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Hogwarts Legacy Delayed into 2022

Hogwarts Legacy has been delayed into 2022, in order to give "the game the time it needs".

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Community1237d ago
Relientk771237d ago

Damn, and there's the first big video game delay of 2021.

Really looking forward to this one too :-(

NeoGamer2321236d ago

There will be many more... Essentially, any game that doesn't have a specific ship date yet, could move to next year.

I am particularly worried by all the games that are scheduled for holiday 2021. A lot of them could move to next year.

Gaming4Life19811236d ago

Yea i really want to play this but if delaying it makes it better then so be it.

Vengeance11381237d ago

I think Cyberpunk is rly giving devs wakeup calls in terms of quality.

Darkborn1237d ago

And it was a good thing too. This kind of stuff was happening for years but after CD project red lost all credibility and a lot of money, more publishers are weary of it I hope.

StoneyYoshi1236d ago (Edited 1236d ago )

It was a good thing. But saying they lost money is reaching. They sold 13 million after refunds. I think that covers the cost of the game 2 to 3 times over at least. If they all sold at 60 a pop, thats almost 800 Million sales, and that was within the first 2 weeks! The game was still a financial success for them regardless of the credibility they lost.

jbull1236d ago

@StoneyYoshi How much of that estimated 800 million is taxed though?

MadLad1236d ago (Edited 1236d ago )

You're confusing profit with stock strength.
They by no means lost any money selling 15+ million copies this fast.
They're just viewed less viable on the market than prior to release.
That's typical no matter the product, honestly.
The second they announce a new project, their stock will start to rise again.
Not that the release didn't hurt them, but it hurt them a lot less than some outlets are trying to make it out to be.

Vx_1236d ago

@StoneyYoshi they have lost $1 billion over Cyberpunk 2077

MadLad1236d ago


Do you guys legitimately not understand the difference between losing money vs buying back your stocks?

Darkborn1236d ago

Guys I didn't mean they actually lost money and went into the red. I meant they had to issue refunds and lost money.

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-Foxtrot1236d ago


So there's literally no excuse for Bethesda with the Elder Scrolls VI

anast1236d ago

ESVI will most likely come out janky regardless.

Darkborn1236d ago

I'm sure Bethesda will use the same engine and it'll basically be a skyrim mod.

stupidusername1237d ago

Really looking forward to this game. I imagined that it would come late this year anyway so a 2022 date doesn't bother me too much. Glad they announced the delay early at least.

This might be unrelated, or maybe it isn't - but I wonder if CDPRs failings sends consumer positive ripples in the industry. Suits might think twice before they make a decision to release a unpolished/unfinished game. They might be more likely to delay the game to make it better after seeing what happened to Cyberpunk.

jbull1237d ago

Wont be the last, I've a feeling Covid will cause more games to slip into 2022.

Ashunderfire861236d ago

Damn Covid ruin everything smh

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Was Hogwarts Legacy Only Successful Because Of Nostalgia?

Shahmeer from eXputer: "I've always wondered whether the success of Hogwarts Legacy had much to do with nostalgia. The RPG is great but certainly not free of issues."

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Community33d ago
Markdn33d ago

I totally agree, and no replay value for sure but enjoyed every minute I was playing it. Not a Harry Potter fan but still really enjoyed

Lexreborn233d ago

I still haven’t finished it, mostly due to it not holding my interest after 20 hours. Wouldn’t say it’s a bad game, wouldn’t say it’s amazing I really can’t judge it fully due to not completing it.

Lexreborn233d ago

lol are people upset because I said I put 20 hours into the game and that because I haven’t finished I won’t criticize it’s value or if nostalgia generates it’s success? That’s funny

CrimsonWing6933d ago

Harry Potter is one of the biggest IPs in the world. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why it sold so much. It’s a great game on top of that, so the math kind of maths here.

Can’t wait for the article on if Zelda or Mario only sold well due to nostalgia.

Crows9033d ago

They're trying to find a fake reason for its success...the mainstream hate how successful it became because of the writer behind the series.

So now they want to say that people bought it not because they liked it but only because of if harry potter is really that old or even a classic IP in the game industry.

thorstein33d ago

That doesn't even make any sense. The author made those statements before the game released. People knew ahead of time and wanted a boycott.

But most people knew any boycott would only punish the people who worked on the game and put their hearts into it (like most boycotts).

So many people bought it, enjoyed it immensely, and moved on.

VenomUK33d ago

@CrimsonWing69 A greatly in demand IP only takes you so far, if it was crap quality then the reviews and word of mouth would have stalled its sales. But it is a good game (judged by Metacritic and user reviews) and that has given the game legs.

Tzuno33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

ngl, it got me in the first half hour
after that, a big let down, mediocre at every step
only fans are praising it

Markdn33d ago

In what way was it mediocre, can't really find anything about it that was mediocre and I'm not a hp fan

Demetrius33d ago

It's still a good game almost time for a 2nd playthrough, the passion they put into it is🔥🔥 crazy how after a couple months or a year folks get to complaining about this n that about certain games smh childish mfs

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Hogwarts Legacy might be hiding a grotto in here

A Hogwarts Legacy player came across a gigantic tree under Bakar's tower, which might be hiding a grotto in it.

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A Hogwarts Legacy Player Crafts a Spectacular Vivarium

Beyond the routine of completing quests and hunting for mysterious places, there are tons of additional methods to enjoy Hogwarts Legacy. One such way is the creation of a stunning and content-rich Vivarium, as done by a Reddit user Zvak-Keh.

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