
Sumo buys Everybody's Gone to the Rapture studio The Chinese Room

From Eurogamer: "The Crackdown 3 developer said it had acquired The Chinese Room, the studio behind Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and Dear Esther, from founders Dan Pinchbeck and Jessica Curry."

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5 great video games set in the UK

David at SQUAD writes: "Over the past few months, I’ve found myself lost in a number of books set in my home-land of the United Kingdom. At first, it was by chance, but then I found myself seeking them out. Then I got some games in a few sales -- Assassins Creed: Syndicate and Vampyr, if you must know -- and realized I’d done it again. This got me thinking: does the video game industry do a good enough job of setting games in a diverse set of locations, and how many games are set in the UK anyway?"

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bunt-custardly1448d ago

Ubisoft's Zombi was set in London I believe.

geekmandem1448d ago

Yep, ZombiU was indeed. A game I actually saw recommended a few times. It's weird that it stuck with so many people.

1446d ago

Dying Light, Crysis 3, Battlefield 4 & Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture with Ray Tracing

DSOGaming writes: "These past few weeks we’ve been showcasing numerous games that were visually improved by Pascal Gilcher’s ray traced Global Illumination method/solution for ReShade. And today, since it’s a slow news day, we are bringing you four games that have been showcased with this alpha Reshade version. These games are Dying Light, Crysis 3, Battlefield 4 and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture."

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1800d ago
isarai1799d ago

Again Reshade is not Raytracing, is a screen space post processing effect. Thats like calling SSAO "Global Illumination"


The power of spring in Horizon Zero Dawn, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and The Last of Us

After the darkness and dormancy of winter life restarts, almost as if the punishing frosts, snows and winds had never happened. The season of spring starts to take hold, colours reappear, foliage regrows and landscapes transform to offer different looks, feels and opportunities for interaction. This can be truly impactful when it manifests in video games.

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ifinitygamer2277d ago (Edited 2277d ago )

Some really beautiful spring scenery can make for a really wonderful gameplay experience. Halo always had really great lush Spring-like moments, too, and it changed the game from what could have otherwise been all grey spaceships and such.

Cy2277d ago

Spring is a garbage season because it's a gateway to summer. Fall is where it's at, bitches.

ABizzel12277d ago

Fall (Autumn) is a garbage season because it's a gateway to cold of winter. Summer is where it's at, bitches. XD

Cy2277d ago

We are now enemies for life.

Xenophon_York2277d ago

Spring is for lovers. Go wither away with your fragile, dry and dead foilage all alone under a lifeless grey sky. Spring is king, fall is dull.

Cy2277d ago

Real lovers can perform in any season and under any weather conditions.

ClayRules20122277d ago

Horizon continues to still leave me in awe, with how gorgeous it’s world is. Spring scenery always makes me smile lol.

_-EDMIX-_2277d ago

Easily one of the best looking games of the entire generation so far.

I can't wait to give that game a second playthrough when the sequel is announced!

ClayRules20122276d ago

I can't wait for Guerrilla Games to announce a sequel as well. Along with showcasing gameplay.

My mind really can't comprehend how even more impressive the sequel will look. I mean, with the Decima engine being used for Kojima's "Death Stranding" and that games gameplay footage being Real-time and looking the way it does (Mind blown) they'll learn, improve etc... Greater things are sure to come from Guerrilla and their remarkable engine.

cd12277d ago (Edited 2277d ago )

With TLOU remastered being cheap on PSN atm I thought it was about time for a second play-through, I forgot how great looking it was - HDR and 60fps only makes it better.