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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Announced For Switch

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD has finally been announced for the Nintendo Switch, watch the trailer now!

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Nitrowolf21204d ago
fitofficial1204d ago

NICE! I never got to play it on the Wii. Super excited!

stupidusername1204d ago

It's a great game! I played it only once almost 10 years ago, so I'm super excited to do another run. I only wish Nintendo had made WW and TP available on Switch or at least made a collection.

ZeekQuattro1204d ago

Its a given that a Zelda collection is coming. Nintendo is still putting out Mario 35 celebration content a year later. Expect the same for Zelda leading into 2022. My guess is they want to focus on the Mario and MH themed Switches at the moment then let Zelda have it's time to shine later in the year.

CaptainHenry9161204d ago

I was looking forward to Twilight Princess as well. I guess we won't be getting a HD version

bouzebbal1204d ago

A great game, but yet another port for the pigeons..

stupidusername1204d ago

If there’s something I’ve learned after following Nintendo closely for twenty years, it is the fact that nothing is given when it comes to Nintendo. I really hope a Zelda collection is coming, but I’m not holding my breath.

_SilverHawk_1204d ago

If Nintendo will release an old game from two decades ago and charge full price for it then if they release a collection of games it would Cost a lot. Nintendo will never release a collection of Zelda games when they know Fan-addicts will buy individual titles for full price. Nintendo are all about minimal effort for large gains. The switch has been selling very well for years but Nintendo barely has new games releasing regularly for the switch. They'll release a lot of old games with shoddy performance and charge full price.

Knushwood Butt1203d ago


Wow, Nintendo moving into the PS360 era with a bang.

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excaliburps1204d ago

Same! I never played it on the Wii, and now I get the chance to play the better version of it. :D Sweet time to be a gamer.

XxINFERNUSxX1204d ago

I want to preorder it but this game needs a physical copy as well. Not going to buy it in digital only. Hopefully Limited Run Games might be able to get it.

XxINFERNUSxX1204d ago

Limited Run Games they make physical games when there is no physical to buy.

ZeekQuattro1204d ago

I know what limited run does. What makes you think this Zelda game is digital only? Let alone why a third party company would be behind the physical release of it.

XxINFERNUSxX1204d ago

Because the nintendo direct didn't mention anything about a physical pre order only digital on the eshop. If they do intend a physical release they should have said it in the direct. I mean that would make sense.

JaXion51204d ago

Do you honestly believe that Nintendo won't do a physical release for a mainline Zelda game...?

Vegamyster1204d ago (Edited 1204d ago )

They're released physical versions off all the HD versions of Zelda, 3rd party retailers will put up preorders for physical copies later.

Double_O_Revan1204d ago

Lol. They only mention the eshop because it's the easiest and most direct way for you to give them your money. It's also the most profitable because it's digital. This game will 1000% have a physical release directly from Nintendo.

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SoulWarrior1204d ago

An option to play without motion controls is a very welcome addition too.

camel_toad1203d ago

That was the big DING against the game for me. I think without the motion controls it'll be even better, if not MUCH better.

-Foxtrot1204d ago

Please....PLEASE, do not let this be the Zelda game for the 35th Anniversary

The one game to represent it and they pick this title out of all of them.

There has to be something else, a collection, right guys....RIGHT?

Nitrowolf21204d ago

they didnt even acknowledge the 35th anniversary so maybe there will be more later this year

Inverno1204d ago

I get the feeling this is emulated aswell

gold_drake1204d ago

why do you think there's going to be a collection for the 35th anniversary? is that some special number or something haha. why not for the 34th? ha

CDbiggen1204d ago

lol I agree with ya, it's quite arbitrary. But Nintendo have made a big fuss this past year for the 35th anniversary of Mario.

--Onilink--1204d ago

Increments of 5 years tend to be the norm. Its pretty common in most media, not just videogames

CrimsonWing691204d ago

Nope, this is the Nintendo way.

OMNlPOTENT1204d ago

I hope that this isn't it for sure, but it certainly isn't a bad game. I believe that this is a good choice and a great title, but it is a bit underwhelming for the 35th anniversary.

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gold_drake1204d ago

thank you for the controller support, i hate motion control lol

SlothLordPootus1204d ago

Using the control stick for the sword seems fuggin weird, though I know they didn't have a lot of options for it. I'll definitely be trying it out, I've never played Skyward Sword.

--Onilink--1204d ago

If older zelda games werent so reliant on Enemy lock on for the camera controls and 1:1 battles I would be have been worried about it, but overall, given how combat is on SS , I think it should work pretty decently.

I dont think there was any other way to do it anyway, the entire game is based around swinging in very specific directions, it cant be mapped to buttons

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Nintendo Select: 5 Switch Games That Deserve A Second Chance

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "The Nintendo Switch has been one Nintendo’s most successful systems ever, both measured by the number of units sold and the quality of its titles, but if there’s one thing this generation has been missing it would have to be the Nintendo Selects line, bringing existing titles that had paid their dues back at bargain prices. With the Switch now entering its twilight years, and there being few new titles in store for the foreseeable future, what better time could there be to bring back this tried-and-true tradition? While the actual realization of it may be doubtful given how rigid both hardware and software prices have become in recent years, that only gives us all the more reason to dream up a hypothetical lineup of our own.

For this article the specific focus will not be on those massive multi-million evergreens that the lineup would no doubt contain a few of to cement its value, but instead on games that for one reason or another fell short of their full potential the first time around and deserve a second chance to reach more players at an affordable price. Let’s get started."

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FinalFantasyFanatic90d ago

I really want Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Switch, can't believe that hasen't been ported. I'm playing Skyward Sword at the moment and I'm almost finished, but it's so long and the controls are so bad, even without motion. Astral Chain is fantastic though, they should make a sequel.


Amazon Slashes Up To 63% Off On Select AAA Games

Daily Video Game writes: "For a limited time, Amazon is running a new game sale that features a bunch of select AAA titles with steep discounts for multiple gaming platforms right now, including PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch!"

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Amazon Slashes Up To 79% Off On Several Action Adventure, Fighting, RPG & Simulation Games

Daily Video Game writes: "There are plenty of new games going on sale at Amazon that offer step discounts on a wide range of action-adventure, fighting, RPG, and simulation games across multiple gaming platforms right now!"

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