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Is The Hybrid Switch Design The Next Evolution In Gaming?

Nintendo's leap into their next generation of gaming consoles introduced an innovative hybrid design like the industry has never seen before. While under-performing compared to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the Switch offers a true feeling of playing console designed games on the go. With the continued success of Nintendo's revolutionizing design, should Sony and Microsoft consider making a move towards the hybrid market?

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Community1891d ago
anonymousfan1891d ago

I can already do remote play with my ipad and ps4... That's good enough for me

Jin_Sakai1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

Big difference. Switch is a native experience and has actual controllers and buttons. On top of that you have Nintendo exclusives.

anonymousfan1891d ago

lol I use my DS4 which is better in every way than the controllers on my Switch and yeah... It's not like Sony's exclusives have anything to be ashamed of. Meanwhile I really love my Switch and yeah if I am gaming outside of my home it'll be my default option but otherwise the only point I was trying to make is that the PS4 or PS5 doesn't have to copy the Switch's hybrid design.

Neonridr1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

@anonymousfan - and what happens when you want to use your ipad where there isn't wifi?

I find it funny when people act like remote play offers the same experience when in actuality it pales in every regard. Give me a native experience over streaming any day of the week. I own a Vita and use Remote Play while lying in bed, but it is nothing compared to my Switch. It's buggy, network hiccups destroy the experience, too much depends on the internet there.

Reminds me of people who think that laptop gaming on a bus is the same thing as using a Switch, lol.

I can appreciate that it offers a similar experience, but the Switch works so much better in that regard. Pick up and go.

Kumakai1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

its a native experience thats worse than a streaming experience on xbox or ps4.

remote play gives you better graphics, more major AAA games and you can use a regular ps4 controller. and ms has xCloud which is just the full xbox library basically and also works with an xbox controller. No need for pared down graphics, sub par experiences etc. i literally gave my switch to my nephew, thats how crap i think it is.

anonymousfan1891d ago


I prefer my Switch for portable gaming. I do. Very much so. When I say it's good enough it is simply because I find the article stupid implying Xbox and PS should copy the hybrid design. That's my opinion but hey... To each their own. Meanwhile I agree remote play on Vita was shit. I bought one specifically for that and hated it. Now I use iphone/ipad with a much better home wifi and yeah it's like night and day. The only issue left is bluetooth range when DS4 is too far from the console...

killswitch801890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

as our internet infrastructure improves eventually you won't notice the difference with something streaming and native play and it could be boosted by a monster computer.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1890d ago
Nintentional1891d ago

DS4 lasts 4 hours (maybe that’s what the 4 stands for). Switch Pro controller lasts 40 hours on a charge, so your DS4 is not better in every way. Also the sticks on the Switch pro controller are off centered, which is way more comfortable than the symmetrical sticks on the DS4. And have you tried HD rumble? Another thing the DS4 can’t touch, but I guess you guys have a light bar, so that’s cool right? 🤷🏻‍♂️

fiveby91891d ago

Sounds like a bad DS4. I get way more than 4 hours on both DS4 controllers I own. I

jagermaster6191891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

Uh no you don't lol nice try though. Everyone I know who has a ps4 always complain about the battery life on the controller, it's ok to be honest about some things you don't always have to have your face balls deep in Sonys lap.

anonymousfan1891d ago

I was comparing the Switch in portable mode i.e. with joycons attached to using a DS4.... Lugging around a Switch plus pro controller is not as portable as snapping your phone onto your DS4.

kneon1891d ago

For those of us without deformed hands, symmetrical is better, my hands are symmetrical, the controller should be as well.

EddieNX 1891d ago

Pro controller destroys ds4. End of discussion.

Question_Mark1891d ago

In my opinion, the Pro Crontroller is the most comfortable controller I’ve ever used. If I could use one with my PS4, I’d probably never touch a DS4 again

SierraGuy1890d ago

@eddienx, @question mark...lmao.

Dark_Knightmare21890d ago

Dude I get way more than four hours you just have a faulty controller or haven’t really used one. The d-pad is trash on the switch controller compared to the DS 4 and more power to you if you like off centered sticks but I’ve never gotten that it’s just weird. I would rather have my sticks symmetrical just like a lot of things in my life

1890d ago
SuperSonic911890d ago

LoL maybe you got a bad DS4 unit.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1890d ago
Dark_Knightmare21890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

And your a Nintendo guy so what’s funny lol


Remote play is a great experience when it works properly, however the performance of a native device like the switch will always be better. I also prefer remote play with the dualshock for comfort but the performance and bigger screen on my switch are way better. A tablet or iPad is too large to mount to a controller so that doesn't even count lol

King_Noctis1890d ago

I don’t know if you can differentiate between the word “hybrid” and “remote play”.

SuperSonic911890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

PSP beat Nintendo to it many years ag in regarda to this "hybrid innovation" crap.
Even lots of Android devices such as Archos and Morpheus game devices predate the Switch many years ago after the PSP.
Nintendo fans really want to grandstand how "innovative" Nintendo is denying the fact that they rip off many of their designs from other inventions.

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porkChop1891d ago

It's not a replacement for traditional consoles. But it's a cool idea that I hope Nintendo continues with.

pcz1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

Switch is the only true next gen console on the market right now.

PS4 and X1 are decades old ideas, only now with all singing all dancing graphics. a PS4 pro is considerably larger than even a NES, a console that even in the late 80s was mocked for being the size of a toaster. its all backwards. except the compatibility, in PS4s case...

but, all consoles are going to be a thing of the past soon when the next gen of gamer subscribe to Stadia in the billions. Only nostalgic, retro gamers will own consoles that have to be anchored to the television, only to be made obsolete with endless hardware revisions.

But yes, switch is the cutting edge for now.

TheHateTheyGive1891d ago

PS4 and X1 are decades old ideas lol, while calling switch cutting edge with its decade-old hardware and their reliance on decade-old franchises.

SierraGuy1890d ago

"switch is the cutting edge for now"

"Switch is the only true next gen console on the market right now"

Lmao...did I read that right?...vomit.

Harryvok1890d ago

I can’t agree with this. Switch is basically a handheld (like the original gameboy that came out in 1989) that can output to a TV.

Dark_Knightmare21890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

Leave fantasy land champ and join us back in reality

agent45321890d ago

Agreed. The consoles of today are inferior hardware wise to a PC. In the past as new consoles came out; the console was on par to that year high end PC. Then 2-3 years later the console was behind a PC. In many ways consoles going with AMD PC parts is a mistake.

froy4021890d ago

Yeah, you lost me when you said (switch is the only true next gen console on the market right now) lol

iplay1up21889d ago

I love my Switch. I just wanted to point out, how small the X1X is, I have that too. The 1X, is Smaller than a Pro, it has no power bar, just a cord, and its Whisper quiet, all while being more powerful than the pro.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1889d ago
PhoenixUp1891d ago

God no. The concept still has various limiting factors not present on stationary consoles for the hybrids to overtake traditional consoles

Shiken1890d ago

It is the next next evolution for Nintendo. They have always dominated dedicated portable gaming, hands down. Even when the PSP was a success at 80 mil, the DS destroyed it by comparison. Nintendo has always had a presence in console gaming as well but has lost ground due to their philosophy on how much power they need.

Now they have molded the two into one, and solidified their next step in the industry for a strong existence alongside the competition. This is not the next step for Playstation or X1 though. They have their own path that allows to do things that the Switch cannot, just like the Switch can do things the PS4 ot X1 cannot.

My bighest problem with owning both a PS4 and X1 is that they are too similar and most games come to both platforms. Aside from occasional exclusives, what else does one offer over the other? The Switch does offer something more, and that is why it is selling so well.

I would rather have MS, Sony, and Nintendo all offering something different than just have them copy one another.

Just my 2 cents.

Dark_Knightmare21890d ago

The PS4 offers tons of exclusive games I can’t play on my xone that’s what it offers and the xone offers great BC and great value in game pass.

agent45321890d ago

No, get off the past. Smartphone technology is already on par to that of a console. The visuals for some not all mobile games is on par with a console. The next hybrid system could easily offer an 8 core or 12 core CPU with 8-16gb of ram, etc. Nintendo did underpower the switch but the next hybrid could be on par or better than a console. The convenience of playing a game anywhere without having to turn off a system is too good to pass up. Only those stuck in the past will like a traditional console but will be disappointed when the next consoles are hybrid systems and even more disappointed if they see a tv app of Xbox Live instead of a console

TheHateTheyGive1891d ago

Nope, i dont like portable gaming. plugging switch to an hd tv makes all the games look like early ps 3 games, low textures and nasty jaggies. Nintendo needs to make a traditional home console

TheEnigma3131891d ago

Nintendo would not survive with a dedicated home console; they are literally out of that market. The switch opened up a new market for them and it's working.

SierraGuy1890d ago

Well they are trying with this half assed portable... because that's what it is.

King_Noctis1890d ago


Half assed? Is there currently a better handheld device on the market?

SuperSonic911890d ago

New market?
It is still the handheld market Nintendo is on since the Gameboy.

Unfortunately that market has shrunk from the DS PSP era in favor of Mobile and Tablets.

SuperSonic911890d ago

Switch seals the end of dedicated Nintendo home console as the Wii U was the last one.

Now its just handheld for them and soon their journey to mobile will soon be complete.

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EddieNX 1891d ago

Early PS3 games lol... Not even close, the games look somewhere between a PS3 and PS4. Skyrim PS3 is sub 720p whilst Switch version is 1080p with some.of the assets of the current gen remaster.

Hybrid design is the future of handheld gaming, perhaps not all gaming in general. Switch is absolutely brilliant.

septemberindecember1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

I was understanding of your opinion until you said they looked like early PS3 games.

Games like DarkSiders are 1080p docked and 720p undocked when, on PS3, it wasn’t even 720p (it was 648p) at 30fps.

It’s not as powerful as PS4/X1, but the Switch is able to play any PS3 game at around 2.5 times the resolution when docked.

Razzer1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

Not at all. Too many sacrifices for portability. And it lacks versatility. The Switch could double as a tablet, but there is no web browser. How can such a simple thing that expands the capability of the device so much just be left out entirely? A browser on Switch makes more sense than it does on PS4 or Xbox One and yet those consoles have it and Switch does not. That is ridiculous.

TheEnigma3131891d ago

They should have media apps also.

Razzer1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

Yeah....amazing Netflix and Hulu are still not there. Youtube is all you get. Hell.....give me Chrome and I automatically have access to Netflix. For all Nintendo's effort into being clever in design.......they are so short-sighted.

Benjaminkno1890d ago

You do realize that web browsers and media apps are “gimmicks”

Razzer1890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )


I hope that is sarcasm.

TheHateTheyGive1891d ago

Switch owners dont like hearing the truth, Switch is the ONLY way to game portable to them. I can game just fine on my android phone if im really that board outside, i can pull my small tablet out and browse the net. i can play games on it with a ps4 controller. If sony did make a portable that can connect on to a tv i would jump to xbox , if they are both doing the portable thing then ill just invest that 399.99 on a GPU for my pc.

King_Noctis1890d ago

“I can game just fine on my android phone”

I don’t know if you ever heard of the word “AAA gaming” or “Nintendo Exclusive”.

Razzer1891d ago

Ok. Thanks. I stand corrected.

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Cult of the Lamb | Unholy Alliance | August 12

Unholy Alliance, the next FREE major update for Cult of the Lamb, is available August 12th, 2024! 🎮🧑‍🤝‍& #129489;

Join hands with an unlikely, corrupted ally in LOCAL CO-OP! Because friends that slay together, stay together.

If you find yourself alone in this vast, dark plane of existence - fear not. There is much, much more in this update for you too... 😘

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anast24m ago

Like others have said, when I revisited this game on PS5, I noticed some performance issues.


Neva | Gameplay Trailer | Coming 2024

Coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC in 2024.

Neva is an emotionally-charged action adventure from the visionary team behind the critically acclaimed GRIS.

Neva chronicles the story of Alba, a young woman bound to a curious wolf cub following a traumatic encounter with dark forces. Together they embark on a perilous journey through a once-beautiful world as it slowly decays around them.

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Civilization 7 release coming to console next year

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XiNatsuDragnel1d 3h ago

Nice civilization 7 I love the games