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Xbox Series S Confirmed with Price

Xbox writes:
Let’s make it official! Xbox Series S | Next-gen performance in the smallest Xbox ever. $299 (ERP).

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Jin_Sakai1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

Finally! Let’s hope we’re nearing the end of this ridiculous cat and mouse chase.

My guess is:
Series X $499
PS5 $499
PS5 Digital $399

cl19831353d ago

The real question now is the rumor of it only being 4tf true or is it as powerful as the x

1353d ago
Gazondaily1353d ago Show
cl19831353d ago Show
SamPao1353d ago

@camelCase when will you realise that there is no "Targeting" thats all PR. Every game is different. Console makers dont tell devs what they should aim for

Wasabi1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )


**"The real question now is the rumor of it only being 4tf true or is it as powerful as the x"**

That's not a question at all. It's not as powerful as Series X.

Series S has a lower performance RDNA 2 GPU that supports the Direct X12 Ultimate feature-set. Power wise the GPU is roughly on par with the Xbox One X GPU (Series S RDNA 2 GPU is a more efficient GPU that supports updated Direct X 12U features).

The Series S is paired with a far more capable CPU than Xbox One X's AMD Jaguar CPU.

The end result is a machine that's optimised for 1080p gaming and will deliver 60 FPS in games that would be CPU limited on Xbox One X.

The price and form factor should tell you straight away that Series S is not just a Series X missing the UHD drive.

1353d ago
cl19831353d ago

@Wasabi Have we actually been given the official specs yet? Not to my knowledge. Have we been given the price of the series x yet, again not to my knowledge. We've have had some info leaked, but until these things are confirmed questions still linger, and decisions will be made when the information is actually released.

purple1011353d ago

3x the teraflops
3x the price

UltraNova1353d ago

Finally! Now who will go first on the higher spec machines? There's still the PS5 discless version which will surely be priced higher than the Series S, unless Sony prices it the same to everyone's surprise.

leejohnson2221353d ago

I just see no real reason for it to exist, what's the purpose? Its just an updated X game pass machine.

jerethdagryphon1353d ago

It can't be that powerful or they would lose far to much per console
Aditionally 8tf power difference is the Same difference as ps4pro to ps5
And even a more advanced architectural structure won't make up for that much power

Gddr6 is 10$,per gig chip. That's pricing to company's
So it has to have less ram then the x
Probobly 8gb that's 80
Gpu is the most costly part a 4tf gpu
Is at least 150. For the chip now we're talking a soc so I'll give the cpu even though it's at least 80.

Tjis is the max spec
8 cored
8 gb ram
And a gpu that's about 5 years old in output

bouzebbal1353d ago

I lige the fact xbox starts making small consoles instead of the bulky ugly 360 or OG

DJStotty1353d ago

It is more powerful than the discontinued xbox one X, it is using the new CPU/GPU architecture.

darthv721353d ago

Nice. I can retire my SAD and get the SS for all my digital needs. Then get the SX to replace my X for disc based games.

CaptainHenry9161353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

It looks like a Bluetooth speaker. The Series S will definitely hold back the Series X and it's not considered a real next gen system in my eyes. Probably won't even be able to do 4K 60fps. It definitely looks cheap as well and probably louder due to less ventilation. You get what you pay for

morganfell1353d ago

Now its official. And it is interesting to note, perusing the remarks, particularly by those that were pounding the ground earlier this year...12TF doesn't matter. You finally saw the light.

NeoGamer2321353d ago

I think the more important question is whether it will run next gen games at an acceptable level. I don't really care what the technical specs are if it can run next gen games.

Kribwalker1353d ago Show
jukins1353d ago

don't know why so many downvotes. But the one x already had plenty of 1440p and even native 4k titles. If rdna 2 is all that shouldn't it easily be able to 4k and fps with the cpu being the same as the series x. Just seems odd oh well. Hopefully this "leak" gets the ball rolling

darthv721353d ago

@jukins, the SS will be able to do 4k for all existing games that support it (that run at 4k on the One X) and it will be able to do some 4k next gen games (prob ones the SX can do at 8k) but it looks like the SS is targeting 1440 for next gen games while the SX goes for 4k+.

isarai1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

This is why TF are not a good way to measure power. Even at 4tf, with the RDNA2 zen based CPU, and the SSD it'll be more capable than the XB1X in a lot of ways despite the lower TF number

hiawa231353d ago

It's architecture makes it more powerful than the X1X, but it is a 1440P, 1080P machine.

jerethdagryphon1352d ago

It can't be as powerful as the x
It's simply not financially viable
Gddr6 ram costs 10$ per gig based on trays of 2000 chips so 160
Cpu /gpu is at least 150
Ssd is 75 for a slow ass speed one

Thats a minimum cost of 400$ Inc misc parts psu case stuff.

Selling that at a loss of 100$ is nuts.

That is already soaking all R&D cost
4tf is less powerful then xbonex
And is supposed to run next gen games.

Games they say they can't do on current consoles

It's a bad idea

1352d ago
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pwnmaster30001353d ago

Not even.
Sony is now gonna drop the price of the digital one and now MS and Sony is gonna play the cat and mouse chase with the main consoles.
The cycle continues boys.

RaidenBlack1353d ago

The tweet also states: "Soon. Promise."
So an Xbox event is imminent?

BiofourceGun1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

they took away the disc drive from the looks of it and cut the design in half.

also them - "Next-gen performance in the ˢᵐᵃˡˡᵉˢᵗ Xbox ever. "

so i'm guessing it's a Series X without a drive?

DaveZero1353d ago

I dont think Sony will drop the price, neither console developers do in its first year at least.

DJStotty1353d ago

Why would they drop the price of the digital one when it is probably about twice as powerful as the Series S?

MajorLazer1353d ago

A disc drive does not cost that much. Anything more than a $50 discount and they'll be making heavy losses on top of the losses they'll already make on the normal PS5.

RazzerRedux1353d ago

"A disc drive does not cost that much. "

You have to take into account that more money is made on each game sold. Every penny on games goes through the PS store rather than retailers. So a higher costing console subsidized by larger margins on games. I imagine that was a factor in Series S price as well.

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Ausbo1353d ago

I think ps5 digital is $449. But if they can get it down to $400, that would be great

TheScotsman1353d ago

Nobody cares or wants this console, it's a mistake by Microsoft to dilute the market and release a low end console that devs will need to cater for, it will be a direct one x replacement , all be it more powerful, by a little

Rhythmattic1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

The Scotsman...
Personally I dont see it as a console... just a specialised NUC.
Remember, even MS said by their definition , the console as we know it is outdated....
Yep... Na.

lelo2play1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

Yep, probably ...

Series X 500€
PS5 500€
PS5 Digital 400-450€

sho0ok3601353d ago

I have a weird and a stupid theory.

XBOX has leaked the prices of both consoles to the journalists saying (300 & 500), then they officially confirmed the price of series S only. My guess that they are trying to make Sony believe that the leaked price (500) for the X is true, thus make Sony announce the price already (500).

After that they will announce it for 450. Genius right? :-D

I saw in twitter an XBOX console developer said that this is "EXACTLY" how they planned it, implying that they knew about the leaks beforehand.

All kidding aside, it should be 500 due to all the tech inside.

Sunny_D1353d ago

Doubt they would confirm something at 3 am North American time when their largest market wouldn’t be awake.

rainslacker1352d ago (Edited 1352d ago )

If that's the case, then MS needs to get it's head out of its ass and start making decisions based on their own efforts and goals, instead of trying to undercut the competition. Why would anyone want a console where the people leading it are on a race to the bottom? That's what Wal-Mart and Amazon have been doing for years, which is what other competition started doing, and now, you get store brand crap cheap, while the regular stuff still costs just as much.

Yes, businesses have to be concious of their competition and the market. But setting out to beat the competition because you believe price is where you'll win in the market means that their goal is to win, but don't make the effort to offer the product which allows them to do it.

I'm personally fine if the consoles are cheaper from any company. But, I'd rather they build their tech with a price point in mind, instead of reacting to a market months before release.

Marquinho1353d ago

Uhmm... Wonder if Edinburgh is real... in that case, it'd probably be $399.

meshow1353d ago ShowReplies(5)
1353d ago Replies(1)
ssj271353d ago

If you think sony is stupid enough to price the ps5 digital for 400 you are s$;$ ps5 digtal will be $300 and disc one $400 maybe $450

sho0ok3601352d ago

Bro no way in HELL digital will be 300$. The SSD alone costs 150$+. it's cutting edge tech with very fast speed. The lower speed SSDs nVME (500 GB) are being sold for 100$.

Also, blue-ray drives sold for 25$ only, so most probably the price difference will be most 50 between both versions and make up the loss with digital purchases in the future.

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Manic20141353d ago

The leaks have been crazy today.

Series S sounds like a good option tbh
If its got all the other next gen tropes with weaker power - it seems like a very good option for those looking to spend less.

phoenixwing1353d ago

the number of parents who are going to buy this option for next gen will make a tidy profit for microsoft

leejohnson2221353d ago

I just cant see it when the kids ask for Spiderman or gt etc. Its another x
Just cant see what the attraction would be. If its price stick with current gen as its not being abandoned yet and early adopters are hardly kids and parents

Nicaragua1353d ago Show
Shiken1353d ago

Some of you all are ungrateful as hell and it shows.

Any kid who gets ANY next gen console as a gift should consider them lucky, especially with everything that is going on right now. Get over your fanboy shit, it just makes you look bad.

alb18991353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

You guys have to realized that 95% of the games made are multiplatform.
If the kids won't have Spiderman will have avengers and gamepass...the world will still rolling without a PS.

morganfell1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

"Some of you all are ungrateful as hell and it shows."

What an absurd remark. Just to whom are we supposed to be grateful? And news flash, plenty of people, plenty of us have been unaffected by COVID from a financial point of view.

Neonridr1353d ago

plenty of kids just want to play call of duty or whatever rockstar puts out. I get that exclusives are a great feature, but most people play 3rd party games since those are what dominate the sales charts on these systems.

rainslacker1352d ago

You'd have to assume that parents are buying something the kid is telling them they want. I firmly believe it's a fallacy that parents are just going to the store and buying these things randomly in droves because they're cheap. Do any of you have kids? One's old enough to buy a console for? Whens the last time they vaguely mentioned they wanted a gaming console?

I don't have kids, but have enough family, and was a kid once, to know that when I wanted something that expensive, I was pretty explicit about what it was I wanted. To the point I would mention variations or things I didn't want, just to make sure that they knew. Of course, I usually didn't get them, but that's another matter. Most of the kids I've seen interacting with their parents around christmas time are no different.

Oh, and most parents today that would be buying a console for "little timmy" also grew up with games enough to know what to look for when their kids say they want something. They just check their amazon wish list.

There are a lot of stupid, or at least uninformed people out there yes, but they don't make up enough of the market to really make a difference in the overall sales. Plus, the notion that this would happen is predicated on the Xbox being the big thing this holiday season. Something that didn't work for MS on the launch of the X1, despite their best efforts to pay to make it so everyone said it was the big thing for that holiday season.

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LucasRuinedChildhood1353d ago ShowReplies(5)
Kurt Russell1353d ago

I think it's looking a good option for people at the moment. Not likely one I would go for personally, but if I was in a different circumstance, sure. However until we see the prices of the rest of the units, it's hard to say if it will remain a good option.

GamerRN1353d ago

We already got the other price... 499

rainslacker1352d ago

I'm more curious who this console is targeted at. It's certainly not the hardcore. At least not on a large scale. Maybe as a secondary device for whatever reason, but I can't imagine that's statistically meaningful.

excaliburps1353d ago

Yep. I'm picking one up day one at this price. Definitely good for consumers. For fanboys? Not so much,. :D

Next-gen gaming at $299? Mmmm!

phoenixwing1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

i'll buy it if multiplats require me to use pcie 4 m.2 ssd's because at that point the price of upgrading everything will cost more than just buying this 299 version

edit: just to clarify i'd have to buy a new motherboard and cpu along with a new power supply, then there's the cost of the pcie4 m.2 ssd needed. basically a big investment. I already have a good computer though it's just not future proof as it could be. I have a pcie3 mobo and intel cpu with 2070 super rtx

lelo2play1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

If you have a Full HD TV, you don't need more then the Series S.

Series X and PS5 are targeting 4k TV's.

Manic20141353d ago

I think it's a valid option to provide considering your point.

phoenixwing1353d ago

it upscales to 4k so people who are on a tight budget could use it too even if they have a 4k tv

rainslacker1353d ago

I think its acceptable if it doesnt hold games back. MS will probably require support, and 4tb is kind of a pretty low target for the generation. The different architecture and changes to i/o may make up enough difference to not make it an issue for the long term.

porkChop1353d ago

It also upscales to 4K. Really not a bad option.

execution171352d ago

My main gripe is having to spend money on extra storage which could bring up its price to series x

CaptainObvious8781352d ago

So now multiplatform titles are going to be hampered for the entire generation because of this weak next gen console...

Thanks microsoft...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1352d ago
BigBosss1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

Here are the specs for the Series S:

*4 teraflops of graphics processing power
*1440p gaming with up to 60fps
*Ray-tracing support
*SSD Storage
*No disc drive

cl19831353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

Edit *Are those official, or the leaked reported?*

I know we don't have the price of the series x, but I'm not a fan of the less power for the system, I'll get the x instead.

THC CELL1353d ago Show
Ausbo1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

Those are leaked, but the other aspects of that leak have all come true.

cl19831353d ago

@Ausbo, we've also had other leaks/speculation of the systems being $700.00 dollars too, thus why I'm asking for clarity.

excaliburps1353d ago

I think that's not official though most likely accurate. MS has never even confirmed this thing until today, right?

1353d ago
Wrex3691352d ago

Most everyone here is X if they're going Xbox. So lol

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AngelicIceDiamond1353d ago

An entry lvl next gen system is pointless and will be dated in a few years. But the moms will certainly flock to it because of the price alone.

1353d ago
nirwanda1353d ago

The PS4 slim and one s sell more than the pro and the X and they are both 1080p consoles.
They still run fine on a 4k tv.
What Microsoft need to do now is come out and prove it runs at a lower Rez / frame rate to show people the difference.
My guess is they won't do ray tracing and scale from 720p with dlss style upscaling as the series X will use this too and won't want to be seen as having inferior graphics to ps5

ILostMyMind1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

The differences won't be only on resolution. Its GPU is going to have less CUs. This says a lot about how XSX will handle "The 52 CUs" that PS5 don't have.

Rhythmattic1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

"This says a lot about how XSX will handle "The 52 CUs" that PS5 don't have."
It also says a lot that its tied down for a year or two ny the One Anchor.
By then., when MS "possibly" leave the caboose of One s owner behind, maybe then, and only then will whats makes a new gen NUC a purchase...
Pixels and FPS dont make a game... Is it better? no doubt...
But without a game, Pixels and FPS mean nothing...
Multiplatforms maybe your choice, but to still be able to run them at what will be hard to differentiate without zooming , and FPS counters, won't detract from what is a playable game....
Technically superior across platforms does not a great game make ....
The only reason im into PS is because there are games I can't play anywhere else one any other platform...
Its really that simple. >> For me. <<
The day the console gen def is erased , like MS is trying to do, and may do, it'll be a sad day for me.....
I will erase my Win10 drive, Ill just boot linux and play whatever works......

SpaceRanger1353d ago

I just don't get MS with this?? I agree with you that the soccer moms will probably run out and get this during the holidays... but we've already seen what happens when they ball and chain themselves to considerably weaker hardware.

Like was the feedback from everyone on Halo and other games being held back not enough??

morganfell1353d ago

More than pointless it is damaging. It hamstrings an entire generation. People want next gen experiences then do not wish to pay for the required technology.

chrisoadamson1353d ago

Cpu is the same as the X so it shouldnt be dated in a few years , graphically will just be not as good .

rainslacker1353d ago

Based on 4tb seeming not enough for this gen according to some people when referencing the ps4p, I question why it's acceptable for next gen. There are architecture changes and other things which will allow it to perform better than the ps4p at the same GPU flop rating, but there comes a point where mandated support will hold back games. It's really no different from supporting this gen hardware, it may just push the scale of what's held back some, for a bit longer.

Just seems like a stop gap measure, and I'm not a fan of these new generations seeing multiple iterations of compatible hardware, whether its mid gen upgrades, or what's going on with the series S

Sirk7x1352d ago

Not pointless at all. High sales and software attachment means publishers invest more money, meaning more games and higher quality ones for the console. Low price is always great.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1352d ago
RaidenBlack1353d ago

Dang ... it even comes with a speaker built-in. /s

FlavorLav011353d ago

S does looks like a small amp enclosure. Lol

lelo2play1353d ago

These are rumors. Better wait for official specs...

DJStotty1353d ago

1440p up to 120 fps not 60.

4K upscaling for games


Here is the trailer

1353d ago
Father__Merrin1353d ago

Everything's looking good apart from storage out of that 5120gb it's likely 400 is availiable install warzone and destiny and its all gone

Muzikguy1353d ago

If it really is 4TF I'd wonder how it can provide such a next gen experience considering how much more the other options offer. The price is nice, but what are they sacrificing? They claim ray tracing, 4K and 120fps like the Series X and PS5, but offers a lot less power to do so.

rainslacker1352d ago (Edited 1352d ago )

It may support raytracing, but I wouldn't expect anything miraculous with it. It's not like those TF ratings don't include the parts of the system that handle the raytracing, and RT is a flop intensive process on any architecture. Some people are talking about it supporting RT as if it's some sort of co-processor independent of the rest of the GPU. It's not. It's part of the core processing architecture which can be assinged to do other things if it isn't doing RT. At 4TF, I can't imagine many devs are going to implement heavy RT routines while sacraficing more important GPU compute functions which will be needed if they want to maintain some sort of content parity on a system 1/3 the power, or less than 1/2 the competitions benchmark standards.

Best analogy I can think of is some older PC GPU's. When Anti-Aliasing first came around, all these cards were saying they supported it. Technically they did. It doesn't mean that all those cards supported it well, or it was practical to use at a point which made a difference.

nibblo1353d ago

It's been confirmed to be up to 120fps

ssj271352d ago

series x suppose to do 8k lol thy can clain anything they want. But reality is this will struggle to do 1080p at 30fps or way bellow it i wouldn't even be amazed if is 720p upscale to 1080p and unstable 30fps with drops on any true nxt gen game

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1353d ago Replies(3)
STG_Sepsi1353d ago

I honestly like the design but I just wish the vent on top was the same color as the rest of the console

BigBosss1353d ago

They look like my speakers lol

LucasRuinedChildhood1353d ago (Edited 1353d ago )

It looks like an upside down washing machine that plays video-games. $299 is a pretty good price though. Not gonna lie.

I knew the S was going to be a huge deal - the entry level Arcade Xbox 360s were a big part of that console's success. I hope that this forces the digital PS5 to be on the cheaper side.

Charal1352d ago (Edited 1352d ago )


And so you are part one the ones fooled by MS, or that didn’t catch the big drawback from SeS.

Unlike 360 area, we are not talking here about just a smaller HDD and no physical

We are talking about massive power difference with SX (expected 2 or 3 times less powerful).

This has never happens in the console market before, and I pretty sure massive delusion is on its way about how things will run on it.

It will be the first time a “next gen” console will be release with roughly the same compute power as last gen.

I don’t know how to say it anymore to people that don’t see the issue here.

marison1352d ago

Gen's doesn't matter the same way since this gen refreshes.

Xbox Series S have the same features like machine learning and ray tracing acceleration, mesh shadings, VRS, but less GPU CUs, RAM and SSD space. Those are things that scales with texture sizes and resolution. We will see how good they scale, but it's totally possible to have a console that works well for the same games if they have the same architeture. The differences between Xbox One S and Xbox One X worse to work.

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Hellblade 2 is a defining moment in the evolution of real-time graphics | Digital Foundry

The Digital Foundry verdict on the technology of Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2.

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PrinceOfAnger5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Such a good looking game, best graphics this gen so far

" When the camera zooms in for a close-up, the level of detail is such that it left me guessing whether I was looking at real-time graphics or a pre-rendered cutscene. Thankfully, with Photo Mode being available at any time, you can easily confirm that they are, in fact, real-time.Of course, it's really the animation you experience while playing that impressed me the most. The expressions visible while engaged in combat or simply exploring really help bring the characters to life. "

As a story-focused game, characters and character rendering play a significant role in the presentation. However, while the pre-release media largely focused on Senua herself, Hellblade 2 features a surprisingly large number of other humans. It's without doubt one of the games defining visual features - the character rendering in Hellblade 2 sets new standards, delivering sequences that, at times, almost resemble actual filmed scenes with real actors. This is one of the first examples of a game that stands up against the promise of the UE5 demo The Matrix Awakens. The scenes feel very natural and realistic in a way that manages to somewhat sidestep the uncanny valley almost completely.

Einhander19722h ago

So, the other day I was talking about how DF lies, and their bias. I said cross-reference what they say with other videos and you'll see that what they say is dishonest.

You can see here, that frame-rate is section is hidden near the end of the video and it's one of the shortest sections and of course the segment they show is all 30 fps and they of course don't show any series s footage, but they specifically say it holds 30 FPS "flawlessly".

"It does reach this target flawlessly in my experience with virtually zero hiccups - it runs at 30fps and 30fps is exactly what you'll get from start to finish."

Now watch this video

Here it drops to 21 fps for example

I just used these videos because they were already posted on N4G and Analista De Bits it above questioning about legitimacy, but you can find other people who will also show that the game drops frames regularly, especially on series s.

Petebloodyonion2h ago

OMG! You caught them Lying hard because the game frame dips from time to time to 29 frames per second and at one point it drops for flash at 21 FPS.
Clearly, they are trying to hide something and the 99% of the time that the game holds 30 frames doesn't mean squats in a saying with VIRTUALLY Zero hiccups.

As you can see by the several comments in the video you posted people are venting their anger about how well the Serie S is holding up and how well the game is running across the board

But I guess MS probably paid the users to Shill for MS also since it's your narrative
By the way, let me inform you that 87% of Steam users who got this game are recommending it!
Must be shilled too right?

darthv721h ago

You're trying too hard... John enjoyed the game and stated as much in his testing.

Einhander19721h ago(Edited 1h ago)


OMG! You caught them Lying hard because the game frame dips from time to time to 29 frames per second and at one point it drops for flash at 21 FPS.

I did catch them lying, thanks for noticing.

The problem isn't me. The problem is that you're O.K. with it because they are lying in a way that supports your personal opinion.


Get mad at me because I catch them being dishonest? I'm the bad guy, not the people who are actually lying. Man, the world we live in today is absolutely backwards, it's the bizarro timeline...

If I wanted to take the time I could show you that this isn't the exception, they constantly lie and mislead people in their videos.

HulstWholeSlate19m ago(Edited 16m ago)

But you’d be fine if it was a PlayStation Studios game they were reviewing…

Einhandler is triggered. Can’t handle an Xbox game getting praise. 🤡

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 19m ago
OptimusDK4h ago

Incredible graphics..this is finally next gen graphics. It’s an experience more than a game. You can fault it or accept it and embrace what it gives you. It’s like Sony 1886.

PrinceOfAnger4h ago

- Takes advantage of everything UE5 offers
- Final game 'lives up to the lofty expectations' of the 2019 reveal
- Character rendering sets new standards and nearly resembles movie sequences with actual actors
- Leverages Unreal's Meta Human 5 to bypass the uncanny valley feel
- DF were left guessing whether some cut-scenes were in-game or real life footage (photo mode shows they're all real time)
- Character detail and how light / specular etc reflect on it praised
- A lot of the visual make up is tied to the post-process effects
- No option to disable things like CA, DoF etc but it's all suitable to the games presentation
- Soft filmic image quality and wider FoV praised

Resolution and Visuals:
- DRS 1296 to 1440p (w/ black bars 964 to 1070p). Series S will be covered in separate video
- 'Not sure if adding more pixels would make a difference to the filmic quality'

UE5 Features:
- Lumen is used extensively for direct and in-direct lighting, a lot of real time changes and shadows etc all update accordingly
- 'Phenomenal stuff'
- Lumen does a better job than traditional real time lighting system for indirectly lit areas like under ramps etc
- Lumen reflections used in combination with SSR for water bodies. Some water bodies can show SSR artifacts when moving camera
- 'Anyone looking at the game in motion will be impressed even if they do not understand the technical reasons'
- Unreal's fog is used effectively, fog lights up with light sources and runs at high quality
- Water effects and waves are praised. ' Absolutely stunning'

- Nanite is extensively used and eliminates visible pop-in even during scene transitions
- Minimal repetition or tiling, uses photo-grammatory
- Some assets like tree branches can show low resolution when zoomed in with photo mode, however

- Fine shadow detail is retained even when zooming extremely in thanks to Unreal's Virtual Shadow Maps
- Shadow quality is not always perfect and can show cracks in some instances but very consistent by and large
- Not the first UE5 game to use all these features, but by and far the best looking game to do so.

- 30 FPS but the performance is locked and never dropped in John's testing on Series X
- DF tested the game on their Series X - similar - PC to see how much performance could be gained over 30
- 4K with DRS, they were able to stay locked at 30 FPS on High
- DRS 1440p with 60 FPS target sees game play at high 50s with more drops in cut-scenes
- DF thinks based on this test, SX can do 60 FPS with a more aggressive DRS target
- However, PC version can show massive frame time stutters that the Xbox version does not in the same areas
- DF summary: 60 FPS is theoretically possible, but for a stable 60 they might need to drop settings a lot

- Headphones are needed for Binaural audio effect that the game uses extensively
- DF thinks it is 'incredibly engaging'

Trailer Comparison:
- They compare the Giant fight trailer with the same area in the final game
- Final game has lesser lens distortion and difference in how the flame is lit
- The flames felt more 'fluid' in the demo versus the final game, otherwise no difference in the segment noted

- DF thinks Ninja Theory 'reached their goal'
- Praise the polish, presentation etc.

Obscure_Observer3h ago

Excellent work from Ninja Theory to get the Series X to finally flex it´s 12TF muscles to the max!

Thanks for the summary, @PrinceOfAnger.


PrinceOfAnger3h ago

After all 60fps is possible on series x with tweaking the graphics settings! :)

Lightning771h ago

They hate those facts very much lol.

darthv724h ago

If they achieved this level of quality their first time using UE5... I can't wait to see what their next game is going to look like.

PhillyDonJawn2h ago

Remember the trailer release and ppl didn't think it was insane footage cause it looked too good

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Ubisoft say AC Shadows protagonists will be "romantically attracted to different types of people"

Ubisoft recently shared more details about Assassin's Creed Shadows protagonists, confirming that both of them will romantically attract and be attracted to different types of people.

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Hugodastrevas17h ago

That should please everyone I'm sure...

RpgSama2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Feudal Japan DEI LGBTQ+ Samurai, sounds very accurate for the time period. Surely a decision made only with historical accuracy in mind.

Crows902h ago

Or even modern day accuracy.....

Lexreborn22h ago

You have no idea what you are talking about, bet you didn’t know nobunaga was bi-sexual. Or ran maru his is often depicted as androgynous was a “beautiful boy”.

So yeah, feudal Japan had tons of lgbtq and kawaii enough… A BLACK SAMURAI! All without the need of offending a Caucasian because the world is diverse.

VenomUK1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

This story has cracked me up so much! Bravo Ubisoft, bravo! 🤣. So last week everyone was upset that in the long-awaited first Assassin’s Creed: Japan game the protagonist is black. But NOW he is also LGBTQ+ ! It’s like the Ubisoft creative team sat around a table and said “How can we best impress our Kotaku/IGN/Polygon friends and antagonise gamers? Let’s make it woke x 100!’ And then they all silent clapped!

Just you wait until the Star Wars: Outlaws details come out, there better not be anybody complaining about Kay Vess’ dating preferences and the gay droid armies.

Christopher56m ago

It actually is.

Japanese were very Greek in their sexual experiences.

lodossrage53m ago

Lexreborn2 is right

Go read up on Japan's feudal era homosexuality and bisexuality was a very common thing in that time.

I just have to laugh because the same people complaining about this are the same ones crying about wanting "historical accuracy". When it's clear most of the whiners don't even know history themselves.

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CrimsonWing693h ago

Geezus, just make a good game… holy sh*t this is becoming insufferable.

Crows902h ago

Oh yeah!!!! What about being inclusive???

I'm sorry
..please replace the word inclusive with stupid.

Hofstaderman1h ago

You asking UbiSoft to make a good game? This is not 2002.

Hofstaderman1h ago

I take my hat off to you good sir. Brilliant.

Laskin59m ago

Thanks… I was originally going to write Samu-Bi but then I realized it was right there already so it works better

darthv722h ago

Is that genuinely a selling point for people?

RpgSama2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

They sure as hell want to see if it is, time and time and time again.

VincentVanBro2h ago

You have to understand they’re incapable of writing a good story so this is the best they could come up with

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Akuma Roars into Street Fighter 6 Today

The final character of the Street Fighter 6 year one DLC, Akuma, is now available to download on all formats.

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