
Anthem Doesn't Have an Excuse for Repeating the Mistakes Destiny Made Five Years Ago

Anthem isn't alone and it shouldn't be treated like it is.

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Community1920d ago
TimelessDbz1920d ago

Has more content to do compare to divison ,warframe , and destiny 1 .

On a side note for those who think the game should had been delayed. What do YOU consider a finish game as service. You have to realise investors can not wait 10+ years and miss fiscal quarters just to get good will from a gamer .

TheEnigma3131920d ago

This is the type of thinking is why these companies try to get away with this. Stop supporting this behavior.

bloop1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

"You have to realise investors can not wait 10+ years and miss fiscal quarters just to get good will from a gamer ."

So gamers should just buy mediocre, unfinished games out of good will then?? I had no intention of buying Anthem after suffering through the abysmal demo for a couple of hours, but you're right!! I should run straight out and get it right now, just to line the pockets of already filthy rich investors even more!! And all out of my own good will!! 🤦🏼‍♂️

jackdaddy1920d ago

This right here. Anyone who defends these practices is either paid to or a complete tool.

Sono4211920d ago

The writing was on the wall with this one, if you bought this game and are disappointed, honestly I feel no sympathy for you, I only feel bad that EA got some money off this, hopefully not too much, but I have a feeling it's Destiny 1 all over again, fooled a bunch of people and most regret it, but there will be a small hardcore fanbase that gets milked for every penny they're worth.

I got fooled with Destiny I wasn't going to be fooled again.

Paytaa1920d ago

couldn't give less of a shit what game investors want lmao

Hungryalpaca1920d ago

I expect a looter shooter to have more than 10 guns that don’t all feel and look the same. I expect armor to be dropped with stats for builds. I expect more than 3 armor pieces. I expect a variety of environments. I expect level design and combat that uses the unique movement mechanics. I expect to not have to grind for a week to get a single piece of over priced armor. I expect smart AI. I expect to play the game and not stare at loading screens.

Chaosdreams1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

What do WE consider a finished game that supports a live service? For starters, it being FINISHED. Games cannot release in such a pathetic state. We're going backwards. Live service <- which was always going to be a joke, has already mutated into an excuse for games being released in such a state. If Anthem wanted any shred of hope, it should've been a FTP experience considering it's structured for microtransactions and consuming the money of whales.

Screw the investors, screw the unrealistic expectations investors set for sale figures.

remixx1161920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

Spoken like a true shill

We're gamers, why should we give a f*ck about investors. Think about getting better games, not about helping them line their pockets, especially if it's EA

TheOptimist1920d ago

I do empathise with developers and publishers. But the whole "investors can't wait" is bs.

For about 20-30 years now, we have been getting games, good quality ones. It's only the investors greed that has gotten the situation so bad.

CorndogBurglar1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

Uh, no. Destiny 1 had more content. It's not even a comparison.

Destiny had a "campaign" (granted it sucked, but still), it had missions, it had a raid, it had 5 or 7 strikes depending on what console you played on, then it had the weekly Nightfall strikes, plus pvp. Destiny also had WAY more armor pieces and weapons that variety that all looked, felt, and played differently. All of that when it launched.

Anthem doesn't even come close to that.

TimelessDbz1917d ago

Destiny 1 at launch didnt not have a raid and it only had 3 strikes.

Germaximus1920d ago

"Has more content to do compare to divison ,warframe , and destiny 1 ."


TimelessDbz1917d ago

Go ahead and tell me what was on warframe, destiny and division during its first week .

1920d ago
pandehz1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

Gaas games may not finish but they do have a highly functional starting point. Anthem is far from the starting point standard. Destiny or Warframe didnot have this level of issues at launch.

Are you suggesting we just give our money to EA and they can give us concept art of a future game now and in bits release one model/animation at a time. And hopefully one day the game itself? Because investors can’t wait? You sound like a scammer.

Also I don’t support this live service bullshit and it seems gamers don’t want to either. If EA and Bioware can’t make the kind of games the world wants, somebody else will.

Elwenil1920d ago

Warframe was much worse than Anthem at launch. It was a horrible shell of a game with few features and just random, pointless combat. It has grown over time to be a terrific game, but at launch, it was a mess.

FPS_D3TH1920d ago

This message paid and brought to you by EA

drunkenspy0071920d ago

Does EA pay you or are just a fan of buying crap?

Artemidorus1920d ago

Gamers have had enough being ripped off or let down.

Godmars2901920d ago

Are you a gamer or a stockholder?

Would ask if both, but after that statement, there's no way you're a gamer.

Kryptix1920d ago

Poor investors.

We need to buy more loot boxes, microtransactions, $1 dots on the screen, cut content, etc so we can help pay off their sports cars and houses. Think of the children, too! /s

LOL Man, do you try to read what you post and listen to what you say? It's like you bought the game digitally and can't refund this mediocre trash game so you need to justify it.

How about they go back to when games were complete and tried something new or were less repetitive. Maybe it would score and sell better.

Anthem would of fared well if it was in the style of Borderlands & Mass Effect hybrid than try to mimic Destiny's success. I guess repetitiveness is more cost effective for those investors.

TimelessDbz1916d ago

Sorry for the late reply was playing anthem. What does microtransactions and loot boxes have to do with my comment ???

Anyways just becuae you think a game is trash does not mean its trash to everyone else.

EmperorDalek1920d ago

Actually it has less content than the original Destiny release.

TheSaint1920d ago

Easily one of the most foolish things I've ever seen written on this site.

Muzikguy1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

Game as a service is reason enough to not like it. I wouldn't side with investors in this industry either. Pleasing them over the consumer is why EA and other other companies are so hated. "You have to realise investors can not wait 10+ years and miss fiscal quarters just to get good will from a gamer", no. Companies should not be in business to please investors. Customers keep them in business

Also leads to much less than stellar games, MTs, games as a service, and poor games missing content to be sold later as expansions or DLC

shadowraiden1920d ago

please explain this apparent "more content" as somebody who has played it has nowhere near Destiny 1 launch game. it has 1 mission you repeat. and some open world events on 1 map. its equivalent to Destiny 1 launching with 1 world.
the loot is pathetic boring with nothing to make them standout.

ILostMyMind1920d ago

"Has more content than Warframe"... ?


TimelessDbz1916d ago

Warframe in its first month had barely any content .

TKCMuzzer1919d ago

What are you going on about. The game is clearly months way from being finished. This is not a free to play game, they are asking real money. Stop supporting this kind of release, you are worse than EA. Even worse you are not supporting the devs, you are supporting publishers bad practice.
The game is a buggy mess, runs like crap , spends more time loading, wants you to pay for bloody things that should be included in the original price.
You are a consumer, stop bending over, even at the basics, the game should at least run at a stable frame rate, they have been making it for years.
The game is not a service if you are paying for it from the start. You should have a finished product with more content to keep it relevant, not more patches to fix the issues, its like having to constantly take your car back to the garage even though you bought it brand new......you would not except it..

Potnoodle9991919d ago

Fuck me! What a ridiculous point of view!!!!😤 guys we need to be charitable to corporate scumbags just so they can get their humongous cut! Gtfo you shill.
Devs should bend over backwards to release a quality product END OF STORY! It is not okay to release a half finished game and for us to have to buy it on good faith that they will fix it. Paying our hard earned money with NO guarantee they won’t just drop it and move on after six months....what the hell kind of moron are you!?

DafunkyRebel1919d ago

This is what’s wrong with capitalism

CorndogBurglar1916d ago

Nope. There were 6 Strikes at launch. And yes, you are right about the Raid. It released a week after launch. But even with that, Destiny 1 still launched with way more content and meaningful loot. Hell, just the weekly Nightfall Strikes alone made the end game worlds better than the non-existent mess Anthem has.


+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 1916d ago
spwittbold1920d ago

I understand the disdain for the bujgs in the game, but the actual gameplay once you get to high level and really understand the battle system it becomes extremely fun. I think the biggest area-of-improvement would be if they added into the tutorial how combos and status effects work. I literally had no idea until I was already level 30 and doing Grand Master missions. Currently, you cannot progress as a team unless your working together to constantly combo enemies on GM2+. You won't get past the first level - I had my first experience after 80 horus of playing where I joined a team for the first Stronghold on Grand Master 2 and we we're doing everything together like a synchronized backstreet boys concert and could barely get to the boss of the frst Stronghold after 3 hours. It was insanely fun and Bloodbourne like difficulty.

maybelovehate1920d ago

Yeah, I am loving the gameplay. Especially as the Interceptor. Feels amazing to play.

DrShoe1920d ago

Are you employed by an advertisement company hired by Bioware? Because let me tell you, no gamer writes like this.

maybelovehate1920d ago

@DrShoe: So basically you have never met a gamer who likes games. Nothing I said in my comment isn't how I feel about the gameplay. It feels amazing. Especially as the Interceptor. You should should try playing it instead of fighting a fake war online.

jdaboss1919d ago

oh feck off paid shill

spwittbold1920d ago

@Dr. Shoe.
All that says about you is that you are not very smart. If I was an advertiser, I'd of spellchecked before I submitted it. There are numerous standout grammatical and spelling errors in everything I wrote. That's high school level at best, and not even remotely close to as well written as what I have seen 5th graders and middle schoolers write. Sad if that is all you need to be a pro.

Bluemaster771920d ago

Battle system isnt really all that complex (which is one of the issues with these sorts of games)

DanteVFenris6661919d ago (Edited 1919d ago )

Even though all the missions are repetitious and the same mission. That doesn’t make the game not fun for you?

You could have a trillion cool abilities, if the mission structure is ass the game is still ass

1919d ago
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maybelovehate1920d ago

There is no way to avoid a lack of content. It is a matter of time. But luckily GAAS games will continue to get content so it isn't a real issue for the game, just an issue for patience. Which I agree, can be frustrating, but in the end we will end up with way more content than your average 60 dollar game normally provides.

Anthem has a great foundation as far as gameplay. And they clearly know how to build interesting worlds. Can't wait to see where the game goes. Having a great time so far.

arkard1920d ago

It would be fine if they had extra content ready to go, but they don't. They need to finish the base game and shelve it until they have 6 - 12 months worth of content finished and ready to go. Then you release the base game and have additional content that releases once a month or once every 3 weeks. And since the first year is ready to go ypu can work on 2nd year content and patches for bugs and balance. Until developers are ready to invest into a game with content that sits on a shelf until there is enough of it, GaaS will be held in a negative light.

Mrmartir3051920d ago

You need to understand that more content doesn't mean gamers will play it. Look at past history. I game can give you 100+ hours of gameplay but on average most gamers will only play like 15% of it then get bored and move on. Studies show this . Most people don't have the time to be spending hundreds of hours in game.

arkard1920d ago

The biggest complaint I always hear with these games (Destiny, Division, now Anthem) is lack of content. Your statement stands true for games like Red Dead and some others, but these GaaS are made with the purpose of people playing them longer then a standard game (and thus spending more money on expansions/cosmetics, MT's) and the only way you do that is to give people a reason to keep playing.

Atanasrikard1920d ago

6-12 months worth of content? What the hell? No game in the history of video games has 6-12 months worth of content. How do you not blast every singleplayer action game that has 8-12 hours worth of gameplay? The problem with people like you and Hungryalpaca is you expect something that isn't even remotely feasible. This game has easily 8-12 hours of content and I would venture to guess quite a bit more.

@Hungryalpaca We get it, you don't like the game because "GaaS". How would you know how much content it has when you aren't playing it? Maybelovehate obviously is as he said he is having a great time so far.

maybelovehate1920d ago

The issue with that is that you lose out on all that data from players to help influence the future. I am sure they have a lot of assets ready to build off of but part of designing a game as a service is to build what the people playing your game want.

Armaggedon1920d ago

Mr Marrir has a point. I have plenty of time, and I do not grow bored easily; however, I find myself only playing enough of a game to see what it's about. After I see the general idea, I usually move to another game unless it is a game that has truly captivated me( I.e. Skyrim, dragon age, etc)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1920d ago
Hungryalpaca1920d ago

People like you are why we get this garbage. The game has a foundation and THATS it. It has no content. It “coming later” is no excuse for a 7 year project to launch with less content than the original destiny which was rebooted a year before release.

maybelovehate1920d ago

Anthem has less content but much more diverse gameplay and builds than Destiny had at launch or even now. Destiny is all about the gunplay and they nailed it but Anthem is more about building unique builds. I love Destiny, so I won't put Anthem on par with it yet, but it has the framework to surpass it for sure.

Blastoise1920d ago

"but in the end we will end up with way more content than your average 60 dollar game normally provides"

Really? Has any GAAS game actually delivered and ended up as a complete product that rivals a normal game in terms of quality and quantity?

maybelovehate1920d ago

Has any GAAS game ever not? I have over 1000 hours in Diablo, Destiny, WOW each. In a typical game that isn't GAAS I usually have around 50 to 100 hours.

DanteVFenris6661919d ago


Yeah sure it has those hours. But it garbage. Would rather play unique and exciting 10 hour game. Then a 1000 hour game where I’m just repeating the same thing over and over and over just to get the next shiny so I’m strong enough to do the next thing to get the next shiny

All those game aren’t that good

Chaosdreams1920d ago

"There is no way to avoid a lack of content."

So you're an idiot. (I just can't be kind about this)

"GAAS games will continue to get content so it isn't a real issue for the game."

So you're an idiot that's cool with paying for an unfinished product, that by the time it gets all of those so called free updates and new content, is finally complete. Yeah, GAAS sure is swell, why have a finished product that's supported? When you can have an unfinished product that might, one day, find its true glory?

"We will end up with way more content than your average 60 dollar game normally provides."

I'd argue the opposite happens. You might sink in 200 hours, doing the same loot grind, but that doesn't mean there's more content. It just means you're waiting for updates over a span of time, and that span of time, doesn't mean it's offering more to the game itself.

"Anthem has a great foundation as far as gameplay."

Few will say they dislike flying around. But since when is a great foundation all one needs to sell a game for $60 USD? Anyone can make a great foundation, but clearly Bioware is incapable of making a great game.

"They clearly know how to build interesting worlds."

Once upon a time*

"Having a great time so far."

At least you're having fun. I can't discredit that. Your fun, is yours to have.

Atanasrikard1920d ago

Slinging insults at someone because they believe differently than you is a great way to get your points across. /s

Chaosdreams1920d ago

Let me just, one sec. There we go.

A golden medal for a hero.

And yes, I should've insulted the opinion itself, not the person. A "moronic statement" would've been better, but hey, mistakes happen. Like Anthem.

maybelovehate1920d ago

You are quite lovely. Congrats to your parents. But the point of GAAS games is they build largely based on the community. Only way to get a community and find the direction they want your service to go is to get it out there and see what works. So far I think the foundation is great. Gameplay is rock solid, the world they have is great. The loot system is very nicely done, there are many builds I want to pursue and ideas to try. My personal feedback to them right now is to do more or the same but also add more exploration and reasons to explore.

Chaosdreams1920d ago

Thank you. My parents did a swell job, as did yours.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1920d ago
sprinterboy1920d ago

So basically just wait a year and pick it up in the bargain bin when it's actually finished then

pandehz1920d ago

By the time they make future content, better games will be out and next gen with better graphics and much better art than this samey environment crap.

Nyxus1919d ago

This is exactly the problem with GAAS.

DanteVFenris6661919d ago (Edited 1919d ago )

One of the biggest complaints about Anthem is the world isn’t interesting... yet you say that as a strength

Also it isn’t content that’s the issue. People are fine with 20-30 hour games. The issue is the content is repetitive garbage

So they’d need to scrap the entire game and start making the game more interesting with better level design, better abilities, better ai, and tons even dozens of unique mission structures.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1919d ago
TheOtherMoon1920d ago

Actually, yes, Anthem does have a reason (you can call it an excuse) if they repeat the same mistakes Destiny made. Why? Bioware's Anthem is not Activision's Destiny. If we follow the authors logic, I should not have been falling down when learning how to ride a bike, my two older brothers learned to ride 3-4 years before me.

Being incapable of separating bias from review because games similar to Anthem came-out a few years prior falls on the reviewer not the game.

With that being said, Anthem's reviews are disappointing, and as a fan of the Bioware (Especially the ME Trilogy) it hurts to see EA/Bioware blow another big opportunity at launch. My hope is that content and story are fleshed out as the game continues it's course.

Prince-Ali1920d ago

that's genuinely SUCH a stupid comment and logic to have.. And the fact you're not trolling just makes me all the more embarrassed for you.. *sigh*

EmperorDalek1920d ago

If you see someone fall over a rock, landing face first in mud, you should take that as a lesson to not fall over that rock.

TheOtherMoon1919d ago


So, you are saying Destiny and the Division were mistakes from step one.

EmperorDalek1919d ago

I'm saying that Bioware have been making this, a very similar game for more than four years after Destiny came out. Yet here we are, and it seems like they completely ignored the issues with both Destiny and The Division.

Destiny got away with it because there was nothing like it on the market, and still had a decent amount of content. The Division didn't get away with it because it released after Destiny (and maybe because it was mediocre.)

People are now tired of these sorts of launches, and Anthem had the chance to learn from these other games. Because of the reviews, it now may not sell enough to allow them to make amends, especially since they said all DLC will be free.

XabiDaChosenOne1919d ago

You do understand that making a game does not require muscle memory right?

TheOtherMoon1918d ago (Edited 1918d ago )

Ah...I see your challenge, you see metaphors as black'n'white. That's OK though; Idioms, puns, metaphors/similes are not for everyone -- a speech-path can help you with that though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1918d ago
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Anthem Sold A Solid 5 Million Copies In Its Lifetime

The multiplayer action RPG shipped a whopping 2 million copies in its first week alone.

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Community158d ago
JEECE158d ago

A nice piece of proof-as if anymore was needed-that a game isn't automatically a success if it sells "millions of copies."

RiseNShine158d ago

I don't know if it's still possible, but if it still works, PLAY IT. It's a fantastic RPG on it's own, incredible graphics and story, well worth the Bioware name, i don't know how bad it was on release, but when i played years later it was a great single player RPG well worth playing.

ChasterMies158d ago

This a good example of why you should be hesitant to buy a game at launch.

--Onilink--158d ago

Its has been on sale multiple times for like $2-3… and even when not that aggressively dropped, it is usually in the under $10 category of any sale

BlackCountryBob158d ago

That’s good, but also worth pointing out that after maybe 3 months on sale, this game was selling for about a tenner. Reminds me a bit of Days Gone, good sales overall but only after huge discounts so unlikely to make large profit

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

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Community363d ago
Sgt_Slaughter363d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood363d ago (Edited 363d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro363d ago (Edited 363d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881363d ago (Edited 363d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell363d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig363d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast363d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername363d ago (Edited 363d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g363d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka363d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

363d ago Replies(1)
363d ago
Father__Merrin363d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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