
Resident Evil 2 Remake’s Ladies: Sexy Has No Place In The Zombie Apocalypse

Taking a look at the changes to Claire and Ada Wong, who have been stripped back from their revealing outfits of the original.

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Community2083d ago
FallenAngel19842083d ago

“Right now, we’re smack bang in an era where the sexualisation of women is being toned down. We’re seeing it across the board. In the latest game in the Dead or Alive series, for example, female character sexualisation has been adapted for more stylish designs. We’re seeing stronger female lead characters breakthrough like Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn and female characters are becoming better known for their actions and personality rather than their sexuality.”

I seriously find it appalling that so many people can’t find a female character that’s both beautiful and very appealing. It’s not like you can’t have one without the other. There’s plenty of male characters who are sexualized yet still compelling, but god forbid it happen to a female character.

gamer78042083d ago (Edited 2083d ago )

yup, don't buy on launch day for games that SJW their games, I'm not buying DOA for now until they show what their final plan is for the game.

T2X2083d ago

This is Resident evil. Why would these women or anyone in general be running around in spiked high heels and miniskirts to begin with during a zombie outbreak? The original had a very Japanese flair to the design and while cool, not very realistic. This really doesn't have anything to do with SJW agenda.

Shiken2083d ago


Yeah, but SJWs will spin it to make it sound like it does. If not for that, no one would look twice about the design changes.

They do more harm to their cause than they do good. This is what annoys people and fuels these stupid debates. It is a vicious cycle.

NapalmSanctuary2083d ago (Edited 2083d ago )

"This is Resident evil. Why would these women or anyone in general be running around in spiked high heels and miniskirts to begin with during a zombie outbreak?"

BECAUSE this is Resident Evil. You can't take the Japanese flair out of Resident Evil and still have Resident Evil.

DVAcme2083d ago

@T2X This is exactly my way of thinking. The original RE2 was made under the 90's definition of cool, while the RE2Make is made with modern sensibilities. Ada having a trenchcoat and more sensible dress makes perfect sense, especially since Ada vountarily jumps into the zombie outbreak as part of her mission to secure the G-Virus. A heavy trenchcoat is much more capable of withstanding a zombie bite than a cocktail dress.

2083d ago
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HeavyM2083d ago

I think he or she did not watch the latest dante trailer for Devil May Cry V showing triss and lady, i do not think sexualization is toned down, it is very likely that you will have sexy unlockable in this resident evil as well.

Shiken2083d ago

And there is nothing wrong with that.

LucasRuinedChildhood2083d ago

I see that these guys haven't seen Ivy in SoulCalibur 6. Sweet Jesus. https://youtu.be/aNi1jjtFda...

gamer78042083d ago

Soul caliber staying true to their design while doa/team ninja is not.

rainslacker2083d ago

I actually found Aloy kind of hot, although her hair was a bit much. But I do have a thing for redheads.

That being said, I find intellect sexy by itself, but women can be sexy and intelligent. Openly portraying "sexy" is the choice of the individual, and has nothing to do with their intellectual prowess.

As far as this game goes, i think the redesigns are more because they want to make it a more realistic and grittier look. It fits the art style more. Granted, maybe I'll be proven wrong if they throw in something stupid like a cute hybrid pig animal.

In the end though, I'm more annoyed by the media acting like the new character design isn't sexy just because she's covered up more. Seems they are the one's placing expectations on what is considered sexy, because when I look at Ada Wong here, I'd say she's attractive enough, and without more than that to go on, it's hard to say how she'll be portrayed otherwise.

But in the reveal trailer for this game, it seemed that it would just be sexy all around. not just individuals, but in presentation. Kind of like how the matrix had some butt ugly characters, but the way it was presented was sexy.

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bunt-custardly2083d ago

"Love it or hate it: the days of having over-sexualised costume designs of videogame heroines is over."

Wow the game isn't even released yet and you are making these assumptions based from a trailer and some early gameplay videos. If you used your noggin think back at the original Claire outfit in Revelations 2. Then think about the quirky stuff they had as unlockables/DLC. This is Capcom and there will be alternate outfits. You can be sure of that.

rainslacker2083d ago

Also rather funny they'd assume that based on one game.

I'm sure P*, Kojima, any number of JPRG devs, likely any Bethesda RPG game(although they'll look like a horse also), every single MMORPG, etc, will have plenty of tantalizing outfits going forward.

Smokehouse2083d ago (Edited 2083d ago )

Ada Wong better cover those ankles. The American left wants designer hijabs. Gucci ankle covers.

ZaWarudo2083d ago

Don't forget about the evangelical right soccer moms who freaks out over a little bit of exposed skin.

gamer78042083d ago

don't think you've been to a soccer game recently lol.

G3ng4r2083d ago

Problem with that is most of your crotch blood-smeared feminist extremists are on the left. Bewbies in a video game? No. No bewbies at all unless we're marching topless to protest bewbies in our video games that we don't play.

Smokehouse2083d ago (Edited 2083d ago )

I miss the old Christian Right. At least they did it the right way and got blown out in court. Disbarred in many cases. Unlike the culture based backdoor bandits who get things banned or shamed through twitter movements.

_LarZen_2083d ago

Resident Evil 2: The Burqa Edition

ZaWarudo2083d ago

I'm fine with their redesign. It's not a big deal.

MrsNesbitt2083d ago Show
Shikoku2083d ago

What is inappropriate about MrsNezbitts comment?

LucasRuinedChildhood2083d ago

Eejits being eejits. You'd have to be a real snowflake to get offended by that comment.

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Community79d ago
DefenderOfDoom279d ago (Edited 79d ago )

A great example on how to do difficulty in a video game is DOOM ETERNAL. Started playing on ULTRA VIOLENCE but then I started playing on NIGHTMARE after a couple hundred hours of playing on UV . What makes DOOM ETERNAL fun, is on Nightmare, the enemies are very aggressive ,but they give you the tools to defeat difficult enemies , you just have to learn how to use them .

FinalFantasyFanatic78d ago

Doom Eternal was so tough, but it felt so amazing to finish that game, even when the enemy feels unfair and gang up/box up into a corner.

Nacho_Z79d ago

Personal dislikes are bullet sponges and bosses with regular enemies thrown in. Just make the boss hit harder if it's too easy.

thorstein79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

I think Helldivers 2 really gets it right. If enemies are easy, they swarm. If they're high level, they tend to have good defense and need strategems to take down...or bait.

I never feel too angry if I die by swarm because it is usually my fault for not checking my 6. I don't even mind dying if a teammate drops a bomb on the swarm that is gutting me.

I don't like cheap deaths. When the game allows you to progress only to hit you with an enemy that is suddenly immune to all the things you've unlocked and mastered is just dumb. If the game doesn't do hit boxes right and you get killed in lame ways it is dumb.

The screenshot is from Elden Ring, a game I really enjoyed, but the scaling was silly. I didn't do the Eligtree til late game so it was goofy difficult. I thought the Elden Beast was rather cheap. Not a fun skill based match, but just cheap enemy. There was no sense of, "oh it defeated me because I did this or I did that" like all Souls/Borne games.

Crows9079d ago

Don't handhold. There you go. every game is immediately harder and more rewarding.

DarXyde79d ago

1. Intelligent opponents that don't have some set, optional strategy to win and requires more critical thinking.

2. Game provides players with the knowledge and tools about a game world to stand a chance (or at the very least, the opportunity to gain the knowledge and tools).

3. Don't insist on enemies having much more health than the player arbitrarily. Sometimes, you'll have more durable enemies who are armored or inhuman which I would say is fair. The best approach to this I can recall in recent memory is Naughty Dog games: You're extremely vulnerable without armor and can get picked off pretty easily, but your enemies are pretty beatable with the right weapons and strategies where you can't just brute force it. That said, ammo is in short supply, so you engage at your own risk.

4. Depending on the type of games, make resources more scarce without necessarily making enemies bullet sponges. It simply means you'll have to choose your battles carefully and have damn good aim. Like Uncharted. If you're not good at headshots, Crushing is a rough time.

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The 7 Best Video Game Remakes of All Time

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Community112d ago
shinoff2183113d ago

It's a crime star ocean 2 remake isn't on this list. Jeez

kevco33112d ago

There's so many remakes coming out these days, I'm sure many people's favourites won't have made the cut!

jznrpg112d ago

I agree with you. It’s was so good I finished it way faster than I wanted to.

ApocalypseShadow112d ago

Where's the 2D love? Like Strider and Bionic Commando Rearmed? Some of my personal Remake favorites.

LightofDarkness112d ago

Those games were excellent, especially loved that Strider reboot back just after the PS4 released.

got_dam112d ago

Links awakening was fun, but it STILL runs very poorly. Slowdown all over the place.

DefenderOfDoom2112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

For a 90s video game remake I would put QUAKE 2 at the top. Nightdive did a amazing job . And Machine Games added awesome new content.

Soy112d ago

Dead Space over Mario All-Stars, esp since All-Stars was just a graphical upgrade. Otherwise.....can't quibble much with that list.