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Video Games Are for Everyone And so Should Sekiro

With so many different takes floating around regarding Sekiro, let's take a deep dive into why having more accessibility is always a good thing in games, especially for challenging ones.

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Community1885d ago
Juusterey1885d ago

Not all games are for all people.

PiNkFaIrYbOi1885d ago

Yep, there is also personal preference on what type of games you like and ones that you don't like.

bouzebbal1885d ago

Haha omg... I wanna leave this planet I'm done

Sono4211885d ago

I'm seriously gonna stay away from N4G for a week or two, we are just getting bombarded with articles like these, they are so boring and say the same thing just worded differently. I want news not all of this garbage, i'm out see you in 1-2 weeks.

DaReapa1885d ago

These Sekiro difficulty articles have become the battle royal games of journalism.

starchild1885d ago

Yes, but third person games should offer first person perspectives for gamers that prefer first person, and vice versa. Easy games need to offer a hardcore difficulty mode that's well balanced and deep for gamers that prefer it.

Where does it end?

Babadook71885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

“Video Games Are for Everyone And so Should Sekiro”

Yep. Get gud people!

RedDevils1885d ago

This type of nonsense article remind me of crossplay bs.

ravinash1884d ago (Edited 1884d ago )

About games being for everyone..

No one would ever say all movies are for everyone.
In fact there are good arguments to say the opposite.
Games, like movies, novels, paintings... is art. You can't make something that will make everyone happy.
In fact when ever your see examples where people have tried to make something that appeals to everyone, usually ends up the most boring lifeless crap that no one wants to waste their time on.

Art is the communication of ideas... if you take all the messages out of it, then what are you left with?
The difficulty of soul games is part of what makes them what they are.

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harmny1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

Exactly. Epic game store exclusives are not for crybabies. I don't know why they keep whining

Nitrowolf21885d ago

That’s a completely different issue.....

Wolffenblitz1885d ago


He's trolling. it's pretty obvious why people are saying it's bad that the EGS is holding games hostage.

Tross1885d ago

@Juusterey I’m not sure how that’s a hard concept for people to grasp, but apparently it is or we wouldn’t keep seeing these articles.

rainslacker1885d ago

People grasp the concept. They still want an easier mode. I think as it is now though, it's more the media capitalizing on a hot topic, fly by night issue, which will be forgotten in a week or two like almost everything else is, just like this same issue has in the past.

1885d ago
Silly Mammo1885d ago

Why is this From Software game the game that seems to be getting the most traction about an easy mode? It's certainly not their first game that was difficult. Does Sekiro have such mainstream appeal? I'm not a hardcore fan of this genre, but I did think Bloodborne and DS3 were fantastic games. But I realized going into these games that they would be hard and felt theextreme satisfaction of beating them.

krauley1885d ago

Because there are more entitled shits than ever before, thats why. oh and if you dont like it fuck off!

DrumBeat1885d ago

Because Sekiro is a ninja guy and everyone wants to be a sweet ninja! The only problem is, well, it's too harrdddddd. 😭

nitus101885d ago


Crude, rude and definitely to the point. 😊

pitythefool1885d ago

Because From Software games score really well, pretty much all these complaints could be applied to The Surge, a game scorning in the 70’s and ...... crickets.

People think they’re missing out and get bruised egos when they can’t beat them.

rainslacker1884d ago

The souls games in general have gained a pretty positive reputation with each one, and the bloodborne being so highly rated, its caused more people to pay attention. If more are asking, it's probably because more people who aren't familiar with the fact they're considered hard, or require heavily on learning the mechanics and timings, that they end up not being able to play them in the normal form, thus they ask for it to be easier.

As far as the numerous topics on the article, its nothing new, but with it getting so much attention this time, every journalist feels the need to add their own opinion piece, which keeps the discussion going. I think most of us around here have pretty much said what we have to say about it, but like most things, we get to repeat it with each new article.

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MajorLazer1885d ago

For fuck sake! Where does it stop if such a thing is implemented? Have the game be played automatically and the gamer just watches so that it can make it accesible for literally everyone?

notachance1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

nah it still wouldnt be accesible for blind people

MajorLazer1884d ago


Detroit's gameplay is literally that. That was how the creator wanted it, and that's how he made it because it's his vision at the end of the day and you gotta respect that

Seraphim1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

that was my first thought when reading the headline.

Video games are for everyone but yes, not all video games are for everyone.

hiawa231885d ago

And that should be determined by each gamer based on the options devs provide them for enjoying their games which may differ from how you enjoy and play your games.

rainslacker1884d ago (Edited 1884d ago )

So people aren't allowed to ask for an easy mode? What's wrong with asking? Most aren't demanding, nor would demanding really make much difference. No one is saying the dev needs to remove what's there, just add to it. Dont we do this on a daily basis? Aren't there those who are now saying fit gud whi often say that some company absolutely has to do something while spouting disdain towards said company? The only difference here is that those asking aren't trying to put down the dev.

DrumBeat1885d ago

Agreed. Can't hack it? Keep trying til you do, or don't play it. You lazy, corner cutting crybabies aren't getting your diaper mode. Not going to happen.

Learn the game, learn the patterns, and up your reflexes. FromSoftware isn't going to coddle you.

zugdar1885d ago

Agreed. Just like some movies and shows target a particular audience. I'm not sure how this is so hard for people to get on board with.

sKiiTs81884d ago

i get that, but say there was an easy mode, what difference does it make? do you think it'll harm the community? it might, so i understand the debate on both sides.

wolf5811884d ago lets ask Ferrari to make cheaper cars so anyone can afford one ahaaahaaaa

savedsynner1884d ago (Edited 1884d ago )

Exactly. That's like saying a restaurant needs to serve all kinds of food, and not be casual or fine dining. Or professional football should allow all people to play regardless of physical capability. From makes a product, and that product appeals to certain types of gamers. If you don't like it....don't play it. Now, you could argue from a business perspective From's games should be more widespread appealing but that's not the argument he makes. It's just another snowflake whining about equal outcome vs equal opportunity.

Reefskye1884d ago

Maybe not but the more people can play your game the more sales you get, the death of games like quake and unreal tournament prove this, its why games like fornite are so successful easy to get in too and to get kills. Where as harder more skilled based games that require alot of practise to be half decent don't sell anymore. Why loot shooters and MMOs drop gear for fun these days and not like they use to quick easy feeling of achievement. Gaming is main stream now for the masses, games will never be as hard as they once where

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Adexus1885d ago

Why does a game or any other type of entertainment have to cater to everyone? If it's not for you then don't play, or watch it.

Atom6661885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

It doesn't, and it can't. But we see disability accommodations for most types of entertainment. Other forms of media try to be accommodating more than games too.

The current discussion is about gamers with disabilities being unable to enjoy a game due to their limitations. As a community, we should be getting behind saying that all games should be "for you" regardless of your physical or mental disability.

ArchangelMike1885d ago

Oh right, so lets go crap on devs for not making VR games accessible for the sight impaired and blind gamers.


Atom6661885d ago

Who's crapping on devs? The discussion (on the one side at least) has been quite respectful, and has aimed at opening the discussion up to a different perspective of this debate.

Do you scream at people using CC on movies and TV: "git gud at hearing!" Do you cry about the artistic vision of a concert when they offer ASL translators at a show?

Well maybe you do...but as someone who grew up with cheat codes, "God mode", debug modes, etc., I don't think the gaming industry would crumble by listening to well-reasoned feedback from a part of the gaming community and throwing them a bone.

The Wood1885d ago

that bone would be a notice akin to an age restriction notice to tell the consumer the game is effin hard or not for the brittle. Imagine artists be it music or film makers having to cater for everyone or dumbing down their movies for those who find their movies hard to digest. No way mate. Let the provider focus on their product and be true to their vision. This is getting ridiculous.

Atom6661885d ago

Or just throw some cheat codes on there. What does that hurt?

It's not about age or not understanding the product. This particular discussion is about people who physically cannot play some games and want the devs to consider them.

I'm sure the vision of the new Avengers movie is to have some of the best sound design of any Marvel movie. Some people will enjoy it without hearing it at all...because they can't. I would love to see the director come out and say "No CC! It's not our vision!!"

So I'm sorry, I support their efforts on this game and others. Because it's a SP game, these accomodations make more sense. It doesn't hurt the product to think of ways to accommodate some people who still want to enjoy a game despite their disabilities.

Some of the best games ever made have allowed cheats and mods. Maybe it's time more devs realize how that simple addition helped people in ways they may not have realized.

ZombieGamerMan1885d ago Okay tell that guy how he needs an easy mode to play Sekiro

antz11041885d ago

That's a garbage argument. The core of the issue has nothing to do with accessibility. At the end of the day it's about gamers whining that Sekiro is too hard, they're not getting an easy mode, and now they're hiding behind a banner of disabled individuals who they don't care about to push their issue. It's pretty pathetic.

Atom6661885d ago

2 different groups antz. Look at the article for more links.

OB1Biker1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

Its an excuse to thicken the journalists controversy. Accessibility is welcome in any game but has nothing to do with easy modes. Its different. Accessibility is more like the Ms controller or specific remapping or keyboards etc

Its not gamers whining. Its journalists. Many gamers just follow the bait
The funny part is they end up saying gamers are crying or outraged by easy modes while its the exact oposite. They are making up an outrage against games with no easy mode and gamers who dont want to force DS games to change.

ArchangelMike1885d ago

You're missing the point. Not all disabilities can be accommodated for unfortunately. It would require a different game as a whole and completely different control schemes. You would need to design the game specifically to cater for the various disabilities, which maybe beyond the scope of many devs.

KwietStorm_BLM1885d ago

If it's about gamers with disabilities, why is it always From Software games that get these corny ass articles littering the internet? If it's disabilities, it's literally every game ever made. But it's not. It's yet another Sekiro article. Much ado about nothing.

NXFather1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

That what Twitch for. Just get yo controller and mash da buttons.

Also Youtube.

Atom6661885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

I would encourage some of you guys to read the piece submitted by Cherry Thompson

Or follow people like Steven Spohn on Twitter.

Not everything is black and white. Some are pushing this conversation for very good reasons, and not just because the guy at Forbes sucks at games.

A game like Sekiro is going to be modded on PC in a number of ways, yet From's "vision" will remain the same. Button mapping will be performed on all platforms, yet the "vision" remains.

The dismissiveness some of you guys are showing is pretty low.

OB1Biker1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

You talk about 'dismissiveness' but you and this article are missing the point and actually dissmissing it.
Accessibility for gamers with disability are nd difficulty scaling are very different things.
You know well these journalist are singling out DS games. OK?
Accessibility for gamers with disability should be a concern for every game. OK?
There's an obvious hypocrisy here that you should see plain as it is.
If you want to champion accessibility then it doesn't make sense to focus on games which are specifically made to be Difficult.
Accessibility is not meant to lower the difficulty. It's to make all games accessible and therefore make difficult games accessible for anyone who want to experience difficult games because if those games aren't difficult then they just lose most of their hook.
Its a false pretence to attack DS for their difficulty. It's what they are. Difficult games.
Make difficult games accessible is a good intend but they need remain difficult and it's in their design.
An easy mode is completely different and should not be forced to developers. In other times it would be called harassment and entitlement.

The Wood1885d ago

Lol. Never seen this type of crying for an easy mode on super meat boy or many of the countless hard games over the years. Look mate. . . Some games are not meant for everyone. Part of their charm is down to their difficulty. Is it unfair I can't buy a Ferrari because of my height and lack of finance. . . .c'mon

shadowraiden1885d ago

please dont bring up the disability as an excuse. when there is now people with disabilities showcasing them beating sekiro with there mouth etc.

for example this guy doesnt even cheese and make the fight easier and hes a quadriplegic.

UltraNova1885d ago

The wood,

Man lets do it, lets start a "Make Ferraris accessible" movement. Common dude lets cry our asses out for it!

Atom6661884d ago

The reason Sekiro is being brought up in the accessibility discussions is because of the able-bodied journalists and players calling for an easy mode for other reasons.

In response to the "git gud" crowd that pops up to rebut them, advocates began to speak out and say: "some of us ask for difficulty adjustments for very valid reasons." So while some journalists push an easy mode idea due to a lack of skill and patience, some with valid gripes used that discussion to remind people that not everyone asking for it are whining because they stink at games.

That seems like an opportune time to have that discussion to me.

Accessibility can be a difficulty slider, closed captions, color blind mode, or hand pedals on a Ferrari.

savedsynner1884d ago

I am all for making game accessible for those with disabilities, but that doesn't mean you artificially change your product. The onus is on PS4 to allow disabled people to play games, not the devs. And why are these people all of a sudden complaining about From's difficulty. Sekiro isn't any worse than Dark souls when you play without a guide.

carcarias1884d ago

With respect though, Sekiro and Souls games are made around the difficulty from the ground up. You simply don't have much of a game without the difficulty. It's not Witcher 3, if you know what I mean?

It could be argued the Souls games have really large, varied areas with RPG elements to customise your character but with Sekiro, they've made the areas smaller, there are less basic enemies, the distance between idols is quite short and it has hardly any rpg elements at all. The bosses and their difficulty is literally the whole purpose of this game. If that doesn't suit someone, then they really aren't missing out. I think those that want to play the game on easy would actually be really disappointed with the game.

The game is getting 9's because of the way the game feels, and the vast majority of that is the difficulty. Take that away and you've got a fairly short, hollow, but albeit quite pretty, hack and slash. People might feel they are missing out on a 9/10 experience but, although it's highly subjective, without the difficulty I certainly wouldn't have bothered playing it. There's not enough 'game' there.

In short, it's not necessarily about 'git gud' or the degrading of gaming, it's about the fact that lowering the difficulty cripples the gameplay, imho. As a developer, I wouldn't want my game going from a 9/10 experience for some to a 6/10 for others. Having said that, if FS did include an easy setting, it wouldn't bother me.

rainslacker1884d ago (Edited 1884d ago )

Most of the crying I'm seeing is people who feel that those asking for an easy mode are even asking for it, usually followed by some assumptive insults. Those that may be ok with it aren't really pressing the issue like these articles seem, nor do any of the people for it seem like their life would be irrevocably ruined if it doesn't happen. Alternatively, it seems those against it seem to think that they will somehow lose something from the game itself in the process, and they lash out against what is a rather mundane topic.

Maybe I should take notes though, because 9 out of 10nof these same people will sit there and talk crap about what a company needs to do, or put down a game for any given reason, or say how they dont want something the game is lack of jumping in the new God of war.

The arguments for and against on this topic could literally be applied to almost every discussion that is had on here where people say they want something.

I understand there are some strong feelings about this with those against it, but not a single person has expressed a good reason why it should matter that much to them. The dev not wanting to do it should be enough, but there is still nothing wrong with people expressing a desire to have fun with the game. So long as it doesn't affect the fans or general developers vision.

And I'll end with, an easier mode doesn't have to be a super easy, hold your hand game. Could just be the difficulty is dialed back some. Plenty of games do this without having a negative effect on then other modes.

Atom6661884d ago


I don't disagree with your position entirely. Personally, I would not play a From game on "easy" or use cheats and mods for the reasons you describe. But it doesn't affect my enjoyment or my rating of the game if others do though.

Again, people are conflating two separate groups. Some argued that the game is too difficult for their skill level just in general. I personally might join you in saying that a dev shouldn't feel compelled to change their product to accommodate those people, but there's another perspective that many are missing and is the reason we're seeing some people from this other community speak out at this time.

With the "easy mode" discussions and in response to those speaking out against the complaining journalists, people affiliated with groups like Ablegamers spoke up and said, Hey, some people ask for difficulty sliders due to their disabilities.

There's no call to boycott, no dev attacks, and no threat to our enjoyment of games. Like this particular article shows, it's about voicing an opinion from a different angle that many gamers and possibly devs haven't considered.

In my opinion, if someone with a disability says "Adding a health buff would allow me to enjoy the same game as you," then my response wouldn't be to tell them that the game just isn't meant for them. I'm not sure why so many people actually want to argue in support of that stance either.

OB1Biker1884d ago (Edited 1884d ago )

Man, accessibility is simply a different issue and is a concern for EVERY game. It's a bad idea to drown that fair intent with DS type of games. Make all casual game more accessible to start with and helping a lot more people. Have this discussion about games in general. Single out DS games is NOT helping
It's just not helping anything to mix accessibility into a different issue.
It's clear that some are just trying to move goal posts to suit an agenda, is what it is.

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NXFather1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

Man they better hit the Youtube or Twitch and lay it down.

Thundercat771884d ago

The same applies to crossplay.

rainslacker1884d ago

And what is the issue if it caters to more people if it doesn't affect what the current customers are getting

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isarai1885d ago

No they're not, and no it shouldnt be. It should stay however the team wants it to be

harmny1885d ago

And why do gamers keep telling Bioware how shitty anthem is? The team wants it to be that way.

Juusterey1885d ago

Intentional does not mean good

ShinRon1885d ago

cept bioware isn't saying thats how its intended

ZombieGamerMan1885d ago

@harmny Not even BioWare wants it that way

TimeSkipLuffy1884d ago

That's fine if they want it that way. A lot of gamers just like to share their opinions. And if Bioware doesn't care about it, then that's fine, too. But they shouldn't cry when they all loose their jobs.

rainslacker1884d ago (Edited 1884d ago )

No one is saying that sekiro is bad. Or its ar lease far from common consensus. They're saying they want to play the game, but can't or won't because they find it too hard.

Anthem is a bug ridden, poorly designed , light in content, and unbalanced in game play type of game.

People are criticizing anthem for that, whole people are just saying they'd like an easier mode in sekiro. If some are taking the lack of easy mode as criticism, then they misjudge the situation, and maybe it's why they get so pissy and insulting of others. But if that's the case, maybe they should examine if they're too emotionally invested in the dev or their games.

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sinspirit1885d ago

Mario games should also be for gore-fest intense gruesome adult gamers as well


Why even have a strategy genre? There should always be a mode for someone that can't even play checkers or tic tac toe. Just turn on a cheat mode where everything is one hit kill. It may destroy all the balancing, progression, and importance of game design, but hey, let someone who doesn't even want to enjoy the game at all for what the game is have god mode by a default difficulty setting.

Just imagine GTA without any resistance from NPC's when you do bad things. It wouldn't even be grand theft auto at that point. Just aggressive borrowing, lol

william_cade1885d ago

And music is for everyone and movies are for everyone. Tell us God of opinion pieces what music should we all like? Experimental music shouldn't exist ( I personally I can't stand it but it needs to be made for everyone) I suppose David Lynch films should be stricken from the film archives too. All NES games need to be burned or retroactively made easier. Seriously, you've got to be a jerk to even think of this stuff.

Not everyone gets a trophy.

1885d ago Replies(1)
CoinOrc1885d ago

Deeply flawed analogy. No one is asking From Software to make their games easier. People are asking From Software to put in an easy mode as an option which you can turn on or off.

william_cade1885d ago

See example below with your deeply flawed.

You obviously didn't see this one to the end deeply flawed..

1885d ago
pitythefool1885d ago

One group is asking for a mode the devs never intended to be an option, the other group isn’t asking any devs to take easy modes away that are options in other games.

Which side is really being unreasonable.

Abriael1885d ago

which is literally "making the game easier."

CoinOrc1884d ago

I have no idea what you are talking about. Learn to write properly.

One side is asking for the developer to add an easy mode. The other side is asking the developer to refrain from adding an easy mode. It’s as simple as that. No other games are involved in this discussion. Neither side is more reasonable than the other.

Um... no, it’s not. It’s an option.

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Sirk7x1885d ago

"Independent art films are too confusing, they should have dumber dialogue and more explosions."

Cueil1885d ago

I read a romance book that turned into a hard core werewolf horror novel.

porkChop1885d ago

No game is for everyone. Some games utilize difficulty as an integral part of the experience. If the game is too difficult, or too fast for you, then the game just isn't for you. I don't enjoy fighting games due to the input speeds and complexity of what's required from the player. But I don't expect anyone to make an easier fighting game for me, I understand that the genre just isn't for me.

CoinOrc1885d ago

Every fighting game has difficulty options.

porkChop1885d ago

I'm not talking about difficulty modes in fighting games. I'm talking about the nature of that kind of experience and how it isn't for me. When it comes to Soulslikes, the difficulty and what is required from the player are essential to the nature of the experience. I don't expect that experience or vision to be compromised for me, because I'm clearly not the target audience.

remixx1161884d ago

There's no better way to put it, I love fighting games yet most of my friends aren't fans of them and I can't blame them, I spend alot of time labbing combos and setups and I honestly can't ask someone else to be willing to do that just to fight effectively. It's just not for everyone.

uth111884d ago

Right The Fromsoft trial-and-error is so integral to the experience that without it you will not be playing the same game. not only that, you probabaly would not even like resulting game all that much.

Almost like how many many times has McDonalds experimented with higher quality menu items over the years, only to scrap them and go back to basics because nobody goes to McDonalds for gourmet food. Serve the niche you have, don't try to be something you're not because chances are it won't work out like you think

rainslacker1884d ago

I can't think of any fighting game which doesn't allow for the button mashers to enjoy it as well. Maybe a few of the Aksys ones, but you can button mash those up to a point.

Is the experience different in a fighting game because of difficulty options if you aren't playing on those lower difficulties? I am a bit of a button masher is fighting games. I can often get the same sense of anxiety, or same rush of victory on those fights that crop up and tax your skills. Happens a lot playing against others, but a lot of AI is pretty good nowadays.

If a player isn't as good at the game, or doesn't have the time to devote to it, the lowered difficulty can have the same effect, except they may see more light at the end of the tunnel, instead of feeling endlessly frustrated. Personally, I dont play games to be frustrated. Challenged at times, sure. But not challenged to the point that it just isn't fun anymore.

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Before Miyazaki Retires, We Need To Get A Sekiro Sequel

A sequel to the studio's acclaimed title, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, would be the perfect swan song for long-time video game director Hidetaka Miyazaki.

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H953d ago

Man you didn't have to do me like that with the title

LoveSpuds53d ago

I just don't see it happening given the success of Elden Ring. I think we'll be seeing a sequel to Elden Ring before anything else.

Demetrius53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

I'm not into souls games but it's good to see that this dev studio stick to what makes their titles unique, there's alot of souls copy n pasted games but they rarely get talked about cause they're looked at as copies and not original created ideas, the souls games are unique cause they offer they're own identity instead imitating I respect that

jznrpg53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Or Bloodborne 2 preferably both but that’s a lot to ask if he plans on retiring sooner than later

Leeroyw53d ago

Bloodborne 2 or I'd simply love a 60fps remaster. I'd also love a bloodborne randomiser option.

toxic-inferno52d ago

I'm definitely holding out hope for a Bloodborne 60fps remaster still. Some extra features thrown in would be nice too.

With regards to a sequel, I'd actually rather From Software make another new IP with a different setting. That is what made Bloodborne so good - the fact that it took a proven formula and applied it to a completely new setting.

anast52d ago

The hype would be insane if they announced Bloodborne 2.

Inverno53d ago

What if they made a Sekiro/Bloodborne mix?

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a Timeless Classic

With this feature, we will be taking a look at Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice all these years later and break down why it remains such a great time.

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Cacabunga56d ago

I regret i never played it, like many other great games!! Still on my radar, when i become retro gamer in a year or two with all this gaas crap happening around

Psychonaut8556d ago

Absolutely. Amazing art design, and didn’t have the Bloodborne problem so it runs at 60FPS on newer hardware, which is amazing given the reaction based gameplay

Cacabunga56d ago

Wait did it get a next gen patch??

Sciurus_vulgaris56d ago

This one title that never clicked with me. I enjoyed Dark Souls, Demon Souls and Bloodborne, but I never warmed up to Sekiro’s parry-focused combat. I honestly gave up on the game at about the half way point.

Armyofdarkness56d ago

Me too. But after the Stellar Blade demo and parrying like crazy I’m tempted to go back and play this again

Inverno56d ago

Took me a couple years too get into when I first bought it. I had gotten so used to Bloodborne that the gameplay was genuinely confusing me. Picked it up a third time and clicked. The game is souls stripped of all its RPG elements and left with nothing but it's combat. It's Souls at its pureness but I can see why the combat would turn people off. That's why I liked it so much tho, without the choice of weapons it's very focused on a specific style. I think a sequel with a small selection of weapons but each fleshed out would be the right step.

Sciurus_vulgaris56d ago

My problem with Sekiro was the combat, I didn’t find it as engaging as Bloodborne, DarkSouls due to the lack of RPG elements. I even found action games like Ninja Gaiden 1-2 and Ghost of Tsushima more engaging as well.


The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

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kevco3365d ago
toxic-inferno64d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3364d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree64d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga64d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno64d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast32d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno32d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast32d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.