
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is the Last Bastion of Sandbox RPGs

One of the strongest attributes of Morrowind is how quests intersect and can break; it punishes players for reckless, short-sighted choices.

MadLad1674d ago

Still consider it the best in the series by a large margin.

naruga1674d ago (Edited 1674d ago )

i fully agree ....and wasnt because its sandbox gameplay but because its superior surealistc art design that made it unique

1674d ago
Bismarn1674d ago

The best part of this game is that you could break it, and the developers accounted for that. The ability to kill the god who gives you quests to earn weapons to defeat the final boss, steal said weapons and take things into your own hands is one of the most genius things ever in gaming.

BlackIceJoe1674d ago

I really wish Bethesda would remake this game for the X1, PS4, Switch and PC, over the hundreds of Skyrim versions they continue to bring out. I know I'd buy it and I know other people would too.

RememberThe3571674d ago (Edited 1674d ago )

I'd love to actually a full remaster of Morrowind on next gen consoles with a few quality of life improvements. I used to watch a friend play it when we were kids but never actually picked it up myself.

BlackIceJoe1674d ago

I'd enjoy that and it could even be a launch game for the next Xbox and PlayStation too. Because we know it will be some time before the next Elder Scrolls game will come out, so why not get people hyped with a remake of a classic.

RememberThe3571673d ago

It's hard to really get a good read on Bethesda. Skyrim was such a huge success for them but how do they handle that going forward (not accounting for their other title). Would they want to water down Morrowind for a more broad player base or would they try to keep it a bit more hardcore and see how the audience reacts? There's clearly a large market for tough, grindy, deep, games, but is it large enough?

BlackIceJoe1673d ago

I'd be very disappointed if Bethesda watered it down. I spent more time in Morrowind than I did in Skyrim and I'd hate to see the game changed to make it more easy. Cliff Racers are super annoying and that made the challenge to kill them that much harder, plus fun, so I'd hate to see them changed.

I know the Fallout series is different to Elder Scrolls, but the change from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4 is huge and where I spent unholy amounts of time playing the game, I just couldn't get in to the forth game, like I did the third. Going from New Vegas to Fallout 4 is a huge letdown, so hopefully Bethesda wouldn't change Morrowind at all.

jznrpg1674d ago

One of my favorite games of all time if not my favorite! I love in the beginning of the game and a guy falls from the sky and splats kn the ground right in front of you. You loot his body and he has a jump potion and notes about his experiments . Love it !

timotim1674d ago

Happy to have this gem in my current collection on my X...in NATIVE 4K no less. Great game.

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babadivad112d ago

If they have Skyrim number one, list has lost all credibility.


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ApocalypseShadow358d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox357d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast357d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.