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Microsoft, This Is How You Blow Your PS3 Lead In Japan, Part II

From Kotaku:

"After waiting outside for the DSi, customers at the Bic Camera in Osaka's Namba were brought inside to wait some more. The light (line, typo @ Kotaku) snaked right past the Xbox 360 game display, giving customers ample opportunity to look at all those Japan-centric titles and look at...uh-oh... Like at the Akihabara Yodobashi Camera display, some demos were running, but some weren't for a very good reason. (RROD)

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power of Green 5686d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
rrod again in news?
Dmitry Orlov5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
sweettooth5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
NinjaRyu5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
ThanatosDMC5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
kotaku enough said.
Lucreto5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
himdeel5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
and so old
BLUR1115687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
This is nothing more than a rehashing of the same pointless story from a couple of weeks ago.
KingME5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
agreed... Kotaku is a flame bait whore...just trolling for hits
OC_MurphysLaw5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
rrod story, like we don't have enough already.
JasonXE5687d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Darkseider5687d ago

That the RRoD was a myth?

/end sarcasm

Pennywise5687d ago

Its not a myth, it is a thing of the past. It doesnt happen anymore. /s

chaosatom5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

Thank GOD it's in a container.


Hydrolex5687d ago

that's what scares me from buying one

solidsnakus5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

yea i wish the ps3 would of had more games after a year of having one so i didnt end up selling it yesterday. i dont even know what im gonna do with these 320$ but w/e ill just put em in the bank and id be better off than owning a ps3.


i know i was cause i really want to get into the home beta. ive been wanting to get in the beta ever since i bought my ps3 1 full year ago. i just got tired of waiting, i had gotten my hopes up with sony saying they would bring out home in the november qore issue and once again they backstabed us ps3 owners by giving it only to yearly subscribers. ive been on the edge of selling it already for some time because of the lack of games but this was just the final nail.

how long do you wait till you just give up? i know how the wii fanboys feel like now when their console just slaps them in the face. maybe im just losing intrest in gaming. times are changing, i actually have a playstation cap that i got sent to me by sony because i was a gap member on the forums just so you know.

honestly i havent even played a retail game on my ps3 since MGS4. all ive been playing is LBP beta and socom beta. i just cant see myself having the ps3 for another year knowing theres nothing in the future other than KZ2 which i also wanted to play this year but got delayed.

HighDefinition5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

Why do you keep saying that? When a few days ago you were BEGGING me for a HOME BETA code.


It`s cool if you feel that way. I just think it`s a bit irrational and I have a feeling you`ll regret it at somepoint.

Good luck.

ultimolu5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

But it is! o_o
/more sarcasm

Hydrolex: I feel the exact same way.

r2kcipher5687d ago

you'll regret selling your ps3 once the would economy collapses. and your left bargaining with the raiders for ur life.. while the man with your ps3 has traded it in for 2 ghoul slaves, 3 human slaves, and a minigun. everyone knows the outcasts will give anything. for such a valuable piece of technology, like the ps3..

Pennywise5687d ago

Solid you say it like we care. If you couldnt find more games than one to buy for your PS3 it is your fault.

IdleLeeSiuLung5687d ago

This must be one of them Xbox fanboy articles from kotaku /end sarcasm

solidsnakus5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

so its somehow my fault the only exclusive games ive boughten are uncharted and mgs4? those are the only games IMO that are worth buying. sony should start paying attention to its fanbase and either ramp up its gaming division or something because i would of loved to have 2 more games in there that id buy. hey i would of loved to play KZ2 and was one of the games i bought my ps3 in the first place, but it got delayed once again till who knows when. sony says febuary but im shure itll be delayed again. sony just treats us like shiit and knows all us fanboys are just going to bend over backwards for them anyways despite all their delays and fake release dates knowing its not coming anytime soon. and might i add that im not a playstation hater here,ive owned a ps1,ps2 and currently own a psp. ill shure as hell buy a ps4 some time after it comes out. i just really hope sony learns from their huge mistakes with the ps3.

HighDefinition5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

Sorry to say it but....Yes, that`s YOUR fault. There are WAAAAY more great games than that. Why those are the ONLY 2 you own is ridiculous, IMO.

INehalemEXI5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

First thing I thought this morning was should I trade in my wii or 360 so I can get some more of these holiday titles. I would never trade the PS3. The 360 was close to being traded since its cost me around $300 bucks so far paying for XBL Gold. I mean thats just crazy money for squat IMO cause I don't play it as often as PS3 or PC. I kept all my consoles but im still considering canceling XBL as I always am.

After that I wondered in thoughts of buying a PSeye for LBP. Or building my own sweet arse universal arcade stand for when SFIV ,T6 BR, and Blazblue drop. <- Putting a couple of these in a wood frame on a stand maybe. Sounds feasable but I digress.

Marojado5687d ago

Firstly, the 360 RROD is very rare these days, and for those unfortunate enough to experience it, you get a 3 year warranty so it's no biggie.

Secondly, there are more games than just Uncharted and MGS4 for the PS3, the "PS3 has no games" argument is pretty much outdated now as well.

Stop being pathetic.


LOL, the 360 is a elephant in quicksand

Pennywise5687d ago

Solid, I will humor the troll.... YES it is your fault. UC and MSG are very good games, but come on man... quit being so close minded. You are just trolling around saying there are no games when even the biggest 360 loyalist know there are. That argument died last holiday season.

SSHD, HVB, Everyday Shooter, Warhawk, Socom, Wipeout... Just to name a couple class A games.

Its not all about review numbers, children. It is about how much you enjoy games. Noone can put a number on my favorite game and try to sway me away from liking it. Everyone needs to grow up and quit relying on review numbers.

sirbigam5687d ago

Dam I just feel like slapping the sh#t out of solidsnakus with my ps3 controller, nobody cares bout yur rants!

aceitman5687d ago

its highest model ps3 60gig $600 in 2006 it includes the following free remote ,free online play,web browser, free wifi, a blueray player, hdmi output and memeory slots for pics and it can be used with psp .im still on my 1st one and four gamertags on it and all can go online for free .2years later i have not had to pay for anything else for my ps3 except for games.
now 360
its highest model 360 20gig $400 in 2005 it includes dvd player thats it . now for the things that you want its going to cost you its called microcharging here is the list of how much i spent to get my 360 to to get it as close to the ps3 features
wifi $99
live $50 a year from 2005 till now for 2 gamertags me and my sons $300
hd dvdplayer add on $200 which is now worthless
and $69 for a component cable to hdmi converter to get 1080p
not to mention that im on my 6th 360 due to the ring of death and im hopeing that gears 2 doesnt do it cause rumors are that it killed 8 360s at epic testing rooms
now to me the best investment i made since the launch of each system is the ps3 they got started on a rocky road but is now turning it around fan boys dont hate just add up everything you bought for the 360 and compare here is my math for what i bought .no tax included
ps3 since launch 2years ago $600. 60gig
360 since launch 3years ago $400. 20gig
wifi $ 99.
xbox live for 2 gamertags $300.
hd dvdplayer add on $200. which is worthless now
component to hdmi converter $ 69. which comes up to $1,068
the winner is the ps3 even if i add for just 1 gamertag on live its $918 and there is no more hd dvd to play on my 360

solidsnakus5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

"SSHD, HVB, Everyday Shooter, Warhawk, Socom, Wipeout"

i rented warhawk and didnt like it, its way too hectic and IMO its just a big ass mess getting shot from all sides, i call these games "quake games". you always die withought knowing what happend or having a chance to dodge. thats also the case with UT3 for ps3 i rented it but just didnt like it. from what i played in the socom beta ive had all i could. that game is just down right broken. yea i know its a beta but from the reviews it sounds like it was more of a demo. as for everything else you said those are all downloadable games. i see why you guys say that theres alot of games and its because you buy multiplats on ps3, but all my multiplats are bought on my 360 so all i get are exclusives for my may as well just be the circuimstances but for me theres just not enough content ps3 exclusive to keep me intrested.

the communication aspect of the ps3 is just so lackluster IMO. 2 years in and all we have is still text messages. i would of expected for at leased voice messages by now or even cross game private chat like the 360. and now that 360 has cross game 8 way chat it just raised the bar completely in terms of online gaming. why dosent sony listen to its customers? its taken them this long to implement in-game xmb and trophies i wonder if theyll ever get around to putting in voice messages.

"and $69 for a component cable to hdmi converter to get 1080p"
really??? honestly??? you payed 70$ for that??! i have a component connection on my 360 to tv and it runs 1080p perfectly...

littletad5687d ago

What's with the ganging up on Solidus? So the guy mentioned his gripe with the ps3, well guess what? Alot of people don't have this trouble. I didn't have a single game to play for the ps3 when I bought it except for Resistance. There was just... nothing. That's a fact, so quit trying pump out average games as "quality" games worthy of shelling out $60 bucks for. Quality titles like MGS4 and LBP took a heck of a long time to come out, and yes they were worth it but it's still just a handle of really great games worth spending your hard earned money on. I only have LBP, Ratchet, and Resistance. Oh and MGS4 :). The only other quality game I know of is Warhawk, and my cousin owns that one. He's still waiting for GOW3 and Killzone 2. And that seems to be expected of a ps3 owner, the waiting game.

Oh and I could never really get into the Socom games, but I'll give it a shot.

Xelai5687d ago

Hey a Kotaku 100% pro 360 article!! Ooops, it is not...
And oh well, funny how you see more PS3 fanboys in this articles than on their own ones.
Show three red lights and all Sony fanboys come to the lights just as flies hehehe.

And check out the agrees and disagrees, N4G should really change its name to something more "real" N4PSG or something like that.

pain777pas5687d ago

Solidsnakus I feel your pain. Yet think that your crazy!!!!!!! Fable 1 was not good enough for me to get excited for Fable 2. Gears 1 while its great i didn't like the game that much I liked the graphics. Same with Mass Effect. Those are the reasons to get a 360. Yes DLC but I don't pay for stuff like that actually I want the industry to stop that as far as levels are concerned. Skins or full games fine but not more levels. Include them at retail please! I have found that this whole 360 is so much better is a farce and I don't know why people are buying into it I don't like what they have to offer I am old school so sonic and streets of rage 2 plus SF2 and MK were great downloads but come on! Is that it? I did not like GRAW that came with my system never beat it. Liked ridge racer but paled in comparison to the PSP game as far as quality. Oblivion saved the system for me so when you talk about launch games 360 sucked majorly. It took them a few months to get going and then I thought I was happy but then I felt duped so many hidden costs and then RROD was the last draw. I said forget it I don't even know if I have my invoice to claim warranty again. So I switched found a PS3 60gig used and never looked back and game hard on that system hasn't broken down yet. I love the PS3 fun exclusives that hearken to gamings past but are next gen like LBP,uncharted and Ratchet. I love the PS3 I play great PS2 games as well when the PS3 well runs dry. I cannot emphasize enough though that BC is the secret sauce for the PS3.

ThanatosDMC5687d ago

Well, i guess you need to play more by yourself or with a friend with Warhawk.

It's not a noob friendly skies kinda game. All Warhawk players have suffered early deaths till the game clicked and got their own kills.

I for one usually rank 1st or second on either team with the most kills on a Warhawk. I dont rank high if their are people that are turtle whores (flag defenders that get score high for killing flag carriers).

I can easily win fights against two warhawks... 4 on 1 is another story. Dodging is tricky. But ones you learn it, it's flying missiles is a walk in the park and using chaff is only for emergencies.

I actually want for them to patch up the game to increase the amount of people in the game. It'll be MORE FUN!!!

LeonSKennedy4Life5687d ago

N4G Resistance 2 clan!

Join now!

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La Chance5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

Im going to be honest...Kotaku are 360 biased 100%.Used to think it was just paranoia from PS3 fanboys.

on topic : even with RROD the 360 is outselling the ps3 in Japan...thats scary...

@oner : yeah theyre playing with the words.

Oner5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

You are correct in the first part of your comment. But the funny thing is (which confirms your Kotaku bias comment) even with this being an RROD article how does Kotaku explain the use of their headline? I left the title as it is from Kotaku but there is no truth behind the 360 ever having a lead over the PS3 in Japan...
PS3 - 2+ Million

360 - 800 Thousand or so

And 8 weeks of only around 30,000 consoles changes absolutely nothing for the YTD numbers!

PS3 - 689,482

360 - 212,785

Why o why5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

why are u here La Chance


to his credit he has 'calmed down' on the fboy thing. hes even admitted something that we ALL knew and not many fboys have the balls or thought process to do that

Jamie Foxx5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

in overall sales in japan its wii,ps3 then with not even a million sales the 360

lachance people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones its so hilarious seeing you use the word fanboy when you are one of the biggest 360 fanboys on N4G

HighDefinition5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

No he hasn`t.

(both zones)

Heres one.

"PS3 games to look out for ? Bah ! who cares , they'll all be disappointing like the much hyped Resistance 2 or flop badly like LBP. Anyway half of them will end on 360"

Danja5687d ago

and the funny thing is , the 360 has sold about 3ok in the last 8 weeks, and the PS3 can easily sell that amount in one day...

all those weeks of 360 selling just a measily 3k over the PS3 will look like a fluke

La Chance5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

Jamie Foxx , High Definition and Why O Why trying to act like they arent fanboys LOOL.

Especially High Defintion...

If I was kissing Sony's azz all year long like High Definition for instance I would be called unbiased...

Im not going to add anything else , you guys are funny individuals.

HighDefinition5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

I`m completely biased towards Sony, I`m the 1st to admit that. Which nothing is wrong about that, I`m just honest about my preference. The difference between me and you is I NEVER "mindlessly" attack the 360. You just say things that are plain STUPID.

The only reason you don`t like me more than them, is cause I rip apart your ridiculous comments at will.

La Chance5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

"The only reason you don`t like me more than them, is cause I rip apart your ridiculous comments at will."


And btw I dont have dislike for anyone on N4G, geez , all this is just fun , maybe you're taking it too seriously.
Look at you guys , acting like I hurt your family or something.

And of course anything not in Sonys favor is plain stupid duh !
For instance for you guys EACH AND EVERY SINGLE reviewer who didnt give Resistance 2 at least 9/10 is either a monkey/idiot/moron/bribed etc.

I'm out.

(I'll respond tomorrow if yo respond to my post)

P.S : please "rip" this "ridiculous" comment too LOL.

HighDefinition5687d ago (Edited 5687d ago )

"And of course anything not in Sonys favor is plain stupid duh !
For instance for you guys EACH AND EVERY SINGLE reviewer who didnt give Resistance 2 at least 9/10 is either a monkey/idiot/moron/bribed etc."

Wow, Gamedaily is MONKEYS, didn`t you know.

Why o why5687d ago

oh how i was wrong about ya. I'd even gone as far as to stick my neck out for ya and you bite like you bite sony for bringing hardcore to gaming. Nobody dislikes you and you've never been on my ignore list so maybe ur taking urself too seriously. U see when u mention fanboys it does make u sound like a hypocrite and its the reason i try not to use that term because i can acknowledge that i may type fanboyish things and have a bit of a laugh and that but im nowhere near ur level. Did HD just really quote you??? Did you really type that sh!t. LOL.

FCC5687d ago

N4G hypocrisy

Yes, Kotaku hates the PS3, who doesn't? :P /sarcasm.


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Hiruma Youchi5687d ago

Thats not a good look . Microsoft yall done did Effed up on that RROD ishh yall hear it from me . real talk

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