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Cat (10) - 5641d ago Cancel
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kevco33 (3) - 5641d ago Cancel

Infendo Review: Neopets Puzzle Adventure

Infendo: "Looking for some type of "Puzzle" game fix during the holidays? How about a game that was developed by Griptonite Games? Or maybe you are just looking for something casual with colorful graphics and nice music. Well before you actually decide to pick anything up be sure to check out my review as it may save your life.

Before we get started let me just say that for a game that is based on a large online community such as Neopets. Trying to do something like that justice in the form of a puzzle game that does not have online (wi-fi) play is a total challenge in itself.

As you begin the game for the first time you are allowed to create and name your own Neopet. You are able to choose from twelve different creatures which you can customize to the extent of choosing one of six color choices. Ranging in the style of ROYGBIV, for you non-art folks that is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Then the final choice is deciding what gender your character is going to be, which is basically just putting either lipstick or eyelids with lashes on the mail characters design."

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NowGamer Review: Neopets: Puzzle Adventure (Wii)

Proving that it sometimes pays to blatantly rip off other peoples' ideas, Neopets were originally unleashed upon the world via the internet in 1999, four years after the birth of Pokemon. Like Nintendo's pocket monster franchise, Neopets are virtual pets which can be tamed, trained, and interacted with in a variety of ways, albeit through rather than a highly popular Gameboy game.

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GameVortex: Neopets Puzzle Adventure Review

GameVortex writes: "Neopets Puzzle Adventure is a fun game to play. There are disadvantages to the Wii version, most notably being the small text size. But there are also some really good advantages as well; the story is a lot longer and there are more in-depth characters. I recommend that you get them both. Besides, it gives you more virtual prizes that way".

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Nintendojo: Neopets Puzzle Adventure Review

Back in 2007, Wii owners were served a shoddy port of a good game in Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords. Once again, Wii owners are served up a broken version of an Infinite Interactive title. The Wii version of Neopets Puzzle Adventure is technically baffling, with broken framerates, aggravating hiccups, and other programming problems that really damage the experience. Neopets fanatics pining for a fix will do better to look to the superior (and cheaper) DS version rather than this rushed Wii project.

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