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Confusion reigns over Xbox naming policy as Series S causes ‘One X’ to trend

Key industry figures criticise Microsoft's nomenclature following latest hardware reveal.

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Another article that will do nothing but spawn flame wars and console wars garbage.
Parasyte1365d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Espio11365d ago
isarai1365d ago

Everyone that wasn't whiffing MS's farts like it was rose scented oxygen knew this was going to happen.

chrisx1365d ago

Yeah, it really is confusing. Just ms being ms.

darthv721365d ago

No more confusing than car models. The RS, SS, NSX, RT, SRT, SX.... Each one has its own level of bells and whistles. You dont hear people complaining, and that is an even bigger industry.

JEECE1365d ago


When you are buying a car, you aren't worried that if you buy the wrong model, it won't be accepted on the roads within a year and a half. In contrast, if a parent buying a console for their kid gets the wrong thing, they won't be able to play new games once cross-gen games end.

BillyG0AT1365d ago

If you have the brain capacity of a wasp, it might be

chrisx1365d ago

Oh I like wasps, I'd rather be a 🐝 than a 🐐

Atom6661365d ago


Where do you guys live where you can't take something back to a store and say: "I bought the wrong one and I want to exchange it"?

Obscure_Observer1365d ago

"Yeah, it really is confusing."

Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S

Yeah, mind boggling. S/

Gaming4Life19811365d ago

How is it confusing?

Xbox one s and xbox series s, its a clear difference.

bouzebbal1365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

I don't think it's a confusion problem for those who are following the gaming news , I just don't get how they can pull such awful names everytime.. Xbox in itself is a terrible name

Audi RS you don't just buy it when you know nothing about cars.. It's a sport variant and you need to know a minimum before you consider that model. Your example is broken.

bouzebbal1365d ago

When I see series S I imagine there will be series S1 2 3...
Same for series X.. I have no idea why they're keeping that word series in each name 🤦‍♂️

JEECE1365d ago

People doing the "oh it's so easy and obvious" dance need to realize that it's not people who come to these sites who will have a problem. We've known about this console for a year prior to its announcement. The issue is casuals. It's sometimes unbelievable what they can manage to confuse.

If you don't believe me, recall that Nintendo took the Wii U on Jimmy Fallon's show before launch, and he thought it was an add on for the Wii.

Unspoken1365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

Twitter community and former PlayStation employee claims they don't understand naming convention. These are the two most reliable sources out there next to Sony fans on N4G.

Fools here can't understand different versions of tech. Sad.

rainslacker1365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

As a general rule of thumb, those that say the average consumer can figure this stuff out I know have never worked a day of retail in their life. When I worked in retail, it never ceased to amaze me how uninformed people could be, and how resistant they were to learning from someone who, the sales person. People don't like being told they're wrong, or that cheap version they wanted won't do what they want it to do.

But, more generally speaking, when people buy cars, they tend to buy the ones that have the features they want, at a price point they think they can afford. I honestly can't ever think of a time when I went to buy a car, and thought about the various two letter version numbers, because for the most part, they were usually the same car with added features. Some sports cars are more confusing in this regard, but in the end, people that care about that stuff will learn what it has to offer. Same with consoles, but in the case of consoles, someone who maybe just buys the cheaper one ends up realizing it may not be what they wanted, because it's not like information on electronics is clearly displayed to the layman. Just look at the somewhat recent transition to the 4K market with TV's and everything to run 4K. Even after almost a decade now, the whole thing is a cluster-F of information, that is easy to get confused by, and you may very well not get what you wanted if you don't really research it well enough, and even then, the research can be just as confusing because most of what you find on google is paid media crap.


"Where do you guys live where you can't take something back to a store and say: "I bought the wrong one and I want to exchange it"

Most places in the US do not allow returns for consoles or games....although games are becoming a returnable product in more places now. Some will take back consoles with restocking fees, or they'll take them as trade ins. You buy the wrong thing, and you're pretty much stuck with it, or you take a loss.

1Victor1365d ago

Grandma wall into a game (whatever name you’re like goes here)store and ask for a new Xbox s thingy for my grandson the attendant say we we go Xbox one s and series s which one you want she say is one s the newest of the series s he say no they’re different 1s come first series s is new 😩 She then say I want that one an this games and drop 3 games 🤦🏿He says you can’t play those game on it, she say never mind I’ll comeback later

JEECE1365d ago


You nailed it. I remember being in a blockbuster once in the mid 2000s when a guy who had rented a blu-ray version of a movie was mad at the cashier because it wouldn't work in his DVD player. He just kept arguing with him about why it wouldn't work after the cashier explained it and offered to exchange it for a DVD.

UltraNova1365d ago

Nuh its not confusing, especially when the Xbox One series is discontinued and no longer available in shops.

I can see some people(parents, casuals etc) getting confused right around launch period but that's about it.

That said, MS really needs to work on their naming for next-next gen.

1364d ago
Atom6661364d ago (Edited 1364d ago )


Walmart, Bestbuy, Target...have restocking fees? Get out of here. Exactly how long ago did you work retail?

Even shitty stores like Gamestop have to take the return. We literally have laws protecting us on this.

You guys try way too hard. Guess what though...ignorant consumers will have 4 Playstations to choose from this year. What ever will they do!!!

Army_of_Darkness1364d ago (Edited 1364d ago )

Xbox Series s vs xbox one s... Yup, definitely confusing for a non gamer like parents buying a Christmas gift for their kids...
MS already screwed themselves up for next gen by just the ridiculous name change alone.

@darthv72. Bro, there is a big difference between spending a few hundred dollars(on a console) vs. Several Thousands of dollars(on a car)! And when you're spending thousands of dollars you're more than likely do your research before buying.
A new console should never be confusing in any way to the customer. Put a new name or number at the end and you're good. All about simplicity for a device most parents think is a toy.

Kribwalker1364d ago

almost as confusing as calling castlevania lords of the shadows the witcher 2? 🤷

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outsider16241364d ago

Xbox One, xbox S, Xbox X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S....jeeze.. imagine wanting the Series S but instead getting XboX S.

Why can't they name it simple. Xbox, Xbox2 Xbox3, Xbox4

Chris121364d ago

Because consumers aren't as thick as you pretend they are.

SO71D1364d ago


You've clearly never worker in retail.

1364d ago
Skywalker3331364d ago

There was a VERY simple reason why. Because it would automatically look like they are behind Sony. Xbox 360 would have been Xbox 2 against PS3. Xbox One --> Xbox 3 against PS4.
It looks very bad from a marketing perspective and it subliminally implies that this is worse that the competition.
To be fair, the big issue was One, it created a confusion similar to the Wii U debacle.
I believe their change to "series" is the way to address this issue and from now on the will be able to give numbers to the series while they release new models every X years.

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1364d ago Replies(3)
psychosmurf1011364d ago

I don’t understand what’s so confusing. Yes the name is close. But one costs more and the other costs less. That is what people are paying attention to. They both run the same games according to Microsoft. The hardcore like me would be buying the xsx for power and would be in the know about the differences. The moms and pops of the world would be looking at price and would ultimately get the exact same things as an xsx minus the big power upgrade.

LordoftheCritics1364d ago

Why do I feel like we need smarter journalists.

GameBoyColor1362d ago

We need smarter consumers, but that'll never happen. If you worked in retail you can see how this naming convention will confuse the masses

1364d ago Replies(2)
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1365d ago Replies(4)
NealGamby1365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

MS's marketing put out a crappy spec Series S and discontinued the better spec One X to push people to the new Series X. LOL

darthv721365d ago

Its the other way around. The One X is less powerful to the Series S. It's the reason the OX was discontinued. The SS is replacing it.

GamerRN1365d ago

Yeah, don't play into it Darth.

Which makes more sense:

@NealGamby is a Sony fanboy trying to knock the Series S and Microsoft


@NealGamby is on N4G and has no idea that the Series S is actually more powerful than the One X despite all the articles and comments explaining that it is.

NealGamby1365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

One X has 6 teraflops. Series S has 4 teraflops, right? Xbox One has a 1tb HDD, the Series S has a 512 SSD and no disc drive, right? Now tell me how the SS is better than the One X.

yomfweeee1365d ago

Xbots praise TFLOPS when it makes the Series X seem better than PS5.
Xbots downplay TFLOPS when it makes the Series S seem worse than One X.

Make up your minds boys. Series S can't even do 4K. What a step backwards.

darthv721365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

@yom, yes the SS can do 4k. It can play the same 4k games the 1X can and then some. It will play the majority of the 'Series' class games at upwards of 1440 and some even at 4k but it obviously will depend on the complexity of the game (and discretion of the dev)

@neal, comparisons of the same tech reveals the bigger the numbers the better. hence the 9-10tf vs the 12tf because they are of the same class. But to understand how something that is perceived less but is actually more, it is as easy as understanding the difference between a modern 4cyl engine compared to an older 8cyl engine. Different classes and you cant go by the end number. Its all about efficiency and the changes made to improve while making it smaller.

the 512gb SSD in the SS is better performance than the 1TB in the 1X. That is easy to know simply because of the newer solid state design vs the older mechanical platter design. Capacity may be halved but the new games do not need to use redundant data spread across various points of the drive. That was done due to the slower nature of spinning platters and head seek times. So a game that would have been 25gb in size (installed to a hdd) would take up considerably less space on a SSD.

Sony has said it themselves. They use an 825gb ssd and their games should actually take up less space compared to the same game built for a traditional hdd. So the same thing applies to the SSD in the SS. Games designed for it, wont take up as much space. And you can use external hard drives for other games like 360 and xbo and og xbox digital games.

NealGamby1365d ago

@Darth LMAO at your backwards analogy. No way a 4 cylinder will out haul an 8 cylinder. Nice try though.

1365d ago
Rimeskeem1365d ago

Do we even know how powerful the S is? I know they showed all that neat features and stuff but we were given no numbers besides “1440P up to 120 FPS”. The SSD speed wasn’t shown, the tf number wasn’t shown, nothing but blank words were thrown in tbh. The SSD is also significantly smaller. If the digital PS5 is a lot more powerful for 400$ With almost twice the SSD space and has exclusives I just don’t see this console being successful.

Kyizen1365d ago

The One X is 6 Tflops and the Series S is 4...tell me again which is more powerful

rainslacker1365d ago

For years now it's been about how the PS4P is weak, and the X1X is the way to go. Then it's the XSX will be the console to get because it's 12TF, instead of the low end 8TF. Now, it's 4TF is OK, because...well, still haven't figured that out.

While I won't call you out specifically here, you can't help but marvel at the rather inconsistent adherence to the TF number being meaningful when it comes to deciding what console to get.

So, whose this console for?

That, to me, is a much better question than why the numbers matter or don't.

There's nothing wrong with less powerful consoles in principal, but it really depends on what they hope to achieve with it, and who they're marketing it to. Determine that, then one can decide if what they have to offer is actually good or bad for its intended audience, because I'm fairly confident that those talking about it here really have no intention of getting this even if they are interested in getting an Xbox. At least not as a primary system. Especially the Xbox fans, who have done nothing but talk about playing the next gen the best way possible for quite some time.

DJStotty1364d ago (Edited 1364d ago )


"Xbox One has a 1tb HDD, the Series S has a 512 SSD"

You said it yourself, the Series S has a better hard drive

"One X has 6 teraflops. Series S has 4 teraflops"

Again, you said it yourself, the new GPU/CPU architecture in the Series S, is more powerful than the old 6tf tech in the one X.

By your reasoning then, are you admitting that the Series X is more powerful than the PS5? 12 > 10.28, or do Tflops not matter in that scenario?

anubusgold1364d ago (Edited 1364d ago )


Tflops are different with each generation you cant compare them generation to generation. Rdna 2 is better than Rdna 1. Just like each gen of ryzen cpus are better than the last at the same speeds because of better IPC performance.

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DoubleTTB221365d ago

The new systems run on the RDNA 2 microarchitecture. The One X was still on the old GCN microarchitecture. RDNA 2 gets significantly more performance flop for flop than GCN. That is why the Ps5 and Series X both actually have a bigger lead power wise over last gen systems than the flops would suggest. That plus hardware accelerated ray tracing is a pretty nice feature that the Series S will have.

Basically the Series S has a massive advantage CPU and hard drive speed wise over the One X (having the same CPU and SSD as the Series X), while also having at least an equivalent GPU if not small bit better.

It is definitely strong enough to play last-gen titles at 4k. But it isn't going to play next-gen titles at high resolutions.

1364d ago
catlover3161364d ago

How can you be so wrong? You are on the web right now making comments, why can’t you spend 5 minutes to get your facts straight?

1364d ago
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Knightofelemia1365d ago

If I am going to buy a new next gen Xbox I'll skip Series S just for the fact no disc drive. Kinda hard to play games on a machine that is suppose to be backwards compatible if I can't play my disc based games on a machine that can't play discs. Unless you're a console collector or a person who likes to collect hard drives full of digital games or a tech junkie who likes to make Youtube vids on console tear downs a discless console is useless.

darthv721365d ago

Well... I am a console collector who has 117 digital games on their SAD who will gladly move those over to the SS when I get one. As for discs, I will just play those on the SX like i do now with the 1X.

TravsVoid1365d ago

That sounds like a huge waste of money compared to just using gamepass.

TravsVoid1365d ago

The lack of disk drive is the only thing keeping me from getting it. If they release a drive accessory like we had in the 360 generation I would bite though.

wwinterj1364d ago

For the cost of a Series S and a hypothetical disc drive buying a series X would be the better option.

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