
Nintendo Takes Down Scans Of 1996 Super Mario 64 Strategy Guide

From Kotaku: "Good morning, and welcome to what feels like the 1097th episode of “Nintendo Gets Some Cool Shit Taken Off The Internet”, only this time we’re not even talking about a tribute game or piece of fan art, but a harmless old book.

Last week we shared some images of the Super Mario 64 Complete Clear Guide Book, a tome released in Japan alongside the game that was notable for the fact that, instead of just telling players where to go, a series of incredible real-world dioramas were commissioned to serve as 3D maps. It was cool, we all enjoyed it.

To be clear, this book was released in 1996. In Japan. It was never released in the West, has never been released anywhere since, and has not been commercially available for decades. The only place you can purchase a copy, if you had the cash, is to spend hundreds on one via resale on eBay or Yahoo, from which Nintendo wouldn’t see any proceeds. Oh and also these scans weren’t making anyone a cent."

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Community780d ago
Kados780d ago

Good old short sighted Nintendo. Ordering the takedown of something that falls well within fair use, from one location, just for hundreds of people to reupload it all over the internet in retaliation. Now the thing they wanted gone is more visible than ever, and they cannot do crap about it.

Popsicle779d ago (Edited 779d ago )

Streisand effect at work. I never knew this existed until Nintendo had it removed. After hearing this news I looked it up for the first time.

Knightofelemia780d ago

Nintendo sure sucks the fun out of the room when people are trying to have a party. This book is a piece of gaming history and fans of Mario will be curious to see this since it never came to NA. Nintendo is focusing their time and effort in the wrong area. Take down rom sites, take down emulation, take people to court, now take down screen shots of a book. No wonder why the Switch Online lacks key features like a party chat system, message a friend, drop the stupid code to add a friend, NES and SNES libraries are rarely updated. Focus less on what other people or the fans are doing focus more on your product. A person showing a screen shot of an old book is not going to hurt anybody if anything it will build more hype.

XxINFERNUSxX780d ago

But Nintendo cannot or just can't take down any torrent sites or pressure any torrnet sites to remove any roms. I love that 🤣 I even went so far as to link a collection of Nintendo roms to their twitter account, and say ok Nintendo what can you do now about these torrents? Nothing that's what and I laugh in your face. I'm sure someone monitors all posts so I hope they read it. 🤣

RedDevils779d ago

F them, I jailbreak every single Nintendo system to piss them off.

tehpees3779d ago

It is their full legal right to protect their IP in the ways they think. So many fans criticise companies for doing this but how many of you who actually had money makers would not take the same action?

My tin foil hat: every single one of you here would do the same because it prevents your own book from selling.

stefd75779d ago

I would understand if it was a book that was on sale now but not one that has been out of print for 25 odd years

-Foxtrot779d ago

"because it prevents your own book from selling"


You can't even buy the book, much like how you couldn't buy the majority of the old NES/SNES/Gameboy games on emulation

frostypants779d ago (Edited 779d ago )

This is what happens when the legal department is too big and the lawyers are trying to justify their cost. They seek out nonsense like this so they can look busy.

XxINFERNUSxX780d ago

https://drive.google.com/fi... here if you want it.
Now I have it and Nintendo can go fuck themselves LOL. So all the ROMs to all Nintendo consoles up on archive.org are fine to host but not this guide? LMAO. I want to see Nintendo try to take down any torrents or even try to pressure a torrent site. Yeah good luck with that, we all will have better luck winning the lottery 🤣

DarXyde780d ago

For a company that is supposed to be all about fun and prides itself on the strength of its history, Nintendo has some weird, authoritarian tendencies. What is the harm here?

littletad780d ago

Their ego. Being number 1 allows them to do whatever they want, at least for now. I haven't bought a Nintendo system since the 3DS (which I sold). I'm mystified as to why people continue to buy their systems.

Ryushaa779d ago

Ego, yes. Number one? Only in being the shittiest japanese video game company.

XxINFERNUSxX779d ago

Oh man you should have kept the 3DS was it the New 3DS? That little system is really good at emulation. It's very easy to soft mod it and put emulators and thousands of roms and 3DS games DS etc. That's what I did with mine. 😁 100 3DS and about 100 DS games on it. An example of Neo-Geo on it: https://ibb.co/cbhGPn5

MadLad780d ago

Nintendo is a joke.
Thank God you have good IPs, because everything else you handle sucks.

DarXyde778d ago

Eh, I actually like their hardware. For me, it's been super reliable (my NES still works; the only issues I've had are joycon drift and I had to send in my Wii because of that dual layer disc issue) and it's unique. I'm actually glad they're not chasing power. I'm not really much of an online gamer either so I don't care about that... However, charging for their online service, the poor quality control for released content on their network, under-utilised rumble features, abysmal customer service, budding authoritarian tendencies, anti-consumer practices, overreliance on established IPs, unwillingness to preserve their own history, obstinacy regarding modernization of features (e.g., an achievements system), and horrible online subscription tiers are enough to criticize.

MadLad778d ago

I get where you're coming from.
I grew up on Nintendo. My first console was my brother's Super Nintendo until I got a shiny new N64 for Christmas when I was 7 or so.
Still consider the N64 one of the best consoles released.
Loved my Wii U.

They're just not ... evolving in any real way. Third parties want less and less to do with the Switch, simply because it takes so much more effort to work with the hardware and get solid results.
Even in 2022, Nintendo has no idea how to handle decent online functionality.
And even with their legacy releases, instead of offering a comprehensive backlog of reasonably priced games, they're now putting most behind a subscription service they only cherry pick games from and then drip feed them to people.

I want to love Nintendo again, and I defended them for a good long while, but they're not in my good graces anymore. They wore it out.

DarXyde778d ago


Certainly. They really do deserve the grief people give them, despite the great memories people have with them. It's genuinely irresponsible to give any company a pass, especially Nintendo, in a situation like this.

For them, there is an astonishing lack of humility. It genuinely felt like they were coming around with the Switch, then it turned into this. Imagine the frustration of many uninformed gamers who played online for free when it launched, only to be hit with a pay wall for that very same feature some time later.

That said, I enjoy my Nintendo devices, but I am tempted to skip next time around to express my disapproval. Sadly, it hardly matters. They will always have enough devoted consumers to to look past that stuff.

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Super Mario 64 DS: Remakes Done Right

Super Mario 64 DS was offered as a launch title for the Nintendo DS, a remake of the classic platform game with a few original tricks.

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Community11d ago
Chard10d ago

Not with those D-pad controls

CDbiggen10d ago

Needs more appreciation. I never had an N64 so this was what I played. Sure the Yoshi hat mechanic at first is a slog but you unlock Mario and the others for real and then it takes off. Personally I never had an issue with the controls. Can't forget the mini games and the 4 player rumble over download play.

kevco3310d ago

Indeed, as stated in the article there were tonnes of control options and very much a 'take whatever you like, leave the rest' attitude to most of the game's extras.

6d ago

A Super Mario 64 Remake Would Be The Perfect Game To Launch The Nintendo Switch 2

Releasing the Nintendo Switch 2 with a Super Mario 64 remake would be the perfect way to unleash the console to the world.

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Community94d ago
-Foxtrot95d ago

If they ever did I hope they would add onto it, there's so much you could do with Princess Peach's castle alone

roadkillers94d ago

Or just make the Mario 128... the cancelled sequel that sounded amazing (or was it just an amazing tale).

fr0sty94d ago

Funny that after all these years, we still use 64 bit CPUs, so it wouldn't make sense to call it that.

fr0sty94d ago

Yeah, a straight remake doesn't sound good to me. Same formula, but different game.

Number1TailzFan95d ago

Each level is pretty small today in the original game, I don't like huge levels but I think they could be at least 2x bigger, or close to it and more of them, with more things to do.

They could do a mix of having open levels and more linear ones like in 3D World or Land, I doubt they will do that but it would make a change.

Neonridr94d ago

I mean Odyssey's levels weren't massive, but requiring you to do different things in each world is what made the levels feel bigger than they were.

ZeekQuattro95d ago

I'd prefer a Oydessey 2 or Galaxy 3. Besides the DS
game was a Mario 64 remake complete with more playable characters, stages, bosses and muti player content.

Cacabunga94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

I did not like Odyssey i found the idea of ot lame.. i find it boring to just look for moons instead of exploring and enjoying the levels. Let’s not talk about the extremely repetitive and ridiculously easy bosses. Level design is so meh most of the time. Galaxy 2 is a far better game so Galaxy 3 anytime!!!

TiredGamer94d ago

Agreed. I enjoyed Odyssey for a while, but it quickly became very formulaic where each level felt like a checklist of things to do with WAY too many moons to find. The Galaxy series were the best, as they took some of what made 64 great and juiced it up perfectly.

Lolly94d ago

Yes! Let's release an almost 30 year old game to kick off the next generation for Nintendo...
I'm over re-releases...FEED ME NEW MARIO!

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Super Mario 64 Speedrunners Have Figured Out How To Do Carpetless Trick

A huge Super Mario 64 speedrun trick has been discovered that could prove to wholly change the speedrunning scene in the ecosystem.

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