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THC CELL (3) - 1560d ago Cancel
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Sony’s Quietness Is Not An Inflated Disaster

In essence, the claims that Sony is scared of Microsoft’s Xbox Series X is a ridiculous one. Anyone thinking both companies do not know what they have up their sleeves do not understand how businesses of such scale works.

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Community1560d ago
Jimboms1560d ago

They're just not as vocal as Microsoft, so what?

proudly_X1560d ago

You don't expect them to be. Empty cans make louder noise.

1560d ago
sprinterboy1560d ago

"Empty cans make louder noises"
Love it 😊

UltraNova1559d ago

Again, they'll break silence when they are good and ready. Why all the hurry?

poleerollee1559d ago (Edited 1559d ago )

there's nothing to say this time sony has an underpower console and we all know it. its all about price 599 XSX vs 499 PS5 I'm ready for both.

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Melankolis1560d ago

Actually, Sony was also quiet before PS4 launch. So quiet that many speculated Sony had a trouble designing PS4.

Kumakai1560d ago

Not like this. Not with cancellations, generalizations etc. we had tech demos, an idea of power, and upcoming demos at e3, gdc etc

MasterCornholio1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )


If I'm not mistake that was across several different events beginning with the PS4 reveal in February.

With that said I don't believe Sony will just release the console without unveiling it first. My suggestion is to wait until the official unveil and judge them based off the information that they release there.

mkis0071560d ago


For PS4 there wasn't a worldwide panic about a contagious virus.

Melankolis1559d ago

I should've written "before PS4 reveal" to be exact (i can't edit it) MasterCornholio was right.

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Fist4achin1560d ago

I'm patient and can wait. My backlog keeps me pretty busy these days...

I will be supporting all of the next gen consoles.

Kumakai1560d ago

As will I. Gen9 is gonna be great for consumers in general as ms is bringing more to the fight this time. Competition is a win for consumers and I’ll enjoy all of it.

King_Noctis1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

They used to be much more vocal. They used to have presence at almost all big gaming conventions.

It is not a disaster though. They can always pull out their own shows like a State Of Play and get everyone talking again. But as of now, they are being unusually quiet.

Sophisticated_Chap1560d ago

I agree, and this is especially weird since they absolutely killed it this generation with console sales. You would think that they would have some massive swagger going into the next generation, but we're not seeing it.

Kumakai1560d ago

They’re letting ms set all the messaging for gen 9

Knushwood Butt1559d ago

The consumer isn't interested in messaging.

Phil Spencer yaps every few days. I can't even remember what he said last week.

InUrFoxHole1559d ago

The consumer is very interested in messaging. Messaging is what allowed many of us to cancel day 1 preorders for the xb1.

yeahokwhatever1559d ago

"messaging" didnt kill xb1 pre-orders. microsoft making a bad console did that.

rainslacker1559d ago (Edited 1559d ago )

Apparently the messaging is that people are more interested in the state of Sony's intentions for PS5 than the actual specs of the XSX.

It baffles me how a somewhat full spec reveal, along with some decent key features drops off everyone's talking point in less than a day, and the news becomes dominated by what Sony needs to do next to beat MS, or more laughably, catch up to MS offerings, when Sony has been doing a lot of what MS is now doing for years, or decades before.

So, if MS is setting the messaging, they are setting it to people's interest in PS5. Which if Sony is doing this as a tactic, then it's pretty brilliant, because by the time Sony does announce, people will be chomping at the bit for the news itself. If Sony manages to quench all these rediculous things they supposedly need to do because they're going to do them, then it just makes them seem like they're ahead of the curve and know what people wanted....when in fact, they were probably doing it already anyways, because they're doing it now.

Oh well....lots of ifs in there.

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1559d ago Replies(1)
rainslacker1559d ago

That's probably a good thing for MS. When Sony was vocal being vocal, some may say arrogant, at the start of this gen, it wasn't really doing MS any favors.

What I've noticed though, is that when Sony does drop some news that will somehow be competitive in nature, they tend to wipe the floor with MS, and take away all their thunder, or just make MS look weak or bad by comparison.

I think some of that is the timing that Sony has had for these kinds of things this gen, and I think a lot of that is due to the new marketing company they started using at the start of this gen. They have been on the ball when it comes to all these major marketing points all generation.

Because of this, it's really hard to believe that anything going on with Sony's silence now has one iota to do with their reaction to MS and their talk. it seems more like Sony is just letting MS dig itself a hole, which Sony can then go and fill in later, or leave MS scrambling to react to whatever MS has to say.

Maybe that's not really what Sony is trying to do, and they just have a plan that they are executing on the time tables they lay out. But the end result makes it seem like Sony is being cool, while MS is scrambling to get as much attention as possible....although that latter point may be because MS likes to talk so much at every oppurtunity, especially after Sony says something, which makes them seem reactionary. This last release of info is the first time in a while they seem to be pro-active.

SugarSoSweet1559d ago

It's probably because they've the much weaker system..this time around and they know it....

1559d ago
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THC CELL1560d ago

Sony has a great poker face

RazzerRedux1560d ago

Pretty much. No idea why anyone thinks Sony should be in a rush to show their cards. Microsoft only has one more card to play: price. Sony has to have a pretty good idea what that is going to be now that the SX specs have been revealed. Sony has the luxury of making informed decisions at this point. They are playing it close to the vest, for sure.

Spurg1560d ago

Ermm..pretty sure spec for Sony has been finalized. Changing now would delay the console.

RazzerRedux1560d ago

Price hasn't been finalized though. As far as success in sales is concerned, price is probably the most important factor.

MasterCornholio1560d ago


Unless they already delayed the consoles release to upgrade the specifications.

But we really don't know what's happening.

Sophisticated_Chap1560d ago

Memory and SSD size are also some important specifications that need to be released. Price point will be very interesting this time, but I can't see Xbox being cheaper than Sony with the 12Tflop announcement. The other possible and more interesting announcement, in my opinion, will be the cheaper and lower powered Xbox console.

RazzerRedux1560d ago


"The other possible and more interesting announcement, in my opinion, will be the cheaper and lower powered Xbox console."

Which means Xbox will occupy the high and low end of consoles (assuming PS5 is 9TF) which is exactly how they are this gen. Sony owning the middle ground is going to play in their favor again, imo.

Sophisticated_Chap1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

@ Razzer

Quite possible indeed. Here's the thing though, Microsoft's lower end console, in terms of Tflop performance, could end up being the same as Sony's console, but without dedicated ray tracing cores, and that is something that could muddy the waters for consumers. This is why I'm actually more interested in seeing just what Microsoft does end up doing with the lower end console.

Conversely, they could come in with something similar to an RX 5500XT, which is a 5 Tflop GPU, that with architectural efficiencies, performs similar to the 6 Tflop RX 580 (Xbox One X). There are so many possibilities right now. Microsoft could even end up launching 3 consoles for all we know. I love the pre-next gen speculation, and trying to figure out what moves each company will make!

RazzerRedux1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

"Microsoft's lower end console, in terms of Tflop performance, could end up being the same as Sony's console"

Hmmm, I don't think they will do that. I think they want a truly cheap version. The 5500 XT could be a viable option. Or the rumors of a project xcloud streaming console could there as well. Yeah....lockhart is a big mystery right now. That's another card MS has to play that I forgot about.

InUrFoxHole1559d ago

Except MS is expected to release 2 consoles at the beginning of next gen. Sony is probably going to package in a launch game or 2 for free

rainslacker1559d ago (Edited 1559d ago )

I'd honestly see the X1X being their lower end if anything. It's already in the name for the series paradigm they seem to want to deliver. That would put it lower than the PS5, even if the lower rumors are to be believed. It'd also pretty much stall almost all game advancement beyond graphics for 3rd party games next gen. I don't think MS cares much about that though. They can market the higher end XSX as the most powerful, sell the cheaper X1X at a tidy profit and have something that can potentially outsell the regular PS5. Doesn't matter all that fancy new tech in the more expensive version will go to waste.

Maybe they have another new console though. Just seems like they'd be going overboard on what they're offering if they start to flood the market with a lot of options. Keep it simple, but adequate at a reasonable price, and over time, people will buy in when they're ready, and the price is right for them.

VariantAEC1555d ago


Last I checked those specs were all rumors not an official PS5 whitesheet from PlayStation.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1555d ago
sprinterboy1560d ago (Edited 1559d ago )

Sony: All In 🎉🏆
MS: 🤬

ocelot071559d ago

Sony could announce tomorrow that the ps5 will ship with a gold plated hdmi cable and the internet will explode with excitement and all the focus on what MS have said will shift towards Sony and Sony know this very well.

extermin8or1559d ago

All sony need todo is announce a price point that is reasonable and announce alongside it details of spiderman sequel. Don't even have to give a date. That alone would see consoles flying off the shelves nevermind any other exclusives etc. And microsoft has nothing that can compete with spiderman. One of the most popular superheroes....

KillBill1559d ago

Sony doesn't play poker. They play Pachinko... sitting on their chair in front of the machine just slightly adjusting the knob until it gets to the position they want... and then they stick toothpicks into the knob to freeze it at the point they want.

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1560d ago
Vithar1560d ago

i jsut want to see the damn console lol is that fucking space machine dev kit

SyntheticForm1560d ago


They don't need to lay out all their cards, but show us the console and controller or something.

AnubisG1560d ago

That is what I've been saying and I'm getting voted down to hell and back.

For some strange reason people think it's good that Sony is being quiet while MS keeps talking about their next gen console.

SyntheticForm1560d ago

@AnubisG Lot of bonkers people here, which is why I typically avoid discussions that have the potential to go off the rails and devolve into tribal nonsense.

I like talking about games and hardware and avoid anything to do with sales.

Son'y quietness has been described by some as masterful chess playing, and I just don't see it - I see a quiet Sony which is fine... though I still would like a little red meat at this point.

RazzerRedux1560d ago

"Son'y quietness has been described by some as masterful chess playing"

Nah.....that was last gen when Sony used everything Microsoft presented against them. This time they are being subtle, but there isn't going to be any huge gotcha moments. You'll have a console reveal with a price in line with the specs. Pretty straight-forward this time, I think. People are making way too much of it either way.

SyntheticForm1560d ago


I suppose what's subtlety to you is silence to me. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I think what Sony are doing (or not doing) is fine, but I think a little more drip would only excite people at this point.

I understand others feel differently and they may even prefer not knowing much until a month or two before launch. Me? I'd rather get a little drip right now.

The people who are feigning concern and arguing that this silence (or subtlety) is disastrous or just bad for Sony are being wholly disingenuous.

darthv721560d ago

Since Sony wont say anything... guess we have to rely on gamingbolt interviews from devs who proclaim the SSD and the controller are the next sliced bread. At least that is something.

RazzerRedux1560d ago

I agree with you. Call it being subtle or silent, doesn't matter in the end. No one is going to look back on this next year and say " was really brilliant/stupid revealing their console the first week of March instead of the last week in February". Personally, I'm like you and I would like them to go ahead and at least say when the big reveal will be. That will at least dampen some of the craziness going around here.......right?

dietis_h1560d ago

@anubis: they will show things when they're ready. there's games STILL coming out for the ps4.

i don't get the rush.

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SyntheticForm1560d ago

It's certainly not a disaster but we could use some news.

proudly_X1560d ago

You could get some from Sony's HQ

Rude-ro1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

I’ll take the award winning games that are coming over fluff any day of the week.

This “pretend” concern over a company that did not just skip an entire gen is beyond laughable.

1. Sony is consistent.
2. Sony innovates game engines.
3. Sony produces award winning games.

What “concerns” would anyone actually have with sonys info on next gen.., that Is not only at LEAST 7 months away.. butl also still has games coming out?

The Xbox one was revealed in May...
And yet looks at all these “concerned” articles because Microsoft said 12tflops(of which is a joke per gaming and a pr spin that their shill are suckling on)

Oh, and the new forward compatibility is now a free copy of cyberpunk.. 😂😂😂
It’s forward compatible... how is it free?
Or are Xbox gamers thinking it will be a completely different version?
Idiocy is grand.

SyntheticForm1560d ago

You did the grand tour when all I said was that I'd like to see a controller and console reveal or some news - that it'd be nice.

No need for console war or fanboy nonsense.

Rude-ro1560d ago

And yet you did not answer..

What would “news” do for you?

SyntheticForm1560d ago

You didn't ask that question and are just asking it now. Not sure why you're pretending that I dodged a question. Also, talk about shilling...

Now, what would news do for me? Why it would make me happy of course. I'd like any news, but I'd be happy with just console and controller aesthetics.

TFJWM1560d ago

Does some news now or two months from now really matter? If they don't announce anything till April is the timing of it really going to make a difference if you get it or not?

SyntheticForm1560d ago

You're all reading too far into what I've said.

I said I'd like news, but I also said that no news would be fine. I also said that Sony's current approach isn't disastrous. I'd simply like some news. That's it. Whether I get it now or later has no bearing on the purchase aspect.

The only difference is that I would know the facts sooner, and the sooner the better for me.

For Pete's sake.

rainslacker1559d ago

It matters to me. Mostly because I don't want to see this narrative that Sony is scared, or needs to match MS to succeed for the next two months. These past two days have been the most exciting news we've seen in months. Yet the actual news part of it has turned into a diatribe about what Sony needs to do next, or how they must be feeling pressure because MS made an announcement. Heck, some of those articles were up mere hours after MS made their announcement, as if Sony should jump on twitter the second MS posts something and react. I know that's the norm for Spencer, and I know these sites love him for it, but it's not the way Sony has conducted it's marketing this gen, so why would they start now?

TFJWM1560d ago

"It's certainly not a disaster but we could use some news."
"I said I'd like news, but I also said that no news would be fine."

Not reading into anything that your first quote didn't say. Your first quote says its not good just not a disaster and news would be of some use. If you meant to say your 2nd quote ok but that isn't what you said at first.

SyntheticForm1560d ago

How did we get from my "It's certainly not a disaster but we could use some news" to his

"I’ll take the award winning games that are coming over fluff any day of the week.

This “pretend” concern over a company that did not just skip an entire gen is beyond laughable.

1. Sony is consistent.
2. Sony innovates game engines.
3. Sony produces award winning games.

What “concerns” would anyone actually have with sonys info on next gen.., that Is not only at LEAST 7 months away.. butl also still has games coming out?

The Xbox one was revealed in May...
And yet looks at all these “concerned” articles because Microsoft said 12tflops(of which is a joke per gaming and a pr spin that their shill are suckling on)

Oh, and the new forward compatibility is now a free copy of cyberpunk.. 😂😂😂
It’s forward compatible... how is it free?
Or are Xbox gamers thinking it will be a completely different version?
Idiocy is grand."

Most of that has nothing to do with what I said and he realized that, which is why when I highlighted this with my "grand tour" comment, he responded with "What would news do for you?"

His original reply was totally disproportionate and highly irrelevant, frankly. From shilling, to Xbox, to Sony's consistency - none of it had anything to do with my comment calling for more news. He either mistook my excitement and hunger for PS5 news as a jab at Sony for being silent (not my intention at all) or he knew what he was doing and just wanted to rant. Either way his reply was poor.

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