site is so hilariously hypocritical.
One moment they're anti-digital, and physical media is the way to go to preserve games.

The next they're defending companies cutting off the ability for paying customers to play the game, even just in single player, because it's "their right"; even when you own a physical disc.

Pick your battles, man.

801d ago
801d ago
SurgicalMenace801d ago


That's fine coming from a child who cant handle someone's, who actually has produced and made millions in this industry, observation. If I'm a clown, then what's that make you? I am not just for Sony but I am and will always be procompany. Terms like "consumer-friendly" or anything of the like are socialistic rhetoric of which no one that's actually successful even acknowledges. These companies already provide for price drops, discounts, liquidations, etc. How much money do you expect them to lose all so you can continue doing what your anger clearly shows you can'tcontinuely support? Why else would anyone be complaining?

Lastly, I'm currently invested heavily in this market so when they win, so do I. I'd gather that you're wisdom hasn't allowed you to see passed just playing the games that they sell you, huh? Well, with a vision as shortsighted as that, I can see where your frustrations are truly coming from. Dude/Ma'am/Sir/It, just play your games as you make yourself appear as a clown telling individuals that can't be upset by anything concerning entertainment to stfu. This is a luxury not a priority unless you're making a living from it. Anger/frustration is a result of lack, take that as you will. If it remains perhaps less gaming and more working. I'm not sure, but I'm far from being as unhinged as most I've encountered. Have a better day.

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Gran Turismo 7 update 1.48 features 5 new cars, Café Menu, and World Circuit Events

Latest update brings back a combination of JDM legends and classic Swedish designs.

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Gran Turismo 7's Next Update Set to Arrive May 30, Adds Five New Cars

The next game update for Gran Turismo 7 looks set to land on our consoles this coming Thursday, May 30, with series creator Kazunori Yamauchi posting his traditional pre-update teaser on Twitter.

It's a date we've been expecting for a little while, with content updates coming far more commonly on

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Community15d ago
Gabrielmpf15d ago

Cars, and more cars... Yet, they rarely add new locations where we can drive all those cars... smh.

MajorLazer15d ago

We may get a new track this update. The teaser never hints at anything more than the cars, gotta wait for the trailer to know more.

IRetrouk15d ago

There's over 110 layouts in the game, you raced em all? I know I haven't and I have 900 hours playtime

Gardenia14d ago

With the daily races they only use 4 tracks it feels like.

IRetrouk13d ago

That's true, cant lie lol, but I assume you have buddy's to play online with, if not, I got a group you can join, we race every weekend, tracks are random, we even throw weather in sometimes lol

CobraKai14d ago

Wow. That’s one entitled ass comment.

Gabrielmpf14d ago

I paid €70 for way less content than the previous Gran Turismo. Yeah, I'm entitled. Bunch of PS cult boys.

CobraKai14d ago

Wah wah wah. I can’t get more free stuff than what they’re giving me. Wah wah wah

Father__Merrin15d ago

Truly a purchase once and last all gen type of game

purple10115d ago

yes it is!, however I do hope they have a GT8 ready soon, because 7 its a cross gen, so there's more to be extracted for sure,


GT7 update 1.46 features an all-electric concept racing car created exclusively for the game

Today’s 1.46 update includes ŠKODA Vision Gran Turismo, two other cars, new Café Menu, and World Circuit Events.

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Community48d ago
Babadook715d ago

Ok, sure. I’ll take more. There’s a lot of tracks already

Sgt_Slaughter15d ago

When you boil down the layouts/configurations, it's 38 tracks. Of those, only 19 are real-life tracks. That's a pretty low amount when there's hundreds of thousands of circuits that are available to add.

Babadook715d ago (Edited 15d ago )

That’s not low though. I don’t have a big preference for real world either, as GT7 has some very good original tracks too.