
These Random PS Vita Games Keep Topping the Charts, According to NPD Report

Twinfinite writes: Like they do each month, the NPD group has released info detailing the top ten best-selling PS Vita games for the month of August in the United States.

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Community2091d ago
Araragifeels 2092d ago

Is not surprising since PSVITA still have a hardcore fan base who supports the system. Sadly, PlayStation has forsaken us.

crazyCoconuts2092d ago

I finally sold mine but would definitely come back if Sony came out with a new one. Not enough of us out there to make it worth their $ i guess...

Imortus_san2090d ago

Correction, Sony as forsaken you.

coffeemaster2092d ago

Why is Street Fighter selling so well???

Araragifeels 2091d ago

Why not? There barely any good 2d fighting game so it not surprising that people want a PSVITA brawl game on the go.

kombuchaa2091d ago

Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk might be the best game title of 2018

notachance2091d ago

Muvluv Alternative isn't random at all... it's the ranked #1 VN game on vndb.com

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Street Fighter X Tekken May Be Purchasable On Steam Soon

Or it's about to leave the storefront like another Capcom title.

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Community150d ago
Darkegg147d ago

When they announce tekken x street fighter, let me know.


Street Fighter X Tekken - A Look Back at the Franchise's Biggest Misfire

With Street Fighter 6 now upon us, it's time to look back at some classic Street Fighter titles, beginning with Street Fighter X Tekken.

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Community370d ago
boing1370d ago

It was a cool gamble imo. In reality, everyone were waiting for Namco version, Tekken X Street Fighter.

Ryuha1234h370d ago

I don’t know. I enjoyed this game. I thought it was a great crossover.

TricksterArrow370d ago (Edited 370d ago )

Yep, played very little of it, but from what I played, it was serviceable enough. Could've been better? Yes, but then again, you can say that about pretty much anything.

maniacmayhem370d ago

What killed this game was their planned reliance on GaaS with the whole gem system. It made little sense and made the game extremely unbalanced. Not to mention the unbalance of most of the characters, especially on the Tekken side

Sgt_Slaughter370d ago

Ahhh the game that Capcom had DLC on the disc on release yet you had to pay to unlock it


Looking Back At the Most Underrated Handheld Systems

Why didn't the PS Vita get more love again?

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Community488d ago
darthv72489d ago

Not sure if the Nomad and Express should be on this list. Meaning that while they were portable, they didn't have their own games and instead relied on the same games the console hardware used. Neo Geo pocket, Lynx, Vita... those are dedicated handhelds with their own software library.

If criteria is simply to just allow for handheld gaming then the supaboy should be on there as well.

cthulhucultist488d ago

While that is true, Nomad was an amazing handheld which I greatly enjoyed, and holds a special place in my heart.

I would definitely include it in this list.

I remember connecting it to my tv and playing Vector Man and Comix Zone and I was astounded by the fact that this was a handheld device

TheEnigma313488d ago

The Nomad should have never been made, that big cartridge on the back. Sega was throwing out money. I thought the Lynx was solid. I never knew about the Turbo express though