
Zelda Breath of the Wild VR update good news for Switch, bad news for Xbox?

NINTENDO news this week includes a big update for Zelda Breath of the Wild fans, which could put the Switch console ahead of Microsoft’s Xbox One even further.

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Literal_Cringe1887d ago
1885d ago Replies(2)
rainslacker1885d ago

I hear it's bad for Stouffers toaster strudels too. But the pastry bias in the game media never highlights the total and utterly unfair treatment about the topic.

Kabaneri1885d ago

Stouffers lasagna is the bomb.

rainslacker1885d ago

I actually really like Marie Callandar's family size one. It's about as close to homemade as I've found.:)

Although we're getting way off topic now....but I suppose what we're talking about is more interesting than if this is bad news for Xbox.

DrumBeat1885d ago

Stouffer's classic mac and cheese is a once a month deal for me. The way the cheese gets all chewy around the edge. So good.

blacktiger1885d ago

I agree xbox to this day still doesn't support VR and Switch does?

RosweeSon1885d ago

Xbox doesn’t support games let alone VR Worry about basics first, hey ho there’s always next Gen.

wonderfulmonkeyman1886d ago

Still not impressed, just like I am with every form of VR thus far.
Get back to me when we have VR we can control with thoughts.[not that far off, believe it or not]

ApocalypseShadow1886d ago

Yeah. Like 10-20 years if even that. Have fun waiting. If it's even accurate. To the waiters

And even then, that's worse than

"Pew! Pew! Pew!"

Where's the buttons? Where's the interactivity? Maybe if I'm paralyzed.

wonderfulmonkeyman1885d ago

A cartoon exaggeration doesn't prove any valid point; VR, as it is now, is naught but first-person camera helmets.
Not everyone is so easily-impressed, let alone more immersed, by nausea-inducing swivel controllers operated by one's neck.
The wait for the next step will be worth it, and 10 years minimum is not that long a wait at all for tech advanced enough to let us feel virtual objects, at the very least.

Current-gen VR is vastly overrated.

IanTH1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

Well, this is perhaps the worst iteration of VR, so I would be very confused if it was something that managed to change your mind on VR lol.

It is Google Cardboard with a larger screen and lower resolution than any phone. It has no tracked controllers. It relies entirely on gyroscope. It has no head strap...you have to hold it up to your face. This experience is going to be kind of a fun gimmick, but it is going to be a pretty poor representation of VR overall. I hope they manage to get the framerate up there at least - I feel like a lot of people are going to get really uncomfortable when using this.

jaymacx1886d ago

Maybe Nintendo is using Labo (cardboard) to cheaply test the waters for VR and could lead to a full blown experience down the line. The more people to experience it , the more that will want to see more.
Sony has done a great job with PSVR and I cannot wait to see how it grows on PS5.

froy4021886d ago

Sounds about right, might even turn people off about VR entirely.

Zeldafan641885d ago

You don't know if there will be a headstrap added yet.

Dom_Estos1885d ago

Not impressed with current VR and wants to control it via thoughts? LOL, you absolute joker.

Talk more bollocks!

rainslacker1885d ago

I doubt my thoughts will be that coherent when mind control becomes available to the public. Plus, considering how long it takes for technology to catch up to theory, I dont want to wear a controller that looks like something made by doc brown in back to the future.

wonderfulmonkeyman1885d ago

I doubt it will be picking up anything more complicated than neural impulses for motor controls; you imagine wanting to look down at your hand, for instance, as a reflex and not an active constant thought, and the VR unit will detect those impulses, which will make your character and viewpoint do them.
You want to walk forward, the character will detect the impulses that would normally control your walking, and your character will do it.

It probably won't even take that long; we've already got bionic arms that can detect brainwaves and move their fingers, joint by joint, almost as well as a normal hand would.
Some are planning to make these available to the disabled in the near future, too.

People underestimate how close we really are to this sort of stuff; it'll be on-market long before any of us currently-30-somethings turn old and grey.

rainslacker1885d ago

If it comes then I'm open to it. I was just making a joke, but I think consumer level stuff may be a bit further away. But, sometimes technology can advance rapidly. LED technology blew up so fast that prices went from thousands of dollars per display, down to a few hundred for a much nicer and denser display.

1885d ago
KickSpinFilter1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

This gen VR is drastically better than the mid 90's "Cafe" Booth VR. It's actually very impressive and only is going to get better with each iteration. So Glad I jump in now, it's been fun. Not so sure about Nintendo's version. but PSVR/HTC/Oculus been pretty great.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1885d ago
ApocalypseShadow1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

This goes to show that Nintendo is willing to combat a possible competitor in the Oculus Quest and get their feet wet in learning about what works in VR and what doesn't while making it fun. Even after the failed WiiU, they're still doing the console thing.

Microsoft on the other hand is a near trillion dollar company. But can't lift a finger to make or port any games to help the 7+ Windows headsets on PC like Forza or Halo, backed out in delivering VR for consoles after misleading gamers to buy an Xbox One X. No wonder they are not considered a console gaming company. More about subscriptions and removing ownership than moving gaming forward.

UltraNova1886d ago

Its not about how big or how rich they are, its about creative vision, or lack thereof - its about corporate intentions and fiscal year earnings. Respecting and giving back to your fans costs time and money. That's strictly prohibited.

To be frank I don't blame MS, they got too big of a conglomerate to care, that's the reality. Fortunately, Nintendo and Sony are still depended on our goodwill which they actively try to keep nurtured by doing things the way we actually want them to.

shadowraiden1886d ago

but microsoft are pushing VR just dont see the point for console VR right now. they are the ones who provide the technology for all the window's mixed reality headsets on PC. they have also showcased some pretty crazy tech a few years ago that looked downright something out of sci fi with augmented reality but again console just isnt the place for VR or AR at all right now. i have an Oculus,Vive and PSVR due to being a vr developer and the PSVR is by far the worst like omg its barely an upgrade over playstation move. now the one if your looking forward to VR as a whole is Valve and the Index they have teased to be shown in May. Valve still has by far the best motion tracking systems in the industry and the Index will be using new Knuckle controllers that actual have pressure sensitivity so you can actually squeeze your hand and your hand in game will squeeze its some amazing technology.

UltraNova1886d ago

MS develops the VR API to keep the growing PC VR scene under control by not allowing other VR APIs break scene, not because they care about VR gaming. Their AR stuff is pushed towards industrial and medical applications. Show me where MS is actively pushing gaming VR... As for console VR and PSVR more specifically, Sony did what they could with the power available to them for now and kudos to them for trying it and supporting it the way they have. Everything needs to start somewhere and v1.0 its just that, the first step. Where's MS's v1.0 for Xbox one X? Hell, they could of at least allowed for 3rd party HMD support...they even promised console VR a while back.

SpineSaw1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

"Its not about how big or how rich they are, its about creative vision".

You are absolutely right about this and with this said Microsoft has absolutely no creative vision about anything in gaming. Their first party developers can't make good high quality games that gamers want to purchase and play, they have no idea how to make a game that actually works on release. So Something as high tech as VR is completely out of the question and their thought process as they don't understand it at all. The only way VR comes to Xbox is if they can buy it or get it through their first option and steal it and that's the only way. Gaming would be much better off with Microsoft out of it. Maybe they could make 3rd party controllers for the real gaming platforms they seem to want to make controllers but as far as making games and running a platform....complete garbage and a total waste of time and gamers money.

Godmars2901885d ago

MS can't claim or put themselves into a position where they "lead" an industry aspect, or be called innovating it. Its that "simple".

Or, otherwise know, its all sour grapes. First there was Kinect which was unfinished tech they pushed too hard and took the XB1 with it when it fell. Then there was AR, which they also pushed to excess even it was also not ready but overly expensive as well. Its also something they don't talk while continuing to insist that VR is passe.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1885d ago
IanTH1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

I'm all for Nintendo putting their toe in the water, but that's all this is. I'm not trying to sound dismissive of them, or combative towards you, but simply to paint Labo VR in the most realistic light so people know what to expect going in.

That said, this is in no way, shape, or form, a potential competitor to Quest. Labo VR is most closely related to Google Cardboard. And, truthfully, a worse version given what Switch has to work with. Its screen is comparably huge with a very low resolution so the PPI on it is going to be abysmal. It is tracked solely by gyroscope, so only 3DoF movement. It has no tracked controllers. These things completely remove it from comparison to Quest. It is, at most, in competition with Go/GearVR, and it really isn't even then.

Not to mention you have to hold this thing up to your face and control it there while you hold it - this is going to be a physically uncomfortable experience. And given Zelda on Switch struggles to maintain 30fps, what in the heck is it going to run at in VR? I think it might be a kind of neat gimmick, but I think it is ultimately going to be Google Cardboard with better quality games and, sadly, better nothing else.

ApocalypseShadow1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

True. But Nintendo isn't competing with Google Cardboard. Oculus Quest is rumored to release between now and June. And John Carmack point blank said that Quest may be a competitor to Switch because of the mobile ability and quick sharing of fun.

Nintendo is dipping their toes and cutting Facebook off at the pass. It's highly interesting that they are releasing Labo right near Quest release. As if to combat it. Cardboard has been around for years. I used it with my Nexus 7 to get ready for VR. Then bought a PSVR. My next jump will be Quest and PSVR 2.

Dom_Estos1885d ago

Yeah, spot on with the trillion dollar comment. Same goes with companies like EA. They have bottomless pockets, but are doing next to nothing in regards to the resources they have to further VR. After having just seen what Brandon from Node is doing with a game called "Boneworks" he's absolutely putting these maga companies to shame by pushing the envelope in what's possible in not just VR, but in games in general. You can't help but come away from watching that and thinking there is no way that anyone can tell you that VR is not the future of this industry. It's mind blowing.

ThinkThink1885d ago

Just because MS is a trillion dollar company, doesn't mean that they have to invest in console VR. If Xbox fans were clamoring for VR, MS would pivot to capitalize on it. The fact that VR reception has been lukewarm at best, just proves that it's not ready for primetime just yet. VR has been around for 20+ years and will be around for 20+ more. Of course, you need to start somewhere, but I think we started a generation too early with console VR. I like that MS if going down a different path with Mixed Reality and I don't see any harm with them sitting out on Console VR until it gets to the point where it's more compact and completely wireless. Besides, MS is working on their 1st party comeback, so laser focus on their console games is paramount as they try and position themselves for success next gen. Basically, MS should stay out of mobile and VR games until the time is right for them.

Dom_Estos1885d ago

"Just because MS is a trillion dollar company, doesn't mean that they have to invest in console VR"

Oh, fair enough. Sony and even Nintendo will be waving cheerio as they leave them in the rear view mirror next gen...again. Whether you, them, or anyone else, wants to admit it, VR will have a massive bearing on the future of the industry as a whole.

rob-GP1886d ago

Whereas I'd love to agree, I can't help but think this Labo VR is purely a gimmick and nothing more. Have you seen the device? Due to the gyroscopes being within the Joycons, and not the screen, you have to hold the device up against your eyes at all times. This will lead to arm strain and it being very uncomfortable after about 10-15 minutes or use.

also, you could create a custom strap so that you can hold the joycons as normal, but then you have the issue that movements are done via your hands and not your head - basically, prepare to throw up almost instantly.

People are saying the whole of Zelda will be in VR - well, first of all, it's over the shoulder viewing of the game, not full-on VR - secondly, with this setup, you won't last more than about 30 minutes within the 100+ hour game before you have to stop.

Finally, the elephant in the room - the resolution. Now, at the very most, the screen can offer a 640x720 per eye resolution, but the game has to be 60-90fps to avoid motion sickness (the higher the better if they are marketing it as a device for young children - even though under 12s shouldn't be using VR). Zelda barely stays at 30fps in a lot of places and Mario is a nice 60 at 720p, with the cutscenes at 640x720 already. So, this means the resolution will most likely have to be dropped even further on both games in order to provide a stable framerate.

TL;DR, the switch isn't powerful enough to provide decent VR, nor is the Labo kit a good replacement for an actual headset with its own tracking and hardware. It will be used by many yet it won't hold a candle to other products out there, even the mobile phone VR kits you can pick up cheap. So, I don't think MS will be worried about this 'toy' when it comes out, they should be more worried about being very late to the party with the PSVR now hitting over 4.5m owners.

septemberindecember1886d ago

I thought the gyro was only in the joycons too, but after further research it seems the tablet has gyro as well. This is based off of patents and Nintendo's own website for the console.

Resolution will be a big factor though. Still, the product is only $40, which isn't a bad entry fee.

rob-GP1886d ago

Interesting. I thought that was why you're forced to hold it on your face like the virtual boy

ApocalypseShadow1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

I was looking at VR content with Google Cardboard and a Nexus 7 2013 before getting PSVR. It's not as bad as it sounds. Never got nausea.

We'll just have to wait for the reviews on Labo.

KickSpinFilter1885d ago

Google Cardboard was awful, PSVR on the other hand is pretty dope, Nintindo's is going to be closer to a Google CB experience than a PSVR one.

1885d ago Replies(2)
IanTH1884d ago

I just wanted to add, in terms of the "3rd person not VR" discussion, we have games like Chronos and Hellblade in VR, and they are excellent implementations. I don't think requiring the player to be some larger, outside entity is necessary for it to be "true VR", or any such designation.

That said, our posts are very similar in our reasoning to be skeptical of Labo VR, so no surprise I agree that Zelda's VR implementation is not going to impress or, at worst, cause discomfort while potentially poisoning the VR well a little bit.

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